README -- for pub/geos-chem/1yr_benchmarks/v7-02-03 Original date : 22 Aug 2007 Updated : 20 Jun 2017 Bob Yantosca and Philippe Le Sager Directories: ============= v7-02-03-geos3-2001-Run.tar.gz -- TARBALL Directory for GEOS-Chem v7-02-03 simulation with: * 2001 GEOS-3 4x5 meteorology (2000 spinup) 50 tracers (including SOA tracers) v7-02-03-geos4-2001-Run.tar.gz -- Directory for GEOS-Chem v7-02-03 simulation with: * 2001 GEOS-4 4x5 meteorology (2000 spinup) * 50 tracers (including SOA tracers) The difference between these two runs is the meterology. Please see the README files in geos3/2001/Run and geos4/2001/Run for more information.