Restart symlink gchp_restart.nc4 set to ./Restarts/GEOSChem.Restart.20190701_0000z.c24.nc4 Environment: CC : gcc CXX : g++ FC : gfortran ESMF_COMM : openmpi ESMF_COMPILER : gfortran ESMF_DIR : /n/jacob_lab/Lab/seasfs01/Lab/RockyLinux/ESMF/ESMF_8_4_2 ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX : /n/jacob_lab/Lab/seasfs01/Lab/RockyLinux/ESMF/ESMF_8_4_2/INSTALL_gnu10_openmpi4 ESMF_ROOT : /n/jacob_lab/Lab/seasfs01/Lab/RockyLinux/ESMF/ESMF_8_4_2/INSTALL_gnu10_openmpi4 KPP_FLEX_LIB_DIR : /n/sw/helmod-rocky8/apps/Core/flex/2.6.4-fasrc01/lib64 MPI_HOME : /n/sw/helmod-rocky8/apps/Comp/gcc/10.2.0-fasrc01/openmpi/4.1.0-fasrc01 NETCDF_HOME : /n/sw/helmod-rocky8/apps/MPI/gcc/10.2.0-fasrc01/openmpi/4.1.0-fasrc01/netcdf-c/4.8.0-fasrc01 NETCDF_FORTRAN_HOME : /n/sw/helmod-rocky8/apps/MPI/gcc/10.2.0-fasrc01/openmpi/4.1.0-fasrc01/netcdf-fortran/4.5.3-fasrc01 ROCKY_ROOT : /net/holy-nfsisilon/ifs/rc_labs/jacob_lab/Lab/seasfs01/Lab/RockyLinux Done sourcing gchp.env Starting pFIO input server on Clients Starting pFIO output server on Clients Integer*4 Resource Parameter: HEARTBEAT_DT:600 NOT using buffer I/O for file: cap_restart CAP: INFO: Read CAP restart properly, Current Date = 2019/07/01 CAP: INFO: Current Time = 00/00/00 Character Resource Parameter: ROOT_CF:GCHP.rc Character Resource Parameter: ROOT_NAME:GCHP Character Resource Parameter: HIST_CF:HISTORY.rc Character Resource Parameter: MAPL_ENABLE_TIMERS:YES Character Resource Parameter: MAPL_ENABLE_MEMUTILS:YES GCHPctmEnv: INFO: Configured to derive and export mass flux and courant numbers Adding history variables to GCHP Export State: adding export: AerMassBC adding export: AerMassINDIOL adding export: AerMassLVOCOA adding export: AerMassNH4 adding export: AerMassNIT adding export: AerMassPOA adding export: AerMassSAL adding export: AerMassSO4 adding export: AerMassSOAGX adding export: AerMassSOAIE adding export: PM25 adding export: PM10 adding export: TotalOA adding export: TotalOC adding export: AerMassASOA adding export: AerMassOPOA adding export: AerMassTSOA adding export: BetaNO adding export: TotalBiogenicOA adding export: AODHygWL1_SO4 adding export: AODHygWL1_BCPI adding export: AODHygWL1_OCPI adding export: AODHygWL1_SALA adding export: AODHygWL1_SALC adding export: AODDust adding export: AODDustWL1_bin1 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin2 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin3 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin4 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin5 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin6 adding export: AODDustWL1_bin7 adding export: AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL1 adding export: AODStratLiquidAerWL1 adding export: AODPolarStratCloudWL1 adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_SO4 adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_BCPI adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_OCPI adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALA adding export: AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALC adding export: AerNumDensityStratLiquid adding export: AerNumDensityStratParticulate adding export: AerAqueousVolume adding export: AerSurfAreaDust adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_SO4 adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_BCPI adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_OCPI adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_SALA adding export: AerSurfAreaHyg_SALC adding export: AerSurfAreaStratLiquid adding export: AerSurfAreaPolarStratCloud adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST1 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST2 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST3 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST4 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST5 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST6 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaMDUST7 adding export: Chem_AeroAreaSULF adding export: Chem_AeroAreaBC adding export: Chem_AeroAreaOC adding export: Chem_AeroAreaSSA adding export: Chem_AeroAreaSSC adding export: Chem_AeroAreaBGSULF adding export: Chem_AeroAreaICEI adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST1 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST2 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST3 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST4 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST5 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST6 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiMDUST7 adding export: Chem_AeroRadiSULF adding export: Chem_AeroRadiBC adding export: Chem_AeroRadiOC adding export: Chem_AeroRadiSSA adding export: Chem_AeroRadiSSC adding export: Chem_AeroRadiBGSULF adding export: Chem_AeroRadiICEI adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST1 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST2 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST3 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST4 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST5 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST6 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST7 adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaSULF adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaBC adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaOC adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaSSA adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaSSC adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaBGSULF adding export: Chem_WetAeroAreaICEI adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST1 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST2 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST3 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST4 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST5 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST6 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST7 adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiSULF adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiBC adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiOC adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiSSA adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiSSC adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiBGSULF adding export: Chem_WetAeroRadiICEI adding export: Chem_StatePSC adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5H2O adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5HCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3H2O adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HBr adding export: Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3H2O adding export: Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3HCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHBr adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHCl adding export: Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHBr adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SOAS adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SOAIE adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SOAGX adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SO4s adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SO4 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SO2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SALCCL adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SALCAL adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SALC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SALACL adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SALAAL adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_SALA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_RP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_RIPD adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_RIPC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_RIPB adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_RIPA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_RB3P adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_RA3P adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_R4P adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_R4N2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_PYAC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_PRPN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_PRPE adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_PROPNN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_PPN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_PP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_pFe adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_PAN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_OCPO adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_OCPI adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_NITs adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_NIT adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_NH4 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_NH3 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKPC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKHP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKHC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKDH adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MVK adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MTPO adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MTPA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MSA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MPN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MPAN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MONITU adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MONITS adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MONITA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MOH adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MGLY adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MEK adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRHP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRHN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRDH adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MAP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_LVOC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_LIMO adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ITHN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ITCN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ISALC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ISALA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IONO2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IONO adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IONITA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_INPD adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_INPB adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_INDIOL adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IHN4 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IHN3 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IHN2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IHN1 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IDN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IDHPE adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IDHDP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IDCHP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ICPDH adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ICN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ICl adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ICHE adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_IBr adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_I2O4 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_I2O3 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_I2O2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_I2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HONIT adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HOI adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HOCl adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HOBr adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HNO3 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HMML adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HMS adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HMHP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HI adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HCOOH adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HCl adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HC5A adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HBr adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_HAC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_H2O2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_GLYX adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_GLYC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ETP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ETHP adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ETHN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ETHLN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_EOH adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_DST4 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_DST3 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_DST2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_DST1 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_CH2O adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_BrSALC adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_BrSALA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_BrCl adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_Br2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_BCPO adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_BCPI adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ATOOH adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ALD2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_AERI adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ACTA adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOAN adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SOAS adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SOAIE adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SOAGX adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SO4s adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SO4 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SO2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SALCCL adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SALCAL adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SALC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SALACL adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SALAAL adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_SALA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_RP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_RIPD adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_RIPC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_RIPB adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_RIPA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_RB3P adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_RA3P adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_R4P adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_R4N2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_PYAC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_PRPN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_PRPE adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_PROPNN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_PPN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_PP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_pFe adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_PAN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_OCPO adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_OCPI adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_NITS adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_NIT adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_NH4 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_NH3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKPC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKHP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKHC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKDH adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MVK adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MTPO adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MTPA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MSA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MPN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MPAN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MONITU adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MONITS adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MONITA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MOH adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MGLY adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MEK adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRHP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRHN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRDH adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MAP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_LVOC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_LIMO adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ITHN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ITCN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ISALC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ISALA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IONO2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IONO adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IONITA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_INPD adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_INPB adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_INDIOL adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IHN4 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IHN3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IHN2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IHN1 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IDN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IDHPE adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IDHDP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IDCHP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ICPDH adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ICN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ICl adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ICHE adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_IBr adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_I2O4 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_I2O3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_I2O2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_I2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HONIT adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HOI adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HOCl adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HOBr adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HNO3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HMS adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HMML adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HMHP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HI adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HCOOH adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HCl adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HC5A adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HBr adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_HAC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_H2O2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_GLYX adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_GLYC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ETP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ETHP adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ETHN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ETHLN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_EOH adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_DST4 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_DST3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_DST2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_DST1 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_CH2O adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_BrSALC adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_BrSALA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_BrCl adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_Br2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_BCPO adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_BCPI adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ATOOH adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ALD2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_AERI adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ACTA adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ASOAN adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetWetDepTrop_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SOAS adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SOAIE adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SOAGX adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SO4s adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SO4 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SO2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SALCCL adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SALCAL adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SALC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SALACL adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SALAAL adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_SALA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_RP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_RIPD adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_RIPC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_RIPB adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_RIPA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_RB3P adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_RA3P adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_R4P adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_R4N2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_PYAC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_PRPN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_PRPE adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_PROPNN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_PPN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_PP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_pFe adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_PAN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_OCPO adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_OCPI adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_NITs adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_NIT adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_NH4 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_NH3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MVKPC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MVKN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MVKHP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MVKHC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MVKDH adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MVK adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MTPO adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MTPA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MSA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MPN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MPAN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MONITU adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MONITS adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MONITA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MOH adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MGLY adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MEK adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MCRHP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MCRHN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MCRDH adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MAP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_LVOC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_LIMO adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ITHN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ITCN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ISALC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ISALA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IONO2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IONO adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IONITA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_INPD adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_INPB adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_INDIOL adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IHN4 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IHN3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IHN2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IHN1 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IDN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IDHPE adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IDHDP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IDCHP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ICPDH adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ICN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ICl adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ICHE adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_IBr adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_I2O4 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_I2O3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_I2O2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_I2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HONIT adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HOI adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HOCl adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HOBr adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HNO3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HMS adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HMML adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HMHP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HI adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HCOOH adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HCl adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HC5A adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HBr adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_HAC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_H2O2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_GLYX adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_GLYC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ETP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ETHP adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ETHN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ETHLN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_EOH adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_DST4 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_DST3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_DST2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_DST1 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_CH2O adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_BrSALC adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_BrSALA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_BrCl adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_Br2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_BCPO adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_BCPI adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ATOOH adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ALD2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_AERI adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ACTA adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ASOAN adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetWetDepFull_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_XYLE adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TOLU adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SOAS adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SOAP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SOAIE adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SOAGX adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SO4s adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SO4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SALCCL adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SALCAL adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SALC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SALACL adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SALAAL adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_SALA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_RP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_RIPD adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_RIPC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_RIPB adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_RIPA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_RCHO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_RB3P adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_RA3P adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_R4P adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_R4N2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_PYAC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_PRPN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_PRPE adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_PROPNN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_PPN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_PP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_PIP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_pFe adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_PAN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_OIO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_OCS adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_OCPO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_OCPI adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_OClO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_O3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_NO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_NO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_NO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_NITs adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_NIT adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_NH4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_NH3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_N2O5 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_N2O adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MVKPC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MVKN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MVKHP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MVKHC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MVKDH adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MVK adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MTPO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MTPA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MSA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MPN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MPAN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MONITU adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MONITS adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MONITA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MOH adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MGLY adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MENO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MEK adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MCRHP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MCRHN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MCRDH adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MAP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_MACR adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_LVOC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_LIMO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ITHN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ITCN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ISOP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ISALC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ISALA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IONO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IONO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IONITA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_INPD adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_INPB adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_INO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_INDIOL adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IHN4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IHN3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IHN2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IHN1 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IDN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IDHPE adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IDHDP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IDCHP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IDC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ICPDH adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ICN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ICl adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ICHE adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_IBr adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_I2O4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_I2O3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_I2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_I2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_I adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HONIT adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HOI adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HOCl adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HOBr adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HNO4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HMML adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HMHP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HMS adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HI adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HCOOH adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HCl adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HC5A adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HBr adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_HAC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_H2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_H2O adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_H2402 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_H1301 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_H1211 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_GLYX adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_GLYC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ETP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ETHP adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ETHN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ETHLN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_EOH adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_DST4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_DST3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_DST2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_DST1 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_DMS adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ClOO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ClO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_Cl2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_Cl adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH3I adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH3Br adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH2O adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CFC12 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CFC115 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CFC114 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CFC113 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CFC11 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_CCl4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_C3H8 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_C2H6 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_C2H4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_C2H2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BrSALC adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BrSALA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BrO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BrCl adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_Br2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_Br adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BENZ adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BCPO adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_BCPI adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ATOOH adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ALK4 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ALD2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_AERI adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ACTA adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ACET adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ASOAN adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetChemistryPBL_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_XYLE adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TOLU adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SOAS adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SOAP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SOAIE adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SOAGX adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SO4s adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SO4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SALCCL adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SALCAL adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SALC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SALACL adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SALAAL adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_SALA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_RP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_RIPD adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_RIPC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_RIPB adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_RIPA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_RCHO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_RB3P adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_RA3P adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_R4P adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_R4N2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_PYAC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_PRPN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_PRPE adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_PROPNN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_PPN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_PP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_PIP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_pFe adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_PAN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_OIO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_OCS adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_OCPO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_OCPI adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_OClO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_O3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_NO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_NO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_NO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_NITs adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_NIT adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_NH4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_NH3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_N2O5 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_N2O adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MVKPC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MVKN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MVKHP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MVKHC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MVKDH adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MVK adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MTPO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MTPA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MSA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MPN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MPAN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MONITU adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MONITS adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MONITA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MOH adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MGLY adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MENO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MEK adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MCRHP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MCRHN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MCRDH adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MAP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_MACR adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_LVOC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_LIMO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ITHN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ITCN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ISOP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ISALC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ISALA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IONO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IONO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IONITA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_INPD adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_INPB adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_INO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_INDIOL adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IHN4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IHN3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IHN2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IHN1 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IDN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IDHPE adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IDHDP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IDCHP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IDC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ICPDH adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ICN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ICl adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ICHE adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_IBr adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_I2O4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_I2O3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_I2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_I2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_I adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HONIT adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HOI adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HOCl adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HOBr adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HNO4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HMS adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HMML adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HMHP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HI adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HCOOH adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HCl adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HC5A adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HBr adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_HAC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_H2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_H2O adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_H2402 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_H1301 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_H1211 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_GLYX adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_GLYC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ETP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ETHP adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ETHN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ETHLN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_EOH adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_DST4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_DST3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_DST2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_DST1 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_DMS adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ClOO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ClO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_Cl2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_Cl adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH3I adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH3Br adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH2O adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CFC12 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CFC115 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CFC114 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CFC113 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CFC11 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_CCl4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_C3H8 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_C2H4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_C2H2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_C2H6 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BrSALC adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BrSALA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BrO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BrCl adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_Br2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_Br adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BENZ adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BCPO adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_BCPI adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ATOOH adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ALK4 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ALD2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_AERI adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ACTA adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ACET adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ASOAN adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetChemistryTrop_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_XYLE adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TOLU adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SOAS adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SOAP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SOAIE adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SOAGX adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SO4s adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SO4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SALCCL adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SALCAL adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SALC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SALACL adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SALAAL adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_SALA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_RP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_RIPD adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_RIPC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_RIPB adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_RIPA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_RCHO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_RB3P adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_RA3P adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_R4P adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_R4N2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_PYAC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_PRPN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_PRPE adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_PROPNN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_PPN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_PP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_PIP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_pFe adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_PAN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_OIO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_OCS adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_OCPO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_OCPI adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_OClO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_O3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_NO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_NO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_NO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_NITs adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_NIT adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_NH4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_NH3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_N2O5 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_N2O adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MVKPC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MVKN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MVKHP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MVKHC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MVKDH adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MVK adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MTPO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MTPA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MSA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MPN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MPAN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MONITU adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MONITS adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MONITA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MOH adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MGLY adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MENO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MEK adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MCRHP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MCRHN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MCRDH adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MAP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_MACR adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_LVOC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_LIMO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ITHN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ITCN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ISOP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ISALC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ISALA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IONO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IONO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IONITA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_INPD adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_INPB adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_INO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_INDIOL adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IHN4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IHN3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IHN2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IHN1 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IDN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IDHPE adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IDHDP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IDCHP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IDC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ICPDH adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ICN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ICl adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ICHE adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_IBr adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_I2O4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_I2O3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_I2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_I2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_I adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HONIT adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HOI adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HOCl adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HOBr adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HNO4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HMS adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HMML adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HMHP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HI adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HCOOH adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HCl adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HC5A adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HBr adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_HAC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_H2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_H2O adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_H2402 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_H1301 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_H1211 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_GLYX adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_GLYC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ETP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ETHP adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ETHN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ETHLN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_EOH adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_DST4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_DST3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_DST2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_DST1 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_DMS adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ClOO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ClO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_Cl2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_Cl adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH3I adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH3Br adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH2O adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CFC12 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CFC115 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CFC114 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CFC113 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CFC11 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_CCl4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_C3H8 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_C2H6 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BrSALC adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BrSALA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BrO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BrCl adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_Br2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_Br adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BENZ adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BCPO adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_BCPI adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ATOOH adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ALK4 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ALD2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_AERI adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ACTA adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ACET adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ASOAN adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetChemistryFull_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_XYLE adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TOLU adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SOAS adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SOAP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SOAIE adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SOAGX adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SO4s adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SO4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SALCCl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SALCAL adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SALC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SALACl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SALAAL adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_SALA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_RP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_RIPD adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_RIPC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_RIPB adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_RIPA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_RCHO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_RB3P adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_RA3P adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_R4P adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_R4N2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_PYAC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_PRPN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_PRPE adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_PROPNN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_PPN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_PP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_PIP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_pFe adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_PAN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_OIO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_OCS adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_OCPO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_OCPI adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_OClO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_O3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_NO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_NO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_NO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_NITs adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_NIT adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_NH4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_NH3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_N2O5 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_N2O adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKPC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKHP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKHC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKDH adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MVK adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MTPO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MTPA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MSA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MPN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MPAN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MONITU adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MONITS adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MONITA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MOH adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MGLY adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MENO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MEK adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRHP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRHN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRDH adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MAP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_MACR adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_LVOC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_LIMO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ITHN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ITCN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ISOP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ISALC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ISALA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IONO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IONO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IONITA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_INPD adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_INPB adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_INO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_INDIOL adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IHN4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IHN3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IHN2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IHN1 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IDN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IDHPE adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IDHDP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IDCHP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IDC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ICPDH adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ICN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ICl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ICHE adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_IBr adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_I2O4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_I2O3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_I2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_I2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_I adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HONIT adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HOI adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HOCl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HOBr adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HNO4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HMS adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HMML adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HMHP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HI adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HCOOH adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HCl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HC5A adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HBr adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_HAC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_H2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_H2O adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_H2402 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_H1301 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_H1211 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_GLYX adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_GLYC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ETP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ETHP adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ETHN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ETHLN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_EOH adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_DST4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_DST3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_DST2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_DST1 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_DMS adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ClOO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ClO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_Cl2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_Cl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH3I adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH3Br adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2O adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC12 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC115 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC114 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC113 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC11 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_CCl4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_C3H8 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_C2H6 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_C2H4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_C2H2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BrSALC adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BrSALA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BrO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BrCl adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_Br2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_Br adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BENZ adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BCPO adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_BCPI adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ATOOH adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ALK4 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ALD2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_AERI adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ACTA adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ACET adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOAN adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_XYLE adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TOLU adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SOAS adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SOAP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SOAIE adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SOAGX adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SO4s adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SO4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SALCCL adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SALCAL adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SALC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SALACL adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SALAAL adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_SALA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_RP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_RIPD adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_RIPC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_RIPB adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_RIPA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_RCHO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_RB3P adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_RA3P adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_R4P adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_R4N2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_PYAC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_PRPN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_PRPE adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_PROPNN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_PPN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_PP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_PIP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_pFe adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_PAN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_OIO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_OCS adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_OCPO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_OCPI adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_OClO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_O3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_NO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_NO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_NO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_NITs adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_NIT adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_NH4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_NH3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_N2O5 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_N2O adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKPC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKHP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKHC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKDH adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MVK adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MTPO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MTPA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MSA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MPN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MPAN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MONITU adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MONITS adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MONITA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MOH adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MGLY adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MENO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MEK adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRHP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRHN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRDH adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MAP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_MACR adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_LVOC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_LIMO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ITHN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ITCN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ISOP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ISALC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ISALA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IONO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IONO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IONITA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_INPD adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_INPB adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_INO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_INDIOL adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IHN4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IHN3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IHN2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IHN1 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IDN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IDHPE adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IDHDP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IDCHP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IDC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ICPDH adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ICN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ICl adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ICHE adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_IBr adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_I2O4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_I2O3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_I2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_I2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_I adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HONIT adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HOI adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HOCl adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HOBr adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HNO4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HMS adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HMML adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HMHP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HI adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HCOOH adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HCl adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HC5A adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HBr adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_HAC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_H2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_H2O adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_H2402 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_H1301 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_H1211 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_GLYX adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_GLYC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ETP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ETHP adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ETHN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ETHLN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_EOH adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_DST4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_DST3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_DST2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_DST1 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_DMS adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ClOO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ClO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_Cl2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_Cl adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH3I adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH3Br adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2O adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC12 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC115 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC114 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC113 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC11 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_CCl4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_C3H8 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_C2H6 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_C2H4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_C2H2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BrSALC adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BrSALA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BrO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BrCl adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_Br2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_Br adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BENZ adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BCPO adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_BCPI adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ATOOH adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ALK4 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ALD2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_AERI adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ACTA adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ACET adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOAN adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_XYLE adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TOLU adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SOAS adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SOAP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SOAIE adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SOAGX adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SO4s adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SO4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SALCCL adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SALCAL adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SALC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SALACL adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SALAAL adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_SALA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_RP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_RIPD adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_RIPC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_RIPB adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_RIPA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_RCHO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_RB3P adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_RA3P adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_R4P adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_R4N2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_PYAC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_PRPN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_PRPE adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_PROPNN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_PPN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_PP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_PIP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_pFe adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_PAN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_OIO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_OCS adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_OCPO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_OCPI adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_OClO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_O3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_NO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_NO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_NO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_NITs adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_NIT adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_NH4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_NH3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_N2O5 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_N2O adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MVKPC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MVKN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MVKHP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MVKHC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MVKDH adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MVK adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MTPO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MTPA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MSA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MPN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MPAN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MONITU adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MONITS adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MONITA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MOH adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MGLY adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MENO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MEK adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MCRHP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MCRHN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MCRDH adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MAP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_MACR adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_LVOC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_LIMO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ITHN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ITCN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ISOP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ISALC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ISALA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IONO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IONO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IONITA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_INPD adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_INPB adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_INO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_INDIOL adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IHN4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IHN3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IHN2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IHN1 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IDN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IDHPE adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IDHDP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IDCHP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IDC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ICPDH adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ICN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ICl adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ICHE adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_IBr adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_I2O4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_I2O3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_I2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_I2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_I adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HONIT adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HOI adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HOCl adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HOBr adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HNO4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HMML adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HMS adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HMHP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HI adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HCOOH adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HCl adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HC5A adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HBr adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_HAC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_H2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_H2O adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_H2402 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_H1301 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_H1211 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_GLYX adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_GLYC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ETP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ETHP adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ETHN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ETHLN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_EOH adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_DST4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_DST3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_DST2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_DST1 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_DMS adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ClOO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ClO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_Cl2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_Cl adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH3I adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH3Br adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH2O adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CFC12 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CFC115 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CFC114 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CFC113 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CFC11 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_CCl4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_C3H8 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_C2H6 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_C2H4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_C2H2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BrSALC adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BrSALA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BrO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BrCl adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_Br2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_Br adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BENZ adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BCPO adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_BCPI adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ATOOH adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ALK4 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ALD2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_AERI adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ACTA adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ACET adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ASOAN adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetConvectionFull_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_XYLE adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TOLU adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SOAS adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SOAP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SOAIE adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SOAGX adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SO4s adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SO4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SO2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SALCCL adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SALCAL adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SALC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SALACL adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SALAAL adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_SALA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_RP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_RIPD adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_RIPC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_RIPB adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_RIPA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_RCHO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_RB3P adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_RA3P adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_R4P adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_R4N2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_PYAC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_PRPN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_PRPE adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_PROPNN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_PPN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_PP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_PIP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_pFe adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_PAN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_OIO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_OCS adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_OCPO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_OCPI adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_OClO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_O3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_NO3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_NO2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_NO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_NITs adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_NIT adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_NH4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_NH3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_N2O5 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_N2O adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MVKPC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MVKN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MVKHP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MVKHC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MVKDH adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MVK adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MTPO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MTPA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MSA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MPN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MPAN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MONITU adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MONITS adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MONITA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MOH adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MGLY adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MENO3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MEK adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MCRHP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MCRHN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MCRDH adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MAP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_MACR adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_LVOC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_LIMO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ITHN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ITCN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ISOP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ISALC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ISALA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IONO2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IONO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IONITA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_INPD adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_INPB adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_INO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_INDIOL adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IHN4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IHN3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IHN2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IHN1 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IDN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IDHPE adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IDHDP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IDCHP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IDC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ICPDH adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ICN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ICl adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ICHE adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_IBr adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_I2O4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_I2O3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_I2O2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_I2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_I adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HONIT adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HOI adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HOCl adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HOBr adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HNO4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HNO2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HMS adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HMML adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HMHP adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HI adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HCOOH adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HCl adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HC5A adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HBr adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_HAC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_H2O2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_H2O adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_H2402 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_H1301 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_H1211 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_GLYX adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_GLYC adding export: 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adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CFC12 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CFC115 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CFC114 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CFC113 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CFC11 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_CCl4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_C3H8 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_C2H6 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_C2H4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_C2H2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BrSALC adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BrSALA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BrO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BrCl adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_Br2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_Br adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BENZ adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BCPO adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_BCPI adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ATOOH adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ALK4 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ALD2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_AERI adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ACTA adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ACET adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ASOAN adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetMixingPBL_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_XYLE adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TOLU adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SOAS adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SOAP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SOAIE adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SOAGX adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SO4s adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SO4 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SO2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SALCCL adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SALCAL adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SALC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SALACL adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SALAAL adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_SALA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_RP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_RIPD adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_RIPC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_RIPB adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_RIPA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_RCHO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_RB3P adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_RA3P adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_R4P adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_R4N2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_PYAC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_PRPN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_PRPE adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_PROPNN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_PPN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_PP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_PIP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_pFe adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_PAN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_OIO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_OCS adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_OCPO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_OCPI adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_OClO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_O3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_NO3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_NO2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_NO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_NITs adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_NIT adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_NH4 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_NH3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_N2O5 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_N2O adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MVKPC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MVKN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MVKHP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MVKHC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MVKDH adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MVK adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MTPO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MTPA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MSA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MPN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MPAN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MONITU adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MONITS adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MONITA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MOH adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MGLY adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MENO3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MEK adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MCRHP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MCRHN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MCRDH adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MAP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_MACR adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_LVOC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_LIMO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ITHN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ITCN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ISOP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ISALC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ISALA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IONO2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IONO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IONITA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_INPD adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_INPB adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_INO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_INDIOL adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IHN4 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IHN3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IHN2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IHN1 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IDN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IDHPE adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IDHDP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IDCHP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IDC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ICPDH adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ICN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ICl adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ICHE adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_IBr adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_I2O4 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_I2O3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_I2O2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_I2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_I adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HONIT adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HOI adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HOCl adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HOBr adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HNO4 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HNO2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HMS adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HMML adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HMHP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HI adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HCOOH adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HCl adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HC5A adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HBr adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_HAC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_H2O2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_H2O adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_H2402 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_H1301 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_H1211 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_GLYX adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_GLYC adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ETP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ETHP adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ETHN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ETHLN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_EOH adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_DST4 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_DST3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_DST2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_DST1 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_DMS adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_CO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ClOO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ClO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_Cl2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_Cl adding export: 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BudgetMixingTrop_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_BrCl adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_Br2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_Br adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_BENZ adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_BCPO adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_BCPI adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ATOOH adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ALK4 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ALD2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_AERI adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ACTA adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ACET adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ASOAN adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetMixingTrop_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_XYLE adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TOLU adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SOAS adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SOAP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SOAIE adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SOAGX adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SO4s adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SO4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SO2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SALCCL adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SALCAL adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SALC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SALACL adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SALAAL adding export: BudgetMixingFull_SALA adding export: BudgetMixingFull_RP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_RIPD adding export: BudgetMixingFull_RIPC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_RIPB adding export: BudgetMixingFull_RIPA adding export: BudgetMixingFull_RCHO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_RB3P adding export: BudgetMixingFull_RA3P adding export: BudgetMixingFull_R4P adding export: BudgetMixingFull_R4N2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_PYAC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_PRPN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_PRPE adding export: BudgetMixingFull_PROPNN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_PPN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_PP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_PIP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_pFe adding export: BudgetMixingFull_PAN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_OIO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_OCS adding export: BudgetMixingFull_OCPO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_OCPI adding export: BudgetMixingFull_OClO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_O3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_NO3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_NO2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_NO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_NITs adding export: BudgetMixingFull_NIT adding export: BudgetMixingFull_NH4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_NH3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_N2O5 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_N2O adding export: BudgetMixingFull_MVKPC adding export: 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adding export: BudgetMixingFull_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetMixingFull_LVOC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_LIMO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ITHN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ITCN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ISOP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ISALC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ISALA adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IONO2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IONO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IONITA adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_INPD adding export: BudgetMixingFull_INPB adding export: BudgetMixingFull_INO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_INDIOL adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IHN4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IHN3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IHN2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IHN1 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IDN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IDHPE adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IDHDP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IDCHP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IDC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ICPDH adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ICN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ICl adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ICHE adding export: BudgetMixingFull_IBr adding export: BudgetMixingFull_I2O4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_I2O3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_I2O2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_I2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_I adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HONIT adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HOI adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HOCl adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HOBr adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HNO4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HNO2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HMML adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HMHP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HI adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HCOOH adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HCl adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HC5A adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HBr adding export: BudgetMixingFull_HAC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_H2O2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_H2O adding export: BudgetMixingFull_H2402 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_H1301 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_H1211 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_GLYX adding export: BudgetMixingFull_GLYC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ETP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ETHP adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ETHN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ETHLN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_EOH adding export: BudgetMixingFull_DST4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_DST3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_DST2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_DST1 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_DMS adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ClOO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ClO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_Cl2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_Cl adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH3I adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH3Br adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH2O adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CFC12 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CFC115 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CFC114 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CFC113 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CFC11 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_CCl4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_C3H8 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_C2H6 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_C2H4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_C2H2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BrSALC adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BrSALA adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BrO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BrCl adding export: BudgetMixingFull_Br2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_Br adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BENZ adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BCPO adding export: BudgetMixingFull_BCPI adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ATOOH adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ALK4 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ALD2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_AERI adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ACTA adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ACET adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ASOAN adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetMixingFull_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_XYLE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TOLU adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SOAS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SOAP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SOAIE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SOAGX adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SO4s adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SO4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALCCL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALCAL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALACL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALAAL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RIPD adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RIPC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RIPB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RIPA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RCHO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RB3P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RA3P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_R4P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_R4N2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PYAC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PRPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PRPE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PROPNN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PIP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_pFe adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OIO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OCS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OCPO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OCPI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OClO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_O3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NITs adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NIT adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NH4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NH3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_N2O5 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_N2O adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKPC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKHC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKDH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVK adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MTPO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MTPA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MSA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MPAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MP adding export: 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export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I2O4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I2O3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I2O2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HONIT adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HOI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HOCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HOBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HNO4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HMML adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HMHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCOOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCFC142b adding export: 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export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ClO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Cl2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Cl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH3I adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH3Br adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2O adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC12 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC115 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC114 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC113 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC11 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CCl4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_C3H8 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_C2H6 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_C2H4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_C2H2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrSALC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrSALA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Br2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Br adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BENZ adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BCPO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BCPI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ATOOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ALK4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ALD2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_AERI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ACTA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ACET adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_XYLE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TOLU adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SOAS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SOAP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SOAIE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SOAGX adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SO4s adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SO4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALCCL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALCAL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALACL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALAAL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RIPD adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RIPC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RIPB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RIPA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RCHO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RB3P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RA3P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_R4P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_R4N2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_PYAC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_PRPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_PRPE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_PROPNN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_PPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_PP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_PIP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_pFe adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_PAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_OIO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_OCS adding export: 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BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MPAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MONITU adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MONITS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MONITA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MGLY adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MENO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MEK adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRHN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRDH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MAP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MACR adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_LVOC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_LIMO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ITHN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ITCN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ISOP adding export: 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BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ICN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ICl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ICHE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_I2O4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_I2O3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_I2O2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_I2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_I adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HONIT adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HOI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HOCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HOBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HNO4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HMML adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HMHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HCOOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HC5A adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_HAC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_H2O2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_H2O adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_H2402 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_H1301 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_H1211 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_GLYX adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_GLYC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ETP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ETHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ETHN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ETHLN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_EOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_DST4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_DST3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_DST2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_DST1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_DMS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ClOO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ClO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_Cl2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_Cl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH3I adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH3Br adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2O adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC12 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC115 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC114 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC113 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC11 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CCl4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_C3H8 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_C2H6 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_C2H4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_C2H2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrSALC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrSALA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_Br2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_Br adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BENZ adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BCPO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BCPI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ATOOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ALK4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ALD2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_AERI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ACTA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ACET adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOA1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_XYLE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TOLU adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SOAS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SOAP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SOAIE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SOAGX adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SO4s adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SO4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALCCL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALCAL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALACL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALAAL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RIPD adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RIPC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RIPB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RIPA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RCHO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RB3P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RA3P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_R4P adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_R4N2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PYAC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PRPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PRPE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PROPNN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PIP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_pFe adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OIO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OCS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OCPO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OCPI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OClO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_O3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NPRNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NITs adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NIT adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NH4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NH3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_N2O5 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_N2O adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKPC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKHCB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKHC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKDH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVK adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MTPO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MTPA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MSA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MPN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MPAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MONITU adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MONITS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MONITA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MGLY adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MENO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MEK adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRHNB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRHN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRENOL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRDH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MAP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MACR1OOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MACR adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_LVOCOA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_LVOC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_LIMO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ITHN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ITCN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ISOP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ISALC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ISALA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IPRNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IONO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IONO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IONITA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_INPD adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_INPB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_INO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_INDIOL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IHN4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IHN3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IHN2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IHN1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IEPOXD adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IEPOXB adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IEPOXA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDHPE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDHDP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDCHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ICPDH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ICN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ICl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ICHE adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I2O4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I2O3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I2O2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPETHNL adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPALD4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPALD3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPALD2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPALD1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HONIT adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HOI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HOCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HOBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HNO4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HMML adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HMHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCOOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCFC22 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCFC142b adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCFC141b adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCFC123 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HC5A adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HAC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H2O2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H2O adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H2402 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H1301 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H1211 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_GLYX adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_GLYC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETHP adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETHN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETHLN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_EOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DST4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DST3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DST2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DST1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DMS adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ClOO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ClO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ClNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ClNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Cl2O2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Cl2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Cl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CHCl3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CHBr3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH3I adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH3Cl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH3CCl3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH3Br adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2O adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2ICl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2IBr adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2I2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2Cl2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2Br2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC12 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC115 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC114 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC113 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC11 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CCl4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_C3H8 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_C2H6 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_C2H4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_C2H2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrSALC adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrSALA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrNO3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrNO2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrCl adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Br2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Br adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BENZ adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BCPO adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BCPI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ATOOH adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ALK4 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ALD2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_AERI adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ACTA adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ACET adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOG3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOG2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOG1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOG0 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOA3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOA2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOA1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOA0 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOG3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOG2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOG1 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOAN adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOA3 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOA2 adding export: BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOA1 adding export: DryDep_SOAS adding export: DryDep_SOAIE adding export: DryDep_SOAGX adding export: DryDep_SO4s adding export: DryDep_SO4 adding export: DryDep_SO2 adding export: DryDep_SALCCL adding export: DryDep_SALCAL adding export: DryDep_SALC adding export: DryDep_SALACL adding export: DryDep_SALAAL adding export: DryDep_SALA adding export: DryDep_RP adding export: DryDep_RIPD adding export: DryDep_RIPC adding export: DryDep_RIPB adding export: DryDep_RIPA adding export: DryDep_RB3P adding export: DryDep_RA3P adding export: DryDep_R4P adding export: DryDep_R4N2 adding export: DryDep_PYAC adding export: DryDep_PRPN adding export: DryDep_PROPNN adding export: DryDep_PPN adding export: DryDep_PP adding export: DryDep_pFe adding export: DryDep_PAN adding export: DryDep_OCPO adding export: DryDep_OCPI adding export: DryDep_O3 adding export: DryDep_NPRNO3 adding export: DryDep_NO2 adding export: DryDep_NITs adding export: DryDep_NIT adding export: DryDep_NH4 adding export: DryDep_NH3 adding export: DryDep_N2O5 adding export: DryDep_MVKPC adding export: DryDep_MVKN adding export: DryDep_MVKHP adding export: DryDep_MVKHCB adding export: DryDep_MVKHC adding export: DryDep_MVKDH adding export: DryDep_MVK adding export: DryDep_MTPO adding export: DryDep_MTPA adding export: DryDep_MSA adding export: DryDep_MPAN adding export: DryDep_MONITU adding export: DryDep_MONITS adding export: DryDep_MONITA adding export: DryDep_MOH adding export: DryDep_MGLY adding export: DryDep_MENO3 adding export: DryDep_MCRHP adding export: DryDep_MCRHNB adding export: DryDep_MCRHN adding export: DryDep_MCRENOL adding export: DryDep_MCRDH adding export: DryDep_MAP adding export: DryDep_MACR1OOH adding export: DryDep_MACR adding export: DryDep_LVOCOA adding export: DryDep_LVOC adding export: DryDep_LIMO adding export: DryDep_ITHN adding export: DryDep_ITCN adding export: DryDep_ISALC adding export: DryDep_ISALA adding export: DryDep_IPRNO3 adding export: DryDep_IONO2 adding export: DryDep_IONO adding export: DryDep_IONITA adding export: DryDep_INPD adding export: DryDep_INPB adding export: DryDep_INDIOL adding export: DryDep_IHN4 adding export: DryDep_IHN3 adding export: DryDep_IHN2 adding export: DryDep_IHN1 adding export: DryDep_IEPOXD adding export: DryDep_IEPOXB adding export: DryDep_IEPOXA adding export: DryDep_IDN adding export: DryDep_IDHPE adding export: DryDep_IDHDP adding export: DryDep_IDCHP adding export: DryDep_IDC adding export: DryDep_ICPDH adding export: DryDep_ICN adding export: DryDep_ICl adding export: DryDep_ICHE adding export: DryDep_IBr adding export: DryDep_I2O4 adding export: DryDep_I2O3 adding export: DryDep_I2O2 adding export: DryDep_I2 adding export: DryDep_HPETHNL adding export: DryDep_HPALD4 adding export: DryDep_HPALD3 adding export: DryDep_HPALD2 adding export: DryDep_HPALD1 adding export: DryDep_HONIT adding export: DryDep_HOI adding export: DryDep_HOCl adding export: DryDep_HOBr adding export: DryDep_HNO3 adding export: DryDep_HMS adding export: DryDep_HMML adding export: DryDep_HMHP adding export: DryDep_HI adding export: DryDep_HCOOH adding export: DryDep_HCl adding export: DryDep_HC5A adding export: DryDep_HBr adding export: DryDep_HAC adding export: DryDep_H2O2 adding export: DryDep_GLYX adding export: DryDep_GLYC adding export: DryDep_ETP adding export: DryDep_ETNO3 adding export: DryDep_ETHP adding export: DryDep_ETHN adding export: DryDep_ETHLN adding export: DryDep_EOH adding export: DryDep_DST4 adding export: DryDep_DST3 adding export: DryDep_DST2 adding export: DryDep_DST1 adding export: DryDep_ClOO adding export: DryDep_ClO adding export: DryDep_ClNO3 adding export: DryDep_ClNO2 adding export: DryDep_Cl2 adding export: DryDep_CH2O adding export: DryDep_BrSALC adding export: DryDep_BrSALA adding export: DryDep_BrNO3 adding export: DryDep_BrCl adding export: DryDep_Br2 adding export: DryDep_BCPO adding export: DryDep_BCPI adding export: DryDep_ATOOH adding export: DryDep_ALD2 adding export: DryDep_AERI adding export: DryDep_ACTA adding export: DryDep_ACET adding export: DryDep_TSOG3 adding export: DryDep_TSOG2 adding export: DryDep_TSOG1 adding export: DryDep_TSOG0 adding export: DryDep_TSOA3 adding export: DryDep_TSOA2 adding export: DryDep_TSOA1 adding export: DryDep_TSOA0 adding export: DryDep_ASOG3 adding export: DryDep_ASOG2 adding export: DryDep_ASOG1 adding export: DryDep_ASOAN adding export: DryDep_ASOA3 adding export: DryDep_ASOA2 adding export: DryDep_ASOA1 adding export: DryDepVel_SOAS adding export: DryDepVel_SOAIE adding export: DryDepVel_SOAGX adding export: DryDepVel_SO4s adding export: DryDepVel_SO4 adding export: DryDepVel_SO2 adding export: DryDepVel_SALCCL adding export: DryDepVel_SALCAL adding export: DryDepVel_SALC adding export: DryDepVel_SALACL adding export: DryDepVel_SALAAL adding export: DryDepVel_SALA adding export: DryDepVel_RP adding export: DryDepVel_RIPD adding export: DryDepVel_RIPC adding export: DryDepVel_RIPB adding export: DryDepVel_RIPA adding export: DryDepVel_RB3P adding export: DryDepVel_RA3P adding export: DryDepVel_R4P adding export: DryDepVel_R4N2 adding export: DryDepVel_PYAC adding export: DryDepVel_PRPN adding export: DryDepVel_PROPNN adding export: DryDepVel_PPN adding export: DryDepVel_PP adding export: DryDepVel_pFe adding export: DryDepVel_PAN adding export: DryDepVel_OCPO adding export: DryDepVel_OCPI adding export: DryDepVel_O3 adding export: DryDepVel_NPRNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_NO2 adding export: DryDepVel_NITs adding export: DryDepVel_NIT adding export: DryDepVel_NH4 adding export: DryDepVel_NH3 adding export: DryDepVel_N2O5 adding export: DryDepVel_MVKPC adding export: DryDepVel_MVKN adding export: DryDepVel_MVKHP adding export: DryDepVel_MVKHCB adding export: DryDepVel_MVKHC adding export: DryDepVel_MVKDH adding export: DryDepVel_MVK adding export: DryDepVel_MTPO adding export: DryDepVel_MTPA adding export: DryDepVel_MSA adding export: DryDepVel_MPAN adding export: DryDepVel_MONITU adding export: DryDepVel_MONITS adding export: DryDepVel_MONITA adding export: DryDepVel_MOH adding export: DryDepVel_MGLY adding export: DryDepVel_MENO3 adding export: DryDepVel_MCRHP adding export: DryDepVel_MCRHNB adding export: DryDepVel_MCRHN adding export: DryDepVel_MCRENOL adding export: DryDepVel_MCRDH adding export: DryDepVel_MAP adding export: DryDepVel_MACR1OOH adding export: DryDepVel_MACR adding export: DryDepVel_LVOCOA adding export: DryDepVel_LVOC adding export: DryDepVel_LIMO adding export: DryDepVel_ITHN adding export: DryDepVel_ITCN adding export: DryDepVel_ISALC adding export: DryDepVel_ISALA adding export: DryDepVel_IPRNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_IONO2 adding export: DryDepVel_IONO adding export: DryDepVel_IONITA adding export: DryDepVel_INPD adding export: DryDepVel_INPB adding export: DryDepVel_INDIOL adding export: DryDepVel_IHN4 adding export: DryDepVel_IHN3 adding export: DryDepVel_IHN2 adding export: DryDepVel_IHN1 adding export: DryDepVel_IEPOXD adding export: DryDepVel_IEPOXB adding export: DryDepVel_IEPOXA adding export: DryDepVel_IDN adding export: DryDepVel_IDHPE adding export: DryDepVel_IDHDP adding export: DryDepVel_IDCHP adding export: DryDepVel_IDC adding export: DryDepVel_ICPDH adding export: DryDepVel_ICN adding export: DryDepVel_ICl adding export: DryDepVel_ICHE adding export: DryDepVel_IBr adding export: DryDepVel_I2O4 adding export: DryDepVel_I2O3 adding export: DryDepVel_I2O2 adding export: DryDepVel_I2 adding export: DryDepVel_HPETHNL adding export: DryDepVel_HPALD4 adding export: DryDepVel_HPALD3 adding export: DryDepVel_HPALD2 adding export: DryDepVel_HPALD1 adding export: DryDepVel_HONIT adding export: DryDepVel_HOI adding export: DryDepVel_HOCl adding export: DryDepVel_HOBr adding export: DryDepVel_HNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_HMS adding export: DryDepVel_HMML adding export: DryDepVel_HMHP adding export: DryDepVel_HI adding export: DryDepVel_HCOOH adding export: DryDepVel_HCl adding export: DryDepVel_HC5A adding export: DryDepVel_HBr adding export: DryDepVel_HAC adding export: DryDepVel_H2O2 adding export: DryDepVel_GLYX adding export: DryDepVel_GLYC adding export: DryDepVel_ETP adding export: DryDepVel_ETNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_ETHP adding export: DryDepVel_ETHN adding export: DryDepVel_ETHLN adding export: DryDepVel_EOH adding export: DryDepVel_DST4 adding export: DryDepVel_DST3 adding export: DryDepVel_DST2 adding export: DryDepVel_DST1 adding export: DryDepVel_ClOO adding export: DryDepVel_ClO adding export: DryDepVel_ClNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_ClNO2 adding export: DryDepVel_Cl2 adding export: DryDepVel_CH2O adding export: DryDepVel_BrSALC adding export: DryDepVel_BrSALA adding export: DryDepVel_BrNO3 adding export: DryDepVel_BrCl adding export: DryDepVel_Br2 adding export: DryDepVel_BCPO adding export: DryDepVel_BCPI adding export: DryDepVel_ATOOH adding export: DryDepVel_ALD2 adding export: DryDepVel_AERI adding export: DryDepVel_ACTA adding export: DryDepVel_ACET adding export: DryDepVel_TSOG3 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOG2 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOG1 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOG0 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOA3 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOA2 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOA1 adding export: DryDepVel_TSOA0 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOG3 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOG2 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOG1 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOAN adding export: DryDepVel_ASOA3 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOA2 adding export: DryDepVel_ASOA1 adding export: JvalO3O3P adding export: JvalO3O1D adding export: Jval_O2 adding export: Jval_SO4 adding export: Jval_RP adding export: Jval_RIPD adding export: Jval_RIPC adding export: Jval_RIPB adding export: Jval_RIPA adding export: Jval_RCHO adding export: Jval_RB3P adding export: Jval_RA3P adding export: Jval_R4P adding export: Jval_R4N2 adding export: Jval_PYAC adding export: Jval_PRPN adding export: Jval_PROPNN adding export: Jval_PP adding export: Jval_PIP adding export: Jval_PAN adding export: Jval_OIO adding export: Jval_OCS adding export: Jval_OClO adding export: Jval_O3 adding export: Jval_NPRNO3 adding export: Jval_NPHEN adding export: Jval_NO3 adding export: Jval_NO2 adding export: Jval_NO adding export: Jval_NITs adding export: Jval_NIT adding export: Jval_N2O5 adding export: Jval_N2O adding export: Jval_MVKPC adding export: Jval_MVKN adding export: Jval_MVKHP adding export: Jval_MVKHCB adding export: Jval_MVKHC adding export: Jval_MVK adding export: Jval_MPN adding export: Jval_MPAN adding export: Jval_MP adding export: Jval_MONITU adding export: Jval_MONITS adding export: Jval_MGLY adding export: Jval_MENO3 adding export: Jval_MEK adding export: Jval_MCRHP adding export: Jval_MCRHNB adding export: Jval_MCRHN adding export: Jval_MCRENOL adding export: Jval_MAP adding export: Jval_MACR1OOH adding export: Jval_MACR adding export: Jval_ITHN adding export: Jval_ITCN adding export: Jval_IPRNO3 adding export: Jval_IONO2 adding export: Jval_IONO adding export: Jval_IO adding export: Jval_INPD adding export: Jval_INPB adding export: Jval_INO adding export: Jval_IHN4 adding export: Jval_IHN3 adding export: Jval_IHN2 adding export: Jval_IHN1 adding export: Jval_IDN adding export: Jval_IDHPE adding export: Jval_IDHDP adding export: Jval_IDCHP adding export: Jval_ICPDH adding export: Jval_ICN adding export: Jval_ICl adding export: Jval_IBr adding export: Jval_I2O4 adding export: Jval_I2O3 adding export: Jval_I2O2 adding export: Jval_I2 adding export: Jval_HPETHNL adding export: Jval_HPALD4 adding export: Jval_HPALD3 adding export: Jval_HPALD2 adding export: Jval_HPALD1 adding export: Jval_HONIT adding export: Jval_HOI adding export: Jval_HOCl adding export: Jval_HOBr adding export: Jval_HNO4 adding export: Jval_HNO3 adding export: Jval_HNO2 adding export: Jval_HMHP adding export: Jval_HCFC22 adding export: Jval_HCFC142b adding export: Jval_HCFC141b adding export: Jval_HCFC123 adding export: Jval_HC5A adding export: Jval_HAC adding export: Jval_H2O2 adding export: Jval_H2402 adding export: Jval_H1301 adding export: Jval_H1211 adding export: Jval_GLYX adding export: Jval_GLYC adding export: Jval_ETP adding export: Jval_ETNO3 adding export: Jval_ETHP adding export: Jval_ETHLN adding export: Jval_ClOO adding export: Jval_ClO adding export: Jval_ClNO3 adding export: Jval_ClNO2 adding export: Jval_Cl2O2 adding export: Jval_Cl2 adding export: Jval_CHCl3 adding export: Jval_CHBr3 adding export: Jval_CH3I adding export: Jval_CH3Cl adding export: Jval_CH3CCl3 adding export: Jval_CH3Br adding export: Jval_CH2O adding export: Jval_CH2ICl adding export: Jval_CH2IBr adding export: Jval_CH2I2 adding export: Jval_CH2Cl2 adding export: Jval_CH2Br2 adding export: Jval_CFC12 adding export: Jval_CFC115 adding export: Jval_CFC114 adding export: Jval_CFC113 adding export: Jval_CFC11 adding export: Jval_CCl4 adding export: Jval_BZCO3H adding export: Jval_BrO adding export: Jval_BrNO3 adding export: Jval_BrNO2 adding export: Jval_BrCl adding export: Jval_Br2 adding export: Jval_BENZP adding export: Jval_BALD adding export: Jval_ATOOH adding export: Jval_ALD2 adding export: Jval_ACET adding export: AirMassColumnFull adding export: LossOHbyCH4columnTrop adding export: LossOHbyMCFcolumnTrop adding export: OHwgtByAirMassColumnFull adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RCOOH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_O2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_N2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_H2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_O adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_O1D adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MCO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH2OO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_B3O2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_R4O2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OTHRO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ATO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MACRNO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHOO1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHOO4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_INO2D adding export: SpeciesConcVV_INO2B adding export: SpeciesConcVV_A3O2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDHNBOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PIO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH3CHOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXBOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXAOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_KO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LIMO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RCO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHPNBOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ETO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OLND adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OLNN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MACR1OO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MCROHOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MVKOHOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PRN1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_R4N1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ICHOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHPOO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHPNDOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHPOO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHPOO1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_H adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ISOPNOO1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDHNDOO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDHNDOO1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ROH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ISOPNOO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ICNOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDNOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_C4HVP2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_C4HVP1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_INA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HPALD2OO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HPALD1OO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_XRO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_N adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TRO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BrO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PH2O2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LCH4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PSO4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LCO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PCO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LOX adding export: SpeciesConcVV_POX adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LXRO2N adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LXRO2H adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LTRO2N adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LTRO2H adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NAP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NRO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LNRO2N adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LNRO2H adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LISOPNO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LISOPOH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LBrO2N adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LBrO2H adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_XYLE adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TOLU adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SOAS adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SOAP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SOAIE adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SOAGX adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SO4s adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SO4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SALCCL adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SALCAL adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SALC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SALACL adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SALAAL adding export: SpeciesConcVV_SALA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RIPD adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RIPC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RIPB adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RIPA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RCHO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RB3P adding export: SpeciesConcVV_RA3P adding export: SpeciesConcVV_R4P adding export: SpeciesConcVV_R4N2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PYAC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PRPN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PRPE adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PROPNN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PPN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PIP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PHEN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_pFe adding export: SpeciesConcVV_PAN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OIO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OCS adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OCPO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OCPI adding export: SpeciesConcVV_OClO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_O3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NPRNO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NPHEN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NITs adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NIT adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NH4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_NH3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_N2O5 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_N2O adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MVKPC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MVKN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MVKHP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MVKHCB adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MVKHC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MVKDH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MVK adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MTPO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MTPA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MSA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MPN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MPAN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MONITU adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MONITS adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MONITA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MOH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MGLY adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MENO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MEK adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MCRHP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MCRHNB adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MCRHN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MCRENOL adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MCRDH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MAP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MACR1OOH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_MACR adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LVOCOA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LVOC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_LIMO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ITHN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ITCN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ISOP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ISALC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ISALA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IPRNO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IONO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IONO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IONITA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_INPD adding export: SpeciesConcVV_INPB adding export: SpeciesConcVV_INO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_INDIOL adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHN4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHN3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHN2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IHN1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXD adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXB adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDHPE adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDHDP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDCHP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IDC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ICPDH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ICN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ICl adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ICHE adding export: SpeciesConcVV_IBr adding export: SpeciesConcVV_I2O4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_I2O3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_I2O2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_I2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_I adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HPETHNL adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HPALD4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HPALD3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HPALD2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HPALD1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HONIT adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HOI adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HOCl adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HOBr adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HNO4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HNO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HNO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HMS adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HMML adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HMHP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HI adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HCOOH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HCl adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HCFC22 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HCFC142b adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HCFC141b adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HCFC123 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HC5A adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HBr adding export: SpeciesConcVV_HAC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_H2O2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_H2O adding export: SpeciesConcVV_H2402 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_H1301 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_H1211 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_GLYX adding export: SpeciesConcVV_GLYC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_FURA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ETP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ETNO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ETHP adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ETHN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ETHLN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_EOH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_DST4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_DST3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_DST2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_DST1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_DMS adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ClOO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ClO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ClNO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ClNO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_Cl2O2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_Cl2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_Cl adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CLOCK adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CHCl3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CHBr3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH3I adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH3Cl adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH3CCl3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH3Br adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH2O adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH2ICl adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH2IBr adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH2I2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH2Cl2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CH2Br2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CFC12 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CFC115 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CFC114 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CFC113 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CFC11 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_CCl4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_C3H8 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_C2H6 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_C2H4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_C2H2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BZPAN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BUTDI adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BrSALC adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BrSALA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BrO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BrNO3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BrNO2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BrCl adding export: SpeciesConcVV_Br2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_Br adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BENZ adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BCPO adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BCPI adding export: SpeciesConcVV_BALD adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ATOOH adding export: SpeciesConcVV_AONITA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ALK4 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ALD2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_AERI adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ACTA adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ACET adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TSOG3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TSOG2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TSOG1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TSOG0 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TSOA3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TSOA2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TSOA1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_TSOA0 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ASOG3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ASOG2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ASOG1 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ASOAN adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ASOA3 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ASOA2 adding export: SpeciesConcVV_ASOA1 adding export: Met_AD adding export: Met_AIRDEN adding export: Met_AIRVOL adding export: Met_ALBD adding export: Met_AREAM2 adding export: Met_AVGW adding export: Met_BXHEIGHT adding export: Met_ChemGridLev adding export: Met_CLDF adding export: Met_CLDFRC adding export: Met_CLDTOPS adding export: Met_DELP adding export: Met_DELPDRY adding export: Met_DQRCU adding export: Met_DQRLSAN adding export: Met_DTRAIN adding export: Met_EFLUX adding export: Met_FRCLND adding export: Met_FRLAKE adding export: Met_FRLAND adding export: Met_FRLANDIC adding export: Met_FROCEAN adding export: Met_FRSEAICE adding export: Met_FRSNO adding export: Met_GWETROOT adding export: Met_GWETTOP adding export: Met_HFLUX adding export: Met_LAI adding export: Met_PARDR adding export: Met_PARDF adding export: Met_PBLTOPL adding export: Met_PBLH adding export: Met_PHIS adding export: Met_PMID adding export: Met_PMIDDRY adding export: Met_PRECANV adding export: Met_PRECCON adding export: Met_PRECLSC adding export: Met_PRECTOT adding export: Met_PS1DRY adding export: Met_PS1WET adding export: Met_PS2DRY adding export: Met_PS2WET adding export: Met_PSC2WET adding export: Met_PSC2DRY adding export: Met_QI adding export: Met_QL adding export: Met_OMEGA adding export: Met_OPTD adding export: Met_REEVAPCN adding export: Met_REEVAPLS adding export: Met_SLP adding export: Met_SNODP adding export: Met_SNOMAS adding export: Met_SPHU adding export: Met_SPHU1 adding export: Met_SPHU2 adding export: Met_SUNCOS adding export: Met_SUNCOSmid adding export: Met_SWGDN adding export: Met_T adding export: Met_TAUCLI adding export: Met_TAUCLW adding export: Met_THETA adding export: Met_TMPU1 adding export: Met_TMPU2 adding export: Met_TO3 adding export: Met_TropHt adding export: Met_TropLev adding export: Met_TropP adding export: Met_TS adding export: Met_TSKIN adding export: Met_TV adding export: Met_U adding export: Met_U10M adding export: Met_USTAR adding export: Met_UVALBEDO adding export: Met_V adding export: Met_V10M adding export: Met_Z0 adding export: FracOfTimeInTrop adding export: WetLossConv_SOAS adding export: WetLossConv_SOAIE adding export: WetLossConv_SOAGX adding export: WetLossConv_SO4s adding export: WetLossConv_SO4 adding export: WetLossConv_SO2 adding export: WetLossConv_SALCCL adding export: WetLossConv_SALCAL adding export: WetLossConv_SALC adding export: WetLossConv_SALACL adding export: WetLossConv_SALAAL adding export: WetLossConv_SALA adding export: WetLossConv_RP adding export: WetLossConv_RIPD adding export: WetLossConv_RIPC adding export: WetLossConv_RIPB adding export: WetLossConv_RIPA adding export: WetLossConv_RB3P adding export: WetLossConv_RA3P adding export: WetLossConv_R4P adding export: WetLossConv_R4N2 adding export: WetLossConv_PYAC adding export: WetLossConv_PRPN adding export: WetLossConv_PRPE adding export: WetLossConv_PROPNN adding export: WetLossConv_PPN adding export: WetLossConv_PP adding export: WetLossConv_pFe adding export: WetLossConv_PAN adding export: WetLossConv_OCPO adding export: WetLossConv_OCPI adding export: WetLossConv_NITs adding export: WetLossConv_NIT adding export: WetLossConv_NH4 adding export: WetLossConv_NH3 adding export: WetLossConv_MVKPC adding export: WetLossConv_MVKN adding export: WetLossConv_MVKHP adding export: WetLossConv_MVKHCB adding export: WetLossConv_MVKHC adding export: WetLossConv_MVKDH adding export: WetLossConv_MVK adding export: WetLossConv_MTPO adding export: WetLossConv_MTPA adding export: WetLossConv_MSA adding export: WetLossConv_MPN adding export: WetLossConv_MPAN adding export: WetLossConv_MP adding export: WetLossConv_MONITU adding export: WetLossConv_MONITS adding export: WetLossConv_MONITA adding export: WetLossConv_MOH adding export: WetLossConv_MGLY adding export: WetLossConv_MEK adding export: WetLossConv_MCRHP adding export: WetLossConv_MCRHNB adding export: WetLossConv_MCRHN adding export: WetLossConv_MCRENOL adding export: WetLossConv_MCRDH adding export: WetLossConv_MAP adding export: WetLossConv_MACR1OOH adding export: WetLossConv_LVOCOA adding export: WetLossConv_LVOC adding export: WetLossConv_LIMO adding export: WetLossConv_ITHN adding export: WetLossConv_ITCN adding export: WetLossConv_ISALC adding export: WetLossConv_ISALA adding export: WetLossConv_IONO2 adding export: WetLossConv_IONO adding export: WetLossConv_IONITA adding export: WetLossConv_INPD adding export: WetLossConv_INPB adding export: WetLossConv_INDIOL adding export: WetLossConv_IHN4 adding export: WetLossConv_IHN3 adding export: WetLossConv_IHN2 adding export: WetLossConv_IHN1 adding export: WetLossConv_IEPOXD adding export: WetLossConv_IEPOXB adding export: WetLossConv_IEPOXA adding export: WetLossConv_IDN adding export: WetLossConv_IDHPE adding export: WetLossConv_IDHDP adding export: WetLossConv_IDCHP adding export: WetLossConv_ICPDH adding export: WetLossConv_ICN adding export: WetLossConv_ICl adding export: WetLossConv_ICHE adding export: WetLossConv_IBr adding export: WetLossConv_I2O4 adding export: WetLossConv_I2O3 adding export: WetLossConv_I2O2 adding export: WetLossConv_I2 adding export: WetLossConv_HPETHNL adding export: WetLossConv_HONIT adding export: WetLossConv_HOI adding export: WetLossConv_HOCl adding export: WetLossConv_HOBr adding export: WetLossConv_HNO3 adding export: WetLossConv_HMS adding export: WetLossConv_HMML adding export: WetLossConv_HMHP adding export: WetLossConv_HI adding export: WetLossConv_HCOOH adding export: WetLossConv_HCl adding export: WetLossConv_HC5A adding export: WetLossConv_HBr adding export: WetLossConv_HAC adding export: WetLossConv_H2O2 adding export: WetLossConv_GLYX adding export: WetLossConv_GLYC adding export: WetLossConv_ETP adding export: WetLossConv_ETHP adding export: WetLossConv_ETHN adding export: WetLossConv_ETHLN adding export: WetLossConv_EOH adding export: WetLossConv_DST4 adding export: WetLossConv_DST3 adding export: WetLossConv_DST2 adding export: WetLossConv_DST1 adding export: WetLossConv_CH2O adding export: WetLossConv_BrSALC adding export: WetLossConv_BrSALA adding export: WetLossConv_BrCl adding export: WetLossConv_Br2 adding export: WetLossConv_BCPO adding export: WetLossConv_BCPI adding export: WetLossConv_ATOOH adding export: WetLossConv_ALD2 adding export: WetLossConv_AERI adding export: WetLossConv_ACTA adding export: WetLossConv_TSOG3 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOG2 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOG1 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOG0 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOA3 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOA2 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOA1 adding export: WetLossConv_TSOA0 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOG3 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOG2 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOG1 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOAN adding export: WetLossConv_ASOA3 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOA2 adding export: WetLossConv_ASOA1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SOAS adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SOAIE adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SOAGX adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SO4s adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SO4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SO2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALCCL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALCAL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALACL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALAAL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_SALA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RIPD adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RIPC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RIPB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RIPA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RB3P adding export: WetLossConvFrac_RA3P adding export: WetLossConvFrac_R4P adding export: WetLossConvFrac_R4N2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PYAC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PRPN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PRPE adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PROPNN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PPN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_pFe adding export: WetLossConvFrac_PAN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_OCPO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_OCPI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_NITs adding export: WetLossConvFrac_NIT adding export: WetLossConvFrac_NH4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_NH3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKPC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKHCB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKHC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVKDH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MVK adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MTPO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MTPA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MSA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MPN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MPAN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MONITU adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MONITS adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MONITA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MGLY adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MEK adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRHNB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRHN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRENOL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MCRDH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MAP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_MACR1OOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_LVOCOA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_LVOC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_LIMO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ITHN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ITCN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ISALC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ISALA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IONO2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IONO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IONITA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_INPD adding export: WetLossConvFrac_INPB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_INDIOL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IHN4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IHN3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IHN2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IHN1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXD adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXB adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IDN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IDHPE adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IDHDP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IDCHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ICPDH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ICN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ICl adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ICHE adding export: WetLossConvFrac_IBr adding export: WetLossConvFrac_I2O4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_I2O3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_I2O2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_I2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HPETHNL adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HONIT adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HOI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HOCl adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HOBr adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HNO3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HMS adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HMML adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HMHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HCOOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HCl adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HC5A adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HBr adding export: WetLossConvFrac_HAC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_H2O2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_GLYX adding export: WetLossConvFrac_GLYC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ETP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ETHP adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ETHN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ETHLN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_EOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_DST4 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_DST3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_DST2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_DST1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_CH2O adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BrSALC adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BrSALA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BrCl adding export: WetLossConvFrac_Br2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BCPO adding export: WetLossConvFrac_BCPI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ATOOH adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ALD2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_AERI adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ACTA adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOG3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOG2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOG1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOG0 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOA3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOA2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOA1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_TSOA0 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOG3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOG2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOG1 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOAN adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOA3 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOA2 adding export: WetLossConvFrac_ASOA1 adding export: WetLossLS_SOAS adding export: WetLossLS_TSOG3 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOG2 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOG1 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOG0 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOA3 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOA2 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOA1 adding export: WetLossLS_TSOA0 adding export: WetLossLS_SOAIE adding export: WetLossLS_SOAGX adding export: WetLossLS_SO4s adding export: WetLossLS_SO4 adding export: WetLossLS_SO2 adding export: WetLossLS_SALCCL adding export: WetLossLS_SALCAL adding export: WetLossLS_SALC adding export: WetLossLS_SALACL adding export: WetLossLS_SALAAL adding export: WetLossLS_SALA adding export: WetLossLS_RP adding export: WetLossLS_RIPD adding export: WetLossLS_RIPC adding export: WetLossLS_RIPB adding export: WetLossLS_RIPA adding export: WetLossLS_RB3P adding export: WetLossLS_RA3P adding export: WetLossLS_R4P adding export: WetLossLS_R4N2 adding export: WetLossLS_PYAC adding export: WetLossLS_PRPN adding export: WetLossLS_PRPE adding export: WetLossLS_PROPNN adding export: WetLossLS_PPN adding export: WetLossLS_PP adding export: WetLossLS_pFe adding export: WetLossLS_PAN adding export: WetLossLS_OCPO adding export: WetLossLS_OCPI adding export: WetLossLS_NITs adding export: WetLossLS_NIT adding export: WetLossLS_NH4 adding export: WetLossLS_NH3 adding export: WetLossLS_MVKPC adding export: WetLossLS_MVKN adding export: WetLossLS_MVKHP adding export: WetLossLS_MVKHCB adding export: WetLossLS_MVKHC adding export: WetLossLS_MVKDH adding export: WetLossLS_MVK adding export: WetLossLS_MTPO adding export: WetLossLS_MTPA adding export: WetLossLS_MSA adding export: WetLossLS_MPN adding export: WetLossLS_MPAN adding export: WetLossLS_MP adding export: WetLossLS_MONITU adding export: WetLossLS_MONITS adding export: WetLossLS_MONITA adding export: WetLossLS_MOH adding export: WetLossLS_MGLY adding export: WetLossLS_MEK adding export: WetLossLS_MCRHP adding export: WetLossLS_MCRHNB adding export: WetLossLS_MCRHN adding export: WetLossLS_MCRENOL adding export: WetLossLS_MCRDH adding export: WetLossLS_MAP adding export: WetLossLS_MACR1OOH adding export: WetLossLS_LVOCOA adding export: WetLossLS_LVOC adding export: WetLossLS_LIMO adding export: WetLossLS_ITHN adding export: WetLossLS_ITCN adding export: WetLossLS_ISALC adding export: WetLossLS_ISALA adding export: WetLossLS_IONO2 adding export: WetLossLS_IONO adding export: WetLossLS_IONITA adding export: WetLossLS_INPD adding export: WetLossLS_INPB adding export: WetLossLS_INDIOL adding export: WetLossLS_IHN4 adding export: WetLossLS_IHN3 adding export: WetLossLS_IHN2 adding export: WetLossLS_IHN1 adding export: WetLossLS_IEPOXD adding export: WetLossLS_IEPOXB adding export: WetLossLS_IEPOXA adding export: WetLossLS_IDN adding export: WetLossLS_IDHPE adding export: WetLossLS_IDHDP adding export: WetLossLS_IDCHP adding export: WetLossLS_ICPDH adding export: WetLossLS_ICN adding export: WetLossLS_ICl adding export: WetLossLS_ICHE adding export: WetLossLS_IBr adding export: WetLossLS_I2O4 adding export: WetLossLS_I2O3 adding export: WetLossLS_I2O2 adding export: WetLossLS_I2 adding export: WetLossLS_HPETHNL adding export: WetLossLS_HONIT adding export: WetLossLS_HOI adding export: WetLossLS_HOCl adding export: WetLossLS_HOBr adding export: WetLossLS_HNO3 adding export: WetLossLS_HMS adding export: WetLossLS_HMML adding export: WetLossLS_HMHP adding export: WetLossLS_HI adding export: WetLossLS_HCOOH adding export: WetLossLS_HCl adding export: WetLossLS_HC5A adding export: WetLossLS_HBr adding export: WetLossLS_HAC adding export: WetLossLS_H2O2 adding export: WetLossLS_GLYX adding export: WetLossLS_GLYC adding export: WetLossLS_ETP adding export: WetLossLS_ETHP adding export: WetLossLS_ETHN adding export: WetLossLS_ETHLN adding export: WetLossLS_EOH adding export: WetLossLS_DST4 adding export: WetLossLS_DST3 adding export: WetLossLS_DST2 adding export: WetLossLS_DST1 adding export: WetLossLS_CH2O adding export: WetLossLS_BrSALC adding export: WetLossLS_BrSALA adding export: WetLossLS_BrCl adding export: WetLossLS_Br2 adding export: WetLossLS_BCPO adding export: WetLossLS_BCPI adding export: WetLossLS_ATOOH adding export: WetLossLS_ASOG3 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOG2 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOG1 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOAN adding export: WetLossLS_ASOA3 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOA2 adding export: WetLossLS_ASOA1 adding export: WetLossLS_ALD2 adding export: WetLossLS_AERI adding export: WetLossLS_ACTA Reading entire HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc HEMCO verbose output is OFF Reading HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc adding HEMCO export: EmisACET_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisACET_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisACET_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisACET_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisACTA_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisACTA_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_PlantDecay adding HEMCO export: EmisALD2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisALK4_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPI_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPO_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisBCPO_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisBENZ_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisBENZ_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisBENZ_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisBENZ_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H4_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisC2H6_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisC3H8_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2Br2_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2I2_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2ICl_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2IBr_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisCH2O_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisCH3I_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCHBr3_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisCO_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisCO2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisCO2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisCO2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisCO2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisDMS_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisDST1_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisDST1_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisDST1_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisDST2_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisDST3_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisDST4_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_PlantDecay adding HEMCO export: EmisEOH_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisETNO3_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisFURA_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisFURA_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisGLYX_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisGLYX_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisH2O_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisHCOOH_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisHCOOH_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisHCOOH_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisHNO3_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisHONO_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisISOP_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisISOP_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisISOP_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisLIMO_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisMACR_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMACR_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisMEK_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMEK_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisMEK_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisMEK_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisMENO3_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisMGLY_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMGLY_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Ocean adding HEMCO export: EmisMOH_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPA_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPA_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPA_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMTPO_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisMVK_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisMVK_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisNAP_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisNAP_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisNAP_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Seabirds adding HEMCO export: EmisNH3_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Lightning adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisNO_Soil adding HEMCO export: EmisNO2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisNO2_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisNO2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisO3_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPI_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPO_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisOCPO_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmispFe_Total adding HEMCO export: EmispFe_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmispFe_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisPHEN_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisPHEN_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG1_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG1_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG1_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisPOG2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisPRPE_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisRCHO_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisRCHO_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisRCHO_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisSALA_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisBrSALA_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALAAL_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALACL_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALC_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisBrSALC_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALCAL_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSALCCL_Natural adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_VolcErupt adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_VolcDegas adding HEMCO export: EmisSO2_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisSO4_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisSO4_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisSO4_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisSO4_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Aircraft adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAP_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisSOAS_Biogenic adding HEMCO export: EmisTOLU_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisTOLU_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisTOLU_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisTOLU_Ship adding HEMCO export: EmisXYLE_Total adding HEMCO export: EmisXYLE_Anthro adding HEMCO export: EmisXYLE_BioBurn adding HEMCO export: EmisXYLE_Ship adding HEMCO export: HcoLightningFlashRate_Total adding HEMCO export: HcoLightningFlashRate_IntraCld adding HEMCO export: HcoLightningFlashRate_CldGround adding HEMCO export: HcoConvectiveCloudTopHeight adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_ALK4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_BCPI adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_BCPO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_BENZ adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_C2H2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_C2H4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_CH2O adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_CO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_MOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_ROH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_HCOOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_MEK adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_NO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_OCPI adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_OCPO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_pFe adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_POG1 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_POG2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_SO4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_TOLU adding HEMCO export: InvCEDS_XYLE adding HEMCO export: InvGEIAnatural_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvSEABIRDS_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvC2H62010_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvXIAO_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvLIANG_CH2Br2 adding HEMCO export: InvLIANG_CHBr3 adding HEMCO export: InvORDONEZ_CH2I2 adding HEMCO export: InvORDONEZ_CH2ICl adding HEMCO export: InvORDONEZ_CH2IBr adding HEMCO export: InvORDONEZ_CH3I adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_ALK4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_BCPI adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_BCPO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_BENZ adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_C2H2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_C2H4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_CH2O adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_CO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_HCOOH adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_MEK adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_pFe adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_OCPI adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_OCPO adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_SO4 adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_TOLU adding HEMCO export: InvCEDSship_XYLE adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_ACET adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_ALK4 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_BCPI adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_CH2O adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_CO adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_HONO adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_MACR adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_NO adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_NO2 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_OCPI adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_RCHO adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_SO4 adding HEMCO export: InvAEIC_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvPLANTDECAY_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvPLANTDECAY_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvAFCID_DST1 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_ACET adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_DMS adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_ETNO3 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_MENO3 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaFlux_MOH adding HEMCO export: InvPARANOX_HNO3 adding HEMCO export: InvPARANOX_NO adding HEMCO export: InvPARANOX_NO2 adding HEMCO export: InvPARANOX_O3 adding HEMCO export: InvLIGHTNOX_NO adding HEMCO export: InvSOILNOX_NO adding HEMCO export: InvDEAD_DST1 adding HEMCO export: InvDEAD_DST2 adding HEMCO export: InvDEAD_DST3 adding HEMCO export: InvDEAD_DST4 adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_BrSALA adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_BrSALC adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALA adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALC adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALAAL adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALACL adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALCAL adding HEMCO export: InvSeaSalt_SALCCL adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_ACET adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_ACTA adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_ALD2 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_ALK4 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_BCPI adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_BCPO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_BENZ adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_C2H6 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_C3H8 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_CH2O adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_CO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_EOH adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_FURA adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_GLYX adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_ISOP adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_MEK adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_MGLY adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_MOH adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_MTPA adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_MVK adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_NAP adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_NH3 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_NO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_OCPI adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_OCPO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_PHEN adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_POG1 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_POG2 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_PRPE adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_RCHO adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_SOAP adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_TOLU adding HEMCO export: InvGFED_XYLE adding HEMCO export: InvVOLCANOerupt_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvVOLCANOdegas_SO2 adding HEMCO export: InvIODINE_HOI adding HEMCO export: InvIODINE_I2 Character Resource Parameter: DYCORE:OFF NOTE from PE 0: MPP_DOMAINS_SET_STACK_SIZE: stack size set to 32768. &MPP_IO_NML HEADER_BUFFER_VAL=16384 , GLOBAL_FIELD_ON_ROOT_PE=T, IO_CLOCKS_ON=F, SHUFFLE=0 , DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 , CF_COMPLIANCE=F, / NOTE from PE 0: MPP_IO_SET_STACK_SIZE: stack size set to 131072. NOTE from PE 0: MPP_DOMAINS_SET_STACK_SIZE: stack size set to 20000000. Integer*4 Resource Parameter: NX:4 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: NY:24 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: IM:24 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: JM:144 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: RUN_DT:600 For k_split (remapping)= 1 n_split is set to 02 for resolution-dt=0025x0025x6- 600.000 Using n_zfilter : 000 Using n_sponge : 001 Using non_ortho : T Starting PEs : 96 Starting Threads : 1 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. NOTE from PE 0: tracer_manager_init : No tracers are available to be registered. ncnst= 0 num_prog= 0 pnats= 0 dnats= 0 num_family= 0 Grid distance at face edge (km)= 326768.43532825337 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 3, ehalo = 3, shalo = 3, nhalo = 3 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Cubic: cubed-sphere domain decomposition whalo = 1, ehalo = 1, shalo = 1, nhalo = 1 X-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 Y-AXIS = 6 6 6 6 RADIUS (m): 0.63710000000000E+07 PI: 0.31415926535898E+01 MAX AREA (m*m): 0.21280966055028E+12 MIN AREA (m*m): 0.95959708752603E+11 GLOBAL AREA (m*m): 0.51006447190982E+15 IDEAL GLOBAL AREA (m*m): 0.51006447190979E+15 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817289 Cubed-Sphere Grid Stats : 25 x 25 x 6 Grid Length : min: 326768.44 max: 461715.98 avg: 386515.92 min/max: 0.71 Deviation from Orthogonal : min: 0.00 max: 28.13 avg: 8.60 Aspect Ratio : min: 1.00 max: 1.08 avg: 1.03 Grid_init 72 1 100.00000000000000 Hybrid Sigma-P: minimum allowable surface pressure (hpa)= 14.888888888889058 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817253 da_max/da_min= 2.2176980663721220 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817327 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817309 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817156 Corner interpolation coefficient= 1.4728933761817260 da_max_c/da_min_c= 2.2606506684909289 Divergence damping Coefficients For small dt= 300.00000000000000 External mode del-2 (m**2/s)= 6284027.9018087257 Internal mode del-2 SMAG dimensionless coeff= 0.0000000000000000 Internal mode del-2 background diff= 0.0000000000000000 Internal mode del-4 background diff= 0.16000000000000000 Vorticity del-4 (m**4/s)= 0.0000000000000000 tracer del-2 diff= 0.0000000000000000 Vorticity del-4 (m**4/s)= 0.0000000000000000 beta= 0.0000000000000000 ===================> MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew: var PS2 already exists. Skipping ... Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHPctmEnvMAPL_GenericInitialize= 5.509E+04 0.000E+00 GCHPctmEnv: INFO: Configured to expect 'bottom-up' meteorological data from 'ExtData' GCHPctmEnv: INFO: Configured to use dry air pressure in advection GCHPctmEnv: INFO: Configured to correct native mass flux (if using) for humidity Real*4 Resource Parameter: GCHPchem_DT:1200.000000 Integer*4 Resource Parameter: GCHPchem_REFERENCE_TIME:1000 Character Resource Parameter: GCHPchem_INTERNAL_RESTART_FILE:gchp_restart.nc4 Character Resource Parameter: MAPL_ENABLE_BOOTSTRAP:YES Using parallel NetCDF for file: gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: ARCHV_DRY_TOTN in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: ARCHV_WET_TOTN in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: AREA in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: AeroH2O_SNA in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: DEP_RESERVOIR in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: DRYPERIOD in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: GCCTROPP in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: GWET_PREV in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: JNO2 in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: JOH in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: LAI_PREVDAY in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: ORVCSESQ in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: PARDF_DAVG in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: PARDR_DAVG in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: PFACTOR in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: SPC_BUTDI in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: SPC_FURA in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: STATE_PSC in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: T_DAVG in gchp_restart.nc4 Bootstrapping Variable: T_PREVDAY in gchp_restart.nc4 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHPchemMAPL_GenericInitialize= 5.817E+04 0.000E+00 =============================================================================== G E O S - C H E M U S E R I N P U T READ_INPUT_FILE: Opening ./geoschem_config.yml SIMULATION SETTINGS ------------------- Simulation name : fullchem CHEM_INPUTS directory : ./ChemDir/ Species database file : ./species_database.yml Turn on verbose output : F Verbose output printed on : root core only TIMESTEP SETTINGS ----------------- Transport/Convection [sec] : 600 Chemistry/Emissions [sec] : 1200 RRTMG rad transfer [sec] : 10800 TRANSPORT SETTINGS ------------------ Turn on transport? : T CONVECTION SETTINGS ------------------- Turn on cloud convection? : T PBL MIXING SETTINGS ------------------- Turn on PBL mixing? : T Turn on non-local PBL? : T AEROSOL SETTINGS ---------------- Online SULFATE AEROSOLS? : T Metal catalyzed SO2 ox.? : T Online CARBON AEROSOLS? : T Brown Carbon Aerosol? : F BC Absorption Enhancement? : T Hydrophilic BC AE factor : 1.50 Hydrophobic BC AE factor : 1.00 Online COMPLEX SOA? : T Semivolatile POA? : F Online DUST AEROSOLS? : T Acid uptake on dust? : F Online SEA SALT AEROSOLS? : T Accum SEA SALT radii [um] : 0.01 - 0.50 Coarse SEA SALT radii [um] : 0.50 - 8.00 MARINE ORGANIC AEROSOLS? : F Settle strat. aerosols? : T Online SOLID PSC aerosols? : T Allow hom. NAT nucleation? : F NAT supercooling requirement: 3.00K Ice supersaturation req. : 20.00K Perform PSC het. chemistry? : T Use strat. aerosol OD? : T DRY DEPOSITION SETTINGS ----------------------- Turn on dry deposition? : T Dry dep over full PBL? : F Turn on CO2 effect? : F CO2 level : 600.00 CO2 reference level : 380.00 RIX scaling factor : 1.00 WET DEPOSITION SETTINGS ----------------------- Turn on wet deposition? : T CHEMISTRY SETTINGS ------------------ Turn on chemistry? : T Use linear. mesospheric chem: T => Use Linoz for O3? : T Online strat. H2O? : T Use robust strat H2O BC? : T GAMMA HO2 : 0.20 Use auto-reduce solver? : F Use target species threshold: T OH tuning factor: 5.0E-05 NO2 tuning factor: 1.0E-04 Keep halogen spec. active? : F Use append in auto-reduce? : F PHOTOLYSIS SETTINGS ------------------- Turn on photolysis? : T FAST-JX input directory : /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/ Online ozone for FAST-JX? : T Ozone from met for FAST-JX? : T TOMS/SBUV ozone for FAST-JX?: F Photolyse nitrate aerosol? : T JNITs scaling of JHNO3 : 100.000 JNIT scaling of JHNO3 : 100.000 JNIT(s) channel A (HONO) : 66.667 JNIT(s) channel B (NO2) : 33.333 NOTE ABOUT OVERHEAD O3 FOR FAST-JX: Online O3 from GEOS-Chem will be used to weight the O3 column within the chemistry grid and O3 from met or TOMS will be used outside the chemistry grid. RRTMG SETTINGS -------------- AOD output wavelength (nm) : 550.0 Turn on radiation? : F Consider longwave? : F Consider shortwave? : F Clear-sky flux? : F All-sky flux? : F OBSPACK SETTINGS ---------------- Turn on ObsPack diagnostic? : F Suppress logfile output? : F ObsPack input file : UNKNOWN ObsPack output file : UNKNOWN LINOZ (LINOZ_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/Linoz_200910/Linoz_March2007.dat TIMESTEPS SETTINGS ------------------ Chemistry Timestep [sec] : 1200 Convection Timestep [sec] : 600 Dynamics Timestep [sec] : 600 Emission Timestep [sec] : 1200 Unit Conv Timestep [sec] : 600 Diagnostic Timestep [sec] : 0 Radiation Timestep [sec] : 10800 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== SPECIES NAMES AND INDICES Name ModelId DryDepId WetDepId PhotolId HygGrthId KppSpcId ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACET 1 1 - 1 - 221 ACTA 2 2 1 - - 217 AERI 3 3 2 - - 4 ALD2 4 4 3 2 - 263 ALK4 5 - - - - 114 ASOA1 6 5 4 - - - ASOA2 7 6 5 - - - ASOA3 8 7 6 - - - ASOAN 9 8 7 - - - ASOG1 10 9 8 - - - ASOG2 11 10 9 - - - ASOG3 12 11 10 - - - AONITA 13 12 11 - - 5 AROMP4 14 13 12 - - 157 AROMP5 15 14 13 - - 147 ATOOH 16 15 14 3 - 195 BALD 17 16 15 4 - 101 BCPI 18 17 16 - 1 - BCPO 19 18 17 - - - BENZ 20 - - - - 62 BENZP 21 19 18 5 - 106 Br 22 - - - - 273 Br2 23 20 19 6 - 127 BrCl 24 21 20 7 - 134 BrNO2 25 - - 8 - 51 BrNO3 26 22 - 9 - 175 BrO 27 - - 10 - 274 BrSALA 28 23 21 - - 285 BrSALC 29 24 22 - - 277 BUTDI 30 - - - - 6 BZCO3H 31 25 23 11 - 69 BZPAN 32 26 24 - - 97 C2H2 33 - - - - 56 C2H4 34 - - - - 75 C2H6 35 - - - - 159 C3H8 36 - - - - 123 CCl4 37 - - 12 - 52 CFC11 38 - - 13 - 53 CFC113 39 - - 14 - 55 CFC114 40 - - 15 - 45 CFC115 41 - - 16 - 49 CFC12 42 - - 17 - 54 CH2Br2 43 - - 18 - 71 CH2Cl2 44 - - 19 - 70 CH2I2 45 - - 20 - 1 CH2IBr 46 - - 21 - 2 CH2ICl 47 - - 22 - 3 CH2O 48 27 25 23 - 264 CH3Br 49 - - 24 - 99 CH3CCl3 50 - - 25 - 41 CH3Cl 51 - - 26 - 102 CH3I 52 - - 27 - 44 CH4 53 - - - - 188 CHBr3 54 - - 28 - 76 CHCl3 55 - - 29 - 77 Cl 56 - - - - 280 Cl2 57 28 - 30 - 194 Cl2O2 58 - - 31 - 73 ClNO2 59 29 - 32 - 233 ClNO3 60 30 - 33 - 261 ClO 61 31 - 34 - 282 ClOO 62 32 - 35 - 107 CLOCK 63 - - - - - CO 64 - - - - 260 CSL 65 33 26 - - 111 DMS 66 - - - - 92 DST1 67 34 27 - - - DST2 68 35 28 - - - DST3 69 36 29 - - - DST4 70 37 30 - - - EOH 71 38 31 - - 132 ETHLN 72 39 32 36 - 207 ETHN 73 40 33 - - 66 ETHP 74 41 34 37 - 121 ETNO3 75 42 - 38 - 87 ETP 76 43 35 39 - 109 FURA 77 44 36 - - 39 GLYC 78 45 37 40 - 234 GLYX 79 46 38 41 - 220 H1211 80 - - 42 - 57 H1301 81 - - 43 - 46 H2402 82 - - 44 - 47 H2O 83 - - - - 271 H2O2 84 47 39 45 - 209 HAC 85 48 40 46 - 248 HBr 86 49 41 - - 278 HC5A 87 50 42 47 - 190 HCFC123 88 - - 48 - 80 HCFC141b 89 - - 49 - 81 HCFC142b 90 - - 50 - 82 HCFC22 91 - - 51 - 83 HCl 92 51 43 - - 286 HCOOH 93 52 44 - - 210 HI 94 53 45 - - 67 HMHP 95 54 46 52 - 84 HMML 96 55 47 - - 85 HMS 97 56 48 - - 86 HNO2 98 - - 53 - 191 HNO3 99 57 49 54 - 262 HNO4 100 - - 55 - 103 HOBr 101 58 50 56 - 258 HOCl 102 59 51 57 - 269 HOI 103 60 52 58 - 266 HONIT 104 61 53 59 - 131 HPALD1 105 62 - 60 - 184 HPALD2 106 63 - 61 - 186 HPALD3 107 64 - 62 - 126 HPALD4 108 65 - 63 - 128 HPETHNL 109 66 54 64 - 170 I 110 - - - - 267 I2 111 67 55 65 - 142 I2O2 112 68 56 66 - 42 I2O3 113 69 57 67 - 48 I2O4 114 70 58 68 - 40 IBr 115 71 59 69 - 72 ICHE 116 72 60 - - 172 ICl 117 73 61 70 - 100 ICN 118 74 62 71 - 238 ICPDH 119 75 63 72 - 204 IDC 120 76 - - - 108 IDCHP 121 77 64 73 - 124 IDHDP 122 78 65 74 - 141 IDHPE 123 79 66 75 - 161 IDN 124 80 67 76 - 241 IEPOXA 125 81 68 - - 129 IEPOXB 126 82 69 - - 130 IEPOXD 127 83 70 - - 116 IHN1 128 84 71 77 - 218 IHN2 129 85 72 78 - 138 IHN3 130 86 73 79 - 139 IHN4 131 87 74 80 - 212 INDIOL 132 88 75 - - 8 INO 133 - - 81 - 58 INPB 134 89 76 82 - 179 INPD 135 90 77 83 - 149 IO 136 - - 84 - 225 IONITA 137 91 78 - - 98 IONO 138 92 79 85 - 201 IONO2 139 93 80 86 - 268 IPRNO3 140 94 - 87 - 88 ISALA 141 95 81 - - 9 ISALC 142 96 82 - - 10 ISOP 143 - - - - 222 ITCN 144 97 83 88 - 211 ITHN 145 98 84 89 - 240 LIMO 146 99 85 - - 168 LVOC 147 100 86 - - 24 LVOCOA 148 101 87 - - 23 MACR 149 102 - 90 - 249 MACR1OOH 150 103 88 91 - 135 MAP 151 104 89 92 - 68 MCRDH 152 105 90 - - 133 MCRENOL 153 106 91 93 - 162 MCRHN 154 107 92 94 - 197 MCRHNB 155 108 93 95 - 173 MCRHP 156 109 94 96 - 229 MCT 157 110 95 - - 140 MEK 158 - 96 97 - 224 MENO3 159 111 - 98 - 89 MGLY 160 112 97 99 - 230 MOH 161 113 98 - - 216 MONITA 162 114 99 - - 43 MONITS 163 115 100 100 - 176 MONITU 164 116 101 101 - 198 MP 165 - 102 102 - 136 MPAN 166 117 103 103 - 151 MPN 167 - 104 104 - 74 MSA 168 118 105 - - 28 MTPA 169 119 106 - - 152 MTPO 170 120 107 - - 153 MVK 171 121 108 105 - 246 MVKDH 172 122 109 - - 117 MVKHC 173 123 110 106 - 167 MVKHCB 174 124 111 107 - 183 MVKHP 175 125 112 108 - 228 MVKN 176 126 113 109 - 239 MVKPC 177 127 114 110 - 154 N2O 178 - - 111 - 59 N2O5 179 128 - 112 - 171 NH3 180 129 115 - - - NH4 181 130 116 - - - NIT 182 131 117 113 - 60 NITs 183 132 118 114 - 61 NO 184 - - 115 - 283 NO2 185 133 - 116 - 279 NO3 186 - - 117 - 275 NPHEN 187 134 119 118 - 208 NPRNO3 188 135 - 119 - 90 O3 189 136 - 120 - 281 OClO 190 - - 121 - 110 OCPI 191 137 120 - 2 - OCPO 192 138 121 - - - OCS 193 - - 122 - 64 OIO 194 - - 123 - 91 PAN 195 139 122 124 - 65 pFe 196 140 123 - - - PHEN 197 141 124 - - 118 PIP 198 - - 125 - 119 PP 199 142 125 126 - 112 PPN 200 143 126 - - 50 PROPNN 201 144 127 127 - 196 PRPE 202 - 128 - - 256 PRPN 203 145 129 128 - 113 PYAC 204 146 130 129 - 105 R4N2 205 147 131 130 - 200 R4P 206 148 132 131 - 93 RA3P 207 149 133 132 - 94 RB3P 208 150 134 133 - 95 RCHO 209 - - 134 - 257 RIPA 210 151 135 135 - 155 RIPB 211 152 136 136 - 160 RIPC 212 153 137 137 - 169 RIPD 213 154 138 138 - 163 RP 214 155 139 139 - 96 SALA 215 156 140 - 3 - SALAAL 216 157 141 - - 146 SALACL 217 158 142 - - 284 SALC 218 159 143 - 4 - SALCAL 219 160 144 - - 137 SALCCL 220 161 145 - - 272 SO2 221 162 146 - - 276 SO4 222 163 147 140 5 120 SO4s 223 164 148 - - 29 SOAGX 224 165 149 - - 30 SOAIE 225 166 150 - - 31 SOAP 226 - - - - - SOAS 227 167 151 - - - TOLU 228 - - - - 78 TSOA0 229 168 152 - - - TSOA1 230 169 153 - - - TSOA2 231 170 154 - - - TSOA3 232 171 155 - - - TSOG0 233 172 156 - - - TSOG1 234 173 157 - - - TSOG2 235 174 158 - - - TSOG3 236 175 159 - - - XYLE 237 - - - - 79 CO2 238 - - - - 7 LBRO2H 239 - - - - 11 LBRO2N 240 - - - - 12 BRO2 241 - - - - 13 LISOPOH 242 - - - - 14 LISOPNO3 243 - - - - 15 LNRO2H 244 - - - - 16 LNRO2N 245 - - - - 17 NRO2 246 - - - - 18 NAP 247 - - - - 19 LTRO2H 248 - - - - 20 LTRO2N 249 - - - - 21 TRO2 250 - - - - 22 LXRO2H 251 - - - - 25 LXRO2N 252 - - - - 26 XRO2 253 - - - - 27 POx 254 - - - - 32 LOx 255 - - - - 33 PCO 256 - - - - 34 LCO 257 - - - - 35 PSO4 258 - - - - 36 LCH4 259 - - - - 37 PH2O2 260 - - - - 38 N 261 - - - - 63 ETO 262 - - - - 104 HPALD2OO 263 - - - - 115 HPALD1OO 264 - - - - 122 INA 265 - - - - 125 C4HVP1 266 - - - - 143 C4HVP2 267 - - - - 144 IDNOO 268 - - - - 145 ICNOO 269 - - - - 148 ISOPNOO2 270 - - - - 150 ROH 271 - - - - 156 BENZO 272 - - - - 158 ISOPNOO1 273 - - - - 164 IDHNDOO2 274 - - - - 165 IDHNDOO1 275 - - - - 166 H 276 - - - - 174 ETOO 277 - - - - 177 BZCO3 278 - - - - 178 IHPOO1 279 - - - - 180 AROMRO2 280 - - - - 181 IHPOO2 281 - - - - 182 IHPOO3 282 - - - - 185 IHPNDOO 283 - - - - 187 BENZO2 284 - - - - 189 ICHOO 285 - - - - 192 CH3CHOO 286 - - - - 193 PRN1 287 - - - - 199 MCROHOO 288 - - - - 202 MVKOHOO 289 - - - - 203 MACR1OO 290 - - - - 205 PO2 291 - - - - 206 OLNN 292 - - - - 213 OLND 293 - - - - 214 ETO2 294 - - - - 215 IHPNBOO 295 - - - - 219 LIMO2 296 - - - - 223 IEPOXAOO 297 - - - - 226 IEPOXBOO 298 - - - - 227 IDHNBOO 299 - - - - 231 CH2OO 300 - - - - 232 A3O2 301 - - - - 235 PIO2 302 - - - - 236 OTHRO2 303 - - - - 237 IHOO1 304 - - - - 242 IHOO4 305 - - - - 243 INO2D 306 - - - - 244 INO2B 307 - - - - 245 MACRNO2 308 - - - - 247 ATO2 309 - - - - 250 KO2 310 - - - - 251 RCO3 311 - - - - 252 R4O2 312 - - - - 253 R4N1 313 - - - - 254 B3O2 314 - - - - 255 MCO3 315 - - - - 259 MO2 316 - - - - 265 O1D 317 - - - - 270 O 318 - - - - 287 HO2 319 - - - - 288 OH 320 - - - - 289 H2 321 - - - - 290 N2 322 - - - - 291 O2 323 - - 141 - 292 RCOOH 324 - - - - 293 =============================================================================== READ_DRYDEP_INPUTS: Opening ./ChemDir/Olson_Land_Map_201203/ Initializing Fast-JX v7.0 standalone CTM code. FAST-JX (RD_XXX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/FJX_spec.dat UCI FJX v6.8c JPL10+2013 fixes: Q1d, Acetone! others, derived fort10-2013b.x 18 x-sect: 1 O2 3 180.00 260.00 300.00 x-sect: 2 O3 3 218.00 258.00 298.00 x-sect: 3 O3(1D) 3 200.00 260.00 320.00 x-sect: 4 NO x 1 298.00 x-sect: 5 H2SO4 x 1 298.00 x-sect: 6 H2COa 2 223.00 298.00 x-sect: 7 H2COb 2 223.00 298.00 x-sect: 8 H2O2 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 9 CH3OOH 1 298.00 x-sect: 10 NO2 2 200.00 294.00 x-sect: 11 NO3 2 190.00 298.00 x-sect: 12 N2O5 2 233.00 300.00 x-sect: 13 HNO2 1 300.00 x-sect: 14 HNO3 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 15 HNO4 1 300.00 x-sect: 16 ClNO3a 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 17 ClNO3b 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 18 ClNO2 2 210.00 296.00 x-sect: 19 Br2 1 298.00 x-sect: 20 BrNO2 1 298.00 x-sect: 21 Cl2 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 22 HOCl 1 300.00 x-sect: 23 OClO 1 204.00 x-sect: 24 ClOO 1 298.00 x-sect: 25 Cl2O2 1 250.00 x-sect: 26 ClO 1 300.00 x-sect: 27 BrO 1 300.00 x-sect: 28 BrNO3 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 29 HOBr 1 300.00 x-sect: 30 BrCl 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 31 N2O x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 32 CFCl3 x 2 220.00 298.00 x-sect: 33 CF2Cl2 x 2 220.00 300.00 x-sect: 34 F113 x 2 210.00 300.00 x-sect: 35 F114 x 2 210.00 300.00 x-sect: 36 F115 x 1 300.00 x-sect: 37 CCl4 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 38 CH3Cl x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 39 MeCCl3 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 40 CH2Cl2 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 41 CHF2Cl x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 42 F123 x 2 210.00 295.00 x-sect: 43 F141b x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 44 F142b x 2 210.00 298.00 x-sect: 45 CH3Br x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 46 H1211 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 47 H1301 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 48 H2402 x 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 49 CH2Br2 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 50 CHBr3 2 260.00 296.00 x-sect: 51 CF3I 2 243.00 300.00 x-sect: 52 OCS 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 53 HAC 1 298.00 x-sect: 54 PAN 2 250.00 298.00 x-sect: 55 CH3NO3 2 200.00 300.00 x-sect: 56 ActAld p 3 177.00 566.00 999.00 x-sect: 57 MeVK p 3 177.00 566.00 999.00 x-sect: 58 MeAcr 1 298.00 x-sect: 59 GlyAld 1 298.00 x-sect: 60 MEKeto p 2 177.00 999.00 x-sect: 61 PrAld 1 298.00 x-sect: 62 MGlyxl p 3 177.00 566.00 999.00 x-sect: 63 Glyxla p 2 177.00 999.00 x-sect: 64 Glyxlb p 2 177.00 999.00 x-sect: 65 Glyxlc p 2 177.00 999.00 x-sect: 66 Acet-a p 3 177.00 566.00 999.00 x-sect: 67 Acet-b 3 235.00 260.00 298.00 x-sect: 68 ONIT1 1 298.00 x-sect: 69 MPN 1 298.00 x-sect: 70 ETHLN 1 298.00 x-sect: 71 PROPNN 1 298.00 x-sect: 72 MVKN 1 298.00 x-sect: 73 MACRN 1 298.00 x-sect: 74 NITP 1 298.00 x-sect: 75 HPALD1 1 298.00 x-sect: 76 HPALD2 1 298.00 x-sect: 77 PrAldP 1 298.00 x-sect: 78 ICN 1 298.00 x-sect: 79 MACRNP 1 298.00 x-sect: 80 MVKCN 1 298.00 x-sect: 81 ENOL 1 298.00 x-sect: 82 ONIT2 1 298.00 x-sect: 83 HP2 1 298.00 x-sect: 84 HMHP 1 298.00 x-sect: 85 CH3I 2 210.00 298.00 x-sect: 86 CH2I2 2 273.00 298.00 x-sect: 87 CH2ICl 2 223.00 298.00 x-sect: 88 CH2IBr 2 273.00 298.00 x-sect: 89 I2 1 295.00 x-sect: 90 HOI 1 298.00 x-sect: 91 IO 1 298.00 x-sect: 92 OIO 1 298.00 x-sect: 93 INO 1 298.00 x-sect: 94 IONO 1 298.00 x-sect: 95 IONO2 1 298.00 x-sect: 96 I2O2 1 298.00 x-sect: 97 I2O3 1 298.00 x-sect: 98 ICl 1 298.00 x-sect: 99 IBr 1 298.00 x-sect:100 MENO3 2 240.00 298.00 x-sect:101 ETNO3 2 240.00 298.00 x-sect:102 IPRNO3 2 240.00 298.00 x-sect:103 NPRNO3 1 298.00 x-sect:104 BALD 1 298.00 FAST-JX (RD_MIE): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/jv_spec_mie.dat jv_spec_mie.dat: Aerosol optical properties at 5 wavelengths (clh, 01/30/10), Aerosol optical: r-eff/rho/Q(@wavel): 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 RAYLE = Rayleigh phase 1 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 1 Qext =123.5000123.5000 39.1000 7.7000 1.0000 ISOTR = isotropic 2 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 2 Qext = 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 ABSRB = fully absorbing 'soot', wavelength indep. 3 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 3 Qext = 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 S_Bkg = backgrnd stratospheric sulfate (n=1.46, log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=.6) 4 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 4 Qext = 2.7541 2.7541 2.4017 1.6454 0.7449 S_Vol = volcanic stratospheric sulfate (n=1.46, log-norm: r=.08um/sigma=.8) 5 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 5 Qext = 2.6437 2.6437 2.5603 2.2221 1.5319 W_H01 = water haze (H1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=0.1um / alpha=2) 6 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 6 Qext = 2.8438 2.8438 2.3497 1.4037 0.5034 W_H04 = water haze (H1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=0.4um / alpha=2) 7 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 7 Qext = 2.2995 2.2995 2.4743 2.6719 2.9565 W_C02 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=2.0um / alpha=6) 8 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 8 Qext = 2.1410 2.1410 2.1778 2.2287 2.3071 W_C04 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=4.0um / alpha=6) 9 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 9 Qext = 2.0835 2.0835 2.1064 2.1345 2.1922 W_C08 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=8.0um / alpha=6) 10 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 10 Qext = 2.0539 2.0539 2.0643 2.0883 2.1236 W_C13 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=13.3um / alpha=6) 11 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 11 Qext = 2.0440 2.0440 2.0529 2.0716 2.0978 W_L06 = water cloud (Lacis) (n=1.335, r-mode=5.5um / alpha=11/3) 12 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 12 Qext = 2.0616 2.0616 2.0747 2.1005 2.1423 Ice-H = hexagonal ice cloud (Mishchenko) 13 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 13 Qext = 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 Ice-I = irregular ice cloud (Mishchenko) 14 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 14 Qext = 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 Mdust 0.15 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 15 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 15 Qext = 4.0154 4.0154 3.0582 1.2133 0.2195 Mdust 0.25 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 16 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 16 Qext = 2.6560 2.6560 3.9669 3.2556 1.1019 Mdust 0.4 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 17 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 17 Qext = 2.6071 2.6071 2.1923 3.9815 2.9227 Mdust 0.8 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 18 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 18 Qext = 2.3459 2.3459 2.3417 2.4688 3.3741 Mdust 1.5 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 19 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 19 Qext = 2.1925 2.1925 2.2457 2.3919 2.6314 Mdust 2.5 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 20 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 20 Qext = 2.1427 2.1427 2.1881 2.1559 2.3282 Mdust 4.0 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) 21 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 999.0 21 Qext = 2.1045 2.1045 2.1191 2.2094 2.3429 S00(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=00 (n@550=1.53-0.01i log-norm: r=.07um/sigma=1.6) 22 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 22 Qext = 2.3328 2.3328 1.6118 0.7484 0.2108 S50(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=50 (n@550=1.44 0.00i log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.6) 23 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 23 Qext = 2.4175 2.4175 1.7099 0.8352 0.2488 S70(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=70 (n@550=1.41 0.00i log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.6) 24 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 24 Qext = 2.4852 2.4852 1.7947 0.8963 0.2751 S80(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=80 (n@550=1.40 0.00i log-norm: r=.10um/sigma=1.6) 25 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 25 Qext = 2.5571 2.5571 1.8800 0.9653 0.3040 S90(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=90 (n@550=1.38 0.00i log-norm: r=.11um/sigma=1.6) 26 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 26 Qext = 2.6967 2.6967 2.0587 1.1172 0.3730 S95(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=95 (n@550=1.36 0.00i log-norm: r=.13um/sigma=1.6) 27 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 27 Qext = 2.8355 2.8355 2.2825 1.3212 0.4720 S99(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=99 (n@550=1.34 0.00i log-norm: r=.18um/sigma=1.6) 28 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 28 Qext = 2.9980 2.9980 2.7329 1.8669 0.7986 BC00(rvm) Black C, RH=00 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 29 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 29 Qext = 0.9543 0.9543 0.6229 0.3282 0.1694 BC50(rvm) Black C, RH=50 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 30 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 30 Qext = 0.9543 0.9543 0.6229 0.3282 0.1694 BC70(rvm) Black C, RH=70 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 31 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 31 Qext = 0.9543 0.9543 0.6229 0.3282 0.1694 BC80(rvm) Black C, RH=80 (n@550=1.57-.25i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 32 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 32 Qext = 0.8137 0.8137 0.5268 0.2744 0.1397 BC90(rvm) Black C, RH=90 (n@550=1.48-.16i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 33 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 33 Qext = 0.7281 0.7281 0.4607 0.2321 0.1137 BC95(rvm) Black C, RH=95 (n@550=1.45-.13i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 34 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 34 Qext = 0.7045 0.7045 0.4397 0.2169 0.1034 BC99(rvm) Black C, RH=99 (n@550=1.39-.06i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) 35 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 35 Qext = 0.7031 0.7031 0.4181 0.1882 0.0776 OC00(rvm) Organic C, RH=00 (n@550=1.53-.006i log-norm: r_g=.07um/sigma=1.6) 36 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 36 Qext = 2.4567 2.4567 1.7461 0.8395 0.2405 OC50(rvm) Organic C, RH=50 (n@550=1.46-.004i log-norm: r_g=.08um/sigma=1.6) 37 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 37 Qext = 2.3664 2.3664 1.6538 0.7904 0.2297 OC70(rvm) Organic C, RH=70 (n@550=1.44-.003i log-norm: r_g=.08um/sigma=1.6) 38 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 38 Qext = 2.3617 2.3617 1.6499 0.7916 0.2319 OC80(rvm) Organic C, RH=80 (n@550=1.43-.003i log-norm: r_g=.09um/sigma=1.6) 39 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 39 Qext = 2.3693 2.3693 1.6588 0.8003 0.2364 OC90(rvm) Organic C, RH=90 (n@550=1.41-.002i log-norm: r_g=.09um/sigma=1.6) 40 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 40 Qext = 2.4065 2.4065 1.7001 0.8328 0.2506 OC95(rvm) Organic C, RH=95 (n@550=1.39-.002i log-norm: r_g=.10um/sigma=1.6) 41 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 41 Qext = 2.4733 2.4733 1.7758 0.8901 0.2747 OC99(rvm) Organic C, RH=99 (n@550=1.36-.001i log-norm: r_g=.12um/sigma=1.6) 42 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 42 Qext = 2.6732 2.6732 2.0282 1.0918 0.3631 SSa00(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=00 (n@550=1.50 log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.5) 43 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 43 Qext = 2.5412 2.5412 1.6772 0.7067 0.1570 SSa50(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=50 (n@550=1.37 log-norm: r=.14um/sigma=1.5) 44 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 44 Qext = 2.9302 2.9302 2.2339 1.1660 0.3550 SSa70(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=70 (n@550=1.36 log-norm: r=.15um/sigma=1.5) 45 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 45 Qext = 3.0398 3.0398 2.4455 1.3697 0.4508 SSa80(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=80 (n@550=1.35 log-norm: r=.17um/sigma=1.5) 46 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 46 Qext = 3.1035 3.1035 2.6193 1.5557 0.5476 SSa90(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=90 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=.20um/sigma=1.5) 47 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 47 Qext = 3.1322 3.1322 2.9072 1.9502 0.7818 SSa95(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=95 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=.25um/sigma=1.5) 48 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 48 Qext = 3.0158 3.0158 3.0937 2.4069 1.1240 SSa99(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=99 (n@550=1.33 log-norm: r=.41um/sigma=1.5) 49 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 49 Qext = 2.4962 2.4962 2.8177 3.0999 2.2905 SSc00(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=00 (n@550=1.50 log-norm: r=0.4um/sigma=1.8) 50 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 50 Qext = 2.3435 2.3435 2.4489 2.6771 2.8998 SSc50(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=50 (n@550=1.37 log-norm: r=0.6um/sigma=1.8) 51 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 51 Qext = 2.2492 2.2492 2.3182 2.4842 2.7678 SSc70(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=70 (n@550=1.36 log-norm: r=0.7um/sigma=1.8) 52 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 52 Qext = 2.2293 2.2293 2.2898 2.4343 2.7189 SSc80(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=80 (n@550=1.35 log-norm: r=0.8um/sigma=1.8) 53 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 53 Qext = 2.2140 2.2140 2.2684 2.3962 2.6723 SSc90(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=90 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=1.0um/sigma=1.8) 54 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 54 Qext = 2.1887 2.1887 2.2336 2.3331 2.5766 SSc95(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=95 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=1.2um/sigma=1.8) 55 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 55 Qext = 2.1641 2.1641 2.2020 2.2780 2.4698 SSc99(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=99 (n@550=1.33 log-norm: r=2.0um/sigma=1.8) 56 wavel= 200.0 300.0 400.0 600.0 1000.0 56 Qext = 2.1146 2.1146 2.1402 2.1865 2.2787 FAST-JX (RD_PROF_NC): Opening ./ChemDir/FastJ_201204/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Opening file : %% in directory : ./ChemDir/FastJ_201204/ %% %% Successfully read T [K] %% Successfully read O3 [ppm] %% Successfully closed file! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FAST-JX (RD_JS_JX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/FJX_j2j.dat <--J-value data from chemistry code: id#, reaction, factor/fastJX/code(a6) Photochemistry Scheme with 166 J-values 1 O2 PHOTON O O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 1 O2 2 O3 PHOTON O2 O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 2 O3 3 O3 PHOTON O2 O(1D) 1.000 mapped to FJX: 3 O3(1D) 4 H2O PHOTON OH H 0.000 no mapping onto fast-JX H2O 5 HO2 PHOTON OH O 0.000 no mapping onto fast-JX HO2 6 NO PHOTON N O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 4 NO 7 CH2O PHOTON H HO2 CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 6 H2COa 8 CH2O PHOTON CO H2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 7 H2COb 9 H2O2 PHOTON OH OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 8 H2O2 10 MP PHOTON CH2O HO2 OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 11 NO2 PHOTON NO O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 10 NO2 12 NO3 PHOTON NO2 O 0.886 mapped to FJX: 11 NO3 13 NO3 PHOTON NO O2 0.114 mapped to FJX: 11 NO3 14 N2O5 PHOTON NO2 NO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 12 N2O5 15 HNO2 PHOTON NO OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 13 HNO2 16 HNO3 PHOTON NO2 OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 14 HNO3 17 HNO4 PHOTON OH NO3 0.050 mapped to FJX: 15 HNO4 18 HNO4 PHOTON NO2 HO2 0.950 mapped to FJX: 15 HNO4 19 ClNO3 PHOTON Cl NO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 16 ClNO3a 20 ClNO3 PHOTON ClO NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 17 ClNO3b 21 ClNO2 PHOTON Cl NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 18 ClNO2 22 Cl2 PHOTON Cl Cl 1.000 mapped to FJX: 21 Cl2 23 Br2 PHOTON Br Br 1.000 mapped to FJX: 19 Br2 24 HOCl PHOTON Cl OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 22 HOCl 25 OClO PHOTON ClO O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 23 OClO 26 Cl2O2 PHOTON Cl Cl O2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 25 Cl2O2 27 ClO PHOTON Cl O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 26 ClO 28 BrO PHOTON Br O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 27 BrO 29 BrNO3 PHOTON Br NO3 0.850 mapped to FJX: 28 BrNO3 30 BrNO3 PHOTON BrO NO2 0.150 mapped to FJX: 28 BrNO3 31 BrNO2 PHOTON Br NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 20 BrNO2 32 HOBr PHOTON Br OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 29 HOBr 33 BrCl PHOTON Br Cl 1.000 mapped to FJX: 30 BrCl 34 OCS PHOTON SO2 CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 52 OCS 35 SO2 PHOTON SO O 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX SO2 36 N2O PHOTON N2 O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 31 N2O 37 CFC11 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 32 CFCl3 38 CFC12 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 33 CF2Cl2 39 CFC113 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 34 F113 40 CFC114 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 35 F114 41 CFC115 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 36 F115 42 CCl4 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 37 CCl4 43 CH3Cl PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 38 CH3Cl 44 CH3CCl3 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 39 MeCCl3 45 CH2Cl2 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 40 CH2Cl2 46 HCFC22 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 41 CHF2Cl 47 HCFC123 PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 42 F123 48 HCFC141b PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 43 F141b 49 HCFC142b PHOTON Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 44 F142b 50 CH3Br PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 45 CH3Br 51 H1211 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 46 H1211 52 H12O2 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 46 H1211 53 H1301 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 47 H1301 54 H2402 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 48 H2402 55 CH2Br2 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 49 CH2Br2 56 CHBr3 PHOTON Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 50 CHBr3 58 CF3I PHOTON I PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 51 CF3I 59 PAN PHOTON CH3C(O)O2 NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 54 PAN 60 R4N2 PHOTON CH3O NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 55 CH3NO3 61 ALD2 PHOTON CH3 HCO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 56 ActAld 62 ALD2 PHOTON CH4 CO 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX ActAlx 63 MVK PHOTON PRPE CO 0.600 mapped to FJX: 57 MeVK 64 MVK PHOTON MCO3 CH2O CO HO2 0.200 mapped to FJX: 57 MeVK 65 MVK PHOTON MO2 RCO3 0.200 mapped to FJX: 57 MeVK 66 MACR PHOTON CO HO2 CH2O MCO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 58 MeAcr 67 MACR PHOTON IMAO3 OH HO2 MCO3 MRO2 CO 0.000 mapped to FJX: 58 MeAcr 68 GLYC PHOTON CH2O HO2 OH CO MOH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 59 GlyAld 69 MEK PHOTON MCO3 EtO2 MO2 RCO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 60 MEKeto 70 RCHO PHOTON EtO2 HO2 CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 61 PrAld 71 MGLY PHOTON MCO3 CO HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 62 MGlyxl 72 GLYX PHOTON HO2 HO2 CO CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 63 Glyxla 73 GLYX PHOTON H2 CO CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 64 Glyxlb 74 GLYX PHOTON CH2O CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 65 Glyxlc 75 HAC PHOTON MeCO3 HCHO HO2 0.600 mapped to FJX: 53 HAC 76 ACET PHOTON MCO3 MO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 66 Acet-a 77 ACET PHOTON MO2 MO2 CO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 67 Acet-b 78 IDN PHOTON MVK MACR CH2O NO2 GLYC ICN... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 82 ONIT2 79 PRPN PHOTON OH HO2 RCHO NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 80 ETP PHOTON OH HO2 ALD2 0.500 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 81 RA3P PHOTON OH HO2 RCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 82 RB3P PHOTON OH HO2 ACET 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 83 R4P PHOTON OH HO2 RCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 84 PP PHOTON OH HO2 ALD2 CH2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 85 RP PHOTON OH HO2 ALD2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 86 HMHP PHOTON OH OH CH2O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 84 HMHP 87 HPETHNL PHOTON OH CO HO2 CH2O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 88 PYAC PHOTON MCO3 CO2 HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 62 MGlyxl 89 PROPNN PHOTON NO2 CH2O MCO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 71 PROPNN 90 MVKHC PHOTON CO HO2 CH2O MCO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 62 MGlyxl 91 MVKHCB PHOTON GLYX HO2 MCO3 CO MGLY 1.000 mapped to FJX: 61 PrAld 92 MVKHP PHOTON MCO3 GLYC OH HO2 CH2O MGLY 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 93 MVKPC PHOTON OH CO MGLY HO2 GLYX MCO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 94 MCRENOL PHOTON CO PYAC OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 81 ENOL 95 MCRHP PHOTON OH CO HO2 HAC CH2O MGLY 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 96 MACR1OOH PHOTON OH CO2 MO2 CH2O MCO3 MACR1OOH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 97 ATOOH PHOTON OH HO2 RCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 98 R4N2 PHOTON NO2 ACET MEK MO2 HO2 ALD2... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 55 CH3NO3 99 MAP PHOTON OH MO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 100 SO4 PHOTON SO2 OH OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 5 H2SO4 101 ClOO PHOTON Cl O2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 24 ClOO 102 O3 PHOTON O2 O(1D) 1.000 mapped to FJX: 3 O3(1D) 103 MPN PHOTON HO2 NO3 HCHO 0.050 mapped to FJX: 69 MPN 104 MPN PHOTON MO2 NO2 0.950 mapped to FJX: 69 MPN 105 PIP PHOTON RCHO OH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 8 H2O2 106 ICN PHOTON NO2 CO OH HO2 IDC MVKPC... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 78 ICN 107 ETHLN PHOTON NO2 CH2O CO HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 70 ETHLN 108 MVKN PHOTON MCO3 GLYC NO2 ETHLN HO2 OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 72 MVKN 109 MCRHN PHOTON HAC CO HO2 NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 73 MACRN 110 MCRHNB PHOTON PROPNN OH CO HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 79 MACRNP 111 MONITS PHOTON MEK NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 112 MONITU PHOTON RCHO NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 113 HONIT PHOTON HAC NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 114 I2 PHOTON I I 1.000 mapped to FJX: 89 I2 115 HOI PHOTON I OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 90 HOI 116 IO PHOTON I O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 91 IO 117 OIO PHOTON I O2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 92 OIO 118 INO PHOTON I NO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 93 INO 119 IONO PHOTON I NO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 94 IONO 120 IONO2 PHOTON I NO3 1.000 mapped to FJX: 95 IONO2 121 I2O2 PHOTON I OIO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 96 I2O2 122 CH3I PHOTON I PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 85 CH3I 123 CH2I2 PHOTON I I PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 86 CH2I2 124 CH2ICl PHOTON I Cl PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 87 CH2ICl 125 CH2IBr PHOTON I Br PRODUCTS 1.000 mapped to FJX: 88 CH2IBr 126 I2O4 PHOTON OIO OIO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 96 I2O2 127 I2O3 PHOTON OIO IO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 97 I2O3 128 IBr PHOTON I Br 1.000 mapped to FJX: 99 IBr 129 ICl PHOTON I Cl 1.000 mapped to FJX: 98 ICl 130 NITs PHOTON HNO2 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX 131 NITs PHOTON NO2 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX 132 NIT PHOTON HNO2 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX 133 NIT PHOTON NO2 1.000 no mapping onto fast-JX 134 MENO3 PHOTON NO2 HO2 HCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 100 MENO3 135 ETNO3 PHOTON NO2 HO2 ALD2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 101 ETNO3 136 IPRNO3 PHOTON NO2 HO2 ACET 1.000 mapped to FJX: 102 IPRNO3 137 NPRNO3 PHOTON NO2 HO2 RCHO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 103 NPRNO3 138 RIPA PHOTON MVK CH2O OH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 139 RIPB PHOTON MACR CH2O OH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 140 RIPC PHOTON OH HO2 HC5A 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 141 RIPD PHOTON OH HO2 HC5A 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 142 HPALD1 PHOTON CO OH HO2 IDC MVKPC MCRENOL... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 75 HPALD1 143 HPALD2 PHOTON CO OH HO2 IDC MVKPC MCRENOL... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 76 HPALD2 144 HPALD3 PHOTON CO OH HO2 MVK 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 145 HPALD4 PHOTON CO OH HO2 MACR 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 146 IHN1 PHOTON NO2 HC5A HO2 MVKHP CO OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 147 IHN2 PHOTON NO2 MVK HO2 CH2O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 148 IHN3 PHOTON NO2 MACR HO2 CH2O 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 149 IHN4 PHOTON NO2 HC5A HO2 MCRHP CO OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 150 INPB PHOTON NO2 CH2O MVK MACR OH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 74 NITP 151 INPD PHOTON OH HO2 ICN INA 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 152 INPD PHOTON NO2 IHOO1 IHOO4 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 153 ICPDH PHOTON CO HO2 OH MCRHP MVKDH MCRDH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 61 PrAld 154 ICPDH PHOTON OH HO2 CH2O MVKHCB HAC GLYX... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 155 IDHDP PHOTON OH GLYC HAC ICPDH HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 83 HP2 156 IDHPE PHOTON OH HO2 MGLY GLYC GLYX HAC 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 157 IDCHP PHOTON OH HO2 CO MVKHC MVKHCB MVKPC 1.000 mapped to FJX: 77 PrAldP 158 ITHN PHOTON OH HO2 CH2O MCRHN GLYC HAC... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 159 ITHN PHOTON NO2 HAC HO2 HPETHNL OH GLYC... 1.000 mapped to FJX: 68 ONIT1 160 ITCN PHOTON MGLY OH NO2 GLYC 1.000 mapped to FJX: 79 MACRNP 161 ITCN PHOTON MVKHP MCRHP CO NO2 HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 61 PrAld 162 ETHP PHOTON ETO OH 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 163 BALD PHOTON BENZO2 HO2 CO 0.060 mapped to FJX: 104 BALD 164 BZCO3H PHOTON BENZO2 OH CO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 165 BENZP PHOTON BENZO 1.000 mapped to FJX: 9 CH3OOH 166 NPHEN PHOTON HNO2 CO CO2 AROMP4 HO2 1.000 mapped to FJX: 71 PROPNN FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/so4.dat so4 RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/soot.dat soot RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/org.dat org RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/ssa.dat ssa RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/ssc.dat ssc RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/h2so4.dat h2so4 RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/h2so4.dat h2so4 RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat FAST-JX (RD_AOD): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2021-10/dust.dat dust RRTMG LUT interpolated from GADS (DAR 09/2013) V0.1 - contains Fast-J wavelengths but is the same as the original jv_spec.dat Wavelength optics read successfully N WAVELENGTHS: 1 WAVELENGTH REQUESTED: 550.00000000000000 WAVELENGTH REQUIRED: 1 ********************************* Using Aerosol type: 3 ABSRB = fully absorbing 'soot', wavelength indep. Using Aerosol type: 10 W_C08 = water cloud (C1/Deirm.) (n=1.335, gamma: r-mode=8.0um / alpha=6) Using Aerosol type: 14 Ice-I = irregular ice cloud (Mishchenko) Using Aerosol type: 15 Mdust 0.15 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 16 Mdust 0.25 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 17 Mdust 0.4 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 18 Mdust 0.8 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 19 Mdust 1.5 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 20 Mdust 2.5 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 21 Mdust 4.0 = mineral dust (R.V.Martin) Using Aerosol type: 22 S00(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=00 (n@550=1.53-0.01i log-norm: r=.07um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 23 S50(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=50 (n@550=1.44 0.00i log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 24 S70(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=70 (n@550=1.41 0.00i log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 25 S80(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=80 (n@550=1.40 0.00i log-norm: r=.10um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 26 S90(dar) Trop sulphate, RH=90 (n@550=1.38 0.00i log-norm: r=.11um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 29 BC00(rvm) Black C, RH=00 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 30 BC50(rvm) Black C, RH=50 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 31 BC70(rvm) Black C, RH=70 (n@550=1.75-.44i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 32 BC80(rvm) Black C, RH=80 (n@550=1.57-.25i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 33 BC90(rvm) Black C, RH=90 (n@550=1.48-.16i log-norm: r_g=.02um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 36 OC00(rvm) Organic C, RH=00 (n@550=1.53-.006i log-norm: r_g=.07um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 37 OC50(rvm) Organic C, RH=50 (n@550=1.46-.004i log-norm: r_g=.08um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 38 OC70(rvm) Organic C, RH=70 (n@550=1.44-.003i log-norm: r_g=.08um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 39 OC80(rvm) Organic C, RH=80 (n@550=1.43-.003i log-norm: r_g=.09um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 40 OC90(rvm) Organic C, RH=90 (n@550=1.41-.002i log-norm: r_g=.09um/sigma=1.6) Using Aerosol type: 43 SSa00(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=00 (n@550=1.50 log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 44 SSa50(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=50 (n@550=1.37 log-norm: r=.14um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 45 SSa70(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=70 (n@550=1.36 log-norm: r=.15um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 46 SSa80(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=80 (n@550=1.35 log-norm: r=.17um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 47 SSa90(rvm) Sea Salt (accum), RH=90 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=.20um/sigma=1.5) Using Aerosol type: 50 SSc00(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=00 (n@550=1.50 log-norm: r=0.4um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 51 SSc50(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=50 (n@550=1.37 log-norm: r=0.6um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 52 SSc70(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=70 (n@550=1.36 log-norm: r=0.7um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 53 SSc80(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=80 (n@550=1.35 log-norm: r=0.8um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 54 SSc90(rvm) Sea Salt (coarse), RH=90 (n@550=1.34 log-norm: r=1.0um/sigma=1.8) Using Aerosol type: 4 S_Bkg = backgrnd stratospheric sulfate (n=1.46, log-norm: r=.09um/sigma=.6) Using Aerosol type: 14 Ice-I = irregular ice cloud (Mishchenko) =============================================================================== Photo rxn flags saved for use in PHOTRATE_ADJ: RXN_O2 [ O2 + hv -> O + O ] = 1 RXN_O3_1 [ O3 + hv -> O2 + O ] = 2 RXN_O3_2a [ O3 + hv -> O2 + O(1D) #1 ] = 102 RXN_JNITSa [ NITS + hv -> HNO2 ] = 130 RXN_JNITSb [ NITS + hv -> NO2 ] = 131 RXN_JNITa [ NIT + hv -> HNO2 ] = 132 RXN_JNITb [ NIT + hv -> NO2 ] = 133 RXN_H2SO4 [ SO4 + hv -> SO2 + OH + OH ] = 100 RXN_NO2 [ NO2 + hv -> NO + O ] = 11 =============================================================================== O2 : 1 141 1.0000 O3 : 2 143 1.0000 O3 : 3 120 1.0000 NO : 6 115 1.0000 CH2O : 7 23 1.0000 CH2O : 8 23 1.0000 H2O2 : 9 45 1.0000 MP : 10 102 1.0000 NO2 : 11 116 1.0000 NO3 : 12 117 0.8860 NO3 : 13 117 0.1140 N2O5 : 14 112 1.0000 HNO2 : 15 53 1.0000 HNO3 : 16 54 1.0000 HNO4 : 17 55 0.0500 HNO4 : 18 55 0.9500 ClNO3 : 19 33 1.0000 ClNO3 : 20 33 1.0000 ClNO2 : 21 32 1.0000 Cl2 : 22 30 1.0000 Br2 : 23 6 1.0000 HOCl : 24 57 1.0000 OClO : 25 121 1.0000 Cl2O2 : 26 31 1.0000 ClO : 27 34 1.0000 BrO : 28 10 1.0000 BrNO3 : 29 9 0.8500 BrNO3 : 30 9 0.1500 BrNO2 : 31 8 1.0000 HOBr : 32 56 1.0000 BrCl : 33 7 1.0000 OCS : 34 122 1.0000 N2O : 36 111 1.0000 CFC11 : 37 13 1.0000 CFC12 : 38 17 1.0000 CFC113 : 39 14 1.0000 CFC114 : 40 15 1.0000 CFC115 : 41 16 1.0000 CCl4 : 42 12 1.0000 CH3Cl : 43 26 1.0000 CH3CCl3 : 44 25 1.0000 CH2Cl2 : 45 19 1.0000 HCFC22 : 46 51 1.0000 HCFC123 : 47 48 1.0000 HCFC141b : 48 49 1.0000 HCFC142b : 49 50 1.0000 CH3Br : 50 24 1.0000 H1211 : 51 42 1.0000 H1301 : 53 43 1.0000 H2402 : 54 44 1.0000 CH2Br2 : 55 18 1.0000 CHBr3 : 56 28 1.0000 PAN : 59 124 1.0000 R4N2 : 60 130 1.0000 ALD2 : 61 2 1.0000 ALD2 : 62 2 1.0000 MVK : 63 105 0.6000 MVK : 64 105 0.2000 MVK : 65 105 0.2000 MACR : 66 90 1.0000 MACR : 67 90 0.0000 GLYC : 68 40 1.0000 MEK : 69 97 1.0000 RCHO : 70 134 1.0000 MGLY : 71 99 1.0000 GLYX : 72 41 1.0000 GLYX : 73 41 1.0000 GLYX : 74 41 1.0000 HAC : 75 46 0.6000 ACET : 76 1 1.0000 ACET : 77 1 1.0000 IDN : 78 76 1.0000 PRPN : 79 128 1.0000 ETP : 80 39 0.5000 RA3P : 81 132 1.0000 RB3P : 82 133 1.0000 R4P : 83 131 1.0000 PP : 84 126 1.0000 RP : 85 139 1.0000 HMHP : 86 52 1.0000 HPETHNL : 87 64 1.0000 PYAC : 88 129 1.0000 PROPNN : 89 127 1.0000 MVKHC : 90 106 1.0000 MVKHCB : 91 107 1.0000 MVKHP : 92 108 1.0000 MVKPC : 93 110 1.0000 MCRENOL : 94 93 1.0000 MCRHP : 95 96 1.0000 MACR1OOH : 96 91 1.0000 ATOOH : 97 3 1.0000 R4N2 : 98 130 1.0000 MAP : 99 92 1.0000 SO4 : 100 140 1.0000 ClOO : 101 35 1.0000 O3 : 102 142 1.0000 MPN : 103 104 0.0500 MPN : 104 104 0.9500 PIP : 105 125 1.0000 ICN : 106 71 1.0000 ETHLN : 107 36 1.0000 MVKN : 108 109 1.0000 MCRHN : 109 94 1.0000 MCRHNB : 110 95 1.0000 MONITS : 111 100 1.0000 MONITU : 112 101 1.0000 HONIT : 113 59 1.0000 I2 : 114 65 1.0000 HOI : 115 58 1.0000 IO : 116 84 1.0000 OIO : 117 123 1.0000 INO : 118 81 1.0000 IONO : 119 85 1.0000 IONO2 : 120 86 1.0000 I2O2 : 121 66 1.0000 CH3I : 122 27 1.0000 CH2I2 : 123 20 1.0000 CH2ICl : 124 22 1.0000 CH2IBr : 125 21 1.0000 I2O4 : 126 68 1.0000 I2O3 : 127 67 1.0000 IBr : 128 69 1.0000 ICl : 129 70 1.0000 NITs : 130 114 1.0000 NITs : 131 114 1.0000 NIT : 132 113 1.0000 NIT : 133 113 1.0000 MENO3 : 134 98 1.0000 ETNO3 : 135 38 1.0000 IPRNO3 : 136 87 1.0000 NPRNO3 : 137 119 1.0000 RIPA : 138 135 1.0000 RIPB : 139 136 1.0000 RIPC : 140 137 1.0000 RIPD : 141 138 1.0000 HPALD1 : 142 60 1.0000 HPALD2 : 143 61 1.0000 HPALD3 : 144 62 1.0000 HPALD4 : 145 63 1.0000 IHN1 : 146 77 1.0000 IHN2 : 147 78 1.0000 IHN3 : 148 79 1.0000 IHN4 : 149 80 1.0000 INPB : 150 82 1.0000 INPD : 151 83 1.0000 INPD : 152 83 1.0000 ICPDH : 153 72 1.0000 ICPDH : 154 72 1.0000 IDHDP : 155 74 1.0000 IDHPE : 156 75 1.0000 IDCHP : 157 73 1.0000 ITHN : 158 89 1.0000 ITHN : 159 89 1.0000 ITCN : 160 88 1.0000 ITCN : 161 88 1.0000 ETHP : 162 37 1.0000 BALD : 163 4 0.0600 BZCO3H : 164 11 1.0000 BENZP : 165 5 1.0000 NPHEN : 166 118 1.0000 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% HEMCO: Harmonized Emissions Component %%%%% %%%%% You are using HEMCO version 3.7.0 %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reading settings & switches of HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc HEMCO verbose output is OFF Reading fields of HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc Using HEMCO extension: ParaNOx (ship emission plumes) HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_02ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_06ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_10ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_14ms.txt HEMCO (PARANOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/PARANOX/v2015-02/ship_plume_lut_18ms.txt HEMCO (LIGHTNOX): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/LIGHTNOX/v2014-07/light_dist.ott2010.dat Using HEMCO extension: LightNOx (lightning NOx emissions Using HEMCO extension: Volcano (volcanic SO2 emissions) Using HEMCO extension: SeaFlux (air-sea flux emissions) Using HEMCO extension: GFED (biomass burning) Using HEMCO extension: Inorg_Iodine (HOI and I2 emissions) UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_01.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_02.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_03.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_04.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_05.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_06.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_07.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_08.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_09.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_10.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_11.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_O1D_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO2_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JNO3_12.dat UCX (SFCMR_READ): Opening ./ChemDir/UCX_201403/NoonTime/Grid2x25/InitCFC_JN2O_12.dat Mem/Swap Used (MB) at DYNAMICSMAPL_GenericInitialize= 6.131E+04 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at GCHPMAPL_GenericInitialize= 6.180E+04 0.000E+00 oserver is not split EXPSRC: EXPID: OutputDir/GEOSChem Descr: GEOS-Chem_devel DisableSubVmChecks: F Reading HISTORY RC Files: ------------------------- NOT using buffer I/O for file: HISTORY.rc NOT using buffer I/O for file: AerosolMass.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: Aerosols.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: Budget.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: DryDep.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: Emissions.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: JValues.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: Metrics.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: SpeciesConc.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: StateMet.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: WetLossConv.rcx NOT using buffer I/O for file: WetLossLS.rcx Setting history alarm for species 1 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection AerosolMass Setting history alarm for species 2 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection Aerosols Setting history alarm for species 3 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection Budget Setting history alarm for species 4 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection DryDep Setting history alarm for species 5 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection Emissions Setting history alarm for species 6 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection JValues Setting history alarm for species 7 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection Metrics Setting history alarm for species 8 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection SpeciesConc Setting history alarm for species 9 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection StateMet Setting history alarm for species 10 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection WetLossConv Setting history alarm for species 11 RingTime: 1982/11/01T00:00 backwards:F Clock Timestep = 00:10 Current Time: 2019/07/01T00:00 backwards:F DEBUG: monthly averaging is active for collection WetLossLS Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: AerosolMass Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: Aerosols Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: Budget Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: DryDep Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: Emissions Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: JValues Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: Metrics Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: SpeciesConc Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: StateMet Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: WetLossConv Freq: 00010000 Dur: 00000001 TM: -1 Collection: WetLossLS Independent Output Export States: --------------------------------- 1 GCHPchem Initializing Output Stream: AerosolMass --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 1368 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: AerMassBC AerMassINDIOL AerMassLVOCOA AerMassNH4 AerMassNIT AerMassPOA AerMassSAL AerMassSO4 AerMassSOAGX AerMassSOAIE PM25 PM10 TotalOA TotalOC AerMassASOA AerMassOPOA AerMassTSOA BetaNO TotalBiogenicOA Initializing Output Stream: Aerosols --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 7200 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: AODHygWL1_SO4 AODHygWL1_BCPI AODHygWL1_OCPI AODHygWL1_SALA AODHygWL1_SALC AODDust AODDustWL1_bin1 AODDustWL1_bin2 AODDustWL1_bin3 AODDustWL1_bin4 AODDustWL1_bin5 AODDustWL1_bin6 AODDustWL1_bin7 AODSOAfromAqIsopreneWL1 AODStratLiquidAerWL1 AODPolarStratCloudWL1 AerHygroscopicGrowth_SO4 AerHygroscopicGrowth_BCPI AerHygroscopicGrowth_OCPI AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALA AerHygroscopicGrowth_SALC AerNumDensityStratLiquid AerNumDensityStratParticulate AerAqueousVolume AerSurfAreaDust AerSurfAreaHyg_SO4 AerSurfAreaHyg_BCPI AerSurfAreaHyg_OCPI AerSurfAreaHyg_SALA AerSurfAreaHyg_SALC AerSurfAreaStratLiquid AerSurfAreaPolarStratCloud Chem_AeroAreaMDUST1 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST2 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST3 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST4 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST5 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST6 Chem_AeroAreaMDUST7 Chem_AeroAreaSULF Chem_AeroAreaBC Chem_AeroAreaOC Chem_AeroAreaSSA Chem_AeroAreaSSC Chem_AeroAreaBGSULF Chem_AeroAreaICEI Chem_AeroRadiMDUST1 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST2 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST3 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST4 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST5 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST6 Chem_AeroRadiMDUST7 Chem_AeroRadiSULF Chem_AeroRadiBC Chem_AeroRadiOC Chem_AeroRadiSSA Chem_AeroRadiSSC Chem_AeroRadiBGSULF Chem_AeroRadiICEI Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST1 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST2 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST3 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST4 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST5 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST6 Chem_WetAeroAreaMDUST7 Chem_WetAeroAreaSULF Chem_WetAeroAreaBC Chem_WetAeroAreaOC Chem_WetAeroAreaSSA Chem_WetAeroAreaSSC Chem_WetAeroAreaBGSULF Chem_WetAeroAreaICEI Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST1 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST2 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST3 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST4 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST5 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST6 Chem_WetAeroRadiMDUST7 Chem_WetAeroRadiSULF Chem_WetAeroRadiBC Chem_WetAeroRadiOC Chem_WetAeroRadiSSA Chem_WetAeroRadiSSC Chem_WetAeroRadiBGSULF Chem_WetAeroRadiICEI Chem_StatePSC Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5H2O Chem_KhetiSLAN2O5HCl Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3H2O Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HCl Chem_KhetiSLAClNO3HBr Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3H2O Chem_KhetiSLABrNO3HCl Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHCl Chem_KhetiSLAHOClHBr Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHCl Chem_KhetiSLAHOBrHBr Initializing Output Stream: Budget --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 3109 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: BudgetWetDepPBL_SOAS BudgetWetDepPBL_SOAIE BudgetWetDepPBL_SOAGX BudgetWetDepPBL_SO4s BudgetWetDepPBL_SO4 BudgetWetDepPBL_SO2 BudgetWetDepPBL_SALCCL BudgetWetDepPBL_SALCAL BudgetWetDepPBL_SALC BudgetWetDepPBL_SALACL BudgetWetDepPBL_SALAAL BudgetWetDepPBL_SALA BudgetWetDepPBL_RP BudgetWetDepPBL_RIPD BudgetWetDepPBL_RIPC BudgetWetDepPBL_RIPB BudgetWetDepPBL_RIPA BudgetWetDepPBL_RB3P BudgetWetDepPBL_RA3P BudgetWetDepPBL_R4P BudgetWetDepPBL_R4N2 BudgetWetDepPBL_PYAC BudgetWetDepPBL_PRPN BudgetWetDepPBL_PRPE BudgetWetDepPBL_PROPNN BudgetWetDepPBL_PPN BudgetWetDepPBL_PP BudgetWetDepPBL_pFe BudgetWetDepPBL_PAN BudgetWetDepPBL_OCPO BudgetWetDepPBL_OCPI BudgetWetDepPBL_NITs BudgetWetDepPBL_NIT BudgetWetDepPBL_NH4 BudgetWetDepPBL_NH3 BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKPC BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKN BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKHP BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKHCB BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKHC BudgetWetDepPBL_MVKDH BudgetWetDepPBL_MVK BudgetWetDepPBL_MTPO BudgetWetDepPBL_MTPA BudgetWetDepPBL_MSA BudgetWetDepPBL_MPN BudgetWetDepPBL_MPAN BudgetWetDepPBL_MP BudgetWetDepPBL_MONITU BudgetWetDepPBL_MONITS BudgetWetDepPBL_MONITA BudgetWetDepPBL_MOH BudgetWetDepPBL_MGLY BudgetWetDepPBL_MEK BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRHP BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRHNB BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRHN BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRENOL BudgetWetDepPBL_MCRDH BudgetWetDepPBL_MAP BudgetWetDepPBL_MACR1OOH BudgetWetDepPBL_LVOCOA BudgetWetDepPBL_LVOC BudgetWetDepPBL_LIMO BudgetWetDepPBL_ITHN BudgetWetDepPBL_ITCN BudgetWetDepPBL_ISALC BudgetWetDepPBL_ISALA BudgetWetDepPBL_IONO2 BudgetWetDepPBL_IONO BudgetWetDepPBL_IONITA BudgetWetDepPBL_INPD BudgetWetDepPBL_INPB BudgetWetDepPBL_INDIOL BudgetWetDepPBL_IHN4 BudgetWetDepPBL_IHN3 BudgetWetDepPBL_IHN2 BudgetWetDepPBL_IHN1 BudgetWetDepPBL_IEPOXD BudgetWetDepPBL_IEPOXB BudgetWetDepPBL_IEPOXA BudgetWetDepPBL_IDN BudgetWetDepPBL_IDHPE BudgetWetDepPBL_IDHDP BudgetWetDepPBL_IDCHP BudgetWetDepPBL_ICPDH BudgetWetDepPBL_ICN BudgetWetDepPBL_ICl BudgetWetDepPBL_ICHE BudgetWetDepPBL_IBr BudgetWetDepPBL_I2O4 BudgetWetDepPBL_I2O3 BudgetWetDepPBL_I2O2 BudgetWetDepPBL_I2 BudgetWetDepPBL_HPETHNL BudgetWetDepPBL_HONIT BudgetWetDepPBL_HOI BudgetWetDepPBL_HOCl BudgetWetDepPBL_HOBr BudgetWetDepPBL_HNO3 BudgetWetDepPBL_HMML BudgetWetDepPBL_HMS BudgetWetDepPBL_HMHP BudgetWetDepPBL_HI BudgetWetDepPBL_HCOOH BudgetWetDepPBL_HCl BudgetWetDepPBL_HC5A BudgetWetDepPBL_HBr BudgetWetDepPBL_HAC BudgetWetDepPBL_H2O2 BudgetWetDepPBL_GLYX BudgetWetDepPBL_GLYC BudgetWetDepPBL_ETP BudgetWetDepPBL_ETHP BudgetWetDepPBL_ETHN BudgetWetDepPBL_ETHLN BudgetWetDepPBL_EOH BudgetWetDepPBL_DST4 BudgetWetDepPBL_DST3 BudgetWetDepPBL_DST2 BudgetWetDepPBL_DST1 BudgetWetDepPBL_CH2O BudgetWetDepPBL_BrSALC BudgetWetDepPBL_BrSALA BudgetWetDepPBL_BrCl BudgetWetDepPBL_Br2 BudgetWetDepPBL_BCPO BudgetWetDepPBL_BCPI BudgetWetDepPBL_ATOOH BudgetWetDepPBL_ALD2 BudgetWetDepPBL_AERI BudgetWetDepPBL_ACTA BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOG1 BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOG0 BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOA3 BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOA2 BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOA1 BudgetWetDepPBL_TSOA0 BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOG3 BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOG2 BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOG1 BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOAN BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOA3 BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOA2 BudgetWetDepPBL_ASOA1 BudgetWetDepTrop_SOAS BudgetWetDepTrop_SOAIE BudgetWetDepTrop_SOAGX BudgetWetDepTrop_SO4s BudgetWetDepTrop_SO4 BudgetWetDepTrop_SO2 BudgetWetDepTrop_SALCCL BudgetWetDepTrop_SALCAL BudgetWetDepTrop_SALC BudgetWetDepTrop_SALACL BudgetWetDepTrop_SALAAL BudgetWetDepTrop_SALA BudgetWetDepTrop_RP BudgetWetDepTrop_RIPD BudgetWetDepTrop_RIPC BudgetWetDepTrop_RIPB BudgetWetDepTrop_RIPA BudgetWetDepTrop_RB3P BudgetWetDepTrop_RA3P BudgetWetDepTrop_R4P BudgetWetDepTrop_R4N2 BudgetWetDepTrop_PYAC BudgetWetDepTrop_PRPN BudgetWetDepTrop_PRPE BudgetWetDepTrop_PROPNN BudgetWetDepTrop_PPN BudgetWetDepTrop_PP BudgetWetDepTrop_pFe BudgetWetDepTrop_PAN BudgetWetDepTrop_OCPO BudgetWetDepTrop_OCPI BudgetWetDepTrop_NITS BudgetWetDepTrop_NIT BudgetWetDepTrop_NH4 BudgetWetDepTrop_NH3 BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKPC BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKN BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKHP BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKHCB BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKHC BudgetWetDepTrop_MVKDH BudgetWetDepTrop_MVK BudgetWetDepTrop_MTPO BudgetWetDepTrop_MTPA BudgetWetDepTrop_MSA BudgetWetDepTrop_MPN BudgetWetDepTrop_MPAN BudgetWetDepTrop_MP BudgetWetDepTrop_MONITU BudgetWetDepTrop_MONITS BudgetWetDepTrop_MONITA BudgetWetDepTrop_MOH BudgetWetDepTrop_MGLY BudgetWetDepTrop_MEK BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRHP BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRHNB BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRHN BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRENOL BudgetWetDepTrop_MCRDH BudgetWetDepTrop_MAP BudgetWetDepTrop_MACR1OOH BudgetWetDepTrop_LVOCOA BudgetWetDepTrop_LVOC BudgetWetDepTrop_LIMO BudgetWetDepTrop_ITHN BudgetWetDepTrop_ITCN BudgetWetDepTrop_ISALC BudgetWetDepTrop_ISALA BudgetWetDepTrop_IONO2 BudgetWetDepTrop_IONO BudgetWetDepTrop_IONITA BudgetWetDepTrop_INPD BudgetWetDepTrop_INPB BudgetWetDepTrop_INDIOL BudgetWetDepTrop_IHN4 BudgetWetDepTrop_IHN3 BudgetWetDepTrop_IHN2 BudgetWetDepTrop_IHN1 BudgetWetDepTrop_IEPOXD BudgetWetDepTrop_IEPOXB BudgetWetDepTrop_IEPOXA BudgetWetDepTrop_IDN BudgetWetDepTrop_IDHPE BudgetWetDepTrop_IDHDP BudgetWetDepTrop_IDCHP BudgetWetDepTrop_ICPDH BudgetWetDepTrop_ICN BudgetWetDepTrop_ICl BudgetWetDepTrop_ICHE BudgetWetDepTrop_IBr BudgetWetDepTrop_I2O4 BudgetWetDepTrop_I2O3 BudgetWetDepTrop_I2O2 BudgetWetDepTrop_I2 BudgetWetDepTrop_HPETHNL BudgetWetDepTrop_HONIT BudgetWetDepTrop_HOI BudgetWetDepTrop_HOCl BudgetWetDepTrop_HOBr 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BudgetChemistryFull_HCFC142b BudgetChemistryFull_HCFC141b BudgetChemistryFull_HCFC123 BudgetChemistryFull_HC5A BudgetChemistryFull_HBr BudgetChemistryFull_HAC BudgetChemistryFull_H2O2 BudgetChemistryFull_H2O BudgetChemistryFull_H2402 BudgetChemistryFull_H1301 BudgetChemistryFull_H1211 BudgetChemistryFull_GLYX BudgetChemistryFull_GLYC BudgetChemistryFull_ETP BudgetChemistryFull_ETNO3 BudgetChemistryFull_ETHP BudgetChemistryFull_ETHN BudgetChemistryFull_ETHLN BudgetChemistryFull_EOH BudgetChemistryFull_DST4 BudgetChemistryFull_DST3 BudgetChemistryFull_DST2 BudgetChemistryFull_DST1 BudgetChemistryFull_DMS BudgetChemistryFull_CO BudgetChemistryFull_ClOO BudgetChemistryFull_ClO BudgetChemistryFull_ClNO3 BudgetChemistryFull_ClNO2 BudgetChemistryFull_Cl2O2 BudgetChemistryFull_Cl2 BudgetChemistryFull_Cl BudgetChemistryFull_CHCl3 BudgetChemistryFull_CHBr3 BudgetChemistryFull_CH4 BudgetChemistryFull_CH3I BudgetChemistryFull_CH3Cl BudgetChemistryFull_CH3CCl3 BudgetChemistryFull_CH3Br BudgetChemistryFull_CH2O BudgetChemistryFull_CH2ICl BudgetChemistryFull_CH2IBr BudgetChemistryFull_CH2I2 BudgetChemistryFull_CH2Cl2 BudgetChemistryFull_CH2Br2 BudgetChemistryFull_CFC12 BudgetChemistryFull_CFC115 BudgetChemistryFull_CFC114 BudgetChemistryFull_CFC113 BudgetChemistryFull_CFC11 BudgetChemistryFull_CCl4 BudgetChemistryFull_C3H8 BudgetChemistryFull_C2H6 BudgetChemistryFull_BrSALC BudgetChemistryFull_BrSALA BudgetChemistryFull_BrO BudgetChemistryFull_BrNO3 BudgetChemistryFull_BrNO2 BudgetChemistryFull_BrCl BudgetChemistryFull_Br2 BudgetChemistryFull_Br BudgetChemistryFull_BENZ BudgetChemistryFull_BCPO BudgetChemistryFull_BCPI BudgetChemistryFull_ATOOH BudgetChemistryFull_ALK4 BudgetChemistryFull_ALD2 BudgetChemistryFull_AERI BudgetChemistryFull_ACTA BudgetChemistryFull_ACET BudgetChemistryFull_TSOG3 BudgetChemistryFull_TSOG2 BudgetChemistryFull_TSOG1 BudgetChemistryFull_TSOG0 BudgetChemistryFull_TSOA3 BudgetChemistryFull_TSOA2 BudgetChemistryFull_TSOA1 BudgetChemistryFull_TSOA0 BudgetChemistryFull_ASOG3 BudgetChemistryFull_ASOG2 BudgetChemistryFull_ASOG1 BudgetChemistryFull_ASOAN BudgetChemistryFull_ASOA3 BudgetChemistryFull_ASOA2 BudgetChemistryFull_ASOA1 BudgetConvectionPBL_XYLE BudgetConvectionPBL_TOLU BudgetConvectionPBL_SOAS BudgetConvectionPBL_SOAP BudgetConvectionPBL_SOAIE BudgetConvectionPBL_SOAGX BudgetConvectionPBL_SO4s BudgetConvectionPBL_SO4 BudgetConvectionPBL_SO2 BudgetConvectionPBL_SALCCl BudgetConvectionPBL_SALCAL BudgetConvectionPBL_SALC BudgetConvectionPBL_SALACl BudgetConvectionPBL_SALAAL BudgetConvectionPBL_SALA BudgetConvectionPBL_RP BudgetConvectionPBL_RIPD BudgetConvectionPBL_RIPC BudgetConvectionPBL_RIPB BudgetConvectionPBL_RIPA BudgetConvectionPBL_RCHO BudgetConvectionPBL_RB3P BudgetConvectionPBL_RA3P BudgetConvectionPBL_R4P BudgetConvectionPBL_R4N2 BudgetConvectionPBL_PYAC BudgetConvectionPBL_PRPN BudgetConvectionPBL_PRPE BudgetConvectionPBL_PROPNN BudgetConvectionPBL_PPN BudgetConvectionPBL_PP BudgetConvectionPBL_PIP BudgetConvectionPBL_pFe BudgetConvectionPBL_PAN BudgetConvectionPBL_OIO BudgetConvectionPBL_OCS BudgetConvectionPBL_OCPO BudgetConvectionPBL_OCPI BudgetConvectionPBL_OClO BudgetConvectionPBL_O3 BudgetConvectionPBL_NPRNO3 BudgetConvectionPBL_NO3 BudgetConvectionPBL_NO2 BudgetConvectionPBL_NO BudgetConvectionPBL_NITs BudgetConvectionPBL_NIT BudgetConvectionPBL_NH4 BudgetConvectionPBL_NH3 BudgetConvectionPBL_N2O5 BudgetConvectionPBL_N2O BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKPC BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKN BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKHP BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKHCB BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKHC BudgetConvectionPBL_MVKDH BudgetConvectionPBL_MVK BudgetConvectionPBL_MTPO BudgetConvectionPBL_MTPA BudgetConvectionPBL_MSA BudgetConvectionPBL_MPN BudgetConvectionPBL_MPAN BudgetConvectionPBL_MP BudgetConvectionPBL_MONITU BudgetConvectionPBL_MONITS BudgetConvectionPBL_MONITA BudgetConvectionPBL_MOH BudgetConvectionPBL_MGLY BudgetConvectionPBL_MENO3 BudgetConvectionPBL_MEK BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRHP BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRHNB BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRHN BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRENOL BudgetConvectionPBL_MCRDH BudgetConvectionPBL_MAP BudgetConvectionPBL_MACR1OOH BudgetConvectionPBL_MACR BudgetConvectionPBL_LVOCOA BudgetConvectionPBL_LVOC BudgetConvectionPBL_LIMO BudgetConvectionPBL_ITHN BudgetConvectionPBL_ITCN BudgetConvectionPBL_ISOP BudgetConvectionPBL_ISALC BudgetConvectionPBL_ISALA BudgetConvectionPBL_IPRNO3 BudgetConvectionPBL_IONO2 BudgetConvectionPBL_IONO BudgetConvectionPBL_IONITA BudgetConvectionPBL_IO BudgetConvectionPBL_INPD BudgetConvectionPBL_INPB BudgetConvectionPBL_INO BudgetConvectionPBL_INDIOL BudgetConvectionPBL_IHN4 BudgetConvectionPBL_IHN3 BudgetConvectionPBL_IHN2 BudgetConvectionPBL_IHN1 BudgetConvectionPBL_IEPOXD BudgetConvectionPBL_IEPOXB BudgetConvectionPBL_IEPOXA BudgetConvectionPBL_IDN BudgetConvectionPBL_IDHPE BudgetConvectionPBL_IDHDP BudgetConvectionPBL_IDCHP BudgetConvectionPBL_IDC BudgetConvectionPBL_ICPDH BudgetConvectionPBL_ICN BudgetConvectionPBL_ICl BudgetConvectionPBL_ICHE BudgetConvectionPBL_IBr BudgetConvectionPBL_I2O4 BudgetConvectionPBL_I2O3 BudgetConvectionPBL_I2O2 BudgetConvectionPBL_I2 BudgetConvectionPBL_I BudgetConvectionPBL_HPETHNL BudgetConvectionPBL_HPALD4 BudgetConvectionPBL_HPALD3 BudgetConvectionPBL_HPALD2 BudgetConvectionPBL_HPALD1 BudgetConvectionPBL_HONIT BudgetConvectionPBL_HOI BudgetConvectionPBL_HOCl BudgetConvectionPBL_HOBr BudgetConvectionPBL_HNO4 BudgetConvectionPBL_HNO3 BudgetConvectionPBL_HNO2 BudgetConvectionPBL_HMS BudgetConvectionPBL_HMML BudgetConvectionPBL_HMHP BudgetConvectionPBL_HI BudgetConvectionPBL_HCOOH BudgetConvectionPBL_HCl BudgetConvectionPBL_HCFC22 BudgetConvectionPBL_HCFC142b BudgetConvectionPBL_HCFC141b BudgetConvectionPBL_HCFC123 BudgetConvectionPBL_HC5A BudgetConvectionPBL_HBr BudgetConvectionPBL_HAC BudgetConvectionPBL_H2O2 BudgetConvectionPBL_H2O BudgetConvectionPBL_H2402 BudgetConvectionPBL_H1301 BudgetConvectionPBL_H1211 BudgetConvectionPBL_GLYX BudgetConvectionPBL_GLYC BudgetConvectionPBL_ETP BudgetConvectionPBL_ETNO3 BudgetConvectionPBL_ETHP BudgetConvectionPBL_ETHN BudgetConvectionPBL_ETHLN BudgetConvectionPBL_EOH BudgetConvectionPBL_DST4 BudgetConvectionPBL_DST3 BudgetConvectionPBL_DST2 BudgetConvectionPBL_DST1 BudgetConvectionPBL_DMS BudgetConvectionPBL_CO BudgetConvectionPBL_ClOO BudgetConvectionPBL_ClO BudgetConvectionPBL_ClNO3 BudgetConvectionPBL_ClNO2 BudgetConvectionPBL_Cl2O2 BudgetConvectionPBL_Cl2 BudgetConvectionPBL_Cl BudgetConvectionPBL_CHCl3 BudgetConvectionPBL_CHBr3 BudgetConvectionPBL_CH4 BudgetConvectionPBL_CH3I BudgetConvectionPBL_CH3Cl BudgetConvectionPBL_CH3CCl3 BudgetConvectionPBL_CH3Br BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2O BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2ICl BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2IBr BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2I2 BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2Cl2 BudgetConvectionPBL_CH2Br2 BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC12 BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC115 BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC114 BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC113 BudgetConvectionPBL_CFC11 BudgetConvectionPBL_CCl4 BudgetConvectionPBL_C3H8 BudgetConvectionPBL_C2H6 BudgetConvectionPBL_C2H4 BudgetConvectionPBL_C2H2 BudgetConvectionPBL_BrSALC BudgetConvectionPBL_BrSALA BudgetConvectionPBL_BrO BudgetConvectionPBL_BrNO3 BudgetConvectionPBL_BrNO2 BudgetConvectionPBL_BrCl BudgetConvectionPBL_Br2 BudgetConvectionPBL_Br BudgetConvectionPBL_BENZ BudgetConvectionPBL_BCPO BudgetConvectionPBL_BCPI BudgetConvectionPBL_ATOOH BudgetConvectionPBL_ALK4 BudgetConvectionPBL_ALD2 BudgetConvectionPBL_AERI BudgetConvectionPBL_ACTA BudgetConvectionPBL_ACET BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOG3 BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOG2 BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOG1 BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOG0 BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOA3 BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOA2 BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOA1 BudgetConvectionPBL_TSOA0 BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOG3 BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOG2 BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOG1 BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOAN BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOA3 BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOA2 BudgetConvectionPBL_ASOA1 BudgetConvectionTrop_XYLE BudgetConvectionTrop_TOLU BudgetConvectionTrop_SOAS BudgetConvectionTrop_SOAP BudgetConvectionTrop_SOAIE BudgetConvectionTrop_SOAGX BudgetConvectionTrop_SO4s BudgetConvectionTrop_SO4 BudgetConvectionTrop_SO2 BudgetConvectionTrop_SALCCL BudgetConvectionTrop_SALCAL BudgetConvectionTrop_SALC BudgetConvectionTrop_SALACL BudgetConvectionTrop_SALAAL BudgetConvectionTrop_SALA BudgetConvectionTrop_RP BudgetConvectionTrop_RIPD BudgetConvectionTrop_RIPC BudgetConvectionTrop_RIPB BudgetConvectionTrop_RIPA BudgetConvectionTrop_RCHO BudgetConvectionTrop_RB3P BudgetConvectionTrop_RA3P BudgetConvectionTrop_R4P BudgetConvectionTrop_R4N2 BudgetConvectionTrop_PYAC BudgetConvectionTrop_PRPN BudgetConvectionTrop_PRPE BudgetConvectionTrop_PROPNN BudgetConvectionTrop_PPN BudgetConvectionTrop_PP BudgetConvectionTrop_PIP BudgetConvectionTrop_pFe BudgetConvectionTrop_PAN BudgetConvectionTrop_OIO BudgetConvectionTrop_OCS BudgetConvectionTrop_OCPO BudgetConvectionTrop_OCPI BudgetConvectionTrop_OClO BudgetConvectionTrop_O3 BudgetConvectionTrop_NPRNO3 BudgetConvectionTrop_NO3 BudgetConvectionTrop_NO2 BudgetConvectionTrop_NO BudgetConvectionTrop_NITs BudgetConvectionTrop_NIT BudgetConvectionTrop_NH4 BudgetConvectionTrop_NH3 BudgetConvectionTrop_N2O5 BudgetConvectionTrop_N2O BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKPC BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKN BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKHP BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKHCB BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKHC BudgetConvectionTrop_MVKDH BudgetConvectionTrop_MVK BudgetConvectionTrop_MTPO BudgetConvectionTrop_MTPA BudgetConvectionTrop_MSA BudgetConvectionTrop_MPN BudgetConvectionTrop_MPAN BudgetConvectionTrop_MP BudgetConvectionTrop_MONITU BudgetConvectionTrop_MONITS BudgetConvectionTrop_MONITA BudgetConvectionTrop_MOH BudgetConvectionTrop_MGLY BudgetConvectionTrop_MENO3 BudgetConvectionTrop_MEK BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRHP BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRHNB BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRHN BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRENOL BudgetConvectionTrop_MCRDH BudgetConvectionTrop_MAP BudgetConvectionTrop_MACR1OOH BudgetConvectionTrop_MACR BudgetConvectionTrop_LVOCOA BudgetConvectionTrop_LVOC BudgetConvectionTrop_LIMO BudgetConvectionTrop_ITHN BudgetConvectionTrop_ITCN BudgetConvectionTrop_ISOP BudgetConvectionTrop_ISALC BudgetConvectionTrop_ISALA BudgetConvectionTrop_IPRNO3 BudgetConvectionTrop_IONO2 BudgetConvectionTrop_IONO BudgetConvectionTrop_IONITA BudgetConvectionTrop_IO BudgetConvectionTrop_INPD BudgetConvectionTrop_INPB BudgetConvectionTrop_INO BudgetConvectionTrop_INDIOL BudgetConvectionTrop_IHN4 BudgetConvectionTrop_IHN3 BudgetConvectionTrop_IHN2 BudgetConvectionTrop_IHN1 BudgetConvectionTrop_IEPOXD BudgetConvectionTrop_IEPOXB BudgetConvectionTrop_IEPOXA BudgetConvectionTrop_IDN BudgetConvectionTrop_IDHPE BudgetConvectionTrop_IDHDP BudgetConvectionTrop_IDCHP BudgetConvectionTrop_IDC BudgetConvectionTrop_ICPDH BudgetConvectionTrop_ICN BudgetConvectionTrop_ICl BudgetConvectionTrop_ICHE BudgetConvectionTrop_IBr BudgetConvectionTrop_I2O4 BudgetConvectionTrop_I2O3 BudgetConvectionTrop_I2O2 BudgetConvectionTrop_I2 BudgetConvectionTrop_I BudgetConvectionTrop_HPETHNL BudgetConvectionTrop_HPALD4 BudgetConvectionTrop_HPALD3 BudgetConvectionTrop_HPALD2 BudgetConvectionTrop_HPALD1 BudgetConvectionTrop_HONIT BudgetConvectionTrop_HOI BudgetConvectionTrop_HOCl BudgetConvectionTrop_HOBr BudgetConvectionTrop_HNO4 BudgetConvectionTrop_HNO3 BudgetConvectionTrop_HNO2 BudgetConvectionTrop_HMS BudgetConvectionTrop_HMML BudgetConvectionTrop_HMHP BudgetConvectionTrop_HI BudgetConvectionTrop_HCOOH BudgetConvectionTrop_HCl BudgetConvectionTrop_HCFC22 BudgetConvectionTrop_HCFC142b BudgetConvectionTrop_HCFC141b BudgetConvectionTrop_HCFC123 BudgetConvectionTrop_HC5A BudgetConvectionTrop_HBr BudgetConvectionTrop_HAC BudgetConvectionTrop_H2O2 BudgetConvectionTrop_H2O BudgetConvectionTrop_H2402 BudgetConvectionTrop_H1301 BudgetConvectionTrop_H1211 BudgetConvectionTrop_GLYX BudgetConvectionTrop_GLYC BudgetConvectionTrop_ETP BudgetConvectionTrop_ETNO3 BudgetConvectionTrop_ETHP BudgetConvectionTrop_ETHN BudgetConvectionTrop_ETHLN BudgetConvectionTrop_EOH BudgetConvectionTrop_DST4 BudgetConvectionTrop_DST3 BudgetConvectionTrop_DST2 BudgetConvectionTrop_DST1 BudgetConvectionTrop_DMS BudgetConvectionTrop_CO BudgetConvectionTrop_ClOO BudgetConvectionTrop_ClO BudgetConvectionTrop_ClNO3 BudgetConvectionTrop_ClNO2 BudgetConvectionTrop_Cl2O2 BudgetConvectionTrop_Cl2 BudgetConvectionTrop_Cl BudgetConvectionTrop_CHCl3 BudgetConvectionTrop_CHBr3 BudgetConvectionTrop_CH4 BudgetConvectionTrop_CH3I BudgetConvectionTrop_CH3Cl BudgetConvectionTrop_CH3CCl3 BudgetConvectionTrop_CH3Br BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2O BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2ICl BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2IBr BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2I2 BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2Cl2 BudgetConvectionTrop_CH2Br2 BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC12 BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC115 BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC114 BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC113 BudgetConvectionTrop_CFC11 BudgetConvectionTrop_CCl4 BudgetConvectionTrop_C3H8 BudgetConvectionTrop_C2H6 BudgetConvectionTrop_C2H4 BudgetConvectionTrop_C2H2 BudgetConvectionTrop_BrSALC BudgetConvectionTrop_BrSALA BudgetConvectionTrop_BrO BudgetConvectionTrop_BrNO3 BudgetConvectionTrop_BrNO2 BudgetConvectionTrop_BrCl BudgetConvectionTrop_Br2 BudgetConvectionTrop_Br BudgetConvectionTrop_BENZ BudgetConvectionTrop_BCPO BudgetConvectionTrop_BCPI BudgetConvectionTrop_ATOOH BudgetConvectionTrop_ALK4 BudgetConvectionTrop_ALD2 BudgetConvectionTrop_AERI BudgetConvectionTrop_ACTA BudgetConvectionTrop_ACET BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOG3 BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOG2 BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOG1 BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOG0 BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOA3 BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOA2 BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOA1 BudgetConvectionTrop_TSOA0 BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOG3 BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOG2 BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOG1 BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOAN BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOA3 BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOA2 BudgetConvectionTrop_ASOA1 BudgetConvectionFull_XYLE BudgetConvectionFull_TOLU BudgetConvectionFull_SOAS BudgetConvectionFull_SOAP BudgetConvectionFull_SOAIE BudgetConvectionFull_SOAGX BudgetConvectionFull_SO4s BudgetConvectionFull_SO4 BudgetConvectionFull_SO2 BudgetConvectionFull_SALCCL BudgetConvectionFull_SALCAL BudgetConvectionFull_SALC BudgetConvectionFull_SALACL BudgetConvectionFull_SALAAL BudgetConvectionFull_SALA BudgetConvectionFull_RP BudgetConvectionFull_RIPD BudgetConvectionFull_RIPC BudgetConvectionFull_RIPB BudgetConvectionFull_RIPA BudgetConvectionFull_RCHO BudgetConvectionFull_RB3P BudgetConvectionFull_RA3P BudgetConvectionFull_R4P BudgetConvectionFull_R4N2 BudgetConvectionFull_PYAC BudgetConvectionFull_PRPN BudgetConvectionFull_PRPE BudgetConvectionFull_PROPNN BudgetConvectionFull_PPN BudgetConvectionFull_PP BudgetConvectionFull_PIP BudgetConvectionFull_pFe BudgetConvectionFull_PAN BudgetConvectionFull_OIO BudgetConvectionFull_OCS BudgetConvectionFull_OCPO BudgetConvectionFull_OCPI BudgetConvectionFull_OClO BudgetConvectionFull_O3 BudgetConvectionFull_NPRNO3 BudgetConvectionFull_NO3 BudgetConvectionFull_NO2 BudgetConvectionFull_NO BudgetConvectionFull_NITs BudgetConvectionFull_NIT BudgetConvectionFull_NH4 BudgetConvectionFull_NH3 BudgetConvectionFull_N2O5 BudgetConvectionFull_N2O BudgetConvectionFull_MVKPC BudgetConvectionFull_MVKN BudgetConvectionFull_MVKHP BudgetConvectionFull_MVKHCB BudgetConvectionFull_MVKHC BudgetConvectionFull_MVKDH BudgetConvectionFull_MVK BudgetConvectionFull_MTPO BudgetConvectionFull_MTPA BudgetConvectionFull_MSA BudgetConvectionFull_MPN BudgetConvectionFull_MPAN BudgetConvectionFull_MP BudgetConvectionFull_MONITU BudgetConvectionFull_MONITS BudgetConvectionFull_MONITA BudgetConvectionFull_MOH BudgetConvectionFull_MGLY BudgetConvectionFull_MENO3 BudgetConvectionFull_MEK BudgetConvectionFull_MCRHP BudgetConvectionFull_MCRHNB BudgetConvectionFull_MCRHN BudgetConvectionFull_MCRENOL BudgetConvectionFull_MCRDH BudgetConvectionFull_MAP BudgetConvectionFull_MACR1OOH BudgetConvectionFull_MACR BudgetConvectionFull_LVOCOA BudgetConvectionFull_LVOC BudgetConvectionFull_LIMO BudgetConvectionFull_ITHN BudgetConvectionFull_ITCN BudgetConvectionFull_ISOP BudgetConvectionFull_ISALC BudgetConvectionFull_ISALA BudgetConvectionFull_IPRNO3 BudgetConvectionFull_IONO2 BudgetConvectionFull_IONO BudgetConvectionFull_IONITA BudgetConvectionFull_IO BudgetConvectionFull_INPD BudgetConvectionFull_INPB BudgetConvectionFull_INO BudgetConvectionFull_INDIOL BudgetConvectionFull_IHN4 BudgetConvectionFull_IHN3 BudgetConvectionFull_IHN2 BudgetConvectionFull_IHN1 BudgetConvectionFull_IEPOXD BudgetConvectionFull_IEPOXB BudgetConvectionFull_IEPOXA BudgetConvectionFull_IDN BudgetConvectionFull_IDHPE BudgetConvectionFull_IDHDP BudgetConvectionFull_IDCHP BudgetConvectionFull_IDC BudgetConvectionFull_ICPDH BudgetConvectionFull_ICN BudgetConvectionFull_ICl BudgetConvectionFull_ICHE BudgetConvectionFull_IBr BudgetConvectionFull_I2O4 BudgetConvectionFull_I2O3 BudgetConvectionFull_I2O2 BudgetConvectionFull_I2 BudgetConvectionFull_I BudgetConvectionFull_HPETHNL BudgetConvectionFull_HPALD4 BudgetConvectionFull_HPALD3 BudgetConvectionFull_HPALD2 BudgetConvectionFull_HPALD1 BudgetConvectionFull_HONIT BudgetConvectionFull_HOI BudgetConvectionFull_HOCl BudgetConvectionFull_HOBr BudgetConvectionFull_HNO4 BudgetConvectionFull_HNO3 BudgetConvectionFull_HNO2 BudgetConvectionFull_HMML BudgetConvectionFull_HMS BudgetConvectionFull_HMHP BudgetConvectionFull_HI BudgetConvectionFull_HCOOH BudgetConvectionFull_HCl BudgetConvectionFull_HCFC22 BudgetConvectionFull_HCFC142b BudgetConvectionFull_HCFC141b BudgetConvectionFull_HCFC123 BudgetConvectionFull_HC5A BudgetConvectionFull_HBr BudgetConvectionFull_HAC BudgetConvectionFull_H2O2 BudgetConvectionFull_H2O BudgetConvectionFull_H2402 BudgetConvectionFull_H1301 BudgetConvectionFull_H1211 BudgetConvectionFull_GLYX BudgetConvectionFull_GLYC BudgetConvectionFull_ETP BudgetConvectionFull_ETNO3 BudgetConvectionFull_ETHP BudgetConvectionFull_ETHN BudgetConvectionFull_ETHLN BudgetConvectionFull_EOH BudgetConvectionFull_DST4 BudgetConvectionFull_DST3 BudgetConvectionFull_DST2 BudgetConvectionFull_DST1 BudgetConvectionFull_DMS BudgetConvectionFull_CO BudgetConvectionFull_ClOO BudgetConvectionFull_ClO BudgetConvectionFull_ClNO3 BudgetConvectionFull_ClNO2 BudgetConvectionFull_Cl2O2 BudgetConvectionFull_Cl2 BudgetConvectionFull_Cl BudgetConvectionFull_CHCl3 BudgetConvectionFull_CHBr3 BudgetConvectionFull_CH4 BudgetConvectionFull_CH3I BudgetConvectionFull_CH3Cl BudgetConvectionFull_CH3CCl3 BudgetConvectionFull_CH3Br BudgetConvectionFull_CH2O BudgetConvectionFull_CH2ICl BudgetConvectionFull_CH2IBr BudgetConvectionFull_CH2I2 BudgetConvectionFull_CH2Cl2 BudgetConvectionFull_CH2Br2 BudgetConvectionFull_CFC12 BudgetConvectionFull_CFC115 BudgetConvectionFull_CFC114 BudgetConvectionFull_CFC113 BudgetConvectionFull_CFC11 BudgetConvectionFull_CCl4 BudgetConvectionFull_C3H8 BudgetConvectionFull_C2H6 BudgetConvectionFull_C2H4 BudgetConvectionFull_C2H2 BudgetConvectionFull_BrSALC BudgetConvectionFull_BrSALA BudgetConvectionFull_BrO BudgetConvectionFull_BrNO3 BudgetConvectionFull_BrNO2 BudgetConvectionFull_BrCl BudgetConvectionFull_Br2 BudgetConvectionFull_Br BudgetConvectionFull_BENZ BudgetConvectionFull_BCPO BudgetConvectionFull_BCPI BudgetConvectionFull_ATOOH BudgetConvectionFull_ALK4 BudgetConvectionFull_ALD2 BudgetConvectionFull_AERI BudgetConvectionFull_ACTA BudgetConvectionFull_ACET BudgetConvectionFull_TSOG3 BudgetConvectionFull_TSOG2 BudgetConvectionFull_TSOG1 BudgetConvectionFull_TSOG0 BudgetConvectionFull_TSOA3 BudgetConvectionFull_TSOA2 BudgetConvectionFull_TSOA1 BudgetConvectionFull_TSOA0 BudgetConvectionFull_ASOG3 BudgetConvectionFull_ASOG2 BudgetConvectionFull_ASOG1 BudgetConvectionFull_ASOAN BudgetConvectionFull_ASOA3 BudgetConvectionFull_ASOA2 BudgetConvectionFull_ASOA1 BudgetMixingPBL_XYLE BudgetMixingPBL_TOLU BudgetMixingPBL_SOAS BudgetMixingPBL_SOAP BudgetMixingPBL_SOAIE BudgetMixingPBL_SOAGX BudgetMixingPBL_SO4s BudgetMixingPBL_SO4 BudgetMixingPBL_SO2 BudgetMixingPBL_SALCCL BudgetMixingPBL_SALCAL BudgetMixingPBL_SALC BudgetMixingPBL_SALACL BudgetMixingPBL_SALAAL BudgetMixingPBL_SALA BudgetMixingPBL_RP BudgetMixingPBL_RIPD BudgetMixingPBL_RIPC BudgetMixingPBL_RIPB BudgetMixingPBL_RIPA BudgetMixingPBL_RCHO BudgetMixingPBL_RB3P BudgetMixingPBL_RA3P BudgetMixingPBL_R4P BudgetMixingPBL_R4N2 BudgetMixingPBL_PYAC BudgetMixingPBL_PRPN BudgetMixingPBL_PRPE BudgetMixingPBL_PROPNN BudgetMixingPBL_PPN BudgetMixingPBL_PP BudgetMixingPBL_PIP BudgetMixingPBL_pFe BudgetMixingPBL_PAN BudgetMixingPBL_OIO BudgetMixingPBL_OCS BudgetMixingPBL_OCPO BudgetMixingPBL_OCPI BudgetMixingPBL_OClO BudgetMixingPBL_O3 BudgetMixingPBL_NPRNO3 BudgetMixingPBL_NO3 BudgetMixingPBL_NO2 BudgetMixingPBL_NO BudgetMixingPBL_NITs BudgetMixingPBL_NIT BudgetMixingPBL_NH4 BudgetMixingPBL_NH3 BudgetMixingPBL_N2O5 BudgetMixingPBL_N2O BudgetMixingPBL_MVKPC BudgetMixingPBL_MVKN BudgetMixingPBL_MVKHP BudgetMixingPBL_MVKHCB BudgetMixingPBL_MVKHC BudgetMixingPBL_MVKDH BudgetMixingPBL_MVK BudgetMixingPBL_MTPO BudgetMixingPBL_MTPA BudgetMixingPBL_MSA BudgetMixingPBL_MPN BudgetMixingPBL_MPAN BudgetMixingPBL_MP BudgetMixingPBL_MONITU BudgetMixingPBL_MONITS BudgetMixingPBL_MONITA BudgetMixingPBL_MOH BudgetMixingPBL_MGLY BudgetMixingPBL_MENO3 BudgetMixingPBL_MEK BudgetMixingPBL_MCRHP BudgetMixingPBL_MCRHNB BudgetMixingPBL_MCRHN BudgetMixingPBL_MCRENOL BudgetMixingPBL_MCRDH BudgetMixingPBL_MAP BudgetMixingPBL_MACR1OOH BudgetMixingPBL_MACR BudgetMixingPBL_LVOCOA BudgetMixingPBL_LVOC BudgetMixingPBL_LIMO BudgetMixingPBL_ITHN BudgetMixingPBL_ITCN BudgetMixingPBL_ISOP BudgetMixingPBL_ISALC BudgetMixingPBL_ISALA BudgetMixingPBL_IPRNO3 BudgetMixingPBL_IONO2 BudgetMixingPBL_IONO BudgetMixingPBL_IONITA BudgetMixingPBL_IO BudgetMixingPBL_INPD BudgetMixingPBL_INPB BudgetMixingPBL_INO BudgetMixingPBL_INDIOL BudgetMixingPBL_IHN4 BudgetMixingPBL_IHN3 BudgetMixingPBL_IHN2 BudgetMixingPBL_IHN1 BudgetMixingPBL_IEPOXD BudgetMixingPBL_IEPOXB BudgetMixingPBL_IEPOXA BudgetMixingPBL_IDN BudgetMixingPBL_IDHPE BudgetMixingPBL_IDHDP BudgetMixingPBL_IDCHP BudgetMixingPBL_IDC BudgetMixingPBL_ICPDH BudgetMixingPBL_ICN BudgetMixingPBL_ICl BudgetMixingPBL_ICHE BudgetMixingPBL_IBr BudgetMixingPBL_I2O4 BudgetMixingPBL_I2O3 BudgetMixingPBL_I2O2 BudgetMixingPBL_I2 BudgetMixingPBL_I BudgetMixingPBL_HPETHNL BudgetMixingPBL_HPALD4 BudgetMixingPBL_HPALD3 BudgetMixingPBL_HPALD2 BudgetMixingPBL_HPALD1 BudgetMixingPBL_HONIT BudgetMixingPBL_HOI BudgetMixingPBL_HOCl BudgetMixingPBL_HOBr BudgetMixingPBL_HNO4 BudgetMixingPBL_HNO3 BudgetMixingPBL_HNO2 BudgetMixingPBL_HMS BudgetMixingPBL_HMML BudgetMixingPBL_HMHP BudgetMixingPBL_HI BudgetMixingPBL_HCOOH BudgetMixingPBL_HCl BudgetMixingPBL_HCFC22 BudgetMixingPBL_HCFC142b BudgetMixingPBL_HCFC141b BudgetMixingPBL_HCFC123 BudgetMixingPBL_HC5A BudgetMixingPBL_HBr BudgetMixingPBL_HAC BudgetMixingPBL_H2O2 BudgetMixingPBL_H2O BudgetMixingPBL_H2402 BudgetMixingPBL_H1301 BudgetMixingPBL_H1211 BudgetMixingPBL_GLYX BudgetMixingPBL_GLYC BudgetMixingPBL_ETP BudgetMixingPBL_ETNO3 BudgetMixingPBL_ETHP BudgetMixingPBL_ETHN BudgetMixingPBL_ETHLN BudgetMixingPBL_EOH BudgetMixingPBL_DST4 BudgetMixingPBL_DST3 BudgetMixingPBL_DST2 BudgetMixingPBL_DST1 BudgetMixingPBL_DMS BudgetMixingPBL_CO BudgetMixingPBL_ClOO BudgetMixingPBL_ClO BudgetMixingPBL_ClNO3 BudgetMixingPBL_ClNO2 BudgetMixingPBL_Cl2O2 BudgetMixingPBL_Cl2 BudgetMixingPBL_Cl BudgetMixingPBL_CHCl3 BudgetMixingPBL_CHBr3 BudgetMixingPBL_CH4 BudgetMixingPBL_CH3I BudgetMixingPBL_CH3Cl BudgetMixingPBL_CH3CCl3 BudgetMixingPBL_CH3Br BudgetMixingPBL_CH2O BudgetMixingPBL_CH2ICl BudgetMixingPBL_CH2IBr BudgetMixingPBL_CH2I2 BudgetMixingPBL_CH2Cl2 BudgetMixingPBL_CH2Br2 BudgetMixingPBL_CFC12 BudgetMixingPBL_CFC115 BudgetMixingPBL_CFC114 BudgetMixingPBL_CFC113 BudgetMixingPBL_CFC11 BudgetMixingPBL_CCl4 BudgetMixingPBL_C3H8 BudgetMixingPBL_C2H6 BudgetMixingPBL_C2H4 BudgetMixingPBL_C2H2 BudgetMixingPBL_BrSALC BudgetMixingPBL_BrSALA BudgetMixingPBL_BrO BudgetMixingPBL_BrNO3 BudgetMixingPBL_BrNO2 BudgetMixingPBL_BrCl BudgetMixingPBL_Br2 BudgetMixingPBL_Br BudgetMixingPBL_BENZ BudgetMixingPBL_BCPO BudgetMixingPBL_BCPI BudgetMixingPBL_ATOOH BudgetMixingPBL_ALK4 BudgetMixingPBL_ALD2 BudgetMixingPBL_AERI BudgetMixingPBL_ACTA BudgetMixingPBL_ACET BudgetMixingPBL_TSOG3 BudgetMixingPBL_TSOG2 BudgetMixingPBL_TSOG1 BudgetMixingPBL_TSOG0 BudgetMixingPBL_TSOA3 BudgetMixingPBL_TSOA2 BudgetMixingPBL_TSOA1 BudgetMixingPBL_TSOA0 BudgetMixingPBL_ASOG3 BudgetMixingPBL_ASOG2 BudgetMixingPBL_ASOG1 BudgetMixingPBL_ASOAN BudgetMixingPBL_ASOA3 BudgetMixingPBL_ASOA2 BudgetMixingPBL_ASOA1 BudgetMixingTrop_XYLE BudgetMixingTrop_TOLU BudgetMixingTrop_SOAS BudgetMixingTrop_SOAP BudgetMixingTrop_SOAIE BudgetMixingTrop_SOAGX BudgetMixingTrop_SO4s BudgetMixingTrop_SO4 BudgetMixingTrop_SO2 BudgetMixingTrop_SALCCL BudgetMixingTrop_SALCAL BudgetMixingTrop_SALC BudgetMixingTrop_SALACL BudgetMixingTrop_SALAAL BudgetMixingTrop_SALA BudgetMixingTrop_RP BudgetMixingTrop_RIPD BudgetMixingTrop_RIPC BudgetMixingTrop_RIPB BudgetMixingTrop_RIPA BudgetMixingTrop_RCHO BudgetMixingTrop_RB3P BudgetMixingTrop_RA3P BudgetMixingTrop_R4P BudgetMixingTrop_R4N2 BudgetMixingTrop_PYAC BudgetMixingTrop_PRPN BudgetMixingTrop_PRPE BudgetMixingTrop_PROPNN BudgetMixingTrop_PPN BudgetMixingTrop_PP BudgetMixingTrop_PIP BudgetMixingTrop_pFe BudgetMixingTrop_PAN BudgetMixingTrop_OIO BudgetMixingTrop_OCS BudgetMixingTrop_OCPO BudgetMixingTrop_OCPI BudgetMixingTrop_OClO BudgetMixingTrop_O3 BudgetMixingTrop_NPRNO3 BudgetMixingTrop_NO3 BudgetMixingTrop_NO2 BudgetMixingTrop_NO BudgetMixingTrop_NITs BudgetMixingTrop_NIT BudgetMixingTrop_NH4 BudgetMixingTrop_NH3 BudgetMixingTrop_N2O5 BudgetMixingTrop_N2O BudgetMixingTrop_MVKPC BudgetMixingTrop_MVKN BudgetMixingTrop_MVKHP BudgetMixingTrop_MVKHCB BudgetMixingTrop_MVKHC BudgetMixingTrop_MVKDH BudgetMixingTrop_MVK BudgetMixingTrop_MTPO BudgetMixingTrop_MTPA BudgetMixingTrop_MSA BudgetMixingTrop_MPN BudgetMixingTrop_MPAN BudgetMixingTrop_MP BudgetMixingTrop_MONITU BudgetMixingTrop_MONITS BudgetMixingTrop_MONITA BudgetMixingTrop_MOH BudgetMixingTrop_MGLY BudgetMixingTrop_MENO3 BudgetMixingTrop_MEK BudgetMixingTrop_MCRHP BudgetMixingTrop_MCRHNB BudgetMixingTrop_MCRHN BudgetMixingTrop_MCRENOL BudgetMixingTrop_MCRDH BudgetMixingTrop_MAP BudgetMixingTrop_MACR1OOH BudgetMixingTrop_MACR BudgetMixingTrop_LVOCOA BudgetMixingTrop_LVOC BudgetMixingTrop_LIMO BudgetMixingTrop_ITHN BudgetMixingTrop_ITCN BudgetMixingTrop_ISOP BudgetMixingTrop_ISALC BudgetMixingTrop_ISALA BudgetMixingTrop_IPRNO3 BudgetMixingTrop_IONO2 BudgetMixingTrop_IONO BudgetMixingTrop_IONITA BudgetMixingTrop_IO BudgetMixingTrop_INPD BudgetMixingTrop_INPB BudgetMixingTrop_INO BudgetMixingTrop_INDIOL BudgetMixingTrop_IHN4 BudgetMixingTrop_IHN3 BudgetMixingTrop_IHN2 BudgetMixingTrop_IHN1 BudgetMixingTrop_IEPOXD BudgetMixingTrop_IEPOXB BudgetMixingTrop_IEPOXA BudgetMixingTrop_IDN BudgetMixingTrop_IDHPE BudgetMixingTrop_IDHDP BudgetMixingTrop_IDCHP BudgetMixingTrop_IDC BudgetMixingTrop_ICPDH BudgetMixingTrop_ICN BudgetMixingTrop_ICl BudgetMixingTrop_ICHE BudgetMixingTrop_IBr BudgetMixingTrop_I2O4 BudgetMixingTrop_I2O3 BudgetMixingTrop_I2O2 BudgetMixingTrop_I2 BudgetMixingTrop_I BudgetMixingTrop_HPETHNL BudgetMixingTrop_HPALD4 BudgetMixingTrop_HPALD3 BudgetMixingTrop_HPALD2 BudgetMixingTrop_HPALD1 BudgetMixingTrop_HONIT BudgetMixingTrop_HOI BudgetMixingTrop_HOCl BudgetMixingTrop_HOBr BudgetMixingTrop_HNO4 BudgetMixingTrop_HNO3 BudgetMixingTrop_HNO2 BudgetMixingTrop_HMS BudgetMixingTrop_HMML BudgetMixingTrop_HMHP BudgetMixingTrop_HI BudgetMixingTrop_HCOOH BudgetMixingTrop_HCl BudgetMixingTrop_HCFC22 BudgetMixingTrop_HCFC142b BudgetMixingTrop_HCFC141b BudgetMixingTrop_HCFC123 BudgetMixingTrop_HC5A BudgetMixingTrop_HBr BudgetMixingTrop_HAC BudgetMixingTrop_H2O2 BudgetMixingTrop_H2O BudgetMixingTrop_H2402 BudgetMixingTrop_H1301 BudgetMixingTrop_H1211 BudgetMixingTrop_GLYX BudgetMixingTrop_GLYC BudgetMixingTrop_ETP BudgetMixingTrop_ETNO3 BudgetMixingTrop_ETHP BudgetMixingTrop_ETHN BudgetMixingTrop_ETHLN BudgetMixingTrop_EOH BudgetMixingTrop_DST4 BudgetMixingTrop_DST3 BudgetMixingTrop_DST2 BudgetMixingTrop_DST1 BudgetMixingTrop_DMS BudgetMixingTrop_CO BudgetMixingTrop_ClOO BudgetMixingTrop_ClO BudgetMixingTrop_ClNO3 BudgetMixingTrop_ClNO2 BudgetMixingTrop_Cl2O2 BudgetMixingTrop_Cl2 BudgetMixingTrop_Cl BudgetMixingTrop_CHCl3 BudgetMixingTrop_CHBr3 BudgetMixingTrop_CH4 BudgetMixingTrop_CH3I BudgetMixingTrop_CH3Cl BudgetMixingTrop_CH3CCl3 BudgetMixingTrop_CH3Br BudgetMixingTrop_CH2O BudgetMixingTrop_CH2ICl BudgetMixingTrop_CH2IBr BudgetMixingTrop_CH2I2 BudgetMixingTrop_CH2Cl2 BudgetMixingTrop_CH2Br2 BudgetMixingTrop_CFC12 BudgetMixingTrop_CFC115 BudgetMixingTrop_CFC114 BudgetMixingTrop_CFC113 BudgetMixingTrop_CFC11 BudgetMixingTrop_CCl4 BudgetMixingTrop_C3H8 BudgetMixingTrop_C2H6 BudgetMixingTrop_C2H4 BudgetMixingTrop_C2H2 BudgetMixingTrop_BrSALC BudgetMixingTrop_BrSALA BudgetMixingTrop_BrO BudgetMixingTrop_BrNO3 BudgetMixingTrop_BrNO2 BudgetMixingTrop_BrCl BudgetMixingTrop_Br2 BudgetMixingTrop_Br BudgetMixingTrop_BENZ BudgetMixingTrop_BCPO BudgetMixingTrop_BCPI BudgetMixingTrop_ATOOH BudgetMixingTrop_ALK4 BudgetMixingTrop_ALD2 BudgetMixingTrop_AERI BudgetMixingTrop_ACTA BudgetMixingTrop_ACET BudgetMixingTrop_TSOG3 BudgetMixingTrop_TSOG2 BudgetMixingTrop_TSOG1 BudgetMixingTrop_TSOG0 BudgetMixingTrop_TSOA3 BudgetMixingTrop_TSOA2 BudgetMixingTrop_TSOA1 BudgetMixingTrop_TSOA0 BudgetMixingTrop_ASOG3 BudgetMixingTrop_ASOG2 BudgetMixingTrop_ASOG1 BudgetMixingTrop_ASOAN BudgetMixingTrop_ASOA3 BudgetMixingTrop_ASOA2 BudgetMixingTrop_ASOA1 BudgetMixingFull_XYLE BudgetMixingFull_TOLU BudgetMixingFull_SOAS BudgetMixingFull_SOAP BudgetMixingFull_SOAIE BudgetMixingFull_SOAGX BudgetMixingFull_SO4s BudgetMixingFull_SO4 BudgetMixingFull_SO2 BudgetMixingFull_SALCCL BudgetMixingFull_SALCAL BudgetMixingFull_SALC BudgetMixingFull_SALACL BudgetMixingFull_SALAAL BudgetMixingFull_SALA BudgetMixingFull_RP BudgetMixingFull_RIPD BudgetMixingFull_RIPC BudgetMixingFull_RIPB BudgetMixingFull_RIPA BudgetMixingFull_RCHO BudgetMixingFull_RB3P BudgetMixingFull_RA3P BudgetMixingFull_R4P BudgetMixingFull_R4N2 BudgetMixingFull_PYAC BudgetMixingFull_PRPN BudgetMixingFull_PRPE BudgetMixingFull_PROPNN BudgetMixingFull_PPN BudgetMixingFull_PP BudgetMixingFull_PIP BudgetMixingFull_pFe BudgetMixingFull_PAN BudgetMixingFull_OIO BudgetMixingFull_OCS BudgetMixingFull_OCPO BudgetMixingFull_OCPI BudgetMixingFull_OClO BudgetMixingFull_O3 BudgetMixingFull_NPRNO3 BudgetMixingFull_NO3 BudgetMixingFull_NO2 BudgetMixingFull_NO BudgetMixingFull_NITs BudgetMixingFull_NIT BudgetMixingFull_NH4 BudgetMixingFull_NH3 BudgetMixingFull_N2O5 BudgetMixingFull_N2O BudgetMixingFull_MVKPC BudgetMixingFull_MVKN BudgetMixingFull_MVKHP BudgetMixingFull_MVKHCB BudgetMixingFull_MVKHC BudgetMixingFull_MVKDH BudgetMixingFull_MVK BudgetMixingFull_MTPO BudgetMixingFull_MTPA BudgetMixingFull_MSA BudgetMixingFull_MPN BudgetMixingFull_MPAN BudgetMixingFull_MP BudgetMixingFull_MONITU BudgetMixingFull_MONITS BudgetMixingFull_MONITA BudgetMixingFull_MOH BudgetMixingFull_MGLY BudgetMixingFull_MENO3 BudgetMixingFull_MEK BudgetMixingFull_MCRHP BudgetMixingFull_MCRHNB BudgetMixingFull_MCRHN BudgetMixingFull_MCRENOL BudgetMixingFull_MCRDH BudgetMixingFull_MAP BudgetMixingFull_MACR1OOH BudgetMixingFull_MACR BudgetMixingFull_LVOCOA BudgetMixingFull_LVOC BudgetMixingFull_LIMO BudgetMixingFull_ITHN BudgetMixingFull_ITCN BudgetMixingFull_ISOP BudgetMixingFull_ISALC BudgetMixingFull_ISALA BudgetMixingFull_IPRNO3 BudgetMixingFull_IONO2 BudgetMixingFull_IONO BudgetMixingFull_IONITA BudgetMixingFull_IO BudgetMixingFull_INPD BudgetMixingFull_INPB BudgetMixingFull_INO BudgetMixingFull_INDIOL BudgetMixingFull_IHN4 BudgetMixingFull_IHN3 BudgetMixingFull_IHN2 BudgetMixingFull_IHN1 BudgetMixingFull_IEPOXD BudgetMixingFull_IEPOXB BudgetMixingFull_IEPOXA BudgetMixingFull_IDN BudgetMixingFull_IDHPE BudgetMixingFull_IDHDP BudgetMixingFull_IDCHP BudgetMixingFull_IDC BudgetMixingFull_ICPDH BudgetMixingFull_ICN BudgetMixingFull_ICl BudgetMixingFull_ICHE BudgetMixingFull_IBr BudgetMixingFull_I2O4 BudgetMixingFull_I2O3 BudgetMixingFull_I2O2 BudgetMixingFull_I2 BudgetMixingFull_I BudgetMixingFull_HPETHNL BudgetMixingFull_HPALD4 BudgetMixingFull_HPALD3 BudgetMixingFull_HPALD2 BudgetMixingFull_HPALD1 BudgetMixingFull_HONIT BudgetMixingFull_HOI BudgetMixingFull_HOCl BudgetMixingFull_HOBr BudgetMixingFull_HNO4 BudgetMixingFull_HNO3 BudgetMixingFull_HNO2 BudgetMixingFull_HMML BudgetMixingFull_HMHP BudgetMixingFull_HI BudgetMixingFull_HCOOH BudgetMixingFull_HCl BudgetMixingFull_HCFC22 BudgetMixingFull_HCFC142b BudgetMixingFull_HCFC141b BudgetMixingFull_HCFC123 BudgetMixingFull_HC5A BudgetMixingFull_HBr BudgetMixingFull_HAC BudgetMixingFull_H2O2 BudgetMixingFull_H2O BudgetMixingFull_H2402 BudgetMixingFull_H1301 BudgetMixingFull_H1211 BudgetMixingFull_GLYX BudgetMixingFull_GLYC BudgetMixingFull_ETP BudgetMixingFull_ETNO3 BudgetMixingFull_ETHP BudgetMixingFull_ETHN BudgetMixingFull_ETHLN BudgetMixingFull_EOH BudgetMixingFull_DST4 BudgetMixingFull_DST3 BudgetMixingFull_DST2 BudgetMixingFull_DST1 BudgetMixingFull_DMS BudgetMixingFull_CO BudgetMixingFull_ClOO BudgetMixingFull_ClO BudgetMixingFull_ClNO3 BudgetMixingFull_ClNO2 BudgetMixingFull_Cl2O2 BudgetMixingFull_Cl2 BudgetMixingFull_Cl BudgetMixingFull_CHCl3 BudgetMixingFull_CHBr3 BudgetMixingFull_CH4 BudgetMixingFull_CH3I BudgetMixingFull_CH3Cl BudgetMixingFull_CH3CCl3 BudgetMixingFull_CH3Br BudgetMixingFull_CH2O BudgetMixingFull_CH2ICl BudgetMixingFull_CH2IBr BudgetMixingFull_CH2I2 BudgetMixingFull_CH2Cl2 BudgetMixingFull_CH2Br2 BudgetMixingFull_CFC12 BudgetMixingFull_CFC115 BudgetMixingFull_CFC114 BudgetMixingFull_CFC113 BudgetMixingFull_CFC11 BudgetMixingFull_CCl4 BudgetMixingFull_C3H8 BudgetMixingFull_C2H6 BudgetMixingFull_C2H4 BudgetMixingFull_C2H2 BudgetMixingFull_BrSALC BudgetMixingFull_BrSALA BudgetMixingFull_BrO BudgetMixingFull_BrNO3 BudgetMixingFull_BrNO2 BudgetMixingFull_BrCl BudgetMixingFull_Br2 BudgetMixingFull_Br BudgetMixingFull_BENZ BudgetMixingFull_BCPO BudgetMixingFull_BCPI BudgetMixingFull_ATOOH BudgetMixingFull_ALK4 BudgetMixingFull_ALD2 BudgetMixingFull_AERI BudgetMixingFull_ACTA BudgetMixingFull_ACET BudgetMixingFull_TSOG3 BudgetMixingFull_TSOG2 BudgetMixingFull_TSOG1 BudgetMixingFull_TSOG0 BudgetMixingFull_TSOA3 BudgetMixingFull_TSOA2 BudgetMixingFull_TSOA1 BudgetMixingFull_TSOA0 BudgetMixingFull_ASOG3 BudgetMixingFull_ASOG2 BudgetMixingFull_ASOG1 BudgetMixingFull_ASOAN BudgetMixingFull_ASOA3 BudgetMixingFull_ASOA2 BudgetMixingFull_ASOA1 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_XYLE BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TOLU BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SOAS BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SOAP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SOAIE BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SOAGX BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SO4s BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SO4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SO2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALCCL BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALCAL BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALACL BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALAAL BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_SALA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RIPD BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RIPC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RIPB BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RIPA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RCHO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RB3P BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_RA3P BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_R4P BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_R4N2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PYAC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PRPN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PRPE BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PROPNN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PPN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PIP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_pFe BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_PAN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OIO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OCS BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OCPO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OCPI BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_OClO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_O3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NPRNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NO3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NO2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NITs BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NIT BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NH4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_NH3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_N2O5 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_N2O BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKPC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKHP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKHCB BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKHC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVKDH BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MVK BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MTPO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MTPA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MSA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MPN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MPAN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MONITU BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MONITS BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MONITA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MOH BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MGLY BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MENO3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MEK BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MCRHP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MCRHNB BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MCRHN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MCRENOL BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MCRDH BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MAP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MACR1OOH BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_MACR BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_LVOCOA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_LVOC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_LIMO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ITHN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ITCN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ISOP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ISALC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ISALA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IPRNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IONO2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IONO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IONITA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_INPD BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_INPB BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_INO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_INDIOL BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IHN4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IHN3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IHN2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IHN1 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IEPOXD BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IEPOXB BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IEPOXA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IDN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IDHPE BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IDHDP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IDCHP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IDC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ICPDH BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ICN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ICl BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ICHE BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_IBr BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I2O4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I2O3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I2O2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_I BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPETHNL BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPALD4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPALD3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPALD2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HPALD1 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HONIT BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HOI BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HOCl BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HOBr BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HNO4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HNO2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HMML BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HMHP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HI BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCOOH BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCl BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCFC22 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCFC142b BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCFC141b BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HCFC123 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HC5A BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HBr BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_HAC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_H2O2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_H2O BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_H2402 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_H1301 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_H1211 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_GLYX BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_GLYC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ETP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ETNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ETHP BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ETHN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ETHLN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_EOH BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_DST4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_DST3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_DST2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_DST1 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_DMS BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ClOO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ClO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ClNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ClNO2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Cl2O2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Cl2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Cl BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CHCl3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CHBr3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH3I BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH3Cl BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH3CCl3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH3Br BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2O BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2ICl BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2IBr BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2I2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2Cl2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CH2Br2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC12 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC115 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC114 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC113 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CFC11 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_CCl4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_C3H8 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_C2H6 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_C2H4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_C2H2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrSALC BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrSALA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrNO2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BrCl BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Br2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_Br BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BENZ BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BCPO BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_BCPI BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ATOOH BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ALK4 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ALD2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_AERI BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ACTA BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ACET BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOG3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOG2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOG1 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOG0 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOA3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOA2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOA1 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_TSOA0 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOG3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOG2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOG1 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOAN BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOA3 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOA2 BudgetEmisDryDepPBL_ASOA1 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_XYLE BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TOLU BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SOAS BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SOAP BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SOAIE BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SOAGX BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SO4s BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SO4 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SO2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALCCL BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALCAL BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALC BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALACL BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALAAL BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_SALA BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RP BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RIPD BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RIPC BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RIPB BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RIPA BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RCHO BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RB3P BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_RA3P BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_R4P 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BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MONITU BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MONITS BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MONITA BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MOH BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MGLY BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MENO3 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MEK BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRHP BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRHNB BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRHN BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRENOL BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MCRDH BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MAP BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MACR1OOH BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_MACR BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_LVOCOA BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_LVOC BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_LIMO BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ITHN BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ITCN BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ISOP BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ISALC BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ISALA BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IPRNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IONO2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IONO BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IONITA BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IO BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_INPD BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_INPB BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_INO BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_INDIOL BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IHN4 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IHN3 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IHN2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IHN1 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_IEPOXD 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BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2ICl BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2IBr BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2I2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2Cl2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CH2Br2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC12 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC115 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC114 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC113 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CFC11 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_CCl4 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_C3H8 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_C2H6 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_C2H4 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_C2H2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrSALC BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrSALA BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrO BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrNO2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BrCl BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_Br2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_Br BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BENZ BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BCPO BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_BCPI BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ATOOH BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ALK4 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ALD2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_AERI BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ACTA BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ACET BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOG3 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOG2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOG1 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOG0 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOA3 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOA2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOA1 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_TSOA0 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOG3 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOG2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOG1 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOAN BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOA3 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOA2 BudgetEmisDryDepTrop_ASOA1 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_XYLE BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TOLU BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SOAS BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SOAP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SOAIE BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SOAGX BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SO4s BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SO4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SO2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALCCL BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALCAL BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALACL BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALAAL BudgetEmisDryDepFull_SALA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RIPD BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RIPC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RIPB BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RIPA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RCHO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RB3P BudgetEmisDryDepFull_RA3P BudgetEmisDryDepFull_R4P BudgetEmisDryDepFull_R4N2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PYAC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PRPN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PRPE BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PROPNN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PPN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PIP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_pFe BudgetEmisDryDepFull_PAN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OIO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OCS BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OCPO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OCPI BudgetEmisDryDepFull_OClO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_O3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NPRNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NO3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NO2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NITs BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NIT BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NH4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_NH3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_N2O5 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_N2O BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKPC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKHP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKHCB BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKHC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVKDH BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MVK BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MTPO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MTPA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MSA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MPN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MPAN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MONITU BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MONITS BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MONITA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MOH BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MGLY BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MENO3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MEK BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRHP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRHNB BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRHN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRENOL BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MCRDH BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MAP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MACR1OOH BudgetEmisDryDepFull_MACR BudgetEmisDryDepFull_LVOCOA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_LVOC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_LIMO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ITHN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ITCN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ISOP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ISALC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ISALA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IPRNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IONO2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IONO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IONITA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_INPD BudgetEmisDryDepFull_INPB BudgetEmisDryDepFull_INO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_INDIOL BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IHN4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IHN3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IHN2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IHN1 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IEPOXD BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IEPOXB BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IEPOXA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDHPE BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDHDP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDCHP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IDC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ICPDH BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ICN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ICl BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ICHE BudgetEmisDryDepFull_IBr BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I2O4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I2O3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I2O2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_I BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPETHNL BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPALD4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPALD3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPALD2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HPALD1 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HONIT BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HOI BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HOCl BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HOBr BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HNO4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HNO2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HMML BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HMHP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HI BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCOOH BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCl BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCFC22 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCFC142b BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCFC141b BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HCFC123 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HC5A BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HBr BudgetEmisDryDepFull_HAC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H2O2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H2O BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H2402 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H1301 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_H1211 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_GLYX BudgetEmisDryDepFull_GLYC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETHP BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETHN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ETHLN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_EOH BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DST4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DST3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DST2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DST1 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_DMS BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ClOO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ClO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ClNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ClNO2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Cl2O2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Cl2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Cl BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CHCl3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CHBr3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH3I BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH3Cl BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH3CCl3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH3Br BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2O BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2ICl BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2IBr BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2I2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2Cl2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CH2Br2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC12 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC115 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC114 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC113 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CFC11 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_CCl4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_C3H8 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_C2H6 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_C2H4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_C2H2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrSALC BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrSALA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrNO3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrNO2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BrCl BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Br2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_Br BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BENZ BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BCPO BudgetEmisDryDepFull_BCPI BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ATOOH BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ALK4 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ALD2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_AERI BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ACTA BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ACET BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOG3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOG2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOG1 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOG0 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOA3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOA2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOA1 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_TSOA0 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOG3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOG2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOG1 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOAN BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOA3 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOA2 BudgetEmisDryDepFull_ASOA1 Initializing Output Stream: DryDep --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 326 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: DryDep_SOAS DryDep_SOAIE DryDep_SOAGX DryDep_SO4s DryDep_SO4 DryDep_SO2 DryDep_SALCCL DryDep_SALCAL DryDep_SALC DryDep_SALACL DryDep_SALAAL DryDep_SALA DryDep_RP DryDep_RIPD DryDep_RIPC DryDep_RIPB DryDep_RIPA DryDep_RB3P DryDep_RA3P DryDep_R4P DryDep_R4N2 DryDep_PYAC DryDep_PRPN DryDep_PROPNN DryDep_PPN DryDep_PP DryDep_pFe DryDep_PAN DryDep_OCPO DryDep_OCPI DryDep_O3 DryDep_NPRNO3 DryDep_NO2 DryDep_NITs DryDep_NIT DryDep_NH4 DryDep_NH3 DryDep_N2O5 DryDep_MVKPC DryDep_MVKN DryDep_MVKHP DryDep_MVKHCB DryDep_MVKHC DryDep_MVKDH DryDep_MVK DryDep_MTPO DryDep_MTPA DryDep_MSA DryDep_MPAN DryDep_MONITU DryDep_MONITS DryDep_MONITA DryDep_MOH DryDep_MGLY DryDep_MENO3 DryDep_MCRHP DryDep_MCRHNB DryDep_MCRHN DryDep_MCRENOL DryDep_MCRDH DryDep_MAP DryDep_MACR1OOH DryDep_MACR DryDep_LVOCOA DryDep_LVOC DryDep_LIMO DryDep_ITHN DryDep_ITCN DryDep_ISALC DryDep_ISALA DryDep_IPRNO3 DryDep_IONO2 DryDep_IONO DryDep_IONITA DryDep_INPD DryDep_INPB DryDep_INDIOL DryDep_IHN4 DryDep_IHN3 DryDep_IHN2 DryDep_IHN1 DryDep_IEPOXD DryDep_IEPOXB DryDep_IEPOXA DryDep_IDN DryDep_IDHPE DryDep_IDHDP DryDep_IDCHP DryDep_IDC DryDep_ICPDH DryDep_ICN DryDep_ICl DryDep_ICHE DryDep_IBr DryDep_I2O4 DryDep_I2O3 DryDep_I2O2 DryDep_I2 DryDep_HPETHNL DryDep_HPALD4 DryDep_HPALD3 DryDep_HPALD2 DryDep_HPALD1 DryDep_HONIT DryDep_HOI DryDep_HOCl DryDep_HOBr DryDep_HNO3 DryDep_HMS DryDep_HMML DryDep_HMHP DryDep_HI DryDep_HCOOH DryDep_HCl DryDep_HC5A DryDep_HBr DryDep_HAC DryDep_H2O2 DryDep_GLYX DryDep_GLYC DryDep_ETP DryDep_ETNO3 DryDep_ETHP DryDep_ETHN DryDep_ETHLN DryDep_EOH DryDep_DST4 DryDep_DST3 DryDep_DST2 DryDep_DST1 DryDep_ClOO DryDep_ClO DryDep_ClNO3 DryDep_ClNO2 DryDep_Cl2 DryDep_CH2O DryDep_BrSALC DryDep_BrSALA DryDep_BrNO3 DryDep_BrCl DryDep_Br2 DryDep_BCPO DryDep_BCPI DryDep_ATOOH DryDep_ALD2 DryDep_AERI DryDep_ACTA DryDep_ACET DryDep_TSOG3 DryDep_TSOG2 DryDep_TSOG1 DryDep_TSOG0 DryDep_TSOA3 DryDep_TSOA2 DryDep_TSOA1 DryDep_TSOA0 DryDep_ASOG3 DryDep_ASOG2 DryDep_ASOG1 DryDep_ASOAN DryDep_ASOA3 DryDep_ASOA2 DryDep_ASOA1 DryDepVel_SOAS DryDepVel_SOAIE DryDepVel_SOAGX DryDepVel_SO4s DryDepVel_SO4 DryDepVel_SO2 DryDepVel_SALCCL DryDepVel_SALCAL DryDepVel_SALC DryDepVel_SALACL DryDepVel_SALAAL DryDepVel_SALA DryDepVel_RP DryDepVel_RIPD DryDepVel_RIPC DryDepVel_RIPB DryDepVel_RIPA DryDepVel_RB3P DryDepVel_RA3P DryDepVel_R4P DryDepVel_R4N2 DryDepVel_PYAC DryDepVel_PRPN DryDepVel_PROPNN DryDepVel_PPN DryDepVel_PP DryDepVel_pFe DryDepVel_PAN DryDepVel_OCPO DryDepVel_OCPI DryDepVel_O3 DryDepVel_NPRNO3 DryDepVel_NO2 DryDepVel_NITs DryDepVel_NIT DryDepVel_NH4 DryDepVel_NH3 DryDepVel_N2O5 DryDepVel_MVKPC DryDepVel_MVKN DryDepVel_MVKHP DryDepVel_MVKHCB DryDepVel_MVKHC DryDepVel_MVKDH DryDepVel_MVK DryDepVel_MTPO DryDepVel_MTPA DryDepVel_MSA DryDepVel_MPAN DryDepVel_MONITU DryDepVel_MONITS DryDepVel_MONITA DryDepVel_MOH DryDepVel_MGLY DryDepVel_MENO3 DryDepVel_MCRHP DryDepVel_MCRHNB DryDepVel_MCRHN DryDepVel_MCRENOL DryDepVel_MCRDH DryDepVel_MAP DryDepVel_MACR1OOH DryDepVel_MACR DryDepVel_LVOCOA DryDepVel_LVOC DryDepVel_LIMO DryDepVel_ITHN DryDepVel_ITCN DryDepVel_ISALC DryDepVel_ISALA DryDepVel_IPRNO3 DryDepVel_IONO2 DryDepVel_IONO DryDepVel_IONITA DryDepVel_INPD DryDepVel_INPB DryDepVel_INDIOL DryDepVel_IHN4 DryDepVel_IHN3 DryDepVel_IHN2 DryDepVel_IHN1 DryDepVel_IEPOXD DryDepVel_IEPOXB DryDepVel_IEPOXA DryDepVel_IDN DryDepVel_IDHPE DryDepVel_IDHDP DryDepVel_IDCHP DryDepVel_IDC DryDepVel_ICPDH DryDepVel_ICN DryDepVel_ICl DryDepVel_ICHE DryDepVel_IBr DryDepVel_I2O4 DryDepVel_I2O3 DryDepVel_I2O2 DryDepVel_I2 DryDepVel_HPETHNL DryDepVel_HPALD4 DryDepVel_HPALD3 DryDepVel_HPALD2 DryDepVel_HPALD1 DryDepVel_HONIT DryDepVel_HOI DryDepVel_HOCl DryDepVel_HOBr DryDepVel_HNO3 DryDepVel_HMS DryDepVel_HMML DryDepVel_HMHP DryDepVel_HI DryDepVel_HCOOH DryDepVel_HCl DryDepVel_HC5A DryDepVel_HBr DryDepVel_HAC DryDepVel_H2O2 DryDepVel_GLYX DryDepVel_GLYC DryDepVel_ETP DryDepVel_ETNO3 DryDepVel_ETHP DryDepVel_ETHN DryDepVel_ETHLN DryDepVel_EOH DryDepVel_DST4 DryDepVel_DST3 DryDepVel_DST2 DryDepVel_DST1 DryDepVel_ClOO DryDepVel_ClO DryDepVel_ClNO3 DryDepVel_ClNO2 DryDepVel_Cl2 DryDepVel_CH2O DryDepVel_BrSALC DryDepVel_BrSALA DryDepVel_BrNO3 DryDepVel_BrCl DryDepVel_Br2 DryDepVel_BCPO DryDepVel_BCPI DryDepVel_ATOOH DryDepVel_ALD2 DryDepVel_AERI DryDepVel_ACTA DryDepVel_ACET DryDepVel_TSOG3 DryDepVel_TSOG2 DryDepVel_TSOG1 DryDepVel_TSOG0 DryDepVel_TSOA3 DryDepVel_TSOA2 DryDepVel_TSOA1 DryDepVel_TSOA0 DryDepVel_ASOG3 DryDepVel_ASOG2 DryDepVel_ASOG1 DryDepVel_ASOAN DryDepVel_ASOA3 DryDepVel_ASOA2 DryDepVel_ASOA1 Initializing Output Stream: Emissions --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 10506 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: EmisACET_Total EmisACET_BioBurn EmisACET_Biogenic EmisACET_Ocean EmisACTA_Total EmisACTA_BioBurn EmisALD2_Total EmisALD2_Anthro EmisALD2_BioBurn EmisALD2_Biogenic EmisALD2_Ocean EmisALD2_PlantDecay EmisALD2_Ship EmisALK4_Total EmisALK4_Aircraft EmisALK4_Anthro EmisALK4_BioBurn EmisALK4_Ship EmisBCPI_Total EmisBCPI_Aircraft EmisBCPI_Anthro EmisBCPI_BioBurn EmisBCPI_Ship EmisBCPO_Total EmisBCPO_Anthro EmisBCPO_BioBurn EmisBCPO_Ship EmisBENZ_Total EmisBENZ_Anthro EmisBENZ_BioBurn EmisBENZ_Ship EmisC2H2_Total EmisC2H2_Anthro EmisC2H2_BioBurn EmisC2H2_Ship EmisC2H4_Total EmisC2H4_Anthro EmisC2H4_BioBurn EmisC2H4_Biogenic EmisC2H4_Ship EmisC2H6_Total EmisC2H6_Aircraft EmisC2H6_Anthro EmisC2H6_BioBurn EmisC2H6_Ship EmisC3H8_Total EmisC3H8_Aircraft EmisC3H8_Anthro EmisC3H8_BioBurn EmisC3H8_Ship EmisCH2Br2_Ocean EmisCH2I2_Ocean EmisCH2ICl_Ocean EmisCH2IBr_Ocean EmisCH2O_Total EmisCH2O_Aircraft EmisCH2O_Anthro EmisCH2O_BioBurn EmisCH2O_Ship EmisCH3I_Ocean EmisCHBr3_Ocean EmisCO_Total EmisCO_Aircraft EmisCO_Anthro EmisCO_BioBurn EmisCO_Ship EmisCO2_Total EmisCO2_Anthro EmisCO2_BioBurn EmisCO2_Ship EmisDMS_Ocean EmisDST1_Total EmisDST1_Anthro EmisDST1_Natural EmisDST2_Natural EmisDST3_Natural EmisDST4_Natural EmisEOH_Total EmisEOH_Anthro EmisEOH_BioBurn EmisEOH_Biogenic EmisEOH_PlantDecay EmisEOH_Ship EmisETNO3_Ocean EmisFURA_Total EmisFURA_BioBurn EmisGLYX_Total EmisGLYX_BioBurn EmisH2O_Aircraft EmisHCOOH_Total EmisHCOOH_Anthro EmisHCOOH_Ship EmisHNO3_Ship EmisHONO_Aircraft EmisISOP_Total EmisISOP_BioBurn EmisISOP_Biogenic EmisLIMO_Biogenic EmisMACR_Total EmisMACR_Aircraft EmisMEK_Total EmisMEK_Anthro EmisMEK_BioBurn EmisMEK_Ship EmisMENO3_Ocean EmisMGLY_Total EmisMGLY_BioBurn EmisMOH_Total EmisMOH_Anthro EmisMOH_BioBurn EmisMOH_Biogenic EmisMOH_Ocean EmisMOH_Ship EmisMTPA_Total EmisMTPA_BioBurn EmisMTPA_Biogenic EmisMTPO_Total EmisMTPO_Biogenic EmisMVK_Total EmisMVK_BioBurn EmisNAP_Total EmisNAP_Anthro EmisNAP_BioBurn EmisNH3_Total EmisNH3_Anthro EmisNH3_BioBurn EmisNH3_Natural EmisNH3_Seabirds EmisNH3_Ship EmisNO_Total EmisNO_Aircraft EmisNO_Anthro EmisNO_BioBurn EmisNO_Lightning EmisNO_Ship EmisNO_Soil EmisNO2_Total EmisNO2_Aircraft EmisNO2_Ship EmisO3_Ship EmisOCPI_Total EmisOCPI_Aircraft EmisOCPI_Anthro EmisOCPI_BioBurn EmisOCPI_Ship EmisOCPO_Total EmisOCPO_Anthro EmisOCPO_BioBurn EmisOCPO_Ship EmispFe_Total EmispFe_Anthro EmispFe_Ship EmisPHEN_Total EmisPHEN_BioBurn EmisPOG1_Total EmisPOG1_Anthro EmisPOG1_BioBurn EmisPOG2_Total EmisPOG2_Anthro EmisPOG2_BioBurn EmisPRPE_Total EmisPRPE_Aircraft EmisPRPE_Anthro EmisPRPE_BioBurn EmisPRPE_Biogenic EmisPRPE_Ship EmisRCHO_Total EmisRCHO_Aircraft EmisRCHO_BioBurn EmisSALA_Natural EmisBrSALA_Natural EmisSALAAL_Natural EmisSALACL_Natural EmisSALC_Natural EmisBrSALC_Natural EmisSALCAL_Natural EmisSALCCL_Natural EmisSO2_Total EmisSO2_Aircraft EmisSO2_Anthro EmisSO2_BioBurn EmisSO2_VolcErupt EmisSO2_VolcDegas EmisSO2_Ship EmisSO4_Total EmisSO4_Aircraft EmisSO4_Anthro EmisSO4_Ship EmisSOAP_Total EmisSOAP_Aircraft EmisSOAP_Anthro EmisSOAP_Biogenic EmisSOAP_BioBurn EmisSOAP_Ship EmisSOAS_Biogenic EmisTOLU_Total EmisTOLU_Anthro EmisTOLU_BioBurn EmisTOLU_Ship EmisXYLE_Total EmisXYLE_Anthro EmisXYLE_BioBurn EmisXYLE_Ship HcoLightningFlashRate_Total HcoLightningFlashRate_IntraCld HcoLightningFlashRate_CldGround HcoConvectiveCloudTopHeight InvCEDS_ALD2 InvCEDS_ALK4 InvCEDS_BCPI InvCEDS_BCPO InvCEDS_BENZ InvCEDS_C2H2 InvCEDS_C2H4 InvCEDS_C2H6 InvCEDS_C3H8 InvCEDS_CH2O InvCEDS_CO InvCEDS_MOH InvCEDS_EOH InvCEDS_ROH InvCEDS_HCOOH InvCEDS_MEK InvCEDS_NH3 InvCEDS_NO InvCEDS_OCPI InvCEDS_OCPO InvCEDS_pFe InvCEDS_POG1 InvCEDS_POG2 InvCEDS_PRPE InvCEDS_SO2 InvCEDS_SO4 InvCEDS_SOAP InvCEDS_TOLU InvCEDS_XYLE InvGEIAnatural_NH3 InvSEABIRDS_NH3 InvC2H62010_C2H6 InvXIAO_C3H8 InvLIANG_CH2Br2 InvLIANG_CHBr3 InvORDONEZ_CH2I2 InvORDONEZ_CH2ICl InvORDONEZ_CH2IBr InvORDONEZ_CH3I InvCEDSship_ALD2 InvCEDSship_ALK4 InvCEDSship_BCPI InvCEDSship_BCPO InvCEDSship_BENZ InvCEDSship_C2H2 InvCEDSship_C2H4 InvCEDSship_C2H6 InvCEDSship_C3H8 InvCEDSship_CH2O InvCEDSship_CO InvCEDSship_EOH InvCEDSship_HCOOH InvCEDSship_MEK InvCEDSship_NH3 InvCEDSship_pFe InvCEDSship_PRPE InvCEDSship_OCPI InvCEDSship_OCPO InvCEDSship_SO2 InvCEDSship_SO4 InvCEDSship_SOAP InvCEDSship_TOLU InvCEDSship_XYLE InvAEIC_ACET InvAEIC_ALD2 InvAEIC_ALK4 InvAEIC_BCPI InvAEIC_C2H6 InvAEIC_C3H8 InvAEIC_CH2O InvAEIC_CO InvAEIC_HONO InvAEIC_MACR InvAEIC_NO InvAEIC_NO2 InvAEIC_OCPI InvAEIC_PRPE InvAEIC_RCHO InvAEIC_SO2 InvAEIC_SO4 InvAEIC_SOAP InvPLANTDECAY_ALD2 InvPLANTDECAY_EOH InvAFCID_DST1 InvSeaFlux_ACET InvSeaFlux_ALD2 InvSeaFlux_DMS InvSeaFlux_ETNO3 InvSeaFlux_MENO3 InvSeaFlux_MOH InvPARANOX_HNO3 InvPARANOX_NO InvPARANOX_NO2 InvPARANOX_O3 InvLIGHTNOX_NO InvSOILNOX_NO InvDEAD_DST1 InvDEAD_DST2 InvDEAD_DST3 InvDEAD_DST4 InvSeaSalt_BrSALA InvSeaSalt_BrSALC InvSeaSalt_SALA InvSeaSalt_SALC InvSeaSalt_SALAAL InvSeaSalt_SALACL InvSeaSalt_SALCAL InvSeaSalt_SALCCL InvGFED_ACET InvGFED_ACTA InvGFED_ALD2 InvGFED_ALK4 InvGFED_BCPI InvGFED_BCPO InvGFED_BENZ InvGFED_C2H6 InvGFED_C3H8 InvGFED_CH2O InvGFED_CO InvGFED_EOH InvGFED_FURA InvGFED_GLYX InvGFED_ISOP InvGFED_MEK InvGFED_MGLY InvGFED_MOH InvGFED_MTPA InvGFED_MVK InvGFED_NAP InvGFED_NH3 InvGFED_NO InvGFED_OCPI InvGFED_OCPO InvGFED_PHEN InvGFED_POG1 InvGFED_POG2 InvGFED_PRPE InvGFED_RCHO InvGFED_SO2 InvGFED_SOAP InvGFED_TOLU InvGFED_XYLE InvVOLCANOerupt_SO2 InvVOLCANOdegas_SO2 InvIODINE_HOI InvIODINE_I2 Initializing Output Stream: JValues --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 10296 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: JvalO3O3P JvalO3O1D Jval_O2 Jval_SO4 Jval_RP Jval_RIPD Jval_RIPC Jval_RIPB Jval_RIPA Jval_RCHO Jval_RB3P Jval_RA3P Jval_R4P Jval_R4N2 Jval_PYAC Jval_PRPN Jval_PROPNN Jval_PP Jval_PIP Jval_PAN Jval_OIO Jval_OCS Jval_OClO Jval_O3 Jval_NPRNO3 Jval_NPHEN Jval_NO3 Jval_NO2 Jval_NO Jval_NITs Jval_NIT Jval_N2O5 Jval_N2O Jval_MVKPC Jval_MVKN Jval_MVKHP Jval_MVKHCB Jval_MVKHC Jval_MVK Jval_MPN Jval_MPAN Jval_MP Jval_MONITU Jval_MONITS Jval_MGLY Jval_MENO3 Jval_MEK Jval_MCRHP Jval_MCRHNB Jval_MCRHN Jval_MCRENOL Jval_MAP Jval_MACR1OOH Jval_MACR Jval_ITHN Jval_ITCN Jval_IPRNO3 Jval_IONO2 Jval_IONO Jval_IO Jval_INPD Jval_INPB Jval_INO Jval_IHN4 Jval_IHN3 Jval_IHN2 Jval_IHN1 Jval_IDN Jval_IDHPE Jval_IDHDP Jval_IDCHP Jval_ICPDH Jval_ICN Jval_ICl Jval_IBr Jval_I2O4 Jval_I2O3 Jval_I2O2 Jval_I2 Jval_HPETHNL Jval_HPALD4 Jval_HPALD3 Jval_HPALD2 Jval_HPALD1 Jval_HONIT Jval_HOI Jval_HOCl Jval_HOBr Jval_HNO4 Jval_HNO3 Jval_HNO2 Jval_HMHP Jval_HCFC22 Jval_HCFC142b Jval_HCFC141b Jval_HCFC123 Jval_HC5A Jval_HAC Jval_H2O2 Jval_H2402 Jval_H1301 Jval_H1211 Jval_GLYX Jval_GLYC Jval_ETP Jval_ETNO3 Jval_ETHP Jval_ETHLN Jval_ClOO Jval_ClO Jval_ClNO3 Jval_ClNO2 Jval_Cl2O2 Jval_Cl2 Jval_CHCl3 Jval_CHBr3 Jval_CH3I Jval_CH3Cl Jval_CH3CCl3 Jval_CH3Br Jval_CH2O Jval_CH2ICl Jval_CH2IBr Jval_CH2I2 Jval_CH2Cl2 Jval_CH2Br2 Jval_CFC12 Jval_CFC115 Jval_CFC114 Jval_CFC113 Jval_CFC11 Jval_CCl4 Jval_BZCO3H Jval_BrO Jval_BrNO3 Jval_BrNO2 Jval_BrCl Jval_Br2 Jval_BENZP Jval_BALD Jval_ATOOH Jval_ALD2 Jval_ACET Initializing Output Stream: Metrics --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 4 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: AirMassColumnFull LossOHbyCH4columnTrop LossOHbyMCFcolumnTrop OHwgtByAirMassColumnFull Initializing Output Stream: SpeciesConc --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 22464 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: SpeciesConcVV_RCOOH SpeciesConcVV_O2 SpeciesConcVV_N2 SpeciesConcVV_H2 SpeciesConcVV_O SpeciesConcVV_OH SpeciesConcVV_HO2 SpeciesConcVV_O1D SpeciesConcVV_MO2 SpeciesConcVV_MCO3 SpeciesConcVV_CH2OO SpeciesConcVV_B3O2 SpeciesConcVV_R4O2 SpeciesConcVV_OTHRO2 SpeciesConcVV_ATO2 SpeciesConcVV_MACRNO2 SpeciesConcVV_IHOO1 SpeciesConcVV_IHOO4 SpeciesConcVV_INO2D SpeciesConcVV_INO2B SpeciesConcVV_A3O2 SpeciesConcVV_IDHNBOO SpeciesConcVV_PIO2 SpeciesConcVV_CH3CHOO SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXBOO SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXAOO SpeciesConcVV_KO2 SpeciesConcVV_LIMO2 SpeciesConcVV_RCO3 SpeciesConcVV_IHPNBOO SpeciesConcVV_ETO2 SpeciesConcVV_OLND SpeciesConcVV_OLNN SpeciesConcVV_PO2 SpeciesConcVV_MACR1OO SpeciesConcVV_MCROHOO SpeciesConcVV_MVKOHOO SpeciesConcVV_PRN1 SpeciesConcVV_R4N1 SpeciesConcVV_ICHOO SpeciesConcVV_IHPOO3 SpeciesConcVV_IHPNDOO SpeciesConcVV_IHPOO2 SpeciesConcVV_IHPOO1 SpeciesConcVV_H SpeciesConcVV_ISOPNOO1 SpeciesConcVV_IDHNDOO2 SpeciesConcVV_IDHNDOO1 SpeciesConcVV_ROH SpeciesConcVV_ISOPNOO2 SpeciesConcVV_ICNOO SpeciesConcVV_IDNOO SpeciesConcVV_C4HVP2 SpeciesConcVV_C4HVP1 SpeciesConcVV_INA SpeciesConcVV_HPALD2OO SpeciesConcVV_HPALD1OO SpeciesConcVV_XRO2 SpeciesConcVV_N SpeciesConcVV_TRO2 SpeciesConcVV_BrO2 SpeciesConcVV_PH2O2 SpeciesConcVV_LCH4 SpeciesConcVV_PSO4 SpeciesConcVV_LCO SpeciesConcVV_PCO SpeciesConcVV_LOX SpeciesConcVV_POX SpeciesConcVV_LXRO2N SpeciesConcVV_LXRO2H SpeciesConcVV_LTRO2N SpeciesConcVV_LTRO2H SpeciesConcVV_NAP SpeciesConcVV_NRO2 SpeciesConcVV_LNRO2N SpeciesConcVV_LNRO2H SpeciesConcVV_LISOPNO3 SpeciesConcVV_LISOPOH SpeciesConcVV_LBrO2N SpeciesConcVV_LBrO2H SpeciesConcVV_CO2 SpeciesConcVV_XYLE SpeciesConcVV_TOLU SpeciesConcVV_SOAS SpeciesConcVV_SOAP SpeciesConcVV_SOAIE SpeciesConcVV_SOAGX SpeciesConcVV_SO4s SpeciesConcVV_SO4 SpeciesConcVV_SO2 SpeciesConcVV_SALCCL SpeciesConcVV_SALCAL SpeciesConcVV_SALC SpeciesConcVV_SALACL SpeciesConcVV_SALAAL SpeciesConcVV_SALA SpeciesConcVV_RP SpeciesConcVV_RIPD SpeciesConcVV_RIPC SpeciesConcVV_RIPB SpeciesConcVV_RIPA SpeciesConcVV_RCHO SpeciesConcVV_RB3P SpeciesConcVV_RA3P SpeciesConcVV_R4P SpeciesConcVV_R4N2 SpeciesConcVV_PYAC SpeciesConcVV_PRPN SpeciesConcVV_PRPE SpeciesConcVV_PROPNN SpeciesConcVV_PPN SpeciesConcVV_PP SpeciesConcVV_PIP SpeciesConcVV_PHEN SpeciesConcVV_pFe SpeciesConcVV_PAN SpeciesConcVV_OIO SpeciesConcVV_OCS SpeciesConcVV_OCPO SpeciesConcVV_OCPI SpeciesConcVV_OClO SpeciesConcVV_O3 SpeciesConcVV_NPRNO3 SpeciesConcVV_NO3 SpeciesConcVV_NO2 SpeciesConcVV_NPHEN SpeciesConcVV_NO SpeciesConcVV_NITs SpeciesConcVV_NIT SpeciesConcVV_NH4 SpeciesConcVV_NH3 SpeciesConcVV_N2O5 SpeciesConcVV_N2O SpeciesConcVV_MVKPC SpeciesConcVV_MVKN SpeciesConcVV_MVKHP SpeciesConcVV_MVKHCB SpeciesConcVV_MVKHC SpeciesConcVV_MVKDH SpeciesConcVV_MVK SpeciesConcVV_MTPO SpeciesConcVV_MTPA SpeciesConcVV_MSA SpeciesConcVV_MPN SpeciesConcVV_MPAN SpeciesConcVV_MP SpeciesConcVV_MONITU SpeciesConcVV_MONITS SpeciesConcVV_MONITA SpeciesConcVV_MOH SpeciesConcVV_MGLY SpeciesConcVV_MENO3 SpeciesConcVV_MEK SpeciesConcVV_MCRHP SpeciesConcVV_MCRHNB SpeciesConcVV_MCRHN SpeciesConcVV_MCRENOL SpeciesConcVV_MCRDH SpeciesConcVV_MAP SpeciesConcVV_MACR1OOH SpeciesConcVV_MACR SpeciesConcVV_LVOCOA SpeciesConcVV_LVOC SpeciesConcVV_LIMO SpeciesConcVV_ITHN SpeciesConcVV_ITCN SpeciesConcVV_ISOP SpeciesConcVV_ISALC SpeciesConcVV_ISALA SpeciesConcVV_IPRNO3 SpeciesConcVV_IONO2 SpeciesConcVV_IONO SpeciesConcVV_IONITA SpeciesConcVV_IO SpeciesConcVV_INPD SpeciesConcVV_INPB SpeciesConcVV_INO SpeciesConcVV_INDIOL SpeciesConcVV_IHN4 SpeciesConcVV_IHN3 SpeciesConcVV_IHN2 SpeciesConcVV_IHN1 SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXD SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXB SpeciesConcVV_IEPOXA SpeciesConcVV_IDN SpeciesConcVV_IDHPE SpeciesConcVV_IDHDP SpeciesConcVV_IDCHP SpeciesConcVV_IDC SpeciesConcVV_ICPDH SpeciesConcVV_ICN SpeciesConcVV_ICl SpeciesConcVV_ICHE SpeciesConcVV_IBr SpeciesConcVV_I2O4 SpeciesConcVV_I2O3 SpeciesConcVV_I2O2 SpeciesConcVV_I2 SpeciesConcVV_I SpeciesConcVV_HPETHNL SpeciesConcVV_HPALD4 SpeciesConcVV_HPALD3 SpeciesConcVV_HPALD2 SpeciesConcVV_HPALD1 SpeciesConcVV_HONIT SpeciesConcVV_HOI SpeciesConcVV_HOCl SpeciesConcVV_HOBr SpeciesConcVV_HNO4 SpeciesConcVV_HNO3 SpeciesConcVV_HNO2 SpeciesConcVV_HMS SpeciesConcVV_HMML SpeciesConcVV_HMHP SpeciesConcVV_HI SpeciesConcVV_HCOOH SpeciesConcVV_HCl SpeciesConcVV_HCFC22 SpeciesConcVV_HCFC142b SpeciesConcVV_HCFC141b SpeciesConcVV_HCFC123 SpeciesConcVV_HC5A SpeciesConcVV_HBr SpeciesConcVV_HAC SpeciesConcVV_H2O2 SpeciesConcVV_H2O SpeciesConcVV_H2402 SpeciesConcVV_H1301 SpeciesConcVV_H1211 SpeciesConcVV_GLYX SpeciesConcVV_GLYC SpeciesConcVV_FURA SpeciesConcVV_ETP SpeciesConcVV_ETNO3 SpeciesConcVV_ETHP SpeciesConcVV_ETHN SpeciesConcVV_ETHLN SpeciesConcVV_EOH SpeciesConcVV_DST4 SpeciesConcVV_DST3 SpeciesConcVV_DST2 SpeciesConcVV_DST1 SpeciesConcVV_DMS SpeciesConcVV_CO SpeciesConcVV_ClOO SpeciesConcVV_ClO SpeciesConcVV_ClNO3 SpeciesConcVV_ClNO2 SpeciesConcVV_Cl2O2 SpeciesConcVV_Cl2 SpeciesConcVV_Cl SpeciesConcVV_CLOCK SpeciesConcVV_CHCl3 SpeciesConcVV_CHBr3 SpeciesConcVV_CH4 SpeciesConcVV_CH3I SpeciesConcVV_CH3Cl SpeciesConcVV_CH3CCl3 SpeciesConcVV_CH3Br SpeciesConcVV_CH2O SpeciesConcVV_CH2ICl SpeciesConcVV_CH2IBr SpeciesConcVV_CH2I2 SpeciesConcVV_CH2Cl2 SpeciesConcVV_CH2Br2 SpeciesConcVV_CFC12 SpeciesConcVV_CFC115 SpeciesConcVV_CFC114 SpeciesConcVV_CFC113 SpeciesConcVV_CFC11 SpeciesConcVV_CCl4 SpeciesConcVV_C3H8 SpeciesConcVV_C2H6 SpeciesConcVV_C2H4 SpeciesConcVV_C2H2 SpeciesConcVV_BZPAN SpeciesConcVV_BUTDI SpeciesConcVV_BrSALC SpeciesConcVV_BrSALA SpeciesConcVV_BrO SpeciesConcVV_BrNO3 SpeciesConcVV_BrNO2 SpeciesConcVV_BrCl SpeciesConcVV_Br2 SpeciesConcVV_Br SpeciesConcVV_BENZ SpeciesConcVV_BCPO SpeciesConcVV_BCPI SpeciesConcVV_BALD SpeciesConcVV_ATOOH SpeciesConcVV_AONITA SpeciesConcVV_ALK4 SpeciesConcVV_ALD2 SpeciesConcVV_AERI SpeciesConcVV_ACTA SpeciesConcVV_ACET SpeciesConcVV_TSOG3 SpeciesConcVV_TSOG2 SpeciesConcVV_TSOG1 SpeciesConcVV_TSOG0 SpeciesConcVV_TSOA3 SpeciesConcVV_TSOA2 SpeciesConcVV_TSOA1 SpeciesConcVV_TSOA0 SpeciesConcVV_ASOG3 SpeciesConcVV_ASOG2 SpeciesConcVV_ASOG1 SpeciesConcVV_ASOAN SpeciesConcVV_ASOA3 SpeciesConcVV_ASOA2 SpeciesConcVV_ASOA1 Initializing Output Stream: StateMet --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 2353 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: Met_AD Met_AIRDEN Met_AIRVOL Met_ALBD Met_AREAM2 Met_AVGW Met_BXHEIGHT Met_ChemGridLev Met_CLDF Met_CLDFRC Met_CLDTOPS Met_DELP Met_DELPDRY Met_DQRCU Met_DQRLSAN Met_DTRAIN Met_EFLUX Met_FRCLND Met_FRLAKE Met_FRLAND Met_FRLANDIC Met_FROCEAN Met_FRSEAICE Met_FRSNO Met_GWETROOT Met_GWETTOP Met_HFLUX Met_LAI Met_PARDR Met_PARDF Met_PBLTOPL Met_PBLH Met_PHIS Met_PMID Met_PMIDDRY Met_PRECANV Met_PRECCON Met_PRECLSC Met_PRECTOT Met_PS1DRY Met_PS1WET Met_PS2DRY Met_PS2WET Met_PSC2WET Met_PSC2DRY Met_QI Met_QL Met_OMEGA Met_OPTD Met_REEVAPCN Met_REEVAPLS Met_SLP Met_SNODP Met_SNOMAS Met_SPHU Met_SPHU1 Met_SPHU2 Met_SUNCOS Met_SUNCOSmid Met_SWGDN Met_T Met_TAUCLI Met_TAUCLW Met_THETA Met_TMPU1 Met_TMPU2 Met_TO3 Met_TropHt Met_TropLev Met_TropP Met_TS Met_TSKIN Met_TV Met_U Met_U10M Met_USTAR Met_UVALBEDO Met_V Met_V10M Met_Z0 FracOfTimeInTrop Initializing Output Stream: WetLossConv --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 21168 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: WetLossConv_SOAS WetLossConv_SOAIE WetLossConv_SOAGX WetLossConv_SO4s WetLossConv_SO4 WetLossConv_SO2 WetLossConv_SALCCL WetLossConv_SALCAL WetLossConv_SALC WetLossConv_SALACL WetLossConv_SALAAL WetLossConv_SALA WetLossConv_RP WetLossConv_RIPD WetLossConv_RIPC WetLossConv_RIPB WetLossConv_RIPA WetLossConv_RB3P WetLossConv_RA3P WetLossConv_R4P WetLossConv_R4N2 WetLossConv_PYAC WetLossConv_PRPN WetLossConv_PRPE WetLossConv_PROPNN WetLossConv_PPN WetLossConv_PP WetLossConv_pFe WetLossConv_PAN WetLossConv_OCPO WetLossConv_OCPI WetLossConv_NITs WetLossConv_NIT WetLossConv_NH4 WetLossConv_NH3 WetLossConv_MVKPC WetLossConv_MVKN WetLossConv_MVKHP WetLossConv_MVKHCB WetLossConv_MVKHC WetLossConv_MVKDH WetLossConv_MVK WetLossConv_MTPO WetLossConv_MTPA WetLossConv_MSA WetLossConv_MPN WetLossConv_MPAN WetLossConv_MP WetLossConv_MONITU WetLossConv_MONITS WetLossConv_MONITA WetLossConv_MOH WetLossConv_MGLY WetLossConv_MEK WetLossConv_MCRHP WetLossConv_MCRHNB WetLossConv_MCRHN WetLossConv_MCRENOL WetLossConv_MCRDH WetLossConv_MAP WetLossConv_MACR1OOH WetLossConv_LVOCOA WetLossConv_LVOC WetLossConv_LIMO WetLossConv_ITHN WetLossConv_ITCN WetLossConv_ISALC WetLossConv_ISALA WetLossConv_IONO2 WetLossConv_IONO WetLossConv_IONITA WetLossConv_INPD WetLossConv_INPB WetLossConv_INDIOL WetLossConv_IHN4 WetLossConv_IHN3 WetLossConv_IHN2 WetLossConv_IHN1 WetLossConv_IEPOXD WetLossConv_IEPOXB WetLossConv_IEPOXA WetLossConv_IDN WetLossConv_IDHPE WetLossConv_IDHDP WetLossConv_IDCHP WetLossConv_ICPDH WetLossConv_ICN WetLossConv_ICl WetLossConv_ICHE WetLossConv_IBr WetLossConv_I2O4 WetLossConv_I2O3 WetLossConv_I2O2 WetLossConv_I2 WetLossConv_HPETHNL WetLossConv_HONIT WetLossConv_HOI WetLossConv_HOCl WetLossConv_HOBr WetLossConv_HNO3 WetLossConv_HMS WetLossConv_HMML WetLossConv_HMHP WetLossConv_HI WetLossConv_HCOOH WetLossConv_HCl WetLossConv_HC5A WetLossConv_HBr WetLossConv_HAC WetLossConv_H2O2 WetLossConv_GLYX WetLossConv_GLYC WetLossConv_ETP WetLossConv_ETHP WetLossConv_ETHN WetLossConv_ETHLN WetLossConv_EOH WetLossConv_DST4 WetLossConv_DST3 WetLossConv_DST2 WetLossConv_DST1 WetLossConv_CH2O WetLossConv_BrSALC WetLossConv_BrSALA WetLossConv_BrCl WetLossConv_Br2 WetLossConv_BCPO WetLossConv_BCPI WetLossConv_ATOOH WetLossConv_ALD2 WetLossConv_AERI WetLossConv_ACTA WetLossConv_TSOG3 WetLossConv_TSOG2 WetLossConv_TSOG1 WetLossConv_TSOG0 WetLossConv_TSOA3 WetLossConv_TSOA2 WetLossConv_TSOA1 WetLossConv_TSOA0 WetLossConv_ASOG3 WetLossConv_ASOG2 WetLossConv_ASOG1 WetLossConv_ASOAN WetLossConv_ASOA3 WetLossConv_ASOA2 WetLossConv_ASOA1 WetLossConvFrac_SOAS WetLossConvFrac_SOAIE WetLossConvFrac_SOAGX WetLossConvFrac_SO4s WetLossConvFrac_SO4 WetLossConvFrac_SO2 WetLossConvFrac_SALCCL WetLossConvFrac_SALCAL WetLossConvFrac_SALC WetLossConvFrac_SALACL WetLossConvFrac_SALAAL WetLossConvFrac_SALA WetLossConvFrac_RP WetLossConvFrac_RIPD WetLossConvFrac_RIPC WetLossConvFrac_RIPB WetLossConvFrac_RIPA WetLossConvFrac_RB3P WetLossConvFrac_RA3P WetLossConvFrac_R4P WetLossConvFrac_R4N2 WetLossConvFrac_PYAC WetLossConvFrac_PRPN WetLossConvFrac_PRPE WetLossConvFrac_PROPNN WetLossConvFrac_PPN WetLossConvFrac_PP WetLossConvFrac_pFe WetLossConvFrac_PAN WetLossConvFrac_OCPO WetLossConvFrac_OCPI WetLossConvFrac_NITs WetLossConvFrac_NIT WetLossConvFrac_NH4 WetLossConvFrac_NH3 WetLossConvFrac_MVKPC WetLossConvFrac_MVKN WetLossConvFrac_MVKHP WetLossConvFrac_MVKHCB WetLossConvFrac_MVKHC WetLossConvFrac_MVKDH WetLossConvFrac_MVK WetLossConvFrac_MTPO WetLossConvFrac_MTPA WetLossConvFrac_MSA WetLossConvFrac_MPN WetLossConvFrac_MPAN WetLossConvFrac_MP WetLossConvFrac_MONITU WetLossConvFrac_MONITS WetLossConvFrac_MONITA WetLossConvFrac_MOH WetLossConvFrac_MGLY WetLossConvFrac_MEK WetLossConvFrac_MCRHP WetLossConvFrac_MCRHNB WetLossConvFrac_MCRHN WetLossConvFrac_MCRENOL WetLossConvFrac_MCRDH WetLossConvFrac_MAP WetLossConvFrac_MACR1OOH WetLossConvFrac_LVOCOA WetLossConvFrac_LVOC WetLossConvFrac_LIMO WetLossConvFrac_ITHN WetLossConvFrac_ITCN WetLossConvFrac_ISALC WetLossConvFrac_ISALA WetLossConvFrac_IONO2 WetLossConvFrac_IONO WetLossConvFrac_IONITA WetLossConvFrac_INPD WetLossConvFrac_INPB WetLossConvFrac_INDIOL WetLossConvFrac_IHN4 WetLossConvFrac_IHN3 WetLossConvFrac_IHN2 WetLossConvFrac_IHN1 WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXD WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXB WetLossConvFrac_IEPOXA WetLossConvFrac_IDN WetLossConvFrac_IDHPE WetLossConvFrac_IDHDP WetLossConvFrac_IDCHP WetLossConvFrac_ICPDH WetLossConvFrac_ICN WetLossConvFrac_ICl WetLossConvFrac_ICHE WetLossConvFrac_IBr WetLossConvFrac_I2O4 WetLossConvFrac_I2O3 WetLossConvFrac_I2O2 WetLossConvFrac_I2 WetLossConvFrac_HPETHNL WetLossConvFrac_HONIT WetLossConvFrac_HOI WetLossConvFrac_HOCl WetLossConvFrac_HOBr WetLossConvFrac_HNO3 WetLossConvFrac_HMS WetLossConvFrac_HMML WetLossConvFrac_HMHP WetLossConvFrac_HI WetLossConvFrac_HCOOH WetLossConvFrac_HCl WetLossConvFrac_HC5A WetLossConvFrac_HBr WetLossConvFrac_HAC WetLossConvFrac_H2O2 WetLossConvFrac_GLYX WetLossConvFrac_GLYC WetLossConvFrac_ETP WetLossConvFrac_ETHP WetLossConvFrac_ETHN WetLossConvFrac_ETHLN WetLossConvFrac_EOH WetLossConvFrac_DST4 WetLossConvFrac_DST3 WetLossConvFrac_DST2 WetLossConvFrac_DST1 WetLossConvFrac_CH2O WetLossConvFrac_BrSALC WetLossConvFrac_BrSALA WetLossConvFrac_BrCl WetLossConvFrac_Br2 WetLossConvFrac_BCPO WetLossConvFrac_BCPI WetLossConvFrac_ATOOH WetLossConvFrac_ALD2 WetLossConvFrac_AERI WetLossConvFrac_ACTA WetLossConvFrac_TSOG3 WetLossConvFrac_TSOG2 WetLossConvFrac_TSOG1 WetLossConvFrac_TSOG0 WetLossConvFrac_TSOA3 WetLossConvFrac_TSOA2 WetLossConvFrac_TSOA1 WetLossConvFrac_TSOA0 WetLossConvFrac_ASOG3 WetLossConvFrac_ASOG2 WetLossConvFrac_ASOG1 WetLossConvFrac_ASOAN WetLossConvFrac_ASOA3 WetLossConvFrac_ASOA2 WetLossConvFrac_ASOA1 Initializing Output Stream: WetLossLS --------------------------- Format: CFIO Mode: time-averaged Nbits: 100 Slices: 10584 Deflate: 0 Frequency: monthly Ref_Date: 20190701 Ref_Time: 0 Duration: one month XY-offset: 0 (DcPc: Dateline Center, Pole Center) Fields: WetLossLS_SOAS WetLossLS_TSOG3 WetLossLS_TSOG2 WetLossLS_TSOG1 WetLossLS_TSOG0 WetLossLS_TSOA3 WetLossLS_TSOA2 WetLossLS_TSOA1 WetLossLS_TSOA0 WetLossLS_SOAIE WetLossLS_SOAGX WetLossLS_SO4s WetLossLS_SO4 WetLossLS_SO2 WetLossLS_SALCCL WetLossLS_SALCAL WetLossLS_SALC WetLossLS_SALACL WetLossLS_SALAAL WetLossLS_SALA WetLossLS_RP WetLossLS_RIPD WetLossLS_RIPC WetLossLS_RIPB WetLossLS_RIPA WetLossLS_RB3P WetLossLS_RA3P WetLossLS_R4P WetLossLS_R4N2 WetLossLS_PYAC WetLossLS_PRPN WetLossLS_PRPE WetLossLS_PROPNN WetLossLS_PPN WetLossLS_PP WetLossLS_pFe WetLossLS_PAN WetLossLS_OCPO WetLossLS_OCPI WetLossLS_NITs WetLossLS_NIT WetLossLS_NH4 WetLossLS_NH3 WetLossLS_MVKPC WetLossLS_MVKN WetLossLS_MVKHP WetLossLS_MVKHCB WetLossLS_MVKHC WetLossLS_MVKDH WetLossLS_MVK WetLossLS_MTPO WetLossLS_MTPA WetLossLS_MSA WetLossLS_MPN WetLossLS_MPAN WetLossLS_MP WetLossLS_MONITU WetLossLS_MONITS WetLossLS_MONITA WetLossLS_MOH WetLossLS_MGLY WetLossLS_MEK WetLossLS_MCRHP WetLossLS_MCRHNB WetLossLS_MCRHN WetLossLS_MCRENOL WetLossLS_MCRDH WetLossLS_MAP WetLossLS_MACR1OOH WetLossLS_LVOCOA WetLossLS_LVOC WetLossLS_LIMO WetLossLS_ITHN WetLossLS_ITCN WetLossLS_ISALC WetLossLS_ISALA WetLossLS_IONO2 WetLossLS_IONO WetLossLS_IONITA WetLossLS_INPD WetLossLS_INPB WetLossLS_INDIOL WetLossLS_IHN4 WetLossLS_IHN3 WetLossLS_IHN2 WetLossLS_IHN1 WetLossLS_IEPOXD WetLossLS_IEPOXB WetLossLS_IEPOXA WetLossLS_IDN WetLossLS_IDHPE WetLossLS_IDHDP WetLossLS_IDCHP WetLossLS_ICPDH WetLossLS_ICN WetLossLS_ICl WetLossLS_ICHE WetLossLS_IBr WetLossLS_I2O4 WetLossLS_I2O3 WetLossLS_I2O2 WetLossLS_I2 WetLossLS_HPETHNL WetLossLS_HONIT WetLossLS_HOI WetLossLS_HOCl WetLossLS_HOBr WetLossLS_HNO3 WetLossLS_HMS WetLossLS_HMML WetLossLS_HMHP WetLossLS_HI WetLossLS_HCOOH WetLossLS_HCl WetLossLS_HC5A WetLossLS_HBr WetLossLS_HAC WetLossLS_H2O2 WetLossLS_GLYX WetLossLS_GLYC WetLossLS_ETP WetLossLS_ETHP WetLossLS_ETHN WetLossLS_ETHLN WetLossLS_EOH WetLossLS_DST4 WetLossLS_DST3 WetLossLS_DST2 WetLossLS_DST1 WetLossLS_CH2O WetLossLS_BrSALC WetLossLS_BrSALA WetLossLS_BrCl WetLossLS_Br2 WetLossLS_BCPO WetLossLS_BCPI WetLossLS_ATOOH WetLossLS_ASOG3 WetLossLS_ASOG2 WetLossLS_ASOG1 WetLossLS_ASOAN WetLossLS_ASOA3 WetLossLS_ASOA2 WetLossLS_ASOA1 WetLossLS_ALD2 WetLossLS_AERI WetLossLS_ACTA Mem/Swap Used (MB) at HISTMAPL_GenericInitialize= 7.964E+04 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at EXTDATAMAPL_GenericInitialize= 7.964E+04 0.000E+00 Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 8.941E+04 0.000E+00 Character Resource Parameter: EXCLUDE_ADVECTION_TRACERS:NO AdvCore is Advecting the following 237 tracers in FV3: SPC_ACET SPC_ACTA SPC_AERI SPC_ALD2 SPC_ALK4 SPC_ASOA1 SPC_ASOA2 SPC_ASOA3 SPC_ASOAN SPC_ASOG1 SPC_ASOG2 SPC_ASOG3 SPC_AONITA SPC_AROMP4 SPC_AROMP5 SPC_ATOOH SPC_BALD SPC_BCPI SPC_BCPO SPC_BENZ SPC_BENZP SPC_Br SPC_Br2 SPC_BrCl SPC_BrNO2 SPC_BrNO3 SPC_BrO SPC_BrSALA SPC_BrSALC SPC_BUTDI SPC_BZCO3H SPC_BZPAN SPC_C2H2 SPC_C2H4 SPC_C2H6 SPC_C3H8 SPC_CCl4 SPC_CFC11 SPC_CFC113 SPC_CFC114 SPC_CFC115 SPC_CFC12 SPC_CH2Br2 SPC_CH2Cl2 SPC_CH2I2 SPC_CH2IBr SPC_CH2ICl SPC_CH2O SPC_CH3Br SPC_CH3CCl3 SPC_CH3Cl SPC_CH3I SPC_CH4 SPC_CHBr3 SPC_CHCl3 SPC_Cl SPC_Cl2 SPC_Cl2O2 SPC_ClNO2 SPC_ClNO3 SPC_ClO SPC_ClOO SPC_CLOCK SPC_CO SPC_CSL SPC_DMS SPC_DST1 SPC_DST2 SPC_DST3 SPC_DST4 SPC_EOH SPC_ETHLN SPC_ETHN SPC_ETHP SPC_ETNO3 SPC_ETP SPC_FURA SPC_GLYC SPC_GLYX SPC_H1211 SPC_H1301 SPC_H2402 SPC_H2O SPC_H2O2 SPC_HAC SPC_HBr SPC_HC5A SPC_HCFC123 SPC_HCFC141b SPC_HCFC142b SPC_HCFC22 SPC_HCl SPC_HCOOH SPC_HI SPC_HMHP SPC_HMML SPC_HMS SPC_HNO2 SPC_HNO3 SPC_HNO4 SPC_HOBr SPC_HOCl SPC_HOI SPC_HONIT SPC_HPALD1 SPC_HPALD2 SPC_HPALD3 SPC_HPALD4 SPC_HPETHNL SPC_I SPC_I2 SPC_I2O2 SPC_I2O3 SPC_I2O4 SPC_IBr SPC_ICHE SPC_ICl SPC_ICN SPC_ICPDH SPC_IDC SPC_IDCHP SPC_IDHDP SPC_IDHPE SPC_IDN SPC_IEPOXA SPC_IEPOXB SPC_IEPOXD SPC_IHN1 SPC_IHN2 SPC_IHN3 SPC_IHN4 SPC_INDIOL SPC_INO SPC_INPB SPC_INPD SPC_IO SPC_IONITA SPC_IONO SPC_IONO2 SPC_IPRNO3 SPC_ISALA SPC_ISALC SPC_ISOP SPC_ITCN SPC_ITHN SPC_LIMO SPC_LVOC SPC_LVOCOA SPC_MACR SPC_MACR1OOH SPC_MAP SPC_MCRDH SPC_MCRENOL SPC_MCRHN SPC_MCRHNB SPC_MCRHP SPC_MCT SPC_MEK SPC_MENO3 SPC_MGLY SPC_MOH SPC_MONITA SPC_MONITS SPC_MONITU SPC_MP SPC_MPAN SPC_MPN SPC_MSA SPC_MTPA SPC_MTPO SPC_MVK SPC_MVKDH SPC_MVKHC SPC_MVKHCB SPC_MVKHP SPC_MVKN SPC_MVKPC SPC_N2O SPC_N2O5 SPC_NH3 SPC_NH4 SPC_NIT SPC_NITs SPC_NO SPC_NO2 SPC_NO3 SPC_NPHEN SPC_NPRNO3 SPC_O3 SPC_OClO SPC_OCPI SPC_OCPO SPC_OCS SPC_OIO SPC_PAN SPC_pFe SPC_PHEN SPC_PIP SPC_PP SPC_PPN SPC_PROPNN SPC_PRPE SPC_PRPN SPC_PYAC SPC_R4N2 SPC_R4P SPC_RA3P SPC_RB3P SPC_RCHO SPC_RIPA SPC_RIPB SPC_RIPC SPC_RIPD SPC_RP SPC_SALA SPC_SALAAL SPC_SALACL SPC_SALC SPC_SALCAL SPC_SALCCL SPC_SO2 SPC_SO4 SPC_SO4s SPC_SOAGX SPC_SOAIE SPC_SOAP SPC_SOAS SPC_TOLU SPC_TSOA0 SPC_TSOA1 SPC_TSOA2 SPC_TSOA3 SPC_TSOG0 SPC_TSOG1 SPC_TSOG2 SPC_TSOG3 SPC_XYLE Initializing land type fractions from Olson imports Doing warm GEOS-Chem restart GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : T DoEmis : T DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : T DoWetDep : T HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_NO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_NO2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_HONO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_CO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_SO2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_BCPI HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_OCPI HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import AEIC19_MONMEAN_ACET HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_Br_DAY HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_Br2_DAY HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_BrO_DAY HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_BrNO3_DAY HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_HBr_DAY HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_HOBr_DAY HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_Br_NIGHT HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_Br2_NIGHT HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_BrO_NIGHT HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_BrNO3_NIGHT HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_HBr_NIGHT HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GEOSCCM_HOBr_NIGHT HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_OH HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_ACET HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_ACET HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_ACTA HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_ACTA HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_ALD2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_ALD2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_ALK4 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_ALK4 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_C2H6 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_C2H6 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_C3H8 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_C3H8 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CCl4 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CCl4 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CFC12 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CFC12 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_H1211 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_H1211 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CFC113 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CFC113 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CFC114 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CFC114 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CFC115 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CFC115 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CFC11 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CFC11 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CH2O HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CH2O HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CH3CCl3 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CH3CCl3 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CH3Cl HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CH3Cl HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CH4 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CH4 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_CO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_CO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_Cl HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_Cl HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_Cl2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_Cl2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_Cl2O2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_Cl2O2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_ClO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_ClO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_EOH HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_EOH HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_ETP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_ETP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_GLYC HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_GLYC HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_GLYX HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_GLYX HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_H2402 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_H2402 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_H2O HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_H2O HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_H2O2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_H2O2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HAC HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HAC HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HCFC141b HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HCFC141b HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HCFC142b HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HCFC142b HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HCFC22 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HCFC22 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HCOOH HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HCOOH HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HCl HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HCl HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HNO2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HNO2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HNO3 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HNO3 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HNO4 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HNO4 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_HOCl HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_HOCl HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_ISOP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_ISOP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_MACR HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_MACR HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_MAP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_MAP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_MEK HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_MEK HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_MGLY HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_MGLY HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_MOH HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_MOH HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_MP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_MP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_MVK HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_MVK HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_N2O HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_N2O HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_N2O5 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_N2O5 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_NO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_NO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_NO2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_NO2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_NO3 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_NO3 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_O3 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_O3 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_OClO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_OClO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_PAN HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_PAN HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_PP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_PP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_PPN HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_PPN HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_PRPE HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_PRPE HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_PRPN HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_PRPN HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_R4N2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_R4N2 HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_R4P HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_R4P HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_RA3P HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_RA3P HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_RB3P HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_RB3P HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_RCHO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_RCHO HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_RIPA HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_RIPA HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_RIPB HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_RIPB HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_RIPD HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_RIPD HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_LOSS_RP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import GMI_PROD_RP HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import ENERGY_LEVS HEMCO: array pointer vertically flipped relative to MAPL Import INDUSTRY_LEVS --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do drydep now Use FULL PBL: F --- Drydep done! --- Do emissions now HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc --- Emissions done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do chemistry now Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 14.222624204259914 and H= 4.3041834202194105E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 4 4 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 53.779106857126301 and H= 2.9875327019609773E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 1 8 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 35.138165248133916 and H= 3.4720558519866218E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 6 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 11.311016271494989 and H= 4.4725634839839174E-016 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 2 6 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1186.4144728934930 and H= 1.0886075910903695E-012 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 1 18 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 60.709201364466878 and H= 1.9345977782543410E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 3 8 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1175.1019317030145 and H= 8.5732043555986602E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 13 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 31.113093820871146 and H= 2.6051266770169481E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 5 9 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 14.269467230925496 and H= 4.3364970949037234E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 2 8 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 42.985297923415850 and H= 9.9892308223683717E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 5 12 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1160.2609598064723 and H= 4.0201959822040549E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 14 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 80.449818524853470 and H= 2.8338825644947173E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 3 12 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 40.976397584284257 and H= 1.5836853411871120E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 5 10 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1134.9659714569450 and H= 4.1948915506332543E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 15 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 46.085604407083984 and H= 1.3126755282398022E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 12 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 34.518474353656579 and H= 1.2831297685893853E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 4 11 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 58.233551141952397 and H= 1.4282462138921938E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 11 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 27.979769771909240 and H= 1.1110007377996801E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 3 13 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 72.083177633761807 and H= 2.8780888213992401E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 3 15 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 114.05018128034642 and H= 3.7942950222940649E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 3 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ --- Chemistry done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! Setting history variable pointers to GC and Export States AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 19.1 19.1 156.