############################################################################### ### HISTORY.rc file for GEOS-Chem full chemistry simulations ### ### Contact: GEOS-Chem Support Team (geos-chem-support#g.harvard.edu) ### ############################################################################### #============================================================================ # EXPID allows you to specify the beginning of the file path corresponding # to each diagnostic collection. For example: # # EXPID: ./GEOSChem # Will create netCDF files whose names begin "GEOSChem", # in this run directory. # # EXPID: ./OutputDir/GEOSChem # Will create netCDF files whose names begin with "GEOSChem" # in the OutputDir sub-folder of this run directory. # #============================================================================ EXPID: ./OutputDir/GEOSChem #============================================================================== # %%%%% COLLECTION NAME DECLARATIONS %%%%% # # To enable a collection, remove the "#" character in front of its name. The # Restart collection should always be turned on. # # NOTE: These are the "default" collections for GEOS-Chem, but you can create # your own customized diagnostic collections as well. #============================================================================== COLLECTIONS: 'Restart', 'Metrics', 'SpeciesConc', 'AdvFluxVert', 'AerosolMass', 'Aerosols', 'Budget', #'CloudConvFlux', #'ConcAboveSfc', #'ConcAfterChem', 'DryDep', 'JValues', #'KppDiags', #'KppARDiags', #'LevelEdgeDiags', #'ProdLoss', #'RRTMG', #'RxnRates', #'RxnConst', #'SatDiagn', #'StateChm', 'StateMet', #'StratBM', #'UVFlux', 'WetLossConv', 'WetLossLS', #'BoundaryConditions', :: ############################################################################### ### The rest of this file consists of collection definitions. ### ### Above collections whose declarations are commented out will be ignored. ### ### Make sure that each collection definition, as well as the list of ### ### collections above, ends with a double-colon ("::"). ### ############################################################################### #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE Restart COLLECTION %%%%% # # GEOS-Chem restart file fields # # Available for all simulations #============================================================================== Restart.filename: './Restarts/GEOSChem.Restart.%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', Restart.frequency: 00000100 000000 Restart.duration: 00000100 000000 Restart.mode: 'instantaneous' Restart.fields: 'SpeciesRst_?ALL? ', 'Chem_AeroH2OSNA ', 'Chem_ORVCsesq ', 'Chem_H2O2AfterChem ', 'Chem_JOH ', 'Chem_JNO2 ', 'Chem_SO2AfterChem ', 'Chem_DryDepNitrogen ', 'Chem_WetDepNitrogen ', 'Chem_KPPHvalue ', 'Chem_StatePSC ', 'Met_DELPDRY ', 'Met_BXHEIGHT ', 'Met_TropLev ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE Metrics COLLECTION %%%%% # # Diagnostics for chemistry metrics such as global mean OH concentration, # MCF lifetime, and CH4 lifetime. # # This diagnostic collection should always be left on. # Use the run-directory script ./metrics_fullchem.py to print results. # # Available for full-chemistry and CH4 simulations only. #============================================================================== Metrics.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', Metrics.frequency: 'End', Metrics.duration: 'End', Metrics.mode: 'time-averaged' Metrics.fields: 'AirMassColumnFull ', 'LossOHbyCH4columnTrop ', 'LossOHbyMCFcolumnTrop ', 'OHwgtByAirMassColumnFull ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE SpeciesConc COLLECTION %%%%% # # GEOS-Chem species concentrations (default = all species) # # Available for all simulations # # Concentrations may be saved out as SpeciesConcVV [v/v dry air] or # SpeciesConcMND [molec/cm3] #============================================================================== SpeciesConc.