email from Xu 25 oct 2010: I found that some problems exist in the mete file on 2047/07/26 03:00 (which has also been revealed by Moeko on This is maybe caused by the regriding. As a result, I made a new 20470726.a6.4x5. The 03:00 values of Q and MOISTQ (which have problems) are recalculated as the mean values at 2047/07/25 21:00 and 2047/07/26 09:00. I also evaluated the new data file and found it reasonable. You may find the new "20470726.a6.4x5" in " ~xyue/fire/geos-chem/run/gcap/a1b" and move it to "/as/pub/ftp/pub/gcap/GCAP_4x5/AGRID/2047/07".