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 039:01:42 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : F DoEmis : F DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : F DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 1984.5 993.0 1058.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:29 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : T DoEmis : T DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : T DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do drydep now Use FULL PBL: F --- Drydep done! --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do chemistry now Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 939.06103732897679 and H= 2.5312374924409589E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 3 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ --- Chemistry done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 553.7 226.8 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:34 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : F DoEmis : F DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : F DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 622.3 992.3 1055.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:39 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : T DoEmis : T DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : T DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do drydep now Use FULL PBL: F --- Drydep done! --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do chemistry now - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ --- Chemistry done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 463.5 229.4 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:12 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : F DoEmis : F DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : F DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 508.6 991.7 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:38 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : T DoEmis : T DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : T DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do drydep now Use FULL PBL: F --- Drydep done! --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do chemistry now - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ --- Chemistry done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 419.2 204.0 240.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:19 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : F DoEmis : F DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : F DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 451.8 992.9 1056.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:37 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : T DoEmis : T DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : T DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do drydep now Use FULL PBL: F --- Drydep done! --- Do emissions now --- Emissions done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do chemistry now Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 945.98748666345398 and H= 3.3624226422859819E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 2 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ --- Chemistry done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 406.9 226.7 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:29 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 GEOS-Chem phase -1 : DoConv : T DoDryDep : F DoEmis : F DoTend : F DoTurb : T DoChem : F DoWetDep : T --- Do convection now --- Convection done! --- Do turbulence now --- Turbulence done! --- Do wetdep now --- Wetdep done! --- Do diagnostics now --- Diagnostics done! AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 432.4 994.9 1056.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:00 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 400.4 230.3 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:12 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 421.3 989.2 1056.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:40 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.259E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 387.6 197.6 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:50 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.260E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 405.2 989.8 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:50 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.260E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 384.9 226.5 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:35 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.260E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 399.9 964.3 1055.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:13 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.260E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 382.8 227.3 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:10 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.260E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 374.6 274.9 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:40 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.263E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 311.2 76.9 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:49 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 322.3 987.8 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:54 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 314.9 215.9 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:06 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 325.0 994.4 1057.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:41 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 318.2 218.0 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:34 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 327.4 995.5 1057.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:35 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 317.4 183.0 210.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:50 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 325.9 995.4 1055.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:09 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 320.7 226.4 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:20 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 328.7 997.8 1058.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:57 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 323.4 222.9 226.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:08 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 330.8 996.2 1057.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:02 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.271E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 322.8 187.1 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:19 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.272E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 329.8 993.5 1056.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:23 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.272E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 325.2 225.9 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:14 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.272E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 331.8 994.3 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:31 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.272E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 327.4 225.7 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:16 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.272E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 325.5 272.0 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:01 41.2% : 35.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.274E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.1 78.6 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:31 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 305.7 995.8 1056.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:47 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 303.2 232.6 235.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:55 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 308.6 994.0 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:21 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 306.2 232.8 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:27 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 311.3 993.6 1055.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:03 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 307.4 202.5 236.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:47 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 312.3 993.1 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:30 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 309.5 221.2 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:46 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 314.2 988.8 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:36 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 311.5 222.2 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:49 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 315.9 966.1 1054.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:47 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.283E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 311.7 190.9 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:37 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.284E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 316.1 992.3 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:39 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.284E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 313.5 222.9 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:45 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.284E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 317.6 953.4 1039.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:54 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.284E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 315.1 223.4 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:59 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.284E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 314.1 271.1 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:22 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.286E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 297.2 76.0 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:20 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.0 989.2 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:27 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 298.7 210.4 214.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:32 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 302.3 961.3 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:45 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.0 208.1 212.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:50 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 303.5 988.0 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:06 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.3 182.7 214.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:38 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 303.7 992.1 1055.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:57 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.7 215.4 218.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:52 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 305.0 958.9 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:16 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 303.4 227.5 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:00 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 306.6 964.5 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:27 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.292E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 303.9 194.5 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:40 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.293E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 307.1 991.5 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:09 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.293E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 305.6 232.5 235.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:47 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.293E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 308.7 990.9 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:20 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.293E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 307.0 223.3 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:04 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.293E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 306.5 273.2 1029.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:17 41.2% : 35.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.293E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 294.7 77.9 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:00 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.295E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 297.5 960.7 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:34 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.295E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 296.4 234.9 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:04 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.295E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 299.2 991.9 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:40 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.295E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 298.2 237.6 241.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:08 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.295E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.8 965.6 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:47 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.295E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 299.0 201.8 247.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:40 41.2% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.6 963.1 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:22 41.2% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.5 232.5 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:52 41.2% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 303.0 991.5 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:36 41.2% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.9 231.9 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:06 41.2% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 304.4 959.5 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:53 41.2% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 302.6 200.4 239.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:44 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 305.0 960.6 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:33 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 303.9 232.9 238.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:01 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 306.3 989.7 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:51 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 305.2 230.4 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:21 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 304.8 275.5 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:29 41.3% : 36.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.296E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 295.3 77.7 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:04 41.4% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.302E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 297.6 993.7 1056.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:54 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.303E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 296.4 218.3 222.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:26 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.303E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 298.7 979.1 1039.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:19 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.303E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 297.6 225.6 230.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:47 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.303E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 299.8 976.3 1036.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:41 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.303E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 297.7 176.8 216.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:42 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 299.8 988.9 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:37 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 298.8 226.3 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:04 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.9 985.5 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:01 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.0 229.4 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:25 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 302.1 984.3 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:24 41.5% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 56.175871009232928 and H= 1.6004973861405272E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 3 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.4 191.9 234.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:10 41.4% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 302.4 987.7 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:10 41.4% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.5 232.0 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:33 41.4% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 303.5 950.8 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:35 41.4% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 302.6 233.7 238.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:57 41.4% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 302.4 278.0 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:03 41.4% : 36.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.304E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 294.6 77.8 238.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:49 41.9% : 36.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.312E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 296.5 983.8 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:51 41.9% : 36.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.313E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 295.7 231.7 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:11 41.9% : 36.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.313E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 297.6 990.1 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:14 41.9% : 36.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.313E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 296.9 232.1 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:34 41.9% : 36.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.313E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 298.7 990.4 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:38 41.9% : 36.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.313E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 297.5 206.0 243.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:10 41.9% : 36.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 299.3 965.1 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:16 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 606.85353040378118 and H= 3.3993623393674095E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 4 14 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 298.7 239.4 242.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:32 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.4 997.4 1059.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:39 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 299.7 228.8 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:59 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.4 983.1 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:07 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.0 192.0 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:46 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.7 959.5 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:55 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 300.9 227.4 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:16 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 302.6 996.2 1057.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:25 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.7 224.2 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:47 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.314E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 301.0 227.2 1043.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:08 41.9% : 36.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.322E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.6 65.0 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:13 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.376E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 294.0 716.3 838.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:30 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.377E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 293.1 214.6 220.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:53 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.377E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 294.7 991.8 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:03 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.377E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 294.0 220.6 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:24 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.377E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 295.5 959.8 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:35 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.377E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.5 124.0 183.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:05 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.378E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.4 285.2 297.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:05 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.378E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 545.41137466730629 and H= 4.4753420037234706E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 3 14 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.7 221.3 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:24 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.378E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 293.2 964.9 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:36 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.378E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.5 221.1 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:55 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.378E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 294.0 958.3 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:09 42.5% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.378E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.8 144.9 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:12 42.4% : 37.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.380E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 293.3 998.1 1060.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:25 42.4% : 37.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.380E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.7 231.8 236.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:40 42.4% : 37.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.380E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 294.2 996.6 1059.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:54 42.4% : 37.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.380E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/01 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/01 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 293.6 228.0 233.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:10 42.4% : 37.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.380E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 293.5 272.8 1042.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:12 42.5% : 37.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.382E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.9 77.1 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:01 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.402E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.3 955.5 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:16 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.7 226.1 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:31 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.1 984.3 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:46 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.6 230.3 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:59 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.0 989.8 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:15 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.1 200.7 236.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:40 43.3% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.5 987.1 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:56 43.3% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.8 220.2 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:13 43.3% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.2 989.1 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:30 43.3% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.6 224.6 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:45 43.3% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.9 990.5 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:03 43.3% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.3 157.1 179.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:50 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.403E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.6 953.7 1035.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:09 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.404E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.1 226.6 230.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:23 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.404E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 293.4 989.3 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:42 43.4% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.404E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 292.7 214.2 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:00 43.5% : 38.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.404E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.5 177.4 630.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:34 43.5% : 38.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.406E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 286.6 77.2 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:03 44.3% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.426E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.9 961.6 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:22 44.3% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.426E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.2 212.8 217.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:39 44.3% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.426E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.5 963.5 1026.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:59 44.3% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.426E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.9 218.6 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:14 44.3% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.426E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.1 989.2 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:34 44.3% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.426E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.1 180.0 208.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:04 44.2% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.426E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.3 953.7 1036.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:26 44.2% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.8 220.2 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:40 44.2% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.9 983.8 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:01 44.2% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.4 221.6 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:15 44.2% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.6 988.4 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:37 44.2% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.5 173.9 206.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:09 44.1% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.6 952.6 1040.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:31 44.1% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 495.72926573274248 and H= 2.6488292784907579E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 5 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.2 232.2 237.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:42 44.1% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.4 985.3 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:05 44.1% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.9 227.7 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:17 44.1% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.427E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.8 270.5 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:18 44.1% : 39.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.431E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 286.5 78.1 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:29 45.1% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.454E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.6 991.6 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:52 45.1% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.454E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.2 227.1 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:03 45.1% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.454E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.3 982.7 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:26 45.1% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.454E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.9 231.2 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:36 45.1% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.454E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.0 987.8 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:00 45.1% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.454E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.3 193.7 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:22 45.0% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.455E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.4 988.5 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:46 45.0% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.455E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.9 217.2 221.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:59 45.0% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.455E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.9 962.0 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:25 45.0% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.455E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.5 222.8 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:37 45.0% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.455E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.5 989.2 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:02 45.0% : 39.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.455E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 36.297135701054302 and H= 2.2098527080879634E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.6 181.9 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:27 44.9% : 40.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.456E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.7 953.1 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:53 44.9% : 40.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.456E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 22.202064050218983 and H= 1.6908508557158622E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 2 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.3 228.7 233.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:04 44.9% : 40.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.456E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.3 990.3 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:30 44.9% : 40.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.456E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 17.626972739169105 and H= 6.0952813163465206E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 2 3 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 37.481054864568613 and H= 2.9763329695855244E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.9 222.2 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:42 44.9% : 40.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.456E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.8 272.2 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:43 45.0% : 40.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.459E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 286.7 76.1 217.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:45 45.9% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.7 990.5 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:11 45.9% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.2 213.5 217.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:25 45.9% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.2 989.9 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:51 45.9% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.7 211.3 215.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:05 45.9% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.7 954.6 1042.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:33 45.9% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.9 183.2 215.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:56 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.9 991.8 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:23 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.4 217.6 220.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:35 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.4 986.4 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:03 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.0 223.1 227.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:13 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.0 986.0 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:41 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.480E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.4 198.7 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:58 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.481E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.3 989.0 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:27 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.481E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.0 231.3 236.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:35 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.481E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.9 956.2 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:05 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.481E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.5 222.7 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:15 45.8% : 40.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.481E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.4 273.9 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:16 45.9% : 40.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.482E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 286.7 76.8 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:06 46.8% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.500E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.7 953.7 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:36 46.8% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.500E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.4 234.8 239.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:43 46.8% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.500E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.3 958.8 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:12 46.8% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.500E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.0 239.5 242.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:18 46.8% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.501E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.9 964.0 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:48 46.8% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.501E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.4 202.3 246.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:03 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.501E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.3 970.7 1032.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:34 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.501E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.0 231.5 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:41 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.501E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.9 966.5 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:12 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.501E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.5 230.8 235.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:20 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.501E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.4 963.7 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:51 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.501E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.8 192.3 234.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:08 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.502E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.7 959.6 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:40 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.502E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.3 230.8 236.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:47 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.502E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 291.2 962.8 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:19 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.502E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 119.53374564588992 and H= 3.0302199828310630E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 3 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.9 227.5 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:27 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.502E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 290.8 276.6 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:27 46.7% : 41.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.502E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.4 76.7 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:09 47.7% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.522E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.2 964.9 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:40 47.7% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.522E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 287.9 221.3 226.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:50 47.7% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.522E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.7 956.9 1045.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:22 47.7% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.522E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.4 229.1 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:29 47.7% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.522E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 289.3 990.7 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:01 47.7% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.522E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 288.0 139.5 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:38 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.523E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 284.9 79.5 80.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:11 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.523E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 280.6 59.9 60.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:27 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.523E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 281.3 906.3 1008.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:59 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.523E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 281.1 230.3 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:05 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.523E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 281.9 951.9 1038.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:37 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.523E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 280.9 149.0 199.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:07 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.524E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 281.2 408.2 560.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:54 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.524E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 345.74700554746153 and H= 2.1268084475605715E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 5 21 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 280.4 157.9 162.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:20 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.524E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 280.6 342.6 362.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:12 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.524E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 280.3 236.3 242.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:16 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.524E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 280.3 277.6 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:14 47.6% : 42.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.524E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.6 79.5 240.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:42 48.5% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.540E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 278.4 986.4 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:14 48.5% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.540E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 278.1 233.4 238.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:19 48.5% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.540E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 278.9 984.9 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:51 48.5% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.540E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 278.7 236.2 241.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:56 48.5% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.540E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 279.5 985.9 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:28 48.5% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.540E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 278.5 144.2 244.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:59 48.4% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.541E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 53.0 65.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:25 48.4% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.542E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 71.7 73.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:03 48.4% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.542E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 409.8 433.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:49 48.4% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.542E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 152.6 165.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:14 48.4% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.542E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 581.0 635.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:54 48.4% : 43.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.542E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.8 62.8 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:48 48.4% : 43.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.544E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.1 377.7 759.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:35 48.4% : 43.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.544E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 60.018714539391929 and H= 2.5018912364915803E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 16 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.0 130.5 149.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:10 48.4% : 43.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.543E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.7 717.6 764.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:46 48.4% : 43.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.543E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 56.650187280824937 and H= 2.6090987833555718E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 16 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.2 182.9 186.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:00 48.4% : 43.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.540E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.0 223.4 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:04 48.5% : 43.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.547E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 263.5 58.0 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:39:08 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.606E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 264.2 991.7 1055.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:38:39 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.606E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 264.0 217.5 221.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:38:45 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.606E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 264.7 976.5 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:38:17 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.606E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 264.5 220.0 224.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:38:22 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.606E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.2 963.5 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:55 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.606E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 264.8 184.0 215.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:38:07 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.607E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.5 987.5 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:40 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.607E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.3 222.4 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:45 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.607E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.0 963.5 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:18 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.607E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.8 222.2 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:22 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.607E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.5 987.1 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:55 49.3% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.607E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.6 138.5 227.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:24 49.2% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.609E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.3 991.9 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:57 49.2% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.609E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.2 233.8 238.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:00 49.2% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.610E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.8 975.2 1063.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:34 49.2% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.610E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/02 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/02 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.7 227.8 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:37 49.2% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.610E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.7 270.5 1042.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:34 49.2% : 44.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.611E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 719.20594553594481 and H= 4.1327528866271013E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 16 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 264.5 78.0 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:51 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.617E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.2 962.6 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:25 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.617E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.0 228.5 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:28 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.617E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.7 991.8 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:02 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.617E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.5 231.2 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:37:04 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.617E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.2 965.4 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:39 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.617E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.9 201.2 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:47 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.6 953.0 1041.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:22 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.4 220.8 225.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:26 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.0 962.2 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:01 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.8 222.2 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:05 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.5 988.4 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:40 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 24.542442986626110 and H= 1.2114041994593216E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 2 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.1 193.5 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:50 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.8 959.8 1045.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:25 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.6 224.2 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:29 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.3 991.9 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:04 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.1 225.9 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:08 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.618E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.1 269.8 1039.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:05 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.620E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 265.9 76.9 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:36:18 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.6 966.3 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:54 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.4 215.8 219.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:59 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.0 989.8 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:35 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 266.8 220.9 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:39 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.4 957.1 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:15 49.2% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.0 183.6 213.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:26 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.7 945.5 1039.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:03 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.5 224.3 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:35:06 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.1 950.3 1037.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:43 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.9 218.3 223.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:47 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.5 961.4 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:24 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.625E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.1 185.6 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:35 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.626E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.7 967.0 1055.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:11 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.626E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.6 232.1 237.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:14 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.626E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 961.2 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:51 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.626E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 227.8 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:54 49.3% : 44.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.626E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 271.7 1043.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:51 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.629E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.1 78.7 236.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:58 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.7 986.0 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:35 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 267.5 224.9 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:38 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.1 990.3 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:15 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.0 229.0 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:18 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.6 978.9 1040.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:55 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.3 193.5 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:34:04 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.8 991.4 1054.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:41 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.6 214.8 219.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:46 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 959.0 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:24 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 218.8 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:28 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 987.9 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:06 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.637E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 237.94047945934247 and H= 1.1090680149923280E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 6 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 194.4 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:14 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.638E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 990.5 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:52 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.638E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 225.2 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:55 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.638E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 960.2 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:34 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.638E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 222.9 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:37 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.638E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 272.3 1039.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:35 49.3% : 44.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.640E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.2 77.3 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:39 49.5% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.8 965.6 1055.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:17 49.5% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.5 210.2 214.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:23 49.5% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 993.1 1056.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:01 49.5% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 209.4 213.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:33:06 49.5% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 965.1 1054.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:45 49.5% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 41.295789096082061 and H= 3.5100014417532825E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 5 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 78.044928619029236 and H= 6.0346490728715036E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 182.3 214.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:55 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 980.9 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:34 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 214.6 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:39 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 963.5 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:18 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 596.79361739188880 and H= 2.2022027486512632E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 228.8 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:20 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 984.7 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:59 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.648E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 389.05271472946237 and H= 4.2694583527921653E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 2 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 193.4 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:07 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.649E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 960.3 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:46 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.649E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 229.3 234.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:49 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.649E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 987.8 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:28 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.649E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 222.7 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:31 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.649E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 277.3 1036.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:29 49.4% : 44.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.650E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 77.4 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:29 49.8% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 953.3 1041.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:09 49.8% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 234.0 238.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:32:11 49.8% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 989.4 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:50 49.8% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 237.7 243.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:51 49.8% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 989.4 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:31 49.8% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 202.3 246.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:37 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 952.4 1039.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:17 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 231.3 236.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:19 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 955.1 1042.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:59 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 232.5 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:01 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 959.5 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:42 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.658E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 196.6 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:49 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.659E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 961.3 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:29 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.659E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 232.9 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:31 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.659E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 955.9 1043.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:11 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.659E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 229.6 234.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:14 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.659E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 272.9 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:11 49.7% : 45.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.659E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 78.5 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:31:08 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 987.1 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:48 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 16.313241365584837 and H= 9.8565685033064515E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 219.2 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:52 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 989.2 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:32 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 226.0 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:35 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 957.5 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:16 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 841.00639019821415 and H= 4.5203500500014922E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 4 23 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 189.3 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:24 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 990.0 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:05 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 228.4 233.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:07 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 993.0 1056.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:48 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 48.781952200572483 and H= 2.8654908246380341E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 230.4 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:50 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 957.2 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:31 50.2% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.669E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 198.7 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:37 50.1% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.671E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 981.3 1043.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:19 50.1% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.671E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 228.7 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:21 50.1% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.671E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 952.4 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:02 50.1% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.671E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 785.10468531612275 and H= 1.9505567658589606E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 26 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 236.9 242.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:04 50.1% : 45.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.671E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 207.9 555.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:08 50.1% : 45.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.671E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 64.7 241.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:19 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 989.5 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:00 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 68.673636191468901 and H= 3.3683188108050236E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 3 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 234.8 240.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:30:01 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 991.7 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:43 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 235.9 241.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:44 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 955.7 1039.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:26 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 203.1 245.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:31 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 989.5 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:13 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 235.1 239.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:14 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 990.0 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:56 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 226.9 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:58 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 963.3 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:40 50.9% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 192.7 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:47 50.8% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 952.0 1038.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:29 50.8% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 228.9 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:31 50.8% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 965.6 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:14 50.8% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 224.5 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:16 50.8% : 46.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.684E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 234.4 1041.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:18 50.8% : 46.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.692E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 65.7 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:23 51.4% : 46.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 988.7 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:05 51.4% : 46.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 216.8 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:29:08 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 932.7 991.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:51 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 220.1 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:54 51.6% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 953.7 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:36 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 156.1 202.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:50 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 456.0 515.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:40 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 179.6 183.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:48 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 992.1 1053.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:31 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 221.0 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:34 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 964.0 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:16 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 147.3 210.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:32 51.4% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 987.8 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:15 51.4% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 236.5 241.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:16 51.4% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 968.6 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:58 51.4% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/03 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/03 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 223.5 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:01 51.4% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 263.4 910.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:59 51.4% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.692E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 78.3 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:48 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 989.7 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:31 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 231.1 236.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:32 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 988.2 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:15 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 234.2 238.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:16 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 973.4 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:59 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 201.5 238.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:28:04 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 989.0 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:47 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 222.2 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:50 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 985.9 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:33 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 224.5 229.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:35 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 961.0 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:19 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 197.4 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:24 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 958.0 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:08 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 228.1 233.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:09 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 956.0 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:53 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 228.8 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:55 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.699E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 273.0 1038.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:52 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.701E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 77.3 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:40 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 991.6 1053.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:23 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 216.5 221.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:26 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 961.5 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:10 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 221.6 225.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:12 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 985.2 1056.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:56 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 185.5 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:27:03 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 989.3 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:47 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 224.5 229.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:49 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 968.6 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:33 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 219.5 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:35 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 990.5 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:19 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 192.6 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:25 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 963.3 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:09 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 232.9 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:10 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 954.2 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:55 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 230.9 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:56 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.707E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 269.9 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:54 51.3% : 47.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.710E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 89.613294799416238 and H= 2.5156523097550408E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 78.5 235.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:39 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 989.3 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:23 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 224.2 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:25 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 994.9 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:09 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 98.250714625219302 and H= 5.0347173531672685E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 227.5 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:10 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 967.2 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:55 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 199.7 236.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:26:00 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 992.6 1055.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:44 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 220.3 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:46 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 994.0 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:31 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 220.7 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:33 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 961.2 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:18 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 191.7 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:23 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.720E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 990.4 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:08 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.720E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 224.5 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:10 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.720E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.6 994.7 1057.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:55 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.720E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.5 223.5 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:57 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.720E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.5 274.7 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:55 51.3% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.722E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 77.0 218.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:38 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 992.5 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:23 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 299.58788066672815 and H= 1.1254314556266311E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 2 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 211.7 215.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:26 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 993.2 1056.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:11 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 211.3 215.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:14 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 957.8 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:59 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 185.6 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:25:05 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 993.5 1056.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:50 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 217.5 222.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:53 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 992.6 1056.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:38 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 230.6 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:39 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.6 964.4 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:24 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 185.1 233.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:31 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.8 959.8 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:16 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.6 229.7 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:17 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.0 991.6 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:03 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.9 221.5 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:05 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.9 276.1 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:02 51.4% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.730E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 78.1 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:43 51.6% : 47.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 988.4 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:29 51.6% : 47.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 232.7 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:30 51.6% : 47.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 990.9 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:15 51.6% : 47.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 235.7 240.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:16 51.6% : 47.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 481.1 509.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:06 51.6% : 47.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 165.7 209.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:15 51.5% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 991.5 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:01 51.5% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 234.0 239.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:24:02 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.7 971.7 1058.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:47 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.6 231.4 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:48 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.0 998.1 1058.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:34 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.8 200.7 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:38 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.2 991.9 1055.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:24 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.1 233.9 239.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:25 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.5 985.9 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:10 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 231.2 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:11 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.3 273.2 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:09 51.5% : 47.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 77.1 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:49 51.8% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 981.2 1043.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:35 51.8% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 222.7 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:37 51.8% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.6 960.9 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:23 51.8% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.5 227.5 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:24 51.8% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.9 953.8 1040.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:11 51.8% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.7 190.8 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:15 51.7% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.0 991.0 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:02 51.7% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.9 228.4 233.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:23:03 51.7% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.3 963.0 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:49 51.7% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.2 229.7 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:50 51.7% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.6 991.2 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:36 51.7% : 47.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 196.2 236.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:41 51.7% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.7 961.0 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:27 51.7% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.6 229.1 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:28 51.7% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.0 966.2 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:15 51.7% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 238.1 243.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:15 51.7% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 273.0 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:13 51.7% : 47.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.5 72.7 240.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:55 52.2% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.9 989.5 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:41 52.2% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.8 238.4 243.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:41 52.2% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.1 990.5 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:28 52.2% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.1 237.1 242.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:28 52.2% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 950.2 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:15 52.2% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.2 203.0 241.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:18 52.1% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.6 986.7 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:05 52.1% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.5 233.3 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:06 52.1% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 951.2 1037.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:52 52.1% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.8 226.9 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:54 52.1% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.1 987.8 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:40 52.1% : 47.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 194.7 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:44 52.1% : 47.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.3 964.6 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:31 52.1% : 47.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 80.819789884814199 and H= 2.3179017247534533E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 6 20 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.2 228.2 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:32 52.1% : 47.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.5 988.4 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:19 52.1% : 47.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.4 228.2 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:20 52.1% : 47.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.3 215.0 1057.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:22 52.1% : 47.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 58.3 216.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:17 52.6% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.715E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.8 944.9 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:04 52.6% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.6 215.1 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:22:06 52.6% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.715E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.0 983.1 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:53 52.6% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.715E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.9 219.3 223.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:55 52.6% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.715E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.2 963.2 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:42 52.6% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.715E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.9 170.2 217.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:49 52.5% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.3 988.3 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:36 52.5% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 49.284622555419887 and H= 2.8905279463618033E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.2 225.9 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:37 52.5% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.5 991.3 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:24 52.5% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 217.5 221.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:26 52.5% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.7 991.0 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:13 52.5% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 28.451309722197621 and H= 6.4967301458745645E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 156.2 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:22 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.7 967.4 1058.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:09 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.6 231.5 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:10 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.0 967.6 1057.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:57 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/04 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/04 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 225.6 230.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:58 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.719E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.8 268.7 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:57 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.720E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 69.0 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:38 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.8 962.3 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:26 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 938.12883121456332 and H= 1.6323450113894016E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 13 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.7 229.7 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:26 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.0 963.8 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:14 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.9 232.3 237.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:14 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.3 954.7 1038.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:02 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.1 201.7 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:21:05 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 982.2 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:52 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.3 222.3 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:53 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.6 990.4 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:41 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.5 224.9 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:42 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 966.4 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:29 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.7 195.1 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:33 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.728E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.0 958.9 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:21 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.728E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 227.5 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:22 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.728E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.2 959.2 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:09 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.728E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 113.13889356957139 and H= 7.0500194143944035E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.2 229.9 235.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:10 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.728E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.1 271.8 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:08 52.4% : 48.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.0 78.1 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:42 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.3 964.9 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:30 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.2 213.0 217.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:31 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.5 992.6 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:19 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 218.5 223.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:21 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.7 960.1 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:08 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 166.0 213.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:15 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.7 986.5 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:03 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.6 224.1 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:20:04 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.0 956.1 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:52 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.8 220.0 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:54 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.2 969.0 1055.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:42 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.0 191.3 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:45 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.3 955.1 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:33 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.2 229.6 234.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:34 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.5 990.3 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:22 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.4 228.8 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:23 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.4 270.9 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:21 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.738E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.3 77.6 237.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:54 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.6 985.3 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:42 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.5 226.1 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:42 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.8 986.8 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:30 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.7 228.8 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:31 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.0 963.8 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:19 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 198.3 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:22 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.2 961.1 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:11 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.1 219.3 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:12 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.4 955.9 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:00 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.3 220.3 225.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:01 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.6 987.2 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:50 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.4 195.6 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:53 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.7 956.3 1043.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:41 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.6 220.5 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:43 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.9 963.7 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:31 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.8 221.9 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:32 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.8 267.8 1043.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:30 52.4% : 48.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.6 75.6 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:19:03 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 961.8 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:52 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.8 211.3 215.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:54 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.1 964.2 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:42 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.0 212.9 217.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:44 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.3 958.0 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:32 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.1 180.6 217.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:37 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.4 988.9 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:25 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.3 219.5 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:27 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.6 962.8 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:15 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.5 228.3 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:16 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.8 987.2 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:04 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.6 191.0 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:08 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.9 959.5 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:57 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.8 227.2 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:57 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.1 956.8 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:46 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.0 218.4 223.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:47 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.0 271.4 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:45 52.4% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.9 76.9 227.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:16 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.2 960.4 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:05 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.1 233.6 238.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:05 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.4 988.1 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:54 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 7.7153181051402004 and H= 2.2209834846632075E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.3 234.2 239.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:54 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.6 962.9 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:43 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.5 203.2 243.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:45 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.8 964.8 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:34 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.7 233.6 238.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:34 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.0 965.8 1055.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:23 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.9 230.8 236.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:23 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.2 966.0 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:12 52.5% : 48.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.1 198.8 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:15 52.5% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.4 986.4 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:04 52.5% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.3 231.6 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:04 52.5% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.6 960.9 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:53 52.5% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.5 230.5 235.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:54 52.5% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.5 276.9 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:52 52.5% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.4 77.9 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:21 52.6% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.7 990.7 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:10 52.6% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.6 221.4 226.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:11 52.6% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.9 982.3 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:00 52.6% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.8 230.1 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:00 52.6% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.1 964.9 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:49 52.6% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.9 187.8 222.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:53 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.2 960.3 1047.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:42 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.1 225.5 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:43 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.4 756.6 810.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:33 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.3 229.4 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:33 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.6 963.3 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:22 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.4 197.0 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:25 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.7 972.6 1032.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:14 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.6 194.6 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:17 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.7 422.3 450.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:11 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.5 189.1 192.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:15 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.5 273.6 1041.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:13 52.6% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 417.55371377302083 and H= 1.3182247020462788E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.5 79.5 242.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:40 52.9% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.772E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.7 674.4 716.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:31 52.9% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.771E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.7 236.9 242.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:31 52.9% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.771E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.9 994.0 1057.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:20 52.9% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.771E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.9 234.8 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:20 52.9% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.771E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.2 993.2 1055.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:10 52.9% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.771E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.0 196.0 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:12 52.8% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.772E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.3 982.3 1044.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:02 52.8% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.772E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.2 231.4 236.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:02 52.8% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.772E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.5 960.0 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:51 52.8% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.772E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 277.4 227.9 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:52 52.8% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.772E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 276.9 127.3 168.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:03 52.9% : 48.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.772E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.1 48.8 65.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:56 53.0% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.2 419.6 441.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:50 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.1 223.6 229.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:50 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.4 962.8 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:40 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 275.3 214.8 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:41 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.7 110.8 382.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:56 53.2% : 49.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 63.1 219.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:33 53.2% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.705E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 963.5 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:22 53.2% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.705E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 28.703630569144167 and H= 1.3187254958850633E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 16 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 80.1 100.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:48 53.3% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.705E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 135.2 156.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:58 53.3% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.705E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 809.31287091714978 and H= 3.6174061738941682E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 54.5 59.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:43 53.5% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.705E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 823.8 914.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:33 53.3% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.705E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 138.3 171.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:42 53.3% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.706E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 161.3 165.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:48 53.4% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.706E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 44.443332228738569 and H= 1.8840309823124769E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 191.5 196.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:50 53.3% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.706E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 458.6 500.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:46 53.3% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.706E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 429.25700146360339 and H= 8.0947420006583602E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 196.7 203.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:48 53.3% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.706E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 813.1 889.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:38 53.3% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.706E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 435.34213894471935 and H= 1.6886936627712337E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 124.8 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:49 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.709E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 974.3 1062.