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', SpeciesConc.frequency: 00000100 000000 SpeciesConc.duration: 00000100 000000 SpeciesConc.mode: 'time-averaged' SpeciesConc.fields: 'SpeciesConcVV_?ALL? ', 'SpeciesConcMND_?ALL? ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE AdvFluxVert COLLECTION %%%%% # # GEOS-Chem vertical mass flux of species in kg/s (default = O3 only) # # Available for all simulations #============================================================================== AdvFluxVert.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', AdvFluxVert.frequency: 00000100 000000 AdvFluxVert.duration: 00000100 000000 AdvFluxVert.mode: 'time-averaged' AdvFluxVert.fields: 'AdvFluxVert_O3 ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE AerosolMass COLLECTION %%%%% # # Aerosol and PM2.5 mass # # Available for full-chemistry and aerosol-only simulations #============================================================================== AerosolMass.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', AerosolMass.frequency: 00000100 000000 AerosolMass.duration: 00000100 000000 AerosolMass.mode: 'time-averaged' AerosolMass.fields: 'AerMassASOA ', 'AerMassBC ', 'AerMassHMS ', 'AerMassINDIOL ', 'AerMassLVOCOA ', 'AerMassNH4 ', 'AerMassNIT ', 'AerMassOPOA ', 'AerMassPOA ', 'AerMassSAL ', 'AerMassSO4 ', 'AerMassSOAGX ', 'AerMassSOAIE ', 'AerMassTSOA ', 'BetaNO ', 'PM25 ', 'PM10 ', 'TotalBiogenicOA ', 'TotalOA ', 'TotalOC ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% The Aerosols COLLECTION %%%%% # # Aerosol optical depth, surface area, number density, and hygroscopic growth # # Available for full-chemistry or aerosol-only simulations #============================================================================== Aerosols.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', Aerosols.frequency: 00000100 000000 Aerosols.duration: 00000100 000000 Aerosols.mode: 'time-averaged' Aerosols.fields: 'AODDust ', 'AODDustWL1_?DUSTBIN? ', 'AODHygWL1_?HYG? ', 'AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL1 ', 'AODStratLiquidAerWL1 ', 'AODPolarStratCloudWL1 ', 'AerHygroscopicGrowth_?HYG? ', 'AerNumDensityStratLiquid ', 'AerNumDensityStratParticulate ', 'AerAqueousVolume ', 'AerSurfAreaDust ', 'AerSurfAreaHyg_?HYG? ', 'AerSurfAreaStratLiquid ', 'AerSurfAreaPolarStratCloud ', 'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST1 ', 'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST2 ', 'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST3 ', 'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST4 ', 'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST5 ', 'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST6 ', 'Chem_AeroAreaMDUST7 ', 'Chem_AeroAreaSULF ', 'Chem_AeroAreaBC ', 'Chem_AeroAreaOC ', 'Chem_AeroAreaSSA ', 'Chem_AeroAreaSSC ', 'Chem_AeroAreaBGSULF ', 'Chem_AeroAreaICEI ', 'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST1 ', 'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST2 ', 'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST3 ', 'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST4 ', 'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST5 ', 'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST6 ', 'Chem_AeroRadiMDUST7 ', 'Chem_AeroRadiSULF ', 'Chem_AeroRadiBC ', 'Chem_AeroRadiOC ', 'Chem_AeroRadiSSA ', 'Chem_AeroRadiSSC ', 'Chem_AeroRadiBGSULF ', 'Chem_AeroRadiICEI ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST1 ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST2 ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST3 ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST4 ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST5 ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST6 ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST7 ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaSULF ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaBC ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaOC ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaSSA ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaSSC ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaBGSULF ', 'Chem_WetAeroAreaICEI ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST1 ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST2 ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST3 ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST4 ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST5 ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST6 ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST7 ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiSULF ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiBC ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiOC ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiSSA ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiSSC ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiBGSULF ', 'Chem_WetAeroRadiICEI ', 'Chem_StatePSC ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5H2O ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5HCl ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3H2O ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HCl ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HBr ', 'Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3H2O ', 'Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3HCl ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHCl ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHBr ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHCl ', 'Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHBr ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE Budget COLLECTION %%%%% # # GEOS-Chem budget diagnostics defined as species kg/s in the column # (full, troposphere, or PBL) due to a single component (e.g. chemistry) # (default = advected species) # # Available for all simulations #============================================================================== Budget.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', Budget.frequency: 00000100 000000 Budget.duration: 00000100 000000 Budget.mode: 'time-averaged' Budget.fields: 'BudgetEmisDryDepFull_?ADV? ', 'BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_?ADV? ', 'BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_?ADV? ', 'BudgetChemistryFull_?ADV? ', 'BudgetChemistryTrop_?ADV? ', 'BudgetChemistryPBL_?ADV? ', 'BudgetTransportFull_?ADV? ', 'BudgetTransportTrop_?ADV? ', 'BudgetTransportPBL_?ADV? ', 'BudgetMixingFull_?ADV? ', 'BudgetMixingTrop_?ADV? ', 'BudgetMixingPBL_?ADV? ', 'BudgetConvectionFull_?ADV? ', 'BudgetConvectionTrop_?ADV? ', 'BudgetConvectionPBL_?ADV? ', 'BudgetWetDepFull_?WET? ', 'BudgetWetDepTrop_?WET? ', 'BudgetWetDepPBL_?WET? ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE CloudConvFlux COLLECTION %%%%% # # Cloud convective flux (default = advected species) # # Available for all simulations #============================================================================== CloudConvFlux.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', CloudConvFlux.frequency: 00000100 000000 CloudConvFlux.duration: 00000100 000000 CloudConvFlux.mode: 'time-averaged' CloudConvFlux.fields: 'CloudConvFlux_?ADV? ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE ConcAboveSfc COLLECTION %%%%% # # Concentrations of O3 and HNO3 at a user-specified altitude above # the surface, such as 10m. Set the desired output altitude in meters # in the deposition settings in geoschem_config.yml. # # NOTES: # (1) This collection requires dry deposition to be turned on. # (2) All of the fields in the collection must be turned on. # (3) This collection is best used with mode "instantaneous". #============================================================================== ConcAboveSfc.