README -- Describes contents of HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2024-04 directory 11 Apr 2024 GEOS-Chem Support Team Overview: =============================================================================== Volcano SO2 emissions are available through Jan 2024 (eruptive & degassing), and persistent (i.e., degassing) emissions are assumed for all days afterwards. Files were obtained from on 11 Apr 2024 and have the tag v202401. The complete dataset includes years 1978-2022 but we only include 2010-2022 here. See the website above for previous years. These .rc files are in the format: ### LAT (-90,90), LON (-180,180), SULFUR [kg S/s], ELEVATION [m], CLOUD_COLUMN_HEIGHT [m] ### If elevation=cloud_column_height, emit in layer of elevation ### else, emit in top 1/3 of cloud_column_height volcano:: 50.170 6.850 3.587963e-03 600 600 45.780 2.970 3.587963e-03 1464 1464 42.170 2.530 3.587963e-03 893 893 ... :: The files can be read in and processed by the HEMCO Volcano extension. In HEMCO_Config.rc: 117 Volcano : on SO2 --> Volcano_Source : AeroCom --> Volcano_Table : $ROOT/VOLCANO/v2024-03/$YYYY/$MM/so2_volcanic_emissions_Carns.$YYYY$MM$DD.rc --> Volcano_Climatology : $ROOT/VOLCANO/v2024-03/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202302.degassing_only.rc References: ============================================================================== Explosive volcanic emissions: Simon Carn (2022), Multi-Satellite Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide L4 Long-Term Global Database V4, Greenbelt, MD, USA, Goddard Earth Science Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), Accessed: [Data Access Date], Volcanic degassing and anthropogenic point SO2 emissions: Vitali Fioletov, Chris A. McLinden, Debora Griffin, Ihab Abboud, Nickolay Krotkov, Peter J. T. Leonard, Can Li, Joanna Joiner, Nicolas Theys, and Simon Carn (2022). Edited by Peter Leonard, Greenbelt, MD, USA, Goddard Earth Science Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), Accessed: [Data Access Date],