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:39 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.709E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 232.0 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:39 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.709E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 980.3 1042.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:28 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.709E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/05 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/05 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 226.2 229.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:28 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.709E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 269.9 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:26 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.711E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 77.4 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:52 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 962.0 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:42 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 227.0 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:42 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 987.8 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:31 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 230.2 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:31 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 962.6 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:20 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 201.7 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:22 52.9% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 987.5 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:12 52.9% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 222.5 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:12 52.9% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 955.8 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:01 52.9% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.2 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:18:02 52.9% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 958.7 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:51 52.9% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1120.2920543791834 and H= 6.0617103072111950E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 2 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 180.5 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:55 53.0% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 957.4 1045.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:44 53.0% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 224.2 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:45 53.0% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 968.1 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:34 53.0% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 227.5 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:34 53.0% : 48.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.716E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 268.9 1035.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:32 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.717E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 77.3 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:58 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.722E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 965.8 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:48 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.722E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 212.3 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:48 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.722E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 991.5 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:38 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.722E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 218.4 223.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:38 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.722E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 988.7 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:28 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.722E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 182.8 213.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:31 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 979.8 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:21 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 222.6 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:21 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 964.8 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:11 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 219.2 223.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:11 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 964.3 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:01 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 192.2 225.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:04 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 966.7 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:54 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 232.5 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:53 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 957.0 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:43 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 227.5 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:43 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 266.8 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:41 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.726E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 78.5 234.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:17:05 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 959.8 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:55 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 224.0 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:55 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 984.1 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:45 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 228.5 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:45 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 985.8 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:35 53.0% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 201.0 239.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:37 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 993.2 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:27 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 219.7 223.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:27 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 961.8 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:17 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 220.5 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:17 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 991.5 1054.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:07 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 189.8 224.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:10 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 988.5 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:00 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 218.4 223.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:00 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 990.6 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:50 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 217.5 222.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:51 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 269.5 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:49 52.9% : 48.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 75.1 213.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:14 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 989.4 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:04 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 211.6 215.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:16:05 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 964.8 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:55 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 214.1 218.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:56 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 981.1 1042.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:46 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 658.06656103690591 and H= 5.1850218459858566E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 185.2 217.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:49 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 988.3 1055.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:39 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 217.6 222.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:39 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 989.2 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:29 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 226.5 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:29 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 964.1 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:20 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 188.2 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:22 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 964.9 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:12 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 226.1 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:12 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 967.9 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:03 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 222.0 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:03 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 271.6 1041.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:01 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 77.7 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:24 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 965.8 1055.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:14 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 19.084931464053486 and H= 6.5850321365790953E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 233.2 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:14 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 967.7 1055.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:04 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 233.8 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:15:04 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 966.9 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:54 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 204.4 244.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:55 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 988.7 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:46 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 231.3 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:45 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 960.2 1053.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:36 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 232.6 237.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:35 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 963.0 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:26 52.9% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 187.9 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:28 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 959.3 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:19 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 16.904763074389528 and H= 9.4728694205644621E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 2 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 234.1 239.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:18 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 960.5 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:09 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 230.0 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:09 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 273.6 1042.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:06 53.0% : 48.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 14.490858387412331 and H= 4.6114879127773843E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 2 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 76.7 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:30 53.2% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 960.9 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:20 53.2% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 219.5 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:20 53.2% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 991.1 1054.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:11 53.2% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 13.346797091053016 and H= 6.4826532778873129E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 2 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 225.1 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:11 53.2% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 990.0 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:01 53.2% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 201.84223549839834 and H= 1.3049529222500420E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 6 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 188.3 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:14:04 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 991.4 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:54 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 226.8 231.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:54 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 992.1 1055.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:45 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 228.6 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:44 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 960.2 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:35 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 198.4 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:37 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 964.7 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:28 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 37.231612690252113 and H= 3.2134411713743739E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 4 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 229.4 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:27 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 986.9 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:18 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 237.4 242.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:17 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 269.9 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:15 53.1% : 48.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 78.9 240.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:37 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.758E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 991.2 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:27 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.758E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 223.3 240.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:27 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.758E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 876.7 956.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:18 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.758E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 235.2 240.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:18 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.758E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 952.1 1044.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:09 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.758E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 189.9 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:11 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 963.3 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:02 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 231.3 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:13:01 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 966.4 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:52 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 232.9 238.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:52 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 989.6 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:43 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 190.7 227.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:44 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 965.4 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:35 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 225.8 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:35 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 986.6 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:26 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 226.3 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:26 53.4% : 49.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 231.3 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:25 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 83.775849005197713 and H= 6.4465328605954629E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 67.1 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:52 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 989.7 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:43 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 216.0 220.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:43 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 961.0 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:34 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 219.7 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:34 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 965.8 1055.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:26 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 183.5 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:28 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 993.2 1057.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:19 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 220.5 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:19 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 970.0 1056.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:10 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 221.5 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:10 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 968.6 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:01 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 144.3 229.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:07 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 971.2 1057.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:58 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 234.3 239.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:58 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 964.1 1057.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:49 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/06 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/06 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 225.0 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:49 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 273.2 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:47 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 74.4 197.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:09 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 989.0 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:00 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 226.5 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:12:00 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 963.8 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:51 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 228.6 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:50 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 987.7 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:42 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 201.8 235.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:43 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 990.9 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:34 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 223.0 227.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:34 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 988.7 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:25 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 226.6 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:25 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 961.2 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:16 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 197.4 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:17 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 980.5 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:09 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 223.8 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:08 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 992.7 1056.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:00 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 226.5 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:59 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 270.6 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:57 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 77.9 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:17 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 967.0 1055.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:09 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 212.3 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:09 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 988.9 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:01 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 218.7 223.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:11:01 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 994.5 1057.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:52 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 184.6 214.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:54 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 966.1 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:45 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 225.2 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:45 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 955.0 1041.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:37 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 217.1 221.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:37 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 990.6 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:28 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 184.9 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:30 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 986.3 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:22 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 232.0 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:21 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.828E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 989.0 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:13 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.828E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 228.9 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:12 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.828E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 266.0 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:10 53.5% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.830E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 76.6 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:30 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 986.9 1058.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:22 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 223.2 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:22 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 965.6 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:13 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 227.3 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:13 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 989.4 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:04 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 199.1 236.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:10:05 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 964.2 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:57 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 220.1 224.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:57 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 959.8 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:49 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 222.5 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:48 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 959.4 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:40 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 188.6 220.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:42 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 964.6 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:33 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 218.9 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:33 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 967.5 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:25 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 225.1 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:25 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.838E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 268.8 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:23 53.4% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.840E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 74.8 215.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:43 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 989.1 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:35 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 216.8 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:35 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 987.1 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:27 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 214.1 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:27 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 988.3 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:18 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 186.3 219.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:20 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 985.2 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:12 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 216.6 221.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:12 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 965.5 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:04 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 226.4 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:09:03 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 968.7 1029.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:55 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 67.743723848446606 and H= 2.5102733359000856E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 3 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 193.2 230.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:56 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 954.8 1042.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:48 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 227.8 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:48 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 989.9 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:40 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 220.9 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:39 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 270.2 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:37 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 14.211263919037803 and H= 8.3499768025813704E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 2 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 77.6 229.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:56 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 988.5 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:48 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 234.6 239.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:47 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 991.7 1053.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:39 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 232.5 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:38 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 954.9 1041.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:30 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 207.2 244.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:31 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 956.3 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:23 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 224.6 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:22 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 974.2 1035.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:14 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 175.6 222.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:17 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 511.5 544.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:11 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 124.7 168.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:18 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 989.6 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:10 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 234.1 239.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:09 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 986.4 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:01 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 231.3 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:01 53.4% : 49.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 272.5 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:59 53.4% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 112.72032182366279 and H= 2.4636282146358475E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 2 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 75.5 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:18 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 986.8 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:10 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 216.1 220.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:09 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 961.6 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:02 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 220.5 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:08:01 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 964.5 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:53 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 184.7 223.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:55 53.4% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 984.4 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:47 53.4% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 225.2 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:47 53.4% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 981.8 1043.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:39 53.4% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 230.5 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:38 53.4% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 955.5 1042.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:30 53.4% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 202.3 237.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:31 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 989.6 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:23 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 230.3 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:22 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.6 956.6 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:14 53.5% : 49.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.5 189.1 192.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:16 53.6% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 270.0 1024.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:14 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.758E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 57.2 203.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:41 53.9% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 955.5 1044.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:34 53.9% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 230.3 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:33 53.9% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 992.7 1055.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:25 53.9% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1079.7112114322179 and H= 9.6239284893145605E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 5 12 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 233.7 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:24 53.9% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 961.5 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:16 53.9% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 195.7 236.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:17 53.8% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 965.9 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:09 53.8% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 233.5 238.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:09 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 989.3 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:01 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 229.8 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:00 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 963.4 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:52 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 189.3 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:54 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 989.0 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:46 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 224.7 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:45 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.5 954.1 1041.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:38 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 222.2 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:37 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 206.4 1059.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:38 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 53.5 207.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:07 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 921.5 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:07:00 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 216.4 220.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:59 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 966.8 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:52 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 221.2 225.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:51 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 984.7 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:44 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.723E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1022.4111795261141 and H= 3.5744211065768131E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 3 21 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 182.0 216.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:45 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.724E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 954.3 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:38 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.724E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 221.8 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:37 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.724E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 966.3 1056.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:30 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.724E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 220.6 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:29 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.724E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 959.3 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:22 53.8% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.724E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 151.2 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:26 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.726E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 979.8 1059.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:18 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.726E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 232.2 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:17 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.726E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 972.6 1059.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:10 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.726E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/07 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/07 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 224.7 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:09 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.726E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 268.0 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:07 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.727E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 780.46366277758943 and H= 1.1429579911796170E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 3 21 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 76.3 225.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:24 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 957.3 1045.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:17 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 226.0 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:16 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 952.7 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:09 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 230.0 234.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:08 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 945.6 1039.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:00 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 200.1 236.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:06:01 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 985.4 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:53 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 221.9 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:53 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 990.7 1053.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:45 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 226.0 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:45 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 988.2 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:37 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 190.7 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:38 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 960.2 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:31 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 225.3 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:30 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 959.2 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:23 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 228.5 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:22 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.732E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 268.5 1039.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:20 53.7% : 49.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.734E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.6 78.2 230.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:36 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 962.1 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:29 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 212.7 217.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:29 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 989.2 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:21 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 217.9 222.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:21 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 981.2 1043.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:13 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.9 181.4 212.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:15 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 963.3 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:07 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 221.2 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:07 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 958.5 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:00 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 220.2 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:59 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 962.7 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:52 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 187.3 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:53 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 954.4 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:46 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.4 228.6 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:45 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.6 989.8 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:38 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.5 230.2 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:37 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.5 267.8 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:35 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.8 77.8 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:51 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 984.4 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:43 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.0 222.8 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:43 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 962.7 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:36 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.1 226.3 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:35 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.3 981.3 1044.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:28 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 274.2 185.6 234.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:29 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.7 97.1 107.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:40 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 66.6 78.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:59 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 186.9 191.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:00 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 214.3 219.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:00 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 938.0 1023.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:53 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 188.4 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:54 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 981.2 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:47 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 206.7 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:47 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 273.2 283.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:45 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 198.0 201.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:45 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 270.1 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:43 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 75.8 219.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:59 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 958.0 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:52 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 217.5 222.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:51 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 956.9 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:44 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 215.3 219.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:44 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 962.2 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:37 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 164.3 223.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:39 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 985.9 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:32 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 217.7 222.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:31 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 958.8 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:24 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 72.6 83.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:41 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 145.2 171.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:45 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 59.6 121.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:08 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 399.3 442.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:03 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 155.0 159.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:06 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 414.1 432.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:02 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 171.1 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:03 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 181.5 1045.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:05 53.7% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 55.0 194.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:30 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.764E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 471.4 515.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:25 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 236.5 241.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:23 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 988.7 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:16 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 567.06802576362111 and H= 1.8132138495779011E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 22 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 231.3 236.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:15 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 989.4 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:08 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 206.5 244.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:08 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 965.5 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:05:00 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 231.7 237.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:59 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 961.8 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:52 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 372.89097762750521 and H= 1.1044296843035791E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 3 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 230.3 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:51 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 988.5 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:44 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 195.6 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:44 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 961.7 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:37 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 232.7 237.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:36 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 988.4 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:29 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 230.6 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:28 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 269.3 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:26 53.6% : 49.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 75.9 230.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:41 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 960.1 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:34 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 215.6 220.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:33 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 987.5 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:26 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 221.6 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:25 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 961.7 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:18 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 189.1 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:19 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 964.7 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:12 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 227.0 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:11 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 963.2 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:04 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 230.3 235.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:04:03 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 989.3 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:56 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 200.0 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:56 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 957.8 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:49 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 229.9 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:48 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 967.3 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:41 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 236.7 242.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:40 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 272.6 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:37 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 74.0 241.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:53 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 960.9 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:46 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 231.4 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:45 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 986.7 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:38 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 234.1 239.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:37 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 961.3 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:30 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 196.3 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:30 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 985.0 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:23 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 228.2 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:22 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 983.9 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:15 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 233.1 238.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:14 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 964.2 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:07 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 453.76565626039121 and H= 9.6926375056386237E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 188.7 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:07 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 967.9 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:01 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 221.5 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:00 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 965.4 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:53 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 217.6 222.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:52 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.769E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 135.4 1044.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:57 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 915.35153958588216 and H= 2.2725679562286085E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 1 21 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 64.2 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:15 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 987.3 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:08 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 216.2 220.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:08 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 992.5 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:01 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 219.6 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:03:00 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 961.9 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:53 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 149.2 215.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:56 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 984.6 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:49 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 221.2 225.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:49 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 955.2 1043.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:42 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 220.1 224.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:41 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 968.6 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:34 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 151.8 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:37 53.7% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 969.8 1057.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:30 53.7% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 37.639438626269836 and H= 1.2061283796921210E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 231.4 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:29 53.7% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 974.9 1063.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:22 53.7% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/08 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/08 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 221.6 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:21 53.7% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 264.3 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:19 53.7% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.827E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 73.5 206.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:34 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 884.4 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:28 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 223.2 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:27 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 881.0 930.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:20 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 230.4 235.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:19 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 959.5 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:12 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 197.2 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:12 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 959.8 1055.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:06 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 223.2 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:02:05 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 964.4 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:58 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 226.9 231.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:57 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 991.0 1053.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:50 53.7% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 195.7 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:50 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 968.9 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:44 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 226.6 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:43 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 965.3 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:36 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 226.9 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:35 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 266.3 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:33 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 14.977965645259179 and H= 5.5884968755877650E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 78.5 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:46 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 952.2 1039.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:39 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 210.3 214.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:39 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 964.1 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:32 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 768.01326575816790 and H= 1.1372591702737232E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 216.7 221.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:31 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 955.7 1043.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:25 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 188.2 221.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:25 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 966.4 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:19 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 26.429716881517990 and H= 9.2174239244006060E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 224.1 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:18 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 954.0 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:11 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 23.562496482831651 and H= 9.1688940405443336E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 7 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 29.298797332004433 and H= 5.2235446138609176E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 216.2 220.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:10 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 989.2 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:04 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 25.562341050517809 and H= 9.7598897191717530E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 189.4 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:04 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 965.8 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:58 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 229.7 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:56 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 959.8 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:50 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 230.9 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:49 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 264.8 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:47 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 77.9 235.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:01:00 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 960.1 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:53 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 220.5 225.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:52 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 991.1 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:45 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 225.9 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:44 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 967.6 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:38 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 203.9 240.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:38 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 991.6 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:31 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 221.4 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:30 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 956.7 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:24 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 221.7 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:23 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 982.2 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:16 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 187.5 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:17 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 964.0 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:10 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 221.8 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:09 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 491.9 516.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:04 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 206.5 212.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:04 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 265.7 1003.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:02 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 54.5 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:24 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 987.1 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:17 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 216.3 220.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:16 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 965.6 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:10 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 216.3 220.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:09 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 885.4 934.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:03 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 177.6 218.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 002:00:04 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 994.4 1056.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:57 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 220.9 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:56 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 962.8 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:50 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 224.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:49 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 963.4 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:42 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 186.1 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:43 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 989.5 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:36 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 226.1 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:35 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 961.4 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:29 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 225.3 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:28 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 272.7 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:26 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 78.2 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:38 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 967.6 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:31 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 236.8 242.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:30 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 961.4 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:24 53.6% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 235.2 240.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:22 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 779.4 821.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:16 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 203.3 242.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:16 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 941.1 1033.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:10 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 227.5 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:09 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 776.2 894.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:03 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 178.7 195.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:04 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 729.5 803.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:58 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 130.5 168.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:59:02 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 988.0 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:55 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 227.7 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:54 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 986.6 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:48 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 231.5 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:47 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 269.8 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:44 53.8% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 76.4 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:57 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 986.2 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:51 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 217.2 221.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:50 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 962.7 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:43 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 221.8 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:42 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 960.5 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:36 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 190.8 224.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:36 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 980.0 1041.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:30 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 222.6 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:29 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 965.2 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:23 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 229.3 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:22 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 959.4 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:15 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 43.727945456879596 and H= 2.3493214613585934E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 186.1 236.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:16 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 987.7 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:09 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 225.1 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:08 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 956.0 1042.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:02 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 234.3 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:01 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 269.8 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:59 53.6% : 49.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 78.4 238.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:10 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 961.5 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:04 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 232.1 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:58:03 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 989.1 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:56 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 234.0 239.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:55 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 988.3 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:49 53.7% : 49.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 195.2 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:49 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 988.7 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:43 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 227.1 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:41 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 983.6 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:35 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 232.8 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:34 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 956.8 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:28 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 194.1 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:28 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 956.1 1042.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:22 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 225.0 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:21 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 965.9 1054.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:14 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 220.5 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:13 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 213.8 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:13 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 65.9 227.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:28 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 990.4 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:22 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 214.1 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:21 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 960.8 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:15 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 218.6 223.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:14 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 991.6 1055.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:08 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 179.8 218.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:08 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 961.5 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:02 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 225.1 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:57:01 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 989.6 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:55 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 221.1 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:54 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 989.3 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:48 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 157.7 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:49 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 967.6 1053.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:43 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 233.3 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:42 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 958.8 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:36 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/09 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/09 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 221.4 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:35 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 272.0 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:33 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.771E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 64.274434648805126 and H= 5.7685009509273884E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 14 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 77.9 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:44 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 960.2 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:38 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 225.2 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:37 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 966.3 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:31 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 14.412079109730065 and H= 8.5496207888204156E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 229.3 234.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:29 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 990.8 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:23 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 199.3 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:23 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 988.1 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:17 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 222.9 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:16 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 987.8 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:10 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 226.1 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:09 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 992.7 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:03 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 193.3 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:56:03 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 955.3 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:57 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 225.3 230.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:55 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 990.5 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:49 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 229.8 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:48 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 272.2 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:46 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 76.1 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:57 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 963.2 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:51 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 213.0 217.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:51 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 993.1 1056.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:45 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 219.1 223.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:44 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 960.0 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:38 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 185.7 218.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:38 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 963.0 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:32 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 223.3 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:31 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 964.7 1054.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:25 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 218.4 223.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:24 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 978.8 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:18 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 187.5 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:18 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 962.7 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:12 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 230.7 235.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:11 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 984.7 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:05 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 230.0 235.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:04 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 264.9 1034.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:02 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 77.5 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:12 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 969.0 1055.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:07 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 26.857620973413148 and H= 6.6140407823734185E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 217.6 222.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:06 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 984.6 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:55:00 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 27.563981594053946 and H= 9.3774896485884795E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 221.5 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:59 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 958.9 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:53 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 205.6 240.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:52 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 967.3 1055.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:46 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 41.709393829288167 and H= 2.9560641427578060E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 4 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 222.5 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:45 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 952.2 1038.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:39 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 224.1 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:38 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 967.8 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:32 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 179.8 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:33 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 957.5 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:27 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 223.0 227.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:26 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 963.7 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:20 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 224.4 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:19 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 266.8 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:17 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 75.3 220.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:28 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 963.7 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:22 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 217.5 221.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:21 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 964.1 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:15 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 216.7 221.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:14 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 958.3 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:09 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 185.7 214.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:09 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 985.9 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:03 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 218.7 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:54:02 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 989.9 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:56 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 224.0 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:55 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 987.6 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:49 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 191.5 227.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:49 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 967.0 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:43 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 226.5 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:42 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 956.6 1043.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:36 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 228.7 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:35 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 271.2 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:33 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 79.1 236.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:43 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 990.9 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:37 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 236.5 242.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:36 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 989.4 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:30 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 237.2 242.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:28 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 962.3 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:23 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 204.9 243.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:22 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 988.3 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:16 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 231.9 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:15 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 958.0 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:09 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 230.7 235.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:08 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 963.5 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:02 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 196.1 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:53:02 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 965.7 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:56 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 228.9 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:55 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 983.7 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:49 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 230.1 235.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:48 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 271.6 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:46 53.7% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 77.2 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:56 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 958.0 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:50 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 221.1 225.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:49 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 978.5 1040.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:43 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 224.0 228.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:42 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 985.5 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:37 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 189.8 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:36 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 963.3 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:31 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 219.2 223.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:30 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 960.2 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:24 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 230.1 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:23 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 980.0 1042.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:17 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 195.7 235.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:17 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 991.7 1055.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:11 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 223.8 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:10 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 961.8 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:04 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 231.1 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:03 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 268.9 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:01 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 78.6 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:11 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 992.2 1055.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:05 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 238.5 244.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:52:03 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 960.8 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:58 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 236.3 241.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:56 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 967.9 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:51 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 187.5 236.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:51 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 959.8 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:45 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 232.9 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:44 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 966.6 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:38 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1055.2197533115070 and H= 4.7860245087436071E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 6 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 230.9 236.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:37 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 957.4 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:31 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 194.8 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:31 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 958.7 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:25 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 229.1 234.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:24 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 960.2 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:19 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 219.5 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:17 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 222.9 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:16 53.9% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 709.97686351742607 and H= 3.1101676037015550E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 2 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 53.4 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:34 54.1% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 961.4 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:28 54.1% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 211.2 216.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:27 54.1% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 526.0 551.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:23 54.1% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 217.1 221.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:22 54.1% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 993.2 1056.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:16 54.1% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 183.2 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:16 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 969.2 1055.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:11 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 223.0 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:09 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 966.3 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:04 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 220.1 224.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:51:03 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 967.6 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:57 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 152.0 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:59 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 961.3 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:53 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 355.43479765616445 and H= 1.2983676737656528E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 5 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 232.8 237.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:52 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 995.9 1056.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:46 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/10 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/10 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 224.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:45 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 268.7 1038.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:43 54.0% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 75.7 230.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:53 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 964.1 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:47 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 226.3 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:46 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 978.0 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:41 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 228.2 233.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:39 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 987.9 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:34 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 200.6 237.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:33 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 988.8 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:28 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 225.1 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:26 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 990.7 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:21 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 227.2 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:20 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 960.2 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:14 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 192.0 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:14 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 963.1 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:08 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 225.5 230.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:07 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 984.2 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:02 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 228.0 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:01 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 271.3 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:58 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 76.7 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:08 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 990.1 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:02 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 213.6 218.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:50:01 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 391.2 437.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:58 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 218.2 223.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:57 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 957.3 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:51 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 188.7 220.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:51 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 968.5 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:46 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 225.8 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:44 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 951.2 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:39 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 218.8 223.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:38 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 961.7 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:33 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 194.1 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:32 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 964.6 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:27 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 228.9 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:25 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 961.7 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:20 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 226.5 231.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:19 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 267.8 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:17 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 77.1 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:26 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 962.3 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:20 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 93.515591019801434 and H= 5.0381670643730180E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 220.4 224.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:19 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 989.2 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:14 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 223.0 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:13 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 991.7 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:07 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 200.4 240.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:07 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 990.3 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:01 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 203.9 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:49:01 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 512.9 732.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:56 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 223.1 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:55 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 952.5 1040.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:50 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 36.320981388809088 and H= 2.1066413567542672E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 2 5 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 46.359493453910744 and H= 1.8534021148506811E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 189.8 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:50 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 927.9 1019.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:44 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 186.7 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:44 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.5 532.2 569.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:40 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.4 161.2 163.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:41 53.8% : 49.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 264.2 1040.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:39 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 863.44196609243750 and H= 5.0116551870053558E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 2 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 76.2 219.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:48 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 957.4 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:42 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 211.7 216.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:41 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 958.6 1045.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:36 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 928.26984890690233 and H= 1.9338605852165045E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 2 12 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 215.4 219.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:35 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 960.2 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:30 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 185.1 214.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:30 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 967.1 1056.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:24 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 217.2 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:23 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.3 953.3 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:18 53.8% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.2 160.5 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:19 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 111.6 113.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:23 53.9% : 49.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 60.8 217.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:36 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 751.9 934.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:31 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 223.2 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:30 54.1% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 923.6 1005.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:24 54.2% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 73.149791564020745 and H= 5.5180011657234455E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 6 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 220.0 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:23 54.2% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 130.7 304.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:26 54.1% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 90.212875069006870 and H= 4.8450873957189350E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 69.5 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:36 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 964.8 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:31 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 234.7 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:29 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 963.3 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:24 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 234.5 239.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:22 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 964.7 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:17 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 201.7 243.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:16 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 962.2 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:11 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 230.7 235.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:10 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 915.0 990.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:04 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 230.8 236.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:03 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 954.2 1040.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:58 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 185.3 217.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:58 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 954.8 1038.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:52 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 77.9 93.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:01 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 86.6 116.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:08 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 143.0 153.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:09 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 156.3 316.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:10 54.2% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 46.9 175.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:29 54.2% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 510.2 545.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:24 54.2% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 195.6 200.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:24 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 976.4 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:19 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 4.8889467856212887 and H= 3.1882689828228230E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 4 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 176.7 179.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:19 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 953.8 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:13 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 194.5 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:13 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 984.7 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:07 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 221.7 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:06 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 958.9 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:48:01 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 17.471936519799943 and H= 1.3911022897720829E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 1 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 229.8 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:59 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 986.4 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:54 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 199.0 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:53 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 991.0 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:48 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 440.18146946785083 and H= 2.0380545169254630E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 231.0 235.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:47 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 987.8 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:41 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 233.5 238.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:40 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 272.6 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:38 53.9% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 80.0 241.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:45 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 959.0 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:40 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 238.3 243.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:39 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 957.8 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:33 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 469.69524645774590 and H= 1.5435021069677248E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 234.6 240.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:32 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 963.6 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:27 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 201.5 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:26 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 958.0 1042.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:21 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 236.5 241.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:19 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 981.5 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:14 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 231.3 235.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:12 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 987.8 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:07 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 293.71672949606392 and H= 1.0861106523103222E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 192.3 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:07 54.1% : 50.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 953.6 1041.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:01 54.1% : 50.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 217.9 222.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:00 54.1% : 50.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 989.5 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:55 54.1% : 50.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 222.6 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:54 54.1% : 50.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 220.4 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:52 54.1% : 50.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 411.98808867166656 and H= 2.6376982260598804E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 66.9 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:47:03 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 963.5 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:58 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 213.4 217.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:56 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 961.8 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:51 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 214.8 219.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:50 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 957.9 1042.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:45 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 194.3 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:44 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 961.4 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:39 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 221.8 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:38 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 990.3 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:33 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 218.5 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:32 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 791.1 872.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:27 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 151.1 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:28 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 969.2 1056.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:23 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 233.8 238.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:21 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 968.6 1055.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:16 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/11 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/11 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 222.8 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:15 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 267.0 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:12 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 77.5 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:20 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 966.4 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:15 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 226.0 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:14 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 961.9 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:09 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 826.33446842110698 and H= 4.4921328776299642E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 228.7 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:07 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 990.8 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:02 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 203.1 239.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:46:01 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 961.5 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:56 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 744.73137912642801 and H= 2.3671038339873869E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 224.1 228.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:55 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 957.3 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:50 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 226.6 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:48 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 957.3 1040.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:43 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 194.0 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:42 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 989.7 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:37 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 226.5 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:36 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 962.3 1055.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:31 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 228.7 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:29 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 266.6 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:27 54.1% : 50.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 75.7 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:35 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 989.2 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:30 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 213.8 218.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:29 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 961.3 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:24 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 217.2 221.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:23 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 956.3 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:18 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 188.6 218.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:17 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 959.4 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:12 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 228.2 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:11 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 956.1 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:06 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 211.4 216.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:05 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 990.4 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:45:00 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 187.1 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:59 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 960.8 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:54 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 229.2 234.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:53 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 987.7 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:48 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 225.6 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:46 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 266.6 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:44 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 77.3 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:52 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 956.2 1045.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:47 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 223.1 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:45 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 967.6 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:40 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 225.1 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:39 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 990.8 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:34 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 197.5 235.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:33 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 954.5 1042.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:28 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 219.3 224.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:27 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 976.0 1040.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:22 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 222.7 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:20 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 990.4 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:15 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 192.1 225.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:15 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 766.0 850.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:10 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 220.3 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:09 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 993.4 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:04 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 219.3 224.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:03 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 270.3 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:00 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 76.4 217.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:08 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 989.2 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:03 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 214.8 218.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:44:02 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 964.2 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:57 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 217.3 221.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:56 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 962.7 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:51 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 186.8 216.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:50 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 988.5 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:45 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 548.37300245826611 and H= 1.5323688538011386E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 3 2 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 220.5 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:44 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 960.4 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:39 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 222.2 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:38 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 993.8 1057.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:33 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 192.1 229.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:32 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 986.8 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:27 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 227.6 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:26 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 962.7 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:21 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 219.5 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:19 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 268.7 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:17 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 77.1 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:24 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 946.0 1030.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:20 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 237.6 241.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:18 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 955.7 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:13 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 232.0 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:11 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 986.2 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:06 54.0% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 190.0 244.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:06 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 896.6 966.