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', ConcAboveSfc.frequency: 00000100 000000 ConcAboveSfc.duration: 00000100 000000 ConcAboveSfc.mode: 'instantaneous' ConcAboveSfc.fields: 'DryDepRaALT1 ', 'DryDepVelForALT1_?DRYALT? ', 'SpeciesConcALT1_?DRYALT? ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE ConcAfterChem COLLECTION %%%%% # # Concentrations of OH, HO2, O1D, O3P immediately after exiting the KPP solver # or OH after the CH4 specialty-simulation chemistry routine. # # OH: Available for all full-chemistry simulations and CH4 specialty sim # HO2: Available for all full-chemistry simulations # O1D, O3P: Availalbe for full-chemistry simulations using UCX mechanism #============================================================================== ConcAfterChem.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', ConcAfterChem.frequency: 00000100 000000 ConcAfterChem.duration: 00000100 000000 ConcAfterChem.mode: 'time-averaged' ConcAfterChem.fields: 'OHconcAfterChem ', 'HO2concAfterChem ', 'O1DconcAfterChem ', 'O3PconcAfterChem ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE DryDep COLLECTION %%%%% # # Dry depositon fluxes and velocities (for all dry-depositing species) # # Available for all simuations that have dry-depositing species #============================================================================== DryDep.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', DryDep.frequency: 00000100 000000 DryDep.duration: 00000100 000000 DryDep.mode: 'time-averaged' DryDep.fields: 'DryDep_?DRY? ', 'DryDepVel_?DRY? ', #'DryDepChm_?DRY? ', #'DryDepMix_?DRY? ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE JValues COLLECTION %%%%% # # Photolysis rates (from the photolysis module) # # Available for all full-chemistry simulations with photolysis #============================================================================== JValues.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', JValues.frequency: 00000100 000000 JValues.duration: 00000100 000000 JValues.mode: 'time-averaged' JValues.fields: 'Jval_?PHO? ', 'JvalO3O1D ', 'JvalO3O3P ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE UVFlux COLLECTION %%%%% # # UV fluxes (from the photolysis module) # # Available for all full-chemistry simulations with photolysis #============================================================================== UVFlux.template: 'UVFluxDiffuse_?UVFLX? ', 'UVFluxDirect_?UVFLX? ', 'UVFluxNet_?UVFLX? ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE KppDiags COLLECTION %%%%% # # Diagnostics from the KPP solver. # # Available for full-chemistry simulations (all variations) #============================================================================== KppDiags.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', KppDiags.frequency: 00000100 000000 KppDiags.duration: 00000100 000000 KppDiags.mode: 'time-averaged' KppDiags.fields: 'KppIntCounts ', 'KppJacCounts ', 'KppTotSteps ', 'KppAccSteps ', 'KppRejSteps ', 'KppLuDecomps ', 'KppSubsts ', 'KppSmDecomps ', 'KppTime ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE KppARDiags COLLECTION %%%%% # # Diagnostics from the KPP solver when auto-reduction solver is used. # # Available for full-chemistry simulations only if auto-reduce is enabled. #============================================================================== KppARDiags.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', KppARDiags.frequency: 00000100 000000 KppARDiags.duration: 00000100 000000 KppARDiags.mode: 'time-averaged' KppARDiags.fields: 'KppAutoReducerNVAR ', 'KppAutoReduceThres ', 'KppcNONZERO ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE LevelEdgeDiags COLLECTION %%%%% # # Diagnostics that are defined on grid box level edges # # Available for all simulations #============================================================================== LevelEdgeDiags.