#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -c 1 #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -t 4-00:00 #SBATCH -p huce_amd #SBATCH --mem=5000 #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL #SBATCH --mail-user=yantosca@seas.harvard.edu #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # GEOS-Chem Global Chemical Transport Model ! #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #BOP # # !MODULE: GCHP.run # # !DESCRIPTION: This bash script is a template run script for GCHP #\\ #\\ # !REMARKS: # Designed to be used on the Harvard Odyssey system, but may be adapted # for other SLURM-based compute clusters. # # !CALLING SEQUENCE: # To submit run to the SLURM system: # sbatch GCHP.run # # !REVISION HISTORY: # Check the git history for revision history #EOP #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #BOC # Set the proper # of threads for OpenMP # SLURM_NTASKS ensures this matches the number you set with -c above source ~/.bashrc module load ncl_ncarg/6.4.0-fasrc01 #------------------------------------------------- # Initialize #------------------------------------------------- # Define version ID id="xmodis" # Define GEOS-Chem log file log="out.log" rm -f $log #------------------------------------------------- # Start the NCL script #------------------------------------------------ time ncl make_XMODIS_for_HEMCO.ncl > $log # Echo end fin echo '===> Run ended at' `date` >> $log #------------------------------------------------- # Clean up #------------------------------------------------- # Echo info from computational cores to log file for displaying results nodeName=`uname -n` echo "# of CPUs: $OMP_NUM_THREADS" # Clear variable unset id unset log unset nodename # Exit normally exit 0 #EOC