README -- Contents of TOMS_200307/ Bob Yantosca 18 Dec 2002 Files: ------ TOMS_O3col_1997.geos.4x5 : Files containing O3 columns [DU] and dO3/dt TOMS_O3col_1998.geos.4x5 : for the first and last half of each month TOMS_O3col_1999.geos.4x5 : [DU/day]. These are required to scale the TOMS_O3col_2000.geos.4x5 : O3 columns in FAST-J to observed values TOMS_O3col_2001.geos.4x5 : from the EP-TOMS satellite instrument. TOMS_O3col_2002.geos.4x5 : All files are binary punch format. Source: ------- The files above were created from the raw EP_TOMS data files: ~bmy/archive/data/TOMS_200307/raw/gmYYMM.ept (where YYMM is the year and month of the observations) by IDL rotuine ~bmy/archive/data/TOMS_200307/ which was written by Mat Evans and modified by Bob Yantosca. Notes: ------ (1) TOMS_O3col_YYYY.geos.4x5 are read into GEOS-CHEM by the routine READ_TOMS, located within F90 module "toms_mod.f".