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', LevelEdgeDiags.frequency: 00000100 000000 LevelEdgeDiags.duration: 00000100 000000 LevelEdgeDiags.mode: 'time-averaged' LevelEdgeDiags.fields: 'Met_CMFMC ', 'Met_PEDGE ', 'Met_PEDGEDRY ', 'Met_PFICU ', 'Met_PFILSAN ', 'Met_PFLCU ', 'Met_PFLLSAN ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE ProdLoss COLLECTION %%%%% # # Chemical production and loss rates # # Available for full-chemistry, aerosol-only, tagO3, and tagCO simulations #============================================================================== ProdLoss.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', ProdLoss.frequency: 00000100 000000 ProdLoss.duration: 00000100 000000 ProdLoss.mode: 'time-averaged' ProdLoss.fields: 'Prod_?PRD? ', 'ProdBCPIfromBCPO ', 'ProdOCPIfromOCPO ', 'ProdHMSfromSO2andHCHOinCloud ', 'ProdSO2andHCHOfromHMSinCloud ', 'ProdSO4fromHMSinCloud ', 'ProdSO4fromH2O2inCloud ', 'ProdSO4fromO2inCloudMetal ', 'ProdSO4fromO3inCloud ', 'ProdSO4fromO3inSeaSalt ', 'ProdSO4fromHOBrInCloud ', 'ProdSO4fromSRO3 ', 'ProdSO4fromSRHObr ', 'ProdSO4fromO3s ', 'Loss_?LOS? ', 'LossHNO3onSeaSalt ', 'ProdCOfromCH4 ', 'ProdCOfromNMVOC ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE RRTMG COLLECTION %%%%% # # Outputs for different species from the RRTMG radiative transfer model: # (See http://wiki.geos-chem.org/Coupling_GEOS-Chem_with_RRTMG) # # 0=BA (Baseline ) 1=O3 (Ozone ) 2=ME (Methane ) # 3=SU (Sulfate ) 4=NI (Nitrate ) 5=AM (Ammonium ) # 6=BC (Black carbon) 7=OA (Organic aerosol) 8=SS (Sea Salt ) # 9=DU (Mineral dust) 10=PM (All part. matter) 12=ST (Strat aer., UCX only) # # NOTES: # (1) Only request diagnostics you need to reduce the overall run time. # (2) The ?RRTMG? wildcard includes all output except ST (strat aerosols). # However, if ST is included explicitly for one diagnostic then it # will be included for all others that use the wildcard. # (3) Only enable ST if running with UCX. # (4) Optics diagnostics have a reduced set of output species (no BASE, O3, ME) #============================================================================== RRTMG.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', RRTMG.frequency: 00000100 000000 RRTMG.duration: 00000100 000000 RRTMG.mode: 'time-averaged' RRTMG.fields: 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_BASE ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_O3 ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_ME ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_SU ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_NI ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_AM ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_BC ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_OA ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_SS ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_DU ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_PM ', 'RadClrSkyLWSurf_ST ', 'RadAllSkyLWSurf_?RRTMG?', 'RadClrSkySWSurf_?RRTMG?', 'RadAllSkySWSurf_?RRTMG?', 'RadClrSkyLWTOA_?RRTMG? ', 'RadAllSkyLWTOA_?RRTMG? ', 'RadClrSkySWTOA_?RRTMG? ', 'RadAllSkySWTOA_?RRTMG? ', 'RadAODWL1_SU ', 'RadAODWL1_NI ', 'RadAODWL1_AM ', 'RadAODWL1_BC ', 'RadAODWL1_OA ', 'RadAODWL1_SS ', 'RadAODWL1_DU ', 'RadAODWL1_PM ', 'RadAODWL1_ST ', 'RadSSAWL1_SU ', 'RadSSAWL1_NI ', 'RadSSAWL1_AM ', 'RadSSAWL1_BC ', 'RadSSAWL1_OA ', 'RadSSAWL1_SS ', 'RadSSAWL1_DU ', 'RadSSAWL1_PM ', 'RadSSAWL1_ST ', 'RadAsymWL1_SU ', 'RadAsymWL1_NI ', 'RadAsymWL1_AM ', 'RadAsymWL1_BC ', 'RadAsymWL1_OA ', 'RadAsymWL1_SS ', 'RadAsymWL1_DU ', 'RadAsymWL1_PM ', 'RadAsymWL1_ST ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE RxnRates COLLECTION %%%%% # # Archives chemical reaction rates from the KPP solver. # It is best to list individual reactions to avoid using too much memory. # Reactions should be listed as "RxnRate_EQnnn", where nnn is the reaction # index as listed in KPP/fullchem/gckpp_Monitor.F90 (pad zeroes as needed). # # Available for the fullchem simulations. #============================================================================== RxnRates.