README -- Contents of /pub/geos-chem/data/GEOS_1x1/GFED2_8day_200712/ 03 Mar 2010 Bob Yantosca and Claire Carouge Data Download: =============================================================================== The files in this directory may be accessed by FTP download: ftp cd pub/geos-chem/data/GEOS_1x1/GFED2_8day_200712/YYYY/MM where YYYY/MM are the year/month of the data you wish to download. You may also use "wget" download: wget -r -nH "" Files and Directories: =============================================================================== 2001/ -- Subdirectories containing GFED2 C 8-day 2002/ emissions on the GENERIC 1x1 grid in bpch 2003/ format for years 2001 - 2007. 2004/ 2005/ Filenames : GFED2_8day_C_YYYYMMDD.generic.1x1 2006/ Units : g/m2 2007/ The raw data for these files comes to us in text format from the Randerson group at UC Irvine. They were then converted to bpch format with IDL routine "" by Bob Yantosca. GFED2_emission_factors.txt -- Text file containing the GFED2 emission factors for each species as a function of vegetation type. Includes emission factors for gas-phase species (NOx, CO, ALK4, ACET, MEK, ALD2, PRPE, C3H8, CH2O, C2H6), aerosol species (SO2, NH3, BC, OC), and CO2. GFED2_vegmap.generic.1x1 -- GFED2 vegetation map (bpch format) on the 1x1 GENERIC grid. Values are: 3 = boreal forest 2 = tropical forest; 1 = savanna / herb / other land 0 = water %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% As of 12/11/2007, the GFED2_emission_factors_txt file and the %%% %%% GFED2_vegmap.generic.1x1 file are the same versions as are found in the %%% %%% GFED2_200601 directory, which contains monthly emissions. %%% %%% %%% %%% At some point we may upgrade to a newer version of the vegetation map %%% %%% file from Prasad, but that has not been done as of 12/11/2007. %%% %%% %%% %%% --- Bob Yantosca (, 11 Dec 2007 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTE: GEOS-Chem reads the GFED2 C emissions data on the generic 1x1 grid, then converts to equivalent biomass emissions for each species, and then regrids to the current model grid. Therefore, to change GFED2 biomass emissions, all one has to do is to change the emission factors for the various vegetation types. References: =============================================================================== (1 ) Original GFED2 database from Jim Randerson: (2 ) Giglio, L., G.R. van der Werf, J.T. Randerson, G.J. Collatz, and P. Kasibhatla, "Global estimation of burned area using MODIS active fire observations", Atm. Chem. Phys. Discuss, Vol 5, 11091, 2005. (3 ) G.R. van der Werf, J.T. Randerson, L. Giglio, G.J. Collatz, P.S. Kasibhatla, and A.F. Arellano, Jr., "Interannual variability in global biomass burning emissions from 1997 to 2004", Atm. Chem. Phys. Discuss., submitted, 2005,