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:43:01 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 233.5 238.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:59 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 983.8 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:55 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 61.722939292695976 and H= 2.9131808764550377E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 2 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 230.3 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:53 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 989.3 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:48 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 70.681402344491318 and H= 4.3829721435481380E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 4 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 193.8 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:47 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 989.6 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:43 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 230.0 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:41 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 953.7 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:36 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 232.1 236.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:35 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 267.8 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:32 54.0% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 77.7 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:39 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 987.8 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:35 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 221.1 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:33 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 987.6 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:28 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 227.8 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:27 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 960.7 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:22 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 31.580607903115979 and H= 8.1689482999168287E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 186.3 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:22 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 964.2 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:17 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 225.3 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:15 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 986.8 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:10 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 229.8 234.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:09 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 979.8 1040.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:04 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 195.6 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:42:03 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 956.3 1042.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:58 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 228.4 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:57 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 953.6 1040.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:52 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 234.2 239.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:51 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 268.8 1039.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:48 54.1% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 51.914973489451029 and H= 2.0338098903807500E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 79.7 239.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:55 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 987.6 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:50 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 235.9 240.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:48 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 993.4 1056.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:44 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 236.7 240.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:42 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 961.0 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:37 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 201.4 240.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:36 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 962.9 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:31 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 235.8 241.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:30 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 990.0 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:25 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 231.2 236.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:23 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 964.2 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:19 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 186.7 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:18 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 964.6 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:13 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 218.8 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:12 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 966.5 1054.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:07 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 221.4 226.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:06 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 231.6 1042.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:04 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 61.7 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:14 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 998.5 1060.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:09 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 214.7 218.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:08 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 985.6 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:03 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 216.8 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:41:02 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 954.8 1042.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:57 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 190.1 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:57 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 950.8 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:52 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 15.082913003778588 and H= 3.2479076210528343E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 222.4 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:51 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 955.6 1043.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:46 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 218.9 223.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:44 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 989.0 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:40 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 147.9 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:40 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 999.1 1060.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:36 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 235.8 240.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:34 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 996.8 1060.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:29 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/12 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/12 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 227.0 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:28 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 270.8 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:26 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.812E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 75.8 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:32 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 964.1 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:28 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 228.9 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:26 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 985.5 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:21 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 232.1 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:20 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 989.4 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:15 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 200.1 238.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:14 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 960.7 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:10 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 222.0 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:08 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 967.3 1057.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:03 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 226.3 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:40:02 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 965.3 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:57 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 198.2 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:56 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 987.4 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:52 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 227.5 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:50 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 962.8 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:45 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 230.0 235.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:44 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 269.5 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:42 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 77.2 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:48 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 955.5 1043.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:44 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 216.3 219.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:42 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 962.7 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:38 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 214.5 223.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:36 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 488.8 510.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:33 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 185.6 218.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:32 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 954.2 1041.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:27 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 223.6 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:26 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 914.0 993.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:21 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 219.6 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:20 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 951.8 1012.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:15 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.824E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 136.3 194.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:16 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 459.7 508.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:13 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 163.7 166.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:13 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 989.9 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:08 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 228.3 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:07 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 206.7 500.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:06 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 74.8 233.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:12 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 967.1 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:08 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 200.3 204.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:07 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 961.4 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:02 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 223.9 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:39:01 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 990.0 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:56 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 200.5 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:55 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 968.1 1053.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:50 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 220.4 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:49 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 993.4 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:44 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 221.6 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:43 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 961.5 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:38 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 15.859715778482531 and H= 6.9155190107098993E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 182.8 224.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:38 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 985.9 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:33 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 218.0 222.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:32 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 981.6 1043.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:27 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 208.3 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:26 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 259.8 1045.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:24 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.836E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 21.753084667559541 and H= 5.2887045627095432E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 2 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 54.1 149.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:35 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 906.5 1007.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:31 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 213.4 217.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:29 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 964.7 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:25 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 22.543909150794175 and H= 1.2762179600047421E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 2 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 218.7 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:23 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 965.7 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:19 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 187.2 218.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:18 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 963.1 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:13 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 223.8 228.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:12 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 988.2 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:07 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 225.6 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:06 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 978.9 1041.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:01 54.2% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 194.2 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:38:00 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 964.4 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:56 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 229.0 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:54 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 988.7 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:50 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 223.2 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:48 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 267.7 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:46 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 76.7 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:52 54.0% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 988.7 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:48 54.0% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 234.8 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:46 54.0% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 986.6 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:41 54.0% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 231.5 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:40 54.0% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 986.9 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:35 54.0% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 206.6 244.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:34 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 963.4 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:30 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 232.5 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:28 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 991.2 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:23 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 229.2 234.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:22 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 987.1 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:17 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 55.680799891509942 and H= 7.0159531258108695E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 6 8 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 190.4 237.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:16 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 976.5 1038.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:12 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 232.9 238.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:10 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 987.9 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:06 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 230.8 235.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:04 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 271.6 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:02 54.1% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 77.6 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:08 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 955.9 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:03 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 223.0 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:37:02 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 967.9 1056.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:57 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 229.7 234.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:56 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 949.3 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:51 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 185.5 220.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:50 54.1% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 963.5 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:46 54.1% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 226.6 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:44 54.1% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 967.6 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:40 54.1% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 229.2 234.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:38 54.1% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 965.2 1054.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:34 54.1% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 201.6 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:33 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 988.3 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:28 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 228.0 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:27 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 962.2 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:22 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 233.6 238.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:21 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 270.8 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:18 54.2% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 77.7 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:24 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 701.0 772.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:20 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 225.0 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:18 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 986.3 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:14 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 234.3 239.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:12 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 955.4 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:08 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 198.8 240.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:07 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 963.9 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:02 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 239.0 244.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:36:01 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 966.4 1055.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:56 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 232.3 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:55 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 987.5 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:50 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.9 195.8 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:49 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 962.5 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:45 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 850.70957663827699 and H= 2.4314789005766211E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 31 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 218.9 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:43 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.1 962.8 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:39 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 225.4 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:37 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 273.0 218.5 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:36 54.3% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 65.8 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:43 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 984.8 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:39 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.6 210.8 215.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:38 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 959.4 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:33 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 214.4 218.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:32 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 959.9 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:28 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 163.0 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:27 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 963.3 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:23 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.7 222.9 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:21 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.8 964.0 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:17 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 51.5 57.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:28 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 81.7 89.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:33 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 145.0 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:33 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 943.3 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:29 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 655.17881609504684 and H= 2.9677390215293014E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 3 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 236.4 239.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:27 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 411.5 457.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:24 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/13 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/13 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 118.4 146.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:26 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 264.1 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:24 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 78.2 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:29 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 985.6 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:25 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 96.709099667077496 and H= 3.6343143805815188E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 2 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 228.6 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:23 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 983.2 1045.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:19 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 229.8 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:17 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 895.2 971.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:13 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 188.0 238.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:12 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 959.1 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:07 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 222.0 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:06 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 965.8 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:01 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 84.4 102.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:06 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 108.1 116.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:08 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 62.1 132.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:16 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 242.1 268.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:14 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 196.9 202.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:13 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 816.4 913.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:09 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 85.4 89.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:14 54.3% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 177.0 409.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:13 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 65.5 193.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:20 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 975.5 1037.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:16 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 216.5 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:14 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 988.2 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:10 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 218.0 222.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:08 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 955.3 1043.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:04 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 174.5 208.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:35:04 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 958.0 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:59 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 224.1 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:58 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 987.9 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:53 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 219.1 223.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:52 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 986.1 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:47 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 190.6 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:46 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 962.8 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:42 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 222.8 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:40 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 962.9 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:36 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.2 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:34 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 266.3 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:32 54.3% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 76.3 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:38 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 961.2 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:33 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 222.7 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:32 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 986.9 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:27 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 224.0 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:26 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 962.3 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:21 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 198.5 238.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:20 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 989.6 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:16 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 220.2 224.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:14 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 957.7 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:10 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 220.7 225.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:08 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 988.1 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:04 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 32.056609916823902 and H= 1.0838832102689255E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 5 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 194.2 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:34:03 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 985.7 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:59 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 217.9 222.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:57 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 989.4 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:53 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 222.5 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:51 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 270.3 1040.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:49 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 75.2 220.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:54 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 953.7 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:50 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 215.6 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:48 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 986.9 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:44 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 218.5 223.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:43 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 986.3 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:38 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 178.6 217.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:38 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 986.8 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:33 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 219.0 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:32 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 981.1 1042.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:27 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 226.0 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:26 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 960.1 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:21 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 195.5 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:20 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 951.3 1037.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:16 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 223.8 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:14 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 966.5 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:10 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 9.5005327503908923 and H= 4.9305567422980749E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 4 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 224.9 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:08 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 267.0 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:06 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 78.4 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:11 54.4% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 953.4 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:07 54.4% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 235.6 241.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:05 54.4% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 957.9 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:33:01 54.4% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 231.5 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:59 54.4% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 958.2 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:55 54.4% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 205.3 244.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:53 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 956.3 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:49 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 230.3 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:47 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 963.3 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:43 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 229.7 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:41 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 962.0 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:37 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 197.9 237.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:36 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 959.7 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:32 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 234.6 239.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:30 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 956.6 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:26 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 227.9 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:24 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 268.4 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:22 54.3% : 50.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 76.6 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:27 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 950.6 1038.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:23 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 222.8 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:21 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 989.0 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:17 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1032.2065020374562 and H= 3.2968928731201147E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 227.6 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:15 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 958.7 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:11 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 186.7 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:10 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 982.6 1044.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:06 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 230.8 235.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:04 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 963.1 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:32:00 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 232.0 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:58 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 954.5 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:54 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 199.0 234.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:53 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 983.0 1045.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:48 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 228.1 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:47 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 960.6 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:42 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 233.7 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:41 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 271.7 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:38 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 78.1 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:43 54.5% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 961.3 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:39 54.5% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 235.8 240.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:37 54.5% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 958.7 1041.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:33 54.5% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 232.0 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:31 54.5% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 961.1 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:27 54.5% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 195.6 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:26 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 980.0 1041.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:22 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 235.9 240.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:20 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 988.7 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:15 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 229.8 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:14 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 952.5 1037.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:10 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 191.1 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:09 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 957.2 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:04 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 216.5 221.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:03 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 968.1 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:59 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 225.9 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:57 54.4% : 50.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 222.8 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:55 54.5% : 50.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 55.5 229.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:04 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 708.9 789.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:31:00 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 212.3 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:58 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 990.2 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:54 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 214.5 218.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:53 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 962.5 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:49 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 191.2 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:47 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 956.0 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:43 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 219.1 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:42 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 962.9 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:38 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 828.62878911007090 and H= 3.1791752881958605E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 16 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 220.2 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:36 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 987.7 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:32 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 145.7 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:32 54.5% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 971.4 1057.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:28 54.5% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 158.31653755954960 and H= 8.2890922609714568E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 232.0 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:26 54.5% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 997.6 1059.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:22 54.5% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/14 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/14 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 226.0 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:20 54.5% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 262.5 1010.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:18 54.5% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 71.0 196.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:23 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 289.2 299.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:21 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 213.1 217.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:20 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 923.2 978.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:15 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 229.2 234.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:14 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 963.8 1053.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:10 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 202.3 239.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:08 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 958.0 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:04 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 225.4 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:30:02 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 960.7 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:58 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 229.1 234.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:57 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 947.3 1033.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:52 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 190.0 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:51 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 989.1 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:47 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 225.1 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:46 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 966.4 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:41 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 230.9 236.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:40 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 268.5 1043.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:37 54.5% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 76.5 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:42 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 985.0 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:38 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 215.0 219.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:36 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 988.9 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:32 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 215.8 219.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:31 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 951.7 1037.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:27 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 186.9 216.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:26 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 390.6 425.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:23 54.5% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 221.1 225.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:21 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 944.3 1037.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:17 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 214.4 218.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:15 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 984.6 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:11 54.6% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 119.3 165.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:12 54.7% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 308.7 375.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:10 54.7% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 222.4 228.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:08 54.7% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 962.7 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:04 54.7% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 228.2 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:02 54.7% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 265.1 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:00 54.7% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 77.1 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:04 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 984.5 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:29:00 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 222.8 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:59 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 579.0 842.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:55 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 224.7 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:53 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 988.5 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:49 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 201.3 237.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:48 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 983.6 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:44 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 219.0 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:42 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 964.0 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:38 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 222.0 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:37 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 956.4 1043.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:33 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 659.72278676199517 and H= 4.0798621248288997E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 3 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 185.9 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:32 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 986.3 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:27 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 220.5 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:26 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 953.1 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:22 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 222.2 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:20 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 270.6 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:18 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.821E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 75.1 217.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:22 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 983.9 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:18 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 213.3 217.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:17 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 955.8 1042.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:13 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 219.3 224.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:11 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 948.5 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:07 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 186.2 217.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:06 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 955.9 1043.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:02 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 218.7 223.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:28:00 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 961.3 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:56 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 227.3 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:55 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 987.9 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:51 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 194.5 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:49 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 987.0 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:45 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 224.0 228.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:44 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 960.1 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:40 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 225.0 229.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:38 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 271.7 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:36 54.4% : 50.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 78.0 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:40 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 963.4 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:36 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 233.0 238.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:34 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 959.7 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:30 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 232.5 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:28 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 987.0 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:24 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 205.4 243.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:23 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 964.3 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:19 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 231.7 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:17 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 961.2 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:13 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 232.6 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:11 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 966.9 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:07 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 198.2 237.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:06 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 964.2 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:02 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 233.6 238.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:27:00 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 960.2 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:56 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 228.2 233.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:54 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 266.1 1040.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:52 54.4% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 77.4 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:56 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 978.7 1039.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:52 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 222.2 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:50 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 988.9 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:46 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 223.8 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:45 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 952.8 1039.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:41 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 190.8 225.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:40 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 964.8 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:36 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 419.98674734155202 and H= 1.8449110306478468E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 1 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 228.6 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:34 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 989.2 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:30 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 231.5 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:28 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 965.7 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:24 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 201.5 238.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:23 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 958.2 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:19 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 227.0 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:17 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 962.9 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:13 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 233.8 239.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:11 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 270.5 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:09 54.5% : 50.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 78.5 237.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:13 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 960.0 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:09 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 235.9 241.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:07 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 983.1 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:03 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 231.7 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:26:01 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 956.4 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:57 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 203.5 242.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:56 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 959.4 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:52 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 235.4 240.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:50 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 964.4 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:46 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 226.7 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:44 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 727.7 795.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:41 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1090.0220913120547 and H= 2.3585582851939994E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 5 20 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 182.5 227.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:40 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 987.7 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:36 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 221.0 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:34 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 980.0 1041.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:30 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 224.9 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:28 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 211.5 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:27 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 66.1 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:32 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.852E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 962.4 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:28 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.852E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 211.9 216.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:27 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.852E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 949.5 1034.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:23 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.852E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 212.1 216.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:21 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.852E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 986.3 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:17 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.852E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 190.5 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:16 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.853E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 964.4 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:12 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.853E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 220.6 225.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:11 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.853E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 954.3 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:07 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.853E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 220.1 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:05 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.853E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 955.6 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:01 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.853E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 18.876680314828825 and H= 1.5597588354563641E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 5 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 156.4 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:25:01 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.856E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 968.2 1055.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:57 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.856E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 230.6 235.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:55 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.856E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 959.2 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:51 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.856E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/15 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/15 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 222.9 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:49 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.856E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 270.5 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:47 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.857E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 66.183669496726040 and H= 7.0616356769415578E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 8 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 64.6 151.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:52 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 989.0 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:49 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 63.362519269885389 and H= 7.4445269210636386E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 8 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 226.4 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:47 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 970.5 1056.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:43 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 229.4 234.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:41 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 963.6 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:37 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 202.3 240.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:36 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 991.5 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:32 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 224.1 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:30 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 767.9 823.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:26 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 214.7 221.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:25 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 788.5 868.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:21 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 183.9 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:20 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 961.8 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:16 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 224.7 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:14 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 967.1 1055.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:11 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 228.9 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:09 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 270.1 1041.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:07 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 76.5 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:10 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 988.3 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:06 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 215.2 219.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:05 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 959.1 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:24:01 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 214.8 219.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:59 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 987.6 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:55 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 185.3 215.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:54 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 954.2 1041.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:50 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 222.8 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:49 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 962.6 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:45 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 218.0 222.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:43 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 964.1 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:39 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 189.5 223.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:38 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 958.5 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:34 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 218.0 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:33 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 960.2 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:29 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 230.3 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:27 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 263.8 1037.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:25 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 78.2 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:28 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 955.0 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:25 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 224.6 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:23 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 961.7 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:19 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 5.7798897835188052 and H= 2.8964509303260005E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 226.3 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:17 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 952.6 1040.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:13 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 198.0 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:12 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 958.7 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:08 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 216.3 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:07 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 964.5 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:03 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 75.218754945509573 and H= 1.9444374424721460E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 4 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 221.5 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:23:01 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 962.0 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:57 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 188.6 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:56 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 956.6 1043.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:52 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 220.5 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:51 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 966.0 1055.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:47 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 224.8 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:45 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 265.6 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:43 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 75.4 219.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:46 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 830.8 895.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:43 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 212.2 216.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:41 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 988.6 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:37 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 216.2 220.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:36 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 957.7 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:32 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 185.8 216.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:31 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 966.4 1057.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:27 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 224.4 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:25 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 964.9 1054.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:21 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 228.4 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:20 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 990.7 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:16 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 193.8 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:14 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 956.6 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:11 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 224.5 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:09 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 966.3 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:05 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 223.3 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:03 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 271.5 1037.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:01 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 77.5 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:05 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 957.1 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:22:01 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 235.3 240.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:59 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 965.7 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:55 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 233.1 238.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:53 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 987.5 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:49 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 203.7 245.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:48 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 957.4 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:44 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 231.6 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:42 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 964.7 1053.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:39 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 233.4 238.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:37 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 958.1 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:33 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 194.1 236.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:32 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 966.4 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:28 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 233.4 238.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:26 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 959.0 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:22 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 226.5 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:21 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 268.8 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:18 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 68.4 180.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:23 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 944.6 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:19 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 222.2 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:17 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 992.4 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:13 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 226.1 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:12 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 992.4 1054.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:08 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 178.0 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:07 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 966.6 1053.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:03 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 228.4 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:21:01 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 986.8 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:58 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 233.1 238.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:56 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 983.3 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:52 54.6% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 198.3 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:51 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 766.8 849.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:47 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 52.647044322028300 and H= 8.1582257378236866E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 2 2 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 230.5 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:45 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 960.9 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:41 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 236.8 242.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:40 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 269.9 1039.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:37 54.5% : 50.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 78.4 237.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:40 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 964.2 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:37 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 233.5 238.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:35 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 953.0 1040.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:31 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 228.6 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:29 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 954.2 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:26 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 198.7 238.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:24 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 957.4 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:20 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 233.7 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:19 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 990.3 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:15 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 227.5 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:13 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 962.8 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:09 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 359.43518629360250 and H= 2.4732734689017233E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 1 20 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 193.5 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:08 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 954.1 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:04 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 9.4378365485635083 and H= 3.9427730377449033E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 1 2 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 224.8 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:03 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 953.8 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:59 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 74.157750526322729 and H= 5.0746581743142088E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 6 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 222.9 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:57 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.5 217.1 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:55 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 60.4 209.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:20:01 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 863.9 1056.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:57 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 212.3 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:55 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 981.4 1044.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:52 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 211.1 215.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:50 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 831.6 916.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:46 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 177.2 225.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:45 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 964.3 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:42 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 215.9 220.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:40 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 961.4 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:36 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 220.5 225.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:35 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.4 945.1 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:31 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 148.9 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:30 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 514.6 650.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:27 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 194.6 202.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:26 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 497.5 542.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:23 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 376.71524973602163 and H= 6.9023994647626965E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 5 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/16 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/16 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 154.5 163.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:22 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 262.6 1042.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:20 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 74.5 222.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:23 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 684.4 764.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:20 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 222.1 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:18 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 984.9 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:14 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.0 226.6 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:13 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 984.4 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:09 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 200.9 236.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:07 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 988.9 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:04 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.1 222.6 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:19:02 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 955.8 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:58 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.2 225.8 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:57 54.7% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 272.3 671.9 750.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:53 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 55.1 153.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:59 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 146.7 149.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:59 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 222.2 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:57 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 904.0 1024.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:53 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 226.2 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:51 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 137.7 261.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:51 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 63.0 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:56 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 985.8 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:52 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 216.1 220.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:50 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 991.4 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:47 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 214.5 218.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:45 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 987.9 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:41 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 172.4 215.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:40 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 481.7 503.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:37 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 220.5 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:36 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 984.0 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:32 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 217.4 221.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:30 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 980.8 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:26 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 186.5 222.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:25 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 988.6 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:21 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 224.9 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:20 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 988.9 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:16 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 225.2 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:14 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 254.3 966.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:12 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 54.3 131.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:18 54.8% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 136.4 197.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:18 54.8% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 112.6 114.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:18 54.8% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 703.2 750.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:15 54.8% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 225.5 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:13 54.8% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 988.3 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:09 54.8% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 196.6 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:08 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 971.9 1032.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:04 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 180.1 214.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:03 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 207.6 263.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:02 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 197.6 202.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:18:00 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 689.2 916.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:57 55.1% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 91.5 102.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:58 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 347.1 378.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:56 55.1% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 124.8 126.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:56 55.1% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 489.1 513.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:53 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 172.2 175.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:52 54.8% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 265.5 1042.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:49 54.8% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 76.1 220.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:52 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 957.2 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:49 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 211.4 215.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:47 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 990.8 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:43 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 217.2 221.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:42 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 961.2 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:38 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 185.3 219.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:37 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 991.4 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:33 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 222.8 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:31 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 965.1 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:28 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 224.7 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:26 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 989.4 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:22 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 180.6 213.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:21 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 963.2 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:17 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 223.7 228.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:15 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 990.3 1053.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:12 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 223.5 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:10 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 268.6 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:08 54.6% : 50.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 77.8 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:10 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 992.4 1055.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:07 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 237.1 242.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:05 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 961.9 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:17:01 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 232.3 237.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:59 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 955.3 1042.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:56 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 202.8 242.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:54 54.6% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 958.3 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:50 54.6% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 233.8 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:49 54.6% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 946.4 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:45 54.6% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 231.3 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:43 54.6% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 962.0 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:40 54.6% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 195.7 235.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:38 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 961.4 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:34 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 232.8 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:33 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 963.3 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:29 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 226.9 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:27 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 271.0 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:25 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 76.8 228.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:27 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 964.6 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:24 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 222.3 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:22 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 990.3 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:18 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 226.2 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:17 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 986.6 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:13 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 114.48262058587720 and H= 4.3177979982940949E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 1 13 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 186.5 222.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:12 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 989.1 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:08 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 226.1 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:06 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 967.9 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:03 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 231.7 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:16:01 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 966.4 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:57 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 195.8 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:56 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 956.4 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:52 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 231.3 236.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:50 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 989.2 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:47 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 234.3 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:45 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 270.8 1037.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:43 54.7% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 77.5 236.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:45 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 983.0 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:41 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 234.4 239.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:40 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 960.4 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:36 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 232.7 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:34 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 992.7 1056.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:30 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 198.4 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:29 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 955.5 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:25 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 233.7 239.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:23 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 966.4 1055.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:20 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 797.01748416128737 and H= 4.6426029019590788E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 1 21 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 228.4 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:18 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 971.9 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:15 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 196.1 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:13 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 967.2 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:09 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 226.3 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:08 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 962.4 1056.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:04 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 222.9 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:02 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 225.0 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:00 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 12.083744718661787 and H= 5.8118051912586206E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 67.9 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:04 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 962.8 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:15:00 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 45.661309197295679 and H= 2.0321553267649796E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 12 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 213.3 217.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:58 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 965.4 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:55 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 212.8 217.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:53 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 989.3 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:50 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 183.5 212.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:48 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 962.2 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:45 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 217.7 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:43 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 960.8 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:40 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 219.7 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:38 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 953.9 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:34 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 141.4 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:34 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 999.3 1061.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:30 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 231.7 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:28 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 968.6 1055.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:25 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/17 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/17 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 221.8 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:23 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 266.0 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:21 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 76.2 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:23 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 990.1 1053.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:20 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 226.8 231.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:18 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 991.3 1055.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:14 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 227.6 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:12 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 953.9 1041.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:09 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 197.6 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:07 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 986.1 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:04 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 224.3 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:14:02 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 991.0 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:58 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 224.6 229.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:57 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 958.1 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:53 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 194.7 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:52 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 968.1 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:48 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 225.3 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:46 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 960.9 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:43 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 223.9 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:41 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 266.4 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:39 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.812E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 76.6 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:41 54.8% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 989.3 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:38 54.8% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 217.7 220.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:36 54.8% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 968.4 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:32 54.8% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 216.1 220.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:30 54.8% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 991.7 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:27 54.8% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 185.2 216.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:26 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 964.1 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:22 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 222.5 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:20 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 952.6 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:17 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 215.1 219.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:15 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 988.6 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:12 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 185.1 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:10 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 986.5 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:07 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 226.9 231.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:05 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 962.5 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:01 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 216.5 221.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:00 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 266.5 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:57 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.820E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 75.6 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:13:00 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 985.7 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:56 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 225.4 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:54 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 987.3 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:51 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 223.8 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:49 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 985.8 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:46 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 196.4 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:44 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 960.1 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:41 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 216.1 220.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:39 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 990.0 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:35 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 218.5 222.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:34 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 953.6 1040.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:30 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 186.0 222.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:29 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 955.1 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:25 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 20.980380791318165 and H= 1.6038471666923234E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 3 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 217.8 222.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:23 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 990.0 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:20 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 224.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:18 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 269.1 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:16 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 74.2 210.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:18 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 959.4 1056.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:15 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 212.2 216.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:13 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 965.5 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:10 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 217.2 221.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:08 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 964.9 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:04 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 185.3 219.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:03 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 989.6 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:12:00 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 222.8 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:58 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 964.0 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:54 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 226.2 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:52 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 956.4 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:49 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 190.2 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:48 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 989.8 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:44 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 219.7 224.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:42 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 991.4 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:39 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 223.3 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:37 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 274.1 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:35 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 76.1 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:37 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 962.1 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:33 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 235.2 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:32 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 965.0 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:28 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 230.4 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:26 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 986.7 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:23 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 199.1 240.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:21 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 967.7 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:18 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 233.9 239.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:16 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 959.4 1043.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:12 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 229.6 234.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:10 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 988.6 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:07 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 197.2 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:05 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 954.7 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:02 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 234.3 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:11:00 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 966.0 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:57 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 225.6 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:55 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 267.0 1043.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:53 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 77.1 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:55 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 959.4 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:51 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 219.0 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:49 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 950.9 1037.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:46 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 224.7 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:44 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 984.7 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:41 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 186.9 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:39 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 984.7 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:36 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 226.1 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:34 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 962.4 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:31 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 228.7 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:29 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 955.8 1042.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:25 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 198.3 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:24 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 987.0 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:20 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 228.4 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:18 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 960.5 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:15 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 236.8 242.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:13 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 269.0 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:11 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.760E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 77.3 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:13 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 727.6 804.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:10 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 913.02568678003365 and H= 1.1774243513056171E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 3 21 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 224.0 230.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:08 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 691.9 772.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:05 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 219.0 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:10:03 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 956.2 1044.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:59 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 199.8 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:58 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 433.8 451.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:55 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 222.0 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:53 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 933.3 1041.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:50 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 221.3 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:48 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 960.3 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:45 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.762E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 151.3 210.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:44 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 678.8 726.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:40 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 182.9 186.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:39 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 959.6 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:36 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 56.964814676957118 and H= 1.1455325733757100E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 222.8 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:34 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 227.0 1043.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:32 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 62.8 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:35 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 962.2 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:32 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 214.1 218.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:30 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 965.0 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:27 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 212.6 217.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:25 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 947.8 1038.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:21 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 168.2 219.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:20 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 986.3 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:17 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 217.8 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:15 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 948.4 1035.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:12 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 218.4 223.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:10 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 987.7 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:06 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 146.8 226.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:06 54.9% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 965.7 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:02 54.9% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 228.2 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:09:00 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 861.2 981.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:57 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/18 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/18 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 219.8 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:55 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 264.6 1023.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:53 55.1% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.820E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 65.0 196.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:56 55.1% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 358.8 643.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:53 55.1% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 201.8 208.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:52 55.1% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 985.0 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:48 55.1% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 224.9 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:47 55.1% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 965.6 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:43 55.1% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 198.0 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:42 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 963.6 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:38 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 221.9 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:36 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 950.3 1035.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:33 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 223.1 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:31 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 962.7 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:28 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 195.2 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:26 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 961.1 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:23 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 224.8 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:21 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 983.7 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:18 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 227.3 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:16 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 256.8 955.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:14 55.0% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.828E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 59.5 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:17 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 966.6 1056.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:14 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 215.8 220.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:12 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 966.5 1054.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:09 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 216.3 220.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:07 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 957.5 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:03 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 185.1 218.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:08:02 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 982.0 1045.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:59 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 221.6 226.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:57 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 952.4 1039.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:53 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 214.6 219.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:52 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 957.8 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:48 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 183.3 222.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:47 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 961.5 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:44 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 226.8 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:42 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 989.4 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:38 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 228.3 233.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:36 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 242.6 758.