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', RxnRates.frequency: 00000100 000000 RxnRates.duration: 00000100 000000 RxnRates.mode: 'time-averaged' RxnRates.fields: 'RxnRate_EQ001 ', 'RxnRate_EQ002 ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE RxnConst COLLECTION %%%%% # # Archives chemical reaction rates constants from the KPP solver. # It is best to list individual reactions to avoid using too much memory. # Reactions should be listed as "RxnConst_EQnnn", where nnn is the reaction # index as listed in KPP/fullchem/gckpp_Monitor.F90 (pad zeroes as needed). # # The units of reaction rate constants vary according to the number of reactants # in the reaction. # # Available for the fullchem simulations. #============================================================================== RxnConst.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', RxnConst.frequency: 00000100 000000 RxnConst.duration: 00000100 000000 RxnConst.mode: 'time-averaged' RxnConst.fields: 'RxnConst_EQ001 ', 'RxnConst_EQ002 ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE SatDiagn COLLECTION %%%%% # # GEOS-Chem data during satellite overpass # # Available for all simulations #============================================================================== SatDiagn.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', SatDiagn.format: 'CFIO', SatDiagn.frequency: 00000001 000000 SatDiagn.duration: 00000100 000000 SatDiagn.hrrange: 11.98 15.02 SatDiagn.mode: 'time-averaged' SatDiagn.fields: 'SatDiagnConc_ISOP ', 'SatDiagnConc_CH2O ', 'SatDiagnConc_MVK ', 'SatDiagnConc_MACR ', 'SatDiagnConc_MOH ', 'SatDiagnConc_CO ', 'SatDiagnConc_NO ', 'SatDiagnConc_NO2 ', 'SatDiagnConc_NO3 ', 'SatDiagnConc_O3 ', 'SatDiagnConc_HO2 ', 'SatDiagnOH ', 'SatDiagnRH ', 'SatDiagnAirDen ', 'SatDiagnBoxHeight ', 'SatDiagnPEdge ', 'SatDiagnTROPP ', 'SatDiagnPBLHeight ', 'SatDiagnPBLTop ', 'SatDiagnTAir ', 'SatDiagnGWETROOT ', 'SatDiagnGWETTOP ', 'SatDiagnPARDR ', 'SatDiagnPARDF ', 'SatDiagnPRECTOT ', 'SatDiagnSLP ', 'SatDiagnSPHU ', 'SatDiagnTS ', 'SatDiagnPBLTOPL ', 'SatDiagnMODISLAI ', 'SatDiagnWetLossLS_CH2O ', 'SatDiagnWetLossConv_CH2O ', 'SatDiagnJval_CH2O ', 'SatDiagnJval_NO2 ', 'SatDiagnJval_NO3 ', 'SatDiagnJval_O3 ', 'SatDiagnJvalO3O1D ', 'SatDiagnJvalO3O3P ', 'SatDiagnDryDep_CH2O ', 'SatDiagnDryDep_NO2 ', 'SatDiagnDryDep_O3 ', 'SatDiagnDryDepVel_CH2O ', 'SatDiagnDryDepVel_NO2 ', 'SatDiagnDryDepVel_O3 ', 'SatDiagnOHreactivity ', 'SatDiagnColEmis_ISOP ', 'SatDiagnSurfFlux_ISOP ', 'SatDiagnColEmis_CH2O ', 'SatDiagnSurfFlux_CH2O ', 'SatDiagnColEmis_NO ', 'SatDiagnSurfFlux_NO ', 'SatDiagnProd_?PRD? ', 'SatDiagnLoss_?LOS? ', 'SatDiagnRxnRate_EQ385 ', 'SatDiagnRxnRate_EQ386 ', 'SatDiagnRxnRate_EQ387 ', 'SatDiagnRxnRate_EQ388 ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE StateChm COLLECTION %%%%% # # Fields of the State_Chm object (see also Aerosols collection) # # Available for full-chemistry and aerosols-only simulations #============================================================================== StateChm.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', StateChm.frequency: 00000100 000000 StateChm.duration: 00000100 000000 StateChm.mode: 'time-averaged' StateChm.fields: 'Chem_IsorropAeropHAccum ', 'Chem_IsorropAeropHCoarse ', 'Chem_IsorropHplusAccum ', 'Chem_IsorropHplusCoarse ', 'Chem_IsorropAeroH2OAccum ', 'Chem_IsorropAeroH2OCoarse ', 'Chem_IsorropSulfate ', 'Chem_IsorropNitrateAccum ', 'Chem_IsorropNitrateCoarse ', 'Chem_IsorropChlorideAccum ', 'Chem_IsorropChlorideCoarse ', 'Chem_IsorropBisulfate ', 'Chem_pHCloud ', 'Chem_isCloud ', 'Chem_SSAlkAccumMode ', 'Chem_SSAlkCoarseMode ', 'Chem_HSO3AQ ', 'Chem_SO3AQ ', 'Chem_fupdateHOBr ', 'Chem_GammaN2O5overall ', 'Chem_GammaN2O5fine ', 'Chem_YieldClNO2fine ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% The StateMet COLLECTION %%%%% # # Fields of the State_Met object (also see the LevelEdgeDiags collection) # # Available for all simulations #============================================================================== StateMet.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', StateMet.frequency: 00000100 000000 StateMet.duration: 00000100 000000 StateMet.mode: 'time-averaged' StateMet.fields: 'Met_AD ', 'Met_AIRDEN ', 'Met_AIRVOL ', 'Met_ALBD ', 'Met_AVGW ', 'Met_BXHEIGHT ', 'Met_ChemGridLev ', 'Met_CLDF ', 'Met_CLDFRC ', 'Met_CLDTOPS ', 'Met_CONVDEPTH ', 'Met_DELP ', 'Met_DELPDRY ', 'Met_DQRCU ', 'Met_DQRLSAN ', 'Met_DTRAIN ', 'Met_EFLUX ', 'Met_FLASHDENS ', 'Met_FRCLND ', 'Met_FRLAKE ', 'Met_FRLAND ', 'Met_FRLANDIC ', 'Met_FROCEAN ', 'Met_FRSEAICE ', 'Met_FRSNO ', 'Met_GWETROOT ', 'Met_GWETTOP ', 'Met_HFLUX ', 'Met_LAI ', 'Met_PARDR ', 'Met_PARDF ', 'Met_PBLTOPL ', 'Met_PBLH ', 'Met_PHIS ', 'Met_PMID ', 'Met_PMIDDRY ', 'Met_PRECANV ', 'Met_PRECCON ', 'Met_PRECLSC ', 'Met_PRECTOT ', 'Met_PS1DRY ', 'Met_PS1WET ', 'Met_PS2DRY ', 'Met_PS2WET ', 'Met_PSC2WET ', 'Met_PSC2DRY ', 'Met_QI ', 'Met_QL ', 'Met_OMEGA ', 'Met_OPTD ', 'Met_REEVAPCN ', 'Met_REEVAPLS ', 'Met_SLP ', 'Met_SNODP ', 'Met_SNOMAS ', 'Met_SPHU ', 'Met_SPHU1 ', 'Met_SPHU2 ', 'Met_SUNCOS ', 'Met_SUNCOSmid ', 'Met_SWGDN ', 'Met_T ', 'Met_TAUCLI ', 'Met_TAUCLW ', 'Met_THETA ', 'Met_TMPU1 ', 'Met_TMPU2 ', 'Met_TO3 ', 'Met_TropHt ', 'Met_TropLev ', 'Met_TropP ', 'Met_TS ', 'Met_TSKIN ', 'Met_TV ', 'Met_U ', 'Met_U10M ', 'Met_USTAR ', 'Met_UVALBEDO ', 'Met_V ', 'Met_V10M ', 'Met_Z0 ', 'FracOfTimeInTrop ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE StratBM COLLECTION %%%%% # # Fields needed for GEOS-Chem 10-year stratospheric benchmarks # # Available for full-chemistry simulations #============================================================================== StratBM.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', StratBM.frequency: 00000000 010000 StratBM.duration: 00000001 000000 StratBM.mode: 'time-averaged' StratBM.fields: 'SpeciesConcVV_NO2 ', 'SpeciesConcVV_O3 ', 'SpeciesConcVV_ClO ', 'Met_PSC2WET ', 'Met_BXHEIGHT ', 'Met_AIRDEN ', 'Met_AD ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE WetLossConv COLLECTION %%%%% # # Loss of soluble species in convective updrafts # # Available for all simulations that have soluble species #============================================================================== WetLossConv.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', WetLossConv.frequency: 00000100 000000 WetLossConv.duration: 00000100 000000 WetLossConv.mode: 'time-averaged' WetLossConv.fields: 'WetLossConv_?WET? ', 'WetLossConvFrac_?WET? ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE WetLossLS COLLECTION %%%%% # # Loss of soluble species in large-scale wetdep (i.e. rainout and washout) # # Available for all simulations that have soluble species #============================================================================== # Loss due to rainout and washout (per deposited species) WetLossLS.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', WetLossLS.frequency: 00000100 000000 WetLossLS.duration: 00000100 000000 WetLossLS.mode: 'time-averaged' WetLossLS.fields: 'WetLossLS_?WET? ', :: #============================================================================== # %%%%% THE BoundaryConditions COLLECTION %%%%% # # GEOS-Chem boundary conditions for use in nested grid simulations # # Available for all simulations #============================================================================== BoundaryConditions.template: '%y4%m2%d2_%h2%n2z.nc4', BoundaryConditions.frequency: 00000000 030000 BoundaryConditions.duration: 00000001 000000 BoundaryConditions.mode: 'instantaneous' BoundaryConditions.fields: 'SpeciesBC_?ADV? ', ::