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:34 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.4 74.6 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:36 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 986.7 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:33 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 223.8 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:31 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 959.9 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:28 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 223.5 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:26 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 988.1 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:23 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 202.8 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:21 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 959.3 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:18 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 219.7 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:16 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 981.9 1043.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:12 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 220.4 225.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:11 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 959.6 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:07 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 192.9 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:06 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 964.5 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:02 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 217.1 221.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:07:00 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 989.6 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:57 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 224.1 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:55 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 265.0 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:53 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.5 76.6 219.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:55 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 963.2 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:51 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 213.8 218.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:50 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 984.2 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:46 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 216.8 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:45 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 965.4 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:41 54.8% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 190.6 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:40 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 990.9 1053.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:36 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 222.2 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:35 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 961.1 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:31 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 226.7 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:29 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 955.8 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:26 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 187.4 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:25 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 982.7 1044.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:21 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 222.7 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:19 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 990.7 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:16 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 221.3 226.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:14 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.9 267.3 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:12 54.8% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.6 76.1 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:14 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 982.2 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:10 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1199.8932209143968 and H= 1.1000078640948582E-012 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 8 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 232.5 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:08 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 986.9 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:05 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.7 230.1 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:03 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 959.9 1044.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:00 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 200.1 240.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:58 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 956.2 1041.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:55 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.8 173.5 239.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:54 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.3 51.1 58.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:58 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 63.2 64.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:06:00 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 961.8 1025.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:57 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 188.0 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:56 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 963.4 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:52 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 203.1 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:51 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 283.9 309.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:48 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 199.3 220.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:47 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 248.7 806.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:45 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 77.1 229.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:46 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 964.8 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:43 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 218.2 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:41 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 924.6 1006.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:38 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 222.5 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:36 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 985.7 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:32 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 171.6 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:31 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 959.6 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:28 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 223.2 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:26 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 141.1 190.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:25 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 72.4 82.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:27 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 114.9 118.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:27 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 91.8 109.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:27 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 352.0 369.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:25 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 613.01698271995861 and H= 4.3395482304382609E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 3 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 222.6 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:23 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 547.0 579.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:20 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 89.2 90.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:21 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 173.3 355.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:19 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 61.7 237.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:22 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 984.4 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:19 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 234.3 239.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:17 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 984.3 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:13 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 228.2 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:11 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 974.9 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:08 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 198.9 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:06 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 982.3 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:03 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 239.3 244.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:05:01 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 990.4 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:58 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 231.1 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:56 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 964.3 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:53 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 196.9 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:51 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 984.1 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:48 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 227.9 232.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:46 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 958.3 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:42 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 223.5 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:40 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 229.2 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:38 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 63.5 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:41 55.1% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 986.3 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:38 55.1% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 213.5 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:36 55.1% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 992.2 1055.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:33 55.1% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 212.2 216.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:31 55.1% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 988.8 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:27 55.1% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 367.16726580115642 and H= 1.0115096490825419E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 20 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 181.1 217.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:26 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 955.6 1043.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:23 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 216.2 220.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:21 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 966.5 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:18 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 218.0 222.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:16 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 989.5 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:12 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 145.1 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:11 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 967.5 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:08 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 229.0 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:06 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 968.2 1054.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:03 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/19 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/19 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 218.1 222.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:01 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 264.5 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:59 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1042.5889014224952 and H= 5.4382820147308587E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 1 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 74.3 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:04:00 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 958.9 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:57 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 228.3 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:55 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 955.2 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:52 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 225.8 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:50 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 961.4 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:47 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 193.0 232.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:45 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 965.4 1054.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:42 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 223.0 227.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:40 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 982.9 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:37 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 222.4 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:35 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 957.6 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:32 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 161.4 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:30 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 989.6 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:27 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 223.4 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:25 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 963.5 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:22 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 229.4 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:20 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 266.4 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:18 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 76.4 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:19 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 960.2 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:16 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 214.6 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:14 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 984.6 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:11 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 215.3 219.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:09 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 960.0 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:06 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 179.8 214.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:04 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 987.5 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:03:01 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 220.9 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:59 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 962.7 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:56 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 215.1 219.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:54 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 956.7 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:51 55.0% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 191.6 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:49 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 989.0 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:46 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 226.3 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:44 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 959.4 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:41 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 229.5 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:39 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 267.7 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:36 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 77.3 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:38 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 981.3 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:34 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 220.9 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:32 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 949.2 1040.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:29 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 225.6 230.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:27 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 985.9 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:24 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 198.9 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:22 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 989.6 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:19 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 221.1 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:17 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 986.5 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:14 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 220.7 225.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:12 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 979.2 1040.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:09 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 189.7 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:07 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 989.5 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:04 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1014.7706447662111 and H= 3.4878859910031630E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 1 29 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 218.7 223.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:02:02 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 960.6 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:59 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 224.7 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:57 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 267.5 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:55 54.9% : 50.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 70.349561461021409 and H= 1.2556078304746383E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 2 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 75.0 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:56 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 962.5 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:53 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 28.468762193145977 and H= 6.2177354352599754E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 2 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 215.4 219.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:51 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 962.3 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:48 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 216.6 219.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:46 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 979.6 1040.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:43 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 184.4 218.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:41 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 988.3 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:38 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 220.9 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:36 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 962.0 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:33 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 225.2 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:31 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 955.4 1042.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:28 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 187.1 220.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:26 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 816.2 915.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:23 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 215.5 221.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:21 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 693.6 754.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:18 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 214.7 221.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:16 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 266.7 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:14 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 77.0 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:15 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 984.3 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:12 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 235.6 240.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:10 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 983.4 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:07 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 231.9 237.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:05 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 957.4 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:02 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 199.8 239.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:01:00 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 958.1 1042.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:57 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 232.5 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:55 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 988.0 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:52 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 227.1 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:50 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 957.8 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:46 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 192.3 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:45 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 961.1 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:42 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 53.072599448359661 and H= 2.4944098382213196E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 2 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 227.5 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:40 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 945.6 1031.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:37 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 224.0 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:35 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 261.4 962.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:32 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 47.8 126.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:36 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 921.9 1034.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:33 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 219.7 224.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:31 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 965.3 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:28 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 222.3 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:26 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 962.8 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:23 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 185.5 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:21 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 988.6 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:18 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 226.6 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:16 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 976.4 1037.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:13 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 230.1 234.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:11 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 989.5 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:08 55.0% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 656.27757692831676 and H= 1.7776843648600563E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 195.7 233.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:06 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 987.1 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:03 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.6 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 001:00:01 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 965.2 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:58 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 233.7 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:56 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 268.8 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:54 54.9% : 50.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 77.8 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:55 55.1% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 989.0 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:51 55.1% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 201.3 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:50 55.1% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 694.6 737.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:47 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 228.2 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:45 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 954.3 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:42 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 193.7 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:40 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 762.3 932.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:37 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 173.8 185.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:35 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 647.0 710.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:32 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 193.6 197.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:31 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 963.1 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:27 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 194.7 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:26 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 953.4 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:23 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.6 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:21 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 962.9 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:18 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 221.9 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:16 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.0 1042.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:14 55.1% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 47.2 141.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:17 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 721.1 1037.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:14 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 213.3 217.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:12 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 990.5 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:09 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 211.4 215.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:07 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 965.5 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:04 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 172.2 224.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:03 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 976.5 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:59:00 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.735E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 186.2 189.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:58 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 976.1 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:55 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 219.0 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:53 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 988.4 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:50 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 146.6 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:49 55.1% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 708.4 780.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:46 55.1% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 221.5 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:44 55.1% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 771.9 833.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:41 55.1% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/20 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/20 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 210.8 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:39 55.1% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 272.0 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:37 55.1% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 74.1 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:38 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 950.5 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:35 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 227.2 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:33 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 964.2 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:29 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 227.8 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:27 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 958.3 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:24 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 197.2 234.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:23 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 953.5 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:20 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 217.7 222.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:18 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 965.2 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:14 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 220.7 225.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:13 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 962.3 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:09 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 190.0 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:08 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 965.4 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:05 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 224.3 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:03 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 990.0 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:58:00 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 473.06081687211974 and H= 1.9076403586283407E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 225.8 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:58 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 264.5 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:55 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 76.4 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:56 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 964.1 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:53 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 212.6 217.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:51 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 989.6 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:48 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.747E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 203.7 217.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:46 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 710.8 779.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:43 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 186.0 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:42 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 991.1 1053.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:39 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 221.1 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:37 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 985.3 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:34 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 215.9 220.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:32 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 954.2 1041.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:29 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 179.6 218.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:27 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 978.6 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:24 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 227.9 233.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:22 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 957.0 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:19 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 225.3 230.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:17 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.725E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 262.7 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:15 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.729E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 75.8 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:15 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 962.7 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:12 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 217.2 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:10 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 986.3 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:07 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 223.6 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:05 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 952.8 1041.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:02 54.9% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 199.1 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:57:01 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 987.9 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:57 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 8.5725744486496449 and H= 6.2834718691403830E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 1 8 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 218.4 222.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:56 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 962.9 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:52 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 219.4 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:51 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.736E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 959.5 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:47 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 191.8 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:46 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 959.9 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:43 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 217.8 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:41 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 986.3 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:38 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 222.0 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:36 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.737E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 267.4 1045.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:34 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.739E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 76.1 219.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:34 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 987.5 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:31 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 216.7 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:29 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 984.8 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:26 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 216.0 220.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:24 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 962.8 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:21 55.0% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 181.1 220.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:20 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 956.7 1044.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:17 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.0 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:15 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 985.7 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:11 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.3 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:10 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 960.8 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:06 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 4.9938042396578686 and H= 2.6108647266586683E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 6 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 189.7 223.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:05 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 959.9 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:02 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 223.0 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:56:00 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 959.0 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:57 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 226.8 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:55 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 271.6 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:52 54.9% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 78.2 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:53 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 953.8 1040.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:50 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 53.788794061712117 and H= 1.6805383865778697E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 1 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 236.1 241.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:48 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 953.3 1040.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:45 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 233.2 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:43 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 986.5 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:40 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 202.1 240.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:38 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 963.0 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:35 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 232.7 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:33 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 987.1 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:30 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 227.9 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:28 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 962.0 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:25 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 190.3 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:23 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 963.9 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:20 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 226.2 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:18 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 962.9 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:15 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 227.2 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:13 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 271.9 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:11 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 75.6 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:12 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 956.7 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:09 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 220.0 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:07 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 975.7 1036.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:04 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 223.9 228.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:55:02 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 962.7 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:59 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 32.542487004621371 and H= 3.2589152082278638E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 187.7 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:57 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 951.6 1037.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:54 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 225.1 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:52 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 950.0 1038.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:49 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 232.6 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:47 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 948.0 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:44 55.0% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 196.8 235.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:42 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 986.8 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:39 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 224.6 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:37 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 961.2 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:34 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 228.4 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:32 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 267.6 1037.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:30 55.0% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 77.4 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:30 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 959.0 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:27 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 719.28466002025380 and H= 4.2229377583329639E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 231.3 236.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:25 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 962.5 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:22 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 232.1 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:20 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 960.9 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:17 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 184.0 240.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:15 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 961.5 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:12 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 234.8 239.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:10 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 983.3 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:07 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 228.2 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:05 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 959.5 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:02 55.1% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 617.31510039129466 and H= 2.2804184425118038E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 4 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 183.0 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:54:01 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 959.2 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:58 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 222.1 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:56 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 958.5 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:53 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 224.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:51 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 223.3 1038.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:49 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.765E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 54.8 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:51 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 960.6 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:48 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 215.3 219.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:46 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 959.9 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:43 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 209.0 213.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:41 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 990.9 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:38 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 184.0 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:36 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 961.8 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:33 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 882.95113855905254 and H= 1.3306116436289049E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 6 22 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 215.9 220.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:31 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 983.9 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:28 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 218.3 222.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:26 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 958.5 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:23 55.3% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 147.2 227.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:22 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 972.4 1059.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:19 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 230.2 235.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:17 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 971.1 1058.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:14 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/21 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/21 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 221.7 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:12 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 270.2 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:10 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 77.1 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:10 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 986.2 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:07 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 225.9 230.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:05 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 958.8 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:02 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 363.56210635933911 and H= 2.1775501792483092E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 6 21 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 224.0 228.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:53:00 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 989.5 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:57 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 197.5 235.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:56 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 957.7 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:53 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 217.4 221.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:51 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 987.6 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:48 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 217.1 221.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:46 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 990.8 1053.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:43 55.2% : 50.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 192.7 227.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:41 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 963.1 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:38 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 224.8 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:36 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 964.0 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:33 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 226.3 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:31 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 268.6 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:29 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 76.0 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:29 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 986.7 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:26 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 214.7 217.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:24 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 980.7 1041.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:21 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 215.5 220.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:19 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 957.9 1045.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:17 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 187.5 221.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:15 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 984.8 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:12 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 221.1 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:10 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 961.9 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:07 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 216.6 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:05 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 963.6 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:02 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 186.7 225.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:52:00 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 959.5 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:57 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 224.1 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:55 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 969.3 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:52 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 222.2 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:50 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 264.4 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:48 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 76.8 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:48 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 961.0 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:46 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 221.6 225.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:44 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 954.1 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:41 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 225.9 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:39 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 961.8 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:36 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 192.8 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:34 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 958.6 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:31 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 219.7 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:29 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 962.4 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:26 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 220.8 225.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:24 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 966.4 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:21 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 191.1 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:19 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 962.1 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:16 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 213.7 218.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:14 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 954.0 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:11 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 221.0 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:09 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 265.3 1038.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:07 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 73.7 216.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:08 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.741E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 963.0 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:05 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.741E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 215.0 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:03 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.741E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 988.4 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:51:00 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.741E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 218.2 222.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:58 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.741E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 962.8 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:55 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.741E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 187.9 221.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:53 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 987.6 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:50 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 222.7 227.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:48 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 961.2 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:45 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 224.6 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:43 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 985.5 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:40 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 191.4 228.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:39 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 984.3 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:36 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 227.5 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:34 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 988.4 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:31 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 227.4 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:29 55.2% : 51.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.742E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 269.7 1043.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:27 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.743E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 77.6 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:27 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 958.1 1045.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:24 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 231.1 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:22 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 948.5 1033.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:19 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 213.2 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:17 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 959.8 1023.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:14 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 193.1 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:12 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 533.5 657.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:10 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 18.203942928378702 and H= 1.5536130655102024E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 6 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 167.1 172.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:08 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 301.8 320.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:06 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 220.9 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:04 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 964.1 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:50:01 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 198.8 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:59 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 963.1 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:56 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 224.3 229.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:54 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.2 988.1 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:51 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 224.9 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:49 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.1 271.4 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:47 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.746E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 77.5 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:47 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 961.1 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:44 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 221.7 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:42 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 271.0 957.7 1045.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:39 55.2% : 51.1% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.9 112.2 121.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:38 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 61.5 74.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:39 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 31.287389090023428 and H= 3.8424046680799396E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 6 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 161.3 216.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:38 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 850.0 948.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:35 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 228.0 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:33 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 971.3 1034.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:30 55.6% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 155.2 178.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:29 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 216.6 254.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:27 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 127.9 230.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:25 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 962.4 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:23 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 225.3 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:21 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 987.4 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:18 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 230.0 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:16 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 272.0 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:13 55.5% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 34.3 69.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:18 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 185.7 210.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:16 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 104.3 123.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:15 55.8% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 836.3 920.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:12 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 193.2 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:10 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 137.9 164.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:09 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.755E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 155.5 180.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:08 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 475.5 513.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:05 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 212.2 216.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:03 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 299.3 304.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:49:01 55.4% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 232.1 237.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:59 55.4% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 983.3 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:56 55.4% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 43.969551056161272 and H= 1.2453893756983769E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 194.9 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:54 55.4% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 948.2 1033.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:51 55.4% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 209.9 214.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:49 55.4% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 958.8 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:46 55.4% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 219.9 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:44 55.4% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.753E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 226.3 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:42 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.761E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 61.8 225.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:43 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 961.1 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:40 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 983.18105957664250 and H= 2.2325407717466615E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 4 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 211.4 215.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:38 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 961.5 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:35 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 213.3 217.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:33 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 965.6 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:30 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 189.0 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:28 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 988.8 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:26 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 217.5 222.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:24 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 963.4 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:21 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 217.8 222.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:19 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 966.2 1031.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:16 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 139.8 205.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:14 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 973.1 1060.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:11 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 232.4 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:09 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 969.0 1058.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:07 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/22 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/22 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 221.6 225.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:04 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 267.7 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:02 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 77.4 224.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:48:02 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 959.6 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:59 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 226.8 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:57 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 989.0 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:54 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 221.1 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:52 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 783.3 882.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:50 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 199.6 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:48 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 961.7 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:45 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 965.62453979537486 and H= 2.1915224596732406E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 215.6 220.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:43 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 962.2 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:40 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 218.0 222.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:38 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 990.4 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:35 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 190.7 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:33 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 957.4 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:30 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 223.4 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:28 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 964.4 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:25 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 227.6 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:23 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 268.5 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:21 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 75.8 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:21 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 964.2 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:18 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 215.6 220.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:16 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 968.7 1054.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:14 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 213.3 217.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:12 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 959.8 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:09 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 186.3 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:07 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 963.4 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:04 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 222.1 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:47:02 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 990.3 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:59 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 217.2 221.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:57 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 981.9 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:54 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 181.7 225.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:52 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 961.7 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:50 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 224.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:48 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 964.3 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:45 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 228.3 232.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:43 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 266.3 1038.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:40 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 77.7 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:40 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 962.4 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:37 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 222.3 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:35 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 962.4 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:33 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 226.3 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:31 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 975.7 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:28 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 197.2 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:26 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 987.7 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:23 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 220.4 225.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:21 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 961.8 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:18 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 223.0 226.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:16 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 982.5 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:13 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 195.4 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:11 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 957.8 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:08 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 213.4 217.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:06 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 954.2 1041.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:04 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 219.9 224.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:46:02 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 270.7 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:59 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 75.2 213.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:59 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 989.5 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:56 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 212.7 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:55 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 984.9 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:52 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 394.37540268286006 and H= 2.6969664984853834E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 3 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 215.1 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:50 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 984.7 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:47 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 181.3 221.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:45 55.2% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 985.9 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:42 55.2% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 221.1 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:40 55.2% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 960.1 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:37 55.2% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 226.0 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:35 55.2% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 958.9 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:32 55.2% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 192.2 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:31 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 993.3 1056.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:28 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 228.5 233.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:26 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 988.9 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:23 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 227.6 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:21 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 268.5 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:19 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 58.8 145.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:19 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 981.4 1057.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:16 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 236.1 241.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:14 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 993.9 1055.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:12 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 18.292699004188368 and H= 1.5467936331703810E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 2 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 233.2 238.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:09 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 959.1 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:07 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 67.071290738069550 and H= 1.6359599950579589E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 4 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 183.5 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:05 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 996.9 1059.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:02 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 229.7 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:45:00 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 964.6 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:57 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 225.4 230.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:55 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 965.1 1054.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:52 55.2% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 199.3 238.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:50 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 969.3 1056.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:47 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 223.6 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:45 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 959.0 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:43 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 224.9 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:41 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.744E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 264.7 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:38 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.745E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 75.7 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:38 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 960.1 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:35 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 221.3 226.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:33 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 984.9 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:31 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 222.5 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:29 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 955.6 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:26 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.748E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 188.8 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:24 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 962.7 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:21 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 227.8 232.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:19 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 987.4 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:16 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 230.5 235.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:14 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 960.2 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:11 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 193.9 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:09 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 959.7 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:07 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 228.9 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:04 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 961.1 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:02 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 234.1 239.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:44:00 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 271.4 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:57 55.3% : 51.2% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.749E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 42.562142547557137 and H= 1.1799071696011616E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 2 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 77.9 239.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:57 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 845.8 921.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:54 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1179.8184499615575 and H= 6.5414125123096298E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 222.6 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:52 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 694.4 754.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:50 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 230.6 237.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:48 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 959.4 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:45 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 777.67003188399156 and H= 4.8573667110447864E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 194.2 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:43 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 962.4 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:40 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 49.553584765556629 and H= 3.1220421194261168E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 2 15 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1094.1679288132211 and H= 4.9115782254797631E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 236.2 241.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:38 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 985.6 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:35 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 50.639430033455703 and H= 2.1788133893731007E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 4 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 229.3 234.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:33 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 988.6 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:30 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.751E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 26.273485797617692 and H= 9.3178525923235268E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 6 14 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 584.99192975096014 and H= 4.3914137480058437E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 188.0 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:28 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 973.1 1034.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:26 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 228.5 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:23 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 963.6 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:21 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 221.4 226.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:19 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 219.0 1038.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:17 55.4% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.759E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 69.3 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:17 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 979.0 1041.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:14 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 212.2 216.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:12 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 960.7 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:09 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 212.5 217.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:07 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 985.7 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:04 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 193.5 224.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:02 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 988.0 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:43:00 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 220.2 224.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:58 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 961.3 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:55 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 19.960906142866605 and H= 8.6716242366341044E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 5 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 221.5 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:53 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 953.5 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:50 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 145.7 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:48 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 688.1 887.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:46 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 45.737630459974760 and H= 3.4118322001194446E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 5 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 231.5 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:44 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 972.6 1060.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:41 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 46.209204490457239 and H= 2.2517213471438579E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 5 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/23 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/23 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 224.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:39 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 264.8 1038.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:37 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 77.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:36 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 986.5 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:34 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 52.849320768419183 and H= 1.9413961808728098E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 1 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 228.4 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:31 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 963.5 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:29 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 221.9 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:27 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 985.5 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:24 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 193.3 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:22 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 957.7 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:19 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 218.2 222.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:17 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 988.3 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:14 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 219.0 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:12 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 962.4 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:10 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 194.3 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:08 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 965.2 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:05 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 225.9 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:03 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 951.0 1036.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:42:00 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 228.1 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:58 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 267.5 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:56 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.817E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 76.4 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:55 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 965.0 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:53 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 216.5 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:51 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 959.7 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:48 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 211.8 216.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:46 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 983.4 1045.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:43 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 186.7 220.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:41 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 981.6 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:38 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 224.7 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:36 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 955.1 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:34 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 214.6 219.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:32 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 989.1 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:29 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.767E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 189.9 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:27 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 987.6 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:24 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 229.8 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:22 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 963.7 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:19 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 226.7 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:17 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.768E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 264.3 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:15 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 76.8 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:15 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 964.2 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:12 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 221.6 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:10 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 957.6 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:07 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.6 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:05 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 983.3 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:02 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 186.4 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:41:00 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 960.6 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:58 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 218.7 223.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:56 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 984.5 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:53 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 220.8 225.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:51 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 956.5 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:48 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 192.5 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:46 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 961.3 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:43 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 213.6 218.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:41 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 960.4 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:39 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 219.3 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:37 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 268.1 1035.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:34 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 53.1 186.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:35 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 958.9 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:32 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 212.7 216.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:30 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 988.4 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:28 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 215.2 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:26 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 982.7 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:23 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 188.9 222.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:21 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 986.8 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:18 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 218.0 222.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:16 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 960.5 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:13 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.6 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:11 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 957.9 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:09 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 186.8 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:07 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 959.3 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:04 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 229.8 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:40:02 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 959.9 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:59 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 227.7 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:57 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 270.8 1035.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:55 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 77.8 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:54 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 959.2 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:52 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 234.3 239.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:50 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 983.0 1044.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:47 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 230.2 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:45 55.3% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 382.7 391.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:42 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 198.2 237.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:40 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 955.1 1025.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:38 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 222.2 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:36 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 905.7 993.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:33 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 196.5 207.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:31 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 516.1 625.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:28 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 67.519400726719482 and H= 2.9588472188852853E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 4 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 130.4 167.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:27 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 982.3 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:24 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 226.0 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:22 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 954.2 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:19 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 226.9 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:17 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 265.8 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:15 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 76.5 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:15 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 981.2 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:12 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 223.7 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:10 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 631.6 668.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:07 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 223.8 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:05 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 961.1 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:02 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 192.0 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:39:01 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 961.2 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:58 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 226.5 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:56 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 955.2 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:53 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 233.0 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:51 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 984.7 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:48 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 193.1 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:46 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 962.0 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:44 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 226.4 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:41 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 958.2 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:39 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 231.9 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:37 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 238.5 708.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:35 55.5% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 77.0 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:34 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 963.2 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:31 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 234.7 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:29 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 958.8 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:26 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 233.1 238.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:24 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 987.8 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:22 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 199.3 236.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:20 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 959.0 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:17 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 233.4 238.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:15 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 987.0 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:12 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 228.4 233.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:10 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 983.7 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:07 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 192.8 231.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:05 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 966.3 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:03 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 221.5 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:38:01 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 964.0 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:58 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 222.5 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:56 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 213.5 1041.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:54 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 68.6 228.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:54 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.850E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 961.0 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:51 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.850E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 216.7 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:49 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.850E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 985.2 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:46 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.850E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 211.9 216.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:44 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.850E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 956.5 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:41 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.850E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 187.5 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:39 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.851E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 986.1 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:37 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.851E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 221.8 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:35 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.851E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 964.1 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:32 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.851E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 218.7 222.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:30 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.851E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 954.4 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:27 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.851E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 30.325485695049071 and H= 8.9880655879568433E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 4 8 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 149.2 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:26 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.854E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 965.8 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:23 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.854E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 229.9 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:21 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.854E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 995.8 1057.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:18 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.854E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/24 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/24 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 230.0 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:16 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.854E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 270.8 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:14 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.856E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 72.3 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:13 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 960.2 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:11 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 60.618167677762756 and H= 3.1490422559923916E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 1 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 230.2 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:09 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 959.8 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:06 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 224.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:04 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 955.7 1039.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:37:01 55.4% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 200.2 235.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:59 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 987.2 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:56 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.6 221.0 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:54 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 960.7 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:52 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 222.1 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:50 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 965.4 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:47 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 192.2 225.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:45 55.4% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 982.5 1045.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:42 55.4% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.7 208.1 229.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:40 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 841.0 915.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:38 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 227.6 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:36 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.8 263.6 1038.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:33 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.841E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 25.2 213.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:37 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 912.2 994.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:35 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 215.3 219.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:33 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 986.9 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:30 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 200.9 214.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:28 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 250.9 271.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:26 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 153.1 203.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:24 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 834.4 934.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:21 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 224.2 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:19 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 956.5 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:17 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 210.6 214.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:15 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 942.6 1035.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:12 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 188.6 225.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:10 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 989.5 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:07 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 225.6 230.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:05 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 980.5 1041.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:02 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 77.9 96.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:02 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 56.6 114.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:02 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 52.7 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:02 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 108.5 155.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:36:01 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 194.4 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:59 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 308.1 332.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:57 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 192.7 199.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:55 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 714.4 777.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:52 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 140.9 174.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:50 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 982.4 1043.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:48 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 218.0 222.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:46 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 959.1 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:43 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 220.8 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:41 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 961.8 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:38 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 194.5 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:36 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 983.6 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:33 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 213.8 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:31 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 955.2 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:29 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 220.9 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:27 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.797E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 265.5 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:24 55.4% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 74.1 216.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:24 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 762.1 824.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:21 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 207.2 212.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:19 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 949.8 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:16 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 217.1 221.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:14 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 957.8 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:12 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 186.1 221.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:10 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 963.8 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:07 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 218.3 222.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:05 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 955.2 1041.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:02 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 225.4 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:35:00 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 985.5 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:58 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 190.9 228.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:56 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 985.7 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:53 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 228.5 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:51 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 989.8 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:48 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 226.1 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:46 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 267.0 1042.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:44 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 77.7 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:43 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 947.3 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:40 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 232.9 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:38 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 985.7 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:36 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 233.5 238.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:33 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 980.2 1042.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:31 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 201.3 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:29 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 959.4 1043.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:26 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 773.75067688999911 and H= 4.0033299313332356E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 1 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 230.3 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:24 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 960.6 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:21 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 225.9 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:19 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 956.2 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:17 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 194.0 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:15 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 987.0 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:12 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 229.8 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:10 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 956.5 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:07 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 227.9 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:05 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 268.7 1038.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:03 55.3% : 51.3% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 76.7 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:34:02 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 985.4 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:59 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 220.6 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:57 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 985.8 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:55 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1001.1208287564189 and H= 2.5889148820802068E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 1 12 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 222.9 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:53 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 984.2 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:50 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 188.4 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:48 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 959.0 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:45 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 223.3 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:43 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 957.1 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:41 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 229.6 234.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:38 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 980.5 1042.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:36 55.5% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 194.0 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:34 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 962.4 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:31 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 225.7 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:29 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 959.7 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:26 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 232.4 237.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:24 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 272.4 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:22 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.816E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 79.4 239.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:21 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 987.1 1049.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:19 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 234.4 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:16 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 987.6 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:14 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 235.6 241.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:12 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 963.0 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:09 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 72.979570198514139 and H= 2.4548536357218406E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 1 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 192.0 235.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:07 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 946.2 1041.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:04 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 237.2 242.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:02 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 984.6 1046.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:33:00 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 232.8 238.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:57 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 987.1 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:55 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 182.4 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:53 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 990.2 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:50 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 221.7 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:48 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 956.4 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:46 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 225.8 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:43 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 227.9 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:41 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 62.8 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:41 55.8% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 959.8 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:38 55.8% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 144.0 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:37 55.8% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 731.1 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:34 55.8% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 210.4 214.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:32 55.8% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 958.7 1043.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:29 55.8% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.839E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 179.7 224.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:27 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.840E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 962.7 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:25 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.840E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 219.1 223.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:23 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.840E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 982.4 1043.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:20 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.840E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 219.3 223.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:18 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.840E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 985.1 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:15 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.840E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 157.1 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:14 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.842E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 967.5 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:11 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.842E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 234.6 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:09 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.842E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 964.3 1053.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:06 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.842E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/25 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/25 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 230.3 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:04 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.842E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 264.7 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:02 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.844E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 77.6 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:32:01 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 960.5 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:58 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 224.8 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:56 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 960.5 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:54 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 225.4 230.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:51 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 962.5 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:49 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 202.2 237.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:47 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 986.1 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:44 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 222.5 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:42 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 990.6 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:39 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 222.2 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:37 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 983.7 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:35 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 194.5 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:33 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 961.8 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:30 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 223.8 228.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:28 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 978.8 1040.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:25 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 228.2 232.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:23 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 266.3 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:21 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 74.8 221.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:20 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 986.8 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:18 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 214.0 218.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:15 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 959.2 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:13 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.831E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 191.2 196.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:11 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 738.1 808.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:08 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 185.9 215.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:06 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 922.7 1003.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:04 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 226.8 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:31:02 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 961.1 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:59 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 186.4 216.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:57 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 451.1 550.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:55 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 125.4 164.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:53 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 961.7 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:50 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 221.4 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:48 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 987.3 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:46 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 230.0 235.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:44 55.6% : 51.4% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 264.6 1038.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:41 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 76.1 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:40 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 960.4 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:38 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 16.600433543521454 and H= 1.5127483258643203E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 3 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 218.9 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:36 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 986.1 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:33 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 221.1 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:31 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 958.2 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:28 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.834E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 192.6 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:26 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 960.1 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:24 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 222.6 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:22 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 953.0 1039.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:19 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 222.8 227.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:17 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 983.0 1044.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:14 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 189.6 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:12 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 957.4 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:10 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 177.2 216.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:08 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 680.0 732.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:05 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 218.7 223.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:03 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.835E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 265.4 1007.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:01 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.837E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 57.2 217.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:30:01 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 986.5 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:58 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 201.8 206.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:56 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 816.6 893.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:53 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 214.6 219.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:51 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 966.1 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:49 55.8% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 191.8 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:47 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 957.3 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:44 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 217.5 221.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:42 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 960.9 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:39 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 223.1 227.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:37 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 958.7 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:35 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 128.76002518038362 and H= 1.3770209727979407E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 1 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 186.4 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:33 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 952.0 1039.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:30 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 65.894726630450648 and H= 3.9254315390513275E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 227.7 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:28 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 955.4 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:25 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 52.136696070075274 and H= 1.3670490908117696E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 3 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 226.2 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:23 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 269.8 1038.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:21 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 77.1 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:20 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 985.4 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:17 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 234.5 239.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:15 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 978.3 1041.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:13 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 232.2 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:11 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 951.3 1035.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:08 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 201.8 236.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:06 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 956.4 1044.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:03 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 958.81592233551544 and H= 3.3876157424069168E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 230.5 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:29:01 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 956.4 1043.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:59 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 229.1 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:57 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 956.2 1043.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:54 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 200.5 235.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:52 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 982.4 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:49 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 226.2 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:47 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 947.3 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:45 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 886.20626030099731 and H= 3.7855546284150448E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 229.0 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:43 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 266.6 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:40 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.799E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 19.219825107488798 and H= 5.4947519227238934E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 76.5 228.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:39 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 956.6 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:37 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 221.6 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:35 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 955.9 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:32 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 221.0 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:30 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 960.3 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:27 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 188.7 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:25 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 988.8 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:23 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 222.3 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:21 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 988.1 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:18 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 230.2 235.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:16 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 986.7 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:13 55.7% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 192.4 231.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:11 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 981.5 1043.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:09 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 223.0 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:07 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 963.9 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:04 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 228.7 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:02 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 266.8 1042.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:28:00 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 63.494769126852468 and H= 2.1563356616628468E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 2 11 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 43.318831593876865 and H= 1.7303785127818324E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 1 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 77.4 240.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:59 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 987.2 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:56 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 234.7 240.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:54 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 954.7 1041.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:51 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 233.7 238.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:49 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 953.2 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:47 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 198.8 236.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:45 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 988.3 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:42 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 31.061387731048750 and H= 5.4636337010843273E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 236.0 241.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:40 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 960.3 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:37 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 231.5 236.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:35 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 959.7 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:33 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 189.5 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:31 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 964.3 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:28 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 223.1 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:26 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 981.6 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:23 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 217.6 222.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:21 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 222.9 1041.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:19 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 636.88734671035400 and H= 5.2671312152826347E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 1 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 48.0 141.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:19 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 881.4 1042.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:17 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 213.9 218.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:14 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 980.6 1041.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:12 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 207.7 211.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:10 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 986.2 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:07 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 167.5 223.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:05 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 751.4 832.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:03 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 219.7 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:27:01 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 950.9 1036.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:58 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 218.9 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:56 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 983.3 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:53 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.750E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 150.1 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:52 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 968.8 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:49 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 231.8 236.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:47 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 969.2 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:44 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/26 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/26 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 227.3 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:42 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.752E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 269.5 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:40 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.754E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 34.723253301582290 and H= 2.8133504038461907E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 5 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 75.5 218.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:39 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 961.6 1054.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:36 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 224.5 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:34 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 955.9 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:32 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 226.6 231.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:30 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 953.6 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:27 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 201.8 238.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:25 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 959.8 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:22 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 223.4 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:20 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 954.4 1041.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:18 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 222.1 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:16 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 986.0 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:13 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.757E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 191.0 227.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:11 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 952.7 1039.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:09 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 222.7 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:06 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 958.3 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:04 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 228.0 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:26:02 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.756E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 263.8 1044.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:59 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.758E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 76.0 223.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:58 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 561.4 1019.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:56 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 181.2 184.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:54 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 959.7 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:51 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 212.4 216.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:49 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 955.5 1043.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:47 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 185.3 216.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:45 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 960.6 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:42 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 226.3 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:40 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 986.6 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:37 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 213.9 218.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:35 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 957.2 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:33 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 187.8 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:31 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 957.0 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:28 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 219.7 224.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:26 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 978.6 1041.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:24 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 229.7 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:22 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.763E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 261.3 1031.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:19 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.766E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 77.2 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:18 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 987.0 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:16 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 219.1 222.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:13 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 985.5 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:11 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 223.5 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:09 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 954.6 1042.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:06 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 192.8 230.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:04 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 957.4 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:02 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 222.6 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:25:00 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 987.4 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:57 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 224.2 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:55 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 986.6 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:52 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 189.8 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:50 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 962.2 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:48 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 214.0 218.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:46 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 986.7 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:43 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 218.8 223.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:41 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 265.3 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:39 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 75.2 217.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:38 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 957.0 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:35 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 215.6 218.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:33 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 952.7 1038.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:31 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 215.3 219.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:28 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 963.2 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:26 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 185.5 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:24 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 984.4 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:21 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 215.9 220.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:19 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 974.2 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:17 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 219.2 223.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:15 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 955.9 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:12 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 190.9 226.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:10 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 866.5 938.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:08 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 228.4 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:05 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 987.3 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:03 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 221.7 226.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:24:01 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 269.7 1037.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:59 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 77.7 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:57 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 977.8 1039.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:55 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 233.3 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:53 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 958.5 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:50 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 230.3 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:48 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 983.9 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:45 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 190.3 234.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:43 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 959.2 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:41 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 230.0 234.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:39 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 984.2 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:36 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 225.8 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:34 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 959.3 1046.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:32 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.785E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 49.060926089083360 and H= 3.4754660165992810E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 3 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 193.9 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:30 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 983.6 1045.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:27 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 229.8 234.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:25 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 986.8 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:22 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 228.7 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:20 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 268.3 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:18 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 76.8 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:17 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 961.8 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:14 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 222.5 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:12 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 959.6 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:10 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 220.0 224.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:08 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 958.4 1042.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:05 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 185.9 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:03 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 988.2 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:23:01 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 222.6 227.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:58 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 957.3 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:56 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 228.8 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:54 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 987.0 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:51 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 196.1 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:49 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 962.4 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:47 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 218.3 222.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:45 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 986.1 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:42 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 229.0 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:40 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 267.1 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:38 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 78.6 240.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:36 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 986.7 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:34 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 232.4 237.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:32 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 987.5 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:29 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 61.277398488726405 and H= 1.9145892456262216E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 4 8 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 61.828465545684487 and H= 1.9051529548798778E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 4 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 235.3 240.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:27 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 987.5 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:25 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 34.047116709147836 and H= 2.8572194806088770E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 4 12 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 198.8 241.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:23 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 962.4 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:20 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 239.2 244.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:18 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 957.5 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:15 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 233.7 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:13 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 960.5 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:11 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 181.2 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:09 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 954.8 1042.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:06 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.9 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:04 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 987.0 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:22:02 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 220.3 224.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:59 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 211.1 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:57 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 57.9 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:56 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 955.3 1043.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:54 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 78.922576524636796 and H= 3.4144420045105179E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 5 14 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 217.0 221.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:52 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 952.6 1039.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:49 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 212.7 216.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:47 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 963.7 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:45 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 183.9 221.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:43 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 966.9 1052.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:40 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 410.91574480743492 and H= 1.2872597174262320E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 5 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 221.5 226.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:38 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 981.7 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:36 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 218.9 223.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:33 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 957.7 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:31 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.789E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 153.3 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:29 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 963.2 1051.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:27 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 232.8 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:24 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 968.0 1057.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:22 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/27 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/27 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 225.2 229.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:20 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.792E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 267.9 1039.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:18 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.2 76.5 230.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:16 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 958.8 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:14 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 226.0 231.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:12 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 961.6 1046.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:09 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 227.1 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:07 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 988.4 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:05 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 202.4 238.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:02 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 949.6 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:21:00 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.3 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:58 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 959.5 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:55 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 224.0 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:53 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 954.3 1042.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:51 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 192.5 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:49 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 989.1 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:46 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 222.0 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:44 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 985.8 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:42 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 228.5 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:39 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 265.3 1034.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:37 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.800E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 70.7 221.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:36 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 539.2 578.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:34 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 198.5 202.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:31 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 955.7 1044.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:29 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 210.8 215.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:27 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 961.6 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:24 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 159.5 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:22 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 986.1 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:20 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 225.9 230.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:18 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 990.5 1053.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:15 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 217.0 221.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:13 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 963.4 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:11 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.4 192.5 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:09 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 954.6 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:06 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 218.9 223.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:04 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 963.1 1051.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:02 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.5 227.6 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:20:00 55.5% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.3 70.6 115.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:58 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 39.8 226.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:58 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 966.7 1062.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:55 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 185.9 214.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:53 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 187.1 245.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:51 55.9% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 142.6 153.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:49 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 962.5 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:47 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 194.8 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:45 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 951.4 1038.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:42 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 222.1 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:40 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 987.4 1050.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:38 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 223.4 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:35 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 792.6 851.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:33 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 191.3 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:31 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 943.8 1041.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:28 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 213.5 217.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:26 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 961.8 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:24 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 219.8 224.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:22 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 263.0 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:20 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 74.8 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:18 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 956.4 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:16 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 212.2 216.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:13 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 955.9 1043.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:11 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 215.4 219.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:09 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 959.0 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:06 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 9.4428623349414469 and H= 6.5128026541748057E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 4 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 30.416574155469210 and H= 6.3188486351919669E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 5 9 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 51.2 55.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:05 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 132.9 137.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:04 55.8% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 121.3 124.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:19:02 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 366.9 384.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:59 55.9% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 215.7 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:57 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 574.3 632.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:55 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 79.9 209.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:53 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 373.3 403.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:51 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 170.0 176.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:49 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 800.7 892.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:47 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 140.8 142.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:45 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 266.3 1039.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:42 55.6% : 51.5% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 75.3 223.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:41 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 977.9 1040.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:38 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 19.346633858404299 and H= 8.1032579202549396E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 5 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 234.9 240.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:36 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 954.2 1040.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:34 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1086.0456344315858 and H= 9.0827065546670038E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 2 2 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 231.0 235.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:32 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 959.5 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:29 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 192.0 235.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:27 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 984.6 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:25 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 231.2 236.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:22 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 982.7 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:20 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 228.5 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:18 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 954.0 1041.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:15 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 200.9 235.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:13 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 963.0 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:11 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 228.6 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:09 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 961.7 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:06 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 228.9 233.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:04 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 263.6 1042.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:02 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 77.1 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:18:00 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 988.3 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:58 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 220.2 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:56 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 962.0 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:53 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 216.9 221.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:51 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 979.1 1041.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:49 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 190.1 224.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:47 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 987.8 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:44 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 226.2 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:42 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 956.5 1044.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:40 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 230.5 235.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:37 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 980.8 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:35 55.5% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 196.2 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:33 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 961.9 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:30 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 225.8 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:28 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 952.8 1041.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:26 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 230.2 235.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:24 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 268.1 1036.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:21 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.803E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 79.3 240.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:20 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 988.8 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:17 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1003.5110051644175 and H= 5.1277707729913568E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 4 13 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 232.2 236.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:15 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 962.1 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:13 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 234.2 239.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:11 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 989.3 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:08 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 106.54759402599119 and H= 2.5149033237920319E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 5 20 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 192.8 239.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:06 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 960.8 1045.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:04 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 240.1 245.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:17:01 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 985.9 1048.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:59 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 235.9 241.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:57 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 989.5 1052.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:54 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 184.1 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:52 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 966.4 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:50 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 223.5 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:48 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 980.6 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:45 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 219.5 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:43 55.6% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 213.9 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:41 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 77.543861595334477 and H= 1.6710170855479691E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 3 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 57.9 197.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:40 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 963.4 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:37 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 852.13705829573007 and H= 3.4880721387433329E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 2 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 214.6 219.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:35 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 957.7 1040.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:33 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 211.0 215.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:31 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 986.5 1049.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:28 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 185.8 216.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:26 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 955.4 1043.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:24 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 221.4 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:21 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 986.9 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:19 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 217.0 221.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:17 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 958.1 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:15 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.777E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 138.9 228.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:13 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 971.9 1058.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:10 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 233.5 238.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:08 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 968.9 1054.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:06 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/28 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/28 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 223.8 228.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:03 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 266.5 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:01 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 72.889707201643986 and H= 5.2346302789935973E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 6 8 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 75.4 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:16:00 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 973.6 1041.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:57 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 228.2 233.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:55 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 953.6 1041.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:53 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 227.2 231.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:50 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 960.5 1045.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:48 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 200.5 237.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:46 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 962.4 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:43 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 225.8 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:41 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 989.0 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:39 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 224.2 229.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:37 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 957.6 1042.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:34 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 193.6 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:32 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 964.1 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:30 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 223.8 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:28 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 963.4 1051.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:25 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 227.7 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:23 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 264.0 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:21 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 76.2 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:19 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 990.5 1053.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:17 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 214.7 219.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:15 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 957.7 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:12 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 208.0 212.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:10 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 957.3 1045.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:08 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 185.2 215.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:05 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 963.0 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:03 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 293.45276710373673 and H= 1.9260273146221196E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 13 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 228.3 232.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:15:01 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 988.0 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:59 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 214.0 218.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:56 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 962.7 1047.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:54 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 191.7 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:52 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 962.4 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:49 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 220.6 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:47 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 428.2 495.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:45 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 227.8 232.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:43 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 265.1 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:41 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.798E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 77.0 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:39 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 990.0 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:37 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 219.0 223.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:34 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 966.9 1052.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:32 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 224.7 229.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:30 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 986.1 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:27 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 199.8 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:25 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 982.6 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:23 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 225.0 229.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:21 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 961.9 1050.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:18 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 225.7 230.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:16 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 985.4 1047.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:14 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.805E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 186.9 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:12 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 957.0 1046.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:09 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 215.5 220.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:07 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 989.2 1051.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:05 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 221.2 226.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:03 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 268.8 1043.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:14:00 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.808E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 74.7 216.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:59 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 965.7 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:56 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 211.2 215.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:54 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 981.1 1043.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:52 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 210.9 215.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:50 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 964.0 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:47 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 182.4 217.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:45 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 956.0 1044.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:43 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 214.1 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:40 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 976.0 1037.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:38 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 215.0 219.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:36 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 987.3 1050.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:34 55.5% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 191.6 223.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:31 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 987.1 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:29 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 220.7 224.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:27 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 985.1 1047.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:25 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 214.6 219.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:22 55.6% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.814E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 264.8 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:20 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.815E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 76.8 220.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:18 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 958.0 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:16 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 232.6 237.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:14 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 958.9 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:11 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1113.3497375656141 and H= 6.9952103748642667E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 3 6 13 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 229.0 234.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:09 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 986.1 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:07 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 168.5 198.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:05 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 963.4 1052.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:02 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 228.7 233.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:13:00 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 989.7 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:58 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 227.5 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:56 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 962.1 1044.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:53 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.818E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 195.3 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:51 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 991.0 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:49 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 225.8 230.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:47 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 986.9 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:44 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 227.2 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:42 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 267.8 1043.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:40 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.819E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 75.3 224.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:38 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 733.3 801.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:36 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 208.2 213.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:34 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 988.9 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:31 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 216.7 220.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:29 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 955.8 1043.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:27 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.822E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 189.8 220.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:25 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 963.3 1050.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:22 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 219.6 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:20 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 959.3 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:18 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 223.5 228.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:15 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 980.8 1042.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:13 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 185.0 231.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:11 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 967.2 1056.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:09 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 227.3 232.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:06 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 957.5 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:04 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 231.4 236.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:02 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 269.5 1039.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:12:00 55.6% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.823E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 78.3 238.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:58 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 961.2 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:56 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 873.93724675903104 and H= 3.5284336266435813E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 226.8 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:53 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 988.9 1051.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:51 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 232.1 237.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:49 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 989.5 1052.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:46 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 197.4 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:44 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 985.3 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:42 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 235.1 240.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:40 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 962.3 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:37 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 230.9 236.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:35 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 986.7 1049.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:33 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.825E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 673.25219151035469 and H= 4.2848233002559603E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 2 10 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 189.7 228.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:31 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 957.7 1051.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:28 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 220.7 225.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:26 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 984.4 1045.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:24 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 27.374791336882378 and H= 9.9994031248219787E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 6 3 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 218.8 223.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:22 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.826E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 198.4 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:20 55.7% : 52.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 54.2 173.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:18 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 918.4 1053.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:16 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 960.73751964866210 and H= 1.7135068227567234E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 1 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 214.8 219.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:13 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 962.0 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:11 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1121.7457627981335 and H= 2.7918841992328319E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 1 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 213.2 217.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:09 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 986.7 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:07 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 142.9 190.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:04 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 949.5 1033.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:02 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 221.9 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:11:00 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 975.2 1043.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:58 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 215.2 219.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:55 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 548.9 612.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:53 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 775.93901176758368 and H= 3.3819812860683583E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 1 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 97.1 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:51 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 467.1 486.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:49 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 1070.8316421689910 and H= 5.9050229040875282E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 1 19 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 232.8 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:47 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 987.7 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:44 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/29 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/29 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 223.6 228.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:42 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 271.3 1043.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:40 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.788E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 76.4 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:38 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 957.2 1045.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:36 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 228.7 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:34 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 960.2 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:31 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 542.36614838188336 and H= 4.4762166251283540E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 1 18 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 226.6 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:29 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 950.1 1035.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:27 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 197.7 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:25 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 991.3 1054.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:22 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 223.5 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:20 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.795E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 652.3 843.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:18 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 113.44957851913057 and H= 6.3606697770044592E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 2 7 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 223.5 228.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:15 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 976.8 1038.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:13 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 193.4 229.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:11 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 959.6 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:09 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 225.3 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:06 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 971.8 1054.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:04 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.773E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 225.1 229.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:02 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 260.7 1034.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:10:00 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.776E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 55.4 207.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:58 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 923.2 996.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:56 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 215.7 219.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:54 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 954.8 1042.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:51 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 201.4 205.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:49 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 982.5 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:47 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 185.4 216.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:45 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 987.7 1049.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:42 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 227.0 232.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:40 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 959.2 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:38 55.9% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 212.6 217.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:36 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 961.1 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:33 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 189.3 223.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:31 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 953.2 1041.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:29 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 224.7 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:27 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 989.1 1051.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:24 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 228.7 233.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:22 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 263.0 1044.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:20 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 76.7 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:18 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 975.8 1041.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:16 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 220.9 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:13 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 959.1 1047.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:11 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 223.4 228.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:09 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 960.1 1050.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:07 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 197.8 232.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:04 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 988.8 1051.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:02 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 223.1 227.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:09:00 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 984.2 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:58 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 224.9 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:55 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 984.2 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:53 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 192.7 225.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:51 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 962.4 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:49 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 216.9 221.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:46 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 959.2 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:44 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 221.5 226.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:42 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.791E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 267.6 1038.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:40 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 73.7 208.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:38 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 985.2 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:35 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 210.2 214.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:33 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 984.0 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:31 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 213.0 217.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:29 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 978.9 1039.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:26 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 188.5 220.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:24 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 964.2 1053.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:22 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 216.2 220.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:20 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 955.3 1041.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:17 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 218.3 223.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:15 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 985.2 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:13 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 193.4 227.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:11 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 957.5 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:08 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 225.4 230.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:06 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 962.1 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:04 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 222.5 227.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:02 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.770E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 269.3 1039.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:08:00 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.771E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.8 76.6 227.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:58 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 960.4 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:55 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 852.96319000321057 and H= 4.0179367621582317E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 4 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 235.0 240.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:53 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 961.7 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:51 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 231.8 237.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:49 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 963.1 1052.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:46 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 198.0 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:44 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 960.2 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:42 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 230.0 235.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:40 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 959.1 1047.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:37 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 230.7 235.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:35 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 963.1 1047.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:33 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.774E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 184.7 234.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:31 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 990.8 1053.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:28 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 228.3 233.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:26 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 962.8 1050.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:24 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 227.4 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:22 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 266.7 1043.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:19 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.775E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 76.9 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:17 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 955.1 1041.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:15 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 220.5 225.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:13 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 988.7 1049.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:11 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 217.8 222.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:08 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 951.8 1038.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:06 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.778E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 185.6 218.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:04 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 968.0 1054.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:07:02 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 218.7 223.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:59 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.1 980.3 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:57 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 270.0 95.2 124.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:55 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.9 110.3 161.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:53 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 62.2 224.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:51 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 948.0 1016.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:49 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 227.2 233.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:47 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 897.9 981.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:44 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 38.862495203977353 and H= 9.9876135804681376E-015 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 232.9 237.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:42 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 152.6 529.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:40 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.781E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 75.4 236.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:38 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 978.9 1040.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:36 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.5 230.0 234.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:33 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 960.0 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:31 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 233.4 238.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:29 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 913.1 992.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:27 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 177.0 234.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:25 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 966.9 1052.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:22 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.6 240.1 245.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:20 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.7 955.2 1043.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:18 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 51.3 57.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:16 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 105.6 117.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:14 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.783E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 104.1 139.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:12 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 578.4 623.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:09 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 165.1 169.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:07 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 603.6 677.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:05 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 95.1 96.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:03 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.784E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 129.3 650.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:06:01 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.790E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.8 57.5 217.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:59 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 963.6 1053.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:57 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 214.6 219.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:54 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 957.3 1044.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:52 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 684.55629328951102 and H= 4.8772744861332584E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 3 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 212.6 217.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:50 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 958.6 1050.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:48 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 174.8 218.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:45 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 891.7 966.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:43 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.829E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 222.1 226.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:41 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.829E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 990.4 1052.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:39 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.829E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 863.07531105044075 and H= 2.9175077418674695E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 6 18 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 219.5 224.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:36 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.829E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 982.4 1045.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:34 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.829E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 152.4 232.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:32 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 994.4 1055.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:30 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 233.0 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:27 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 970.6 1057.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:25 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/30 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/30 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 226.7 231.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:23 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.832E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 269.6 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:21 55.8% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.833E+05 0.000E+00 HEMCO (VOLCANO): Opening /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/HEMCO/VOLCANO/v2021-09/so2_volcanic_emissions_CARN_v202005.degassing_only.rc - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 00:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 00:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 75.3 209.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:19 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 00:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 982.8 1049.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:16 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 00:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 00:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 224.4 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:14 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 00:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 965.1 1053.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:12 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 00:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 00:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 227.1 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:10 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 01:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 955.2 1042.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:07 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 01:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 01:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 185.5 234.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:05 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 01:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 960.4 1049.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:03 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 01:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 01:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 227.7 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:05:01 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 01:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 961.7 1049.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:58 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 919.39796631493255 and H= 5.2731551223194729E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 2 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 01:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 01:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 225.1 229.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:56 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 02:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 981.7 1043.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:54 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 02:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 02:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 193.5 226.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:52 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 02:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 960.4 1048.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:49 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 02:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 02:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 223.6 228.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:47 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 02:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 962.2 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:45 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 02:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 02:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 225.4 230.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:43 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 03:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 269.0 1044.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:40 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.804E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 03:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 03:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.9 74.7 222.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:38 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 03:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 961.2 1048.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:36 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 03:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 03:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 216.1 220.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:34 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 03:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 979.0 1042.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:32 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 03:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 03:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 206.3 210.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:29 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 04:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 985.6 1049.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:27 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 60.456599194624189 and H= 2.2515950357321936E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 5 4 5 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 04:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 04:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 185.7 218.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:25 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 04:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 952.0 1039.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:23 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 04:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 04:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 225.9 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:20 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 04:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 983.7 1046.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:18 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 04:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 04:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 212.7 217.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:16 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 05:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 959.7 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:14 55.7% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.809E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 05:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 05:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 187.5 223.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:11 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 05:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 988.2 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:09 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 05:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 05:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 222.2 227.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:07 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 05:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 956.7 1044.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:05 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 05:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 05:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 225.5 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:02 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.810E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 06:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 268.0 1044.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:04:00 55.7% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.813E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 06:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 06:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 74.4 215.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:58 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 06:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 571.5 604.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:56 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 06:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 06:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 188.9 194.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:54 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 06:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 955.9 1044.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:51 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 34.417790878097712 and H= 2.2620885010082527E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 6 3 4 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 06:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 06:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 225.1 230.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:49 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 07:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 961.4 1048.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:47 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 07:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 07:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 195.8 231.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:45 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 07:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 987.2 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:42 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 07:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 07:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 219.7 224.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:40 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 07:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 963.0 1052.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:38 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 07:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 07:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 220.4 225.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:36 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 08:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 952.4 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:34 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.793E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 08:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 08:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 188.9 224.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:31 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 08:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 981.7 1043.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:29 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 08:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 08:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 221.2 225.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:27 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 08:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 962.5 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:25 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 08:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 08:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 221.8 226.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:22 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 09:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 264.4 1037.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:20 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.796E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 09:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 09:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.0 75.6 215.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:18 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 09:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 961.8 1055.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:16 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 09:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 09:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 204.7 208.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:14 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 09:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 958.8 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:11 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 09:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 09:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 213.3 217.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:09 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 10:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 958.9 1047.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:07 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 10:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 10:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 165.2 218.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:05 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 10:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 958.9 1047.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:02 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 10:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 10:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 224.2 228.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:03:00 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 10:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 977.7 1039.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:58 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 10:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 10:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 221.3 226.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:56 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 11:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 955.7 1043.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:53 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.801E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 11:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 11:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 195.0 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:51 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 11:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 958.5 1046.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:49 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 11:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 11:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 227.0 231.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:47 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 11:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 986.5 1048.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:44 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 11:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 11:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 222.1 226.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:42 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 12:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 265.8 1050.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:40 55.7% : 51.6% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.802E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 12:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 12:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 76.9 226.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:38 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 12:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 951.6 1039.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:36 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 12:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 12:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 234.6 239.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:33 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 12:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 963.6 1048.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:31 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 12:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 12:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 232.5 237.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:29 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 13:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 979.5 1041.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:27 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 13:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 13:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 198.6 232.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:24 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 13:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 958.1 1045.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:22 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 13:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 13:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 232.1 237.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:20 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 13:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 987.4 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:18 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 13:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 13:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 231.0 236.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:15 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 14:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 960.1 1047.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:13 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 14:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 14:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 199.4 236.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:11 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 14:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 986.8 1048.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:09 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 14:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 14:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 224.4 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:06 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 14:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 977.9 1038.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:04 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 14:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 14:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 224.5 229.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:02 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.806E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 15:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 188.4 428.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:02:00 55.7% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.807E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 15:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 15:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 75.8 227.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:58 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 15:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 960.0 1048.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:55 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 15:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 15:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 221.1 225.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:53 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 15:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 984.3 1046.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:51 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 15:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 15:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 217.8 222.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:49 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 16:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 960.9 1049.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:46 55.8% : 51.7% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 16:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 16:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 189.5 220.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:44 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 16:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 961.7 1046.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:42 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 16:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 16:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 224.3 229.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:40 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 16:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 985.6 1048.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:38 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 16:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 16:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 227.7 232.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:35 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 17:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 989.2 1051.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:33 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.811E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 395.39392022413796 and H= 1.4962245528006306E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 2 21 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 17:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 17:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 196.8 232.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:31 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.812E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 17:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 987.5 1050.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:29 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.812E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 306.92619200128678 and H= 9.0792254698232117E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 17:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 17:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 227.4 232.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:26 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.812E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 17:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 959.7 1047.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:24 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.812E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 939.95168512842952 and H= 2.1339342545888584E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 15 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 17:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 17:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 233.7 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:22 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.812E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 18:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 257.5 970.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:20 55.8% : 51.8% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.812E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 18:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 18:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.1 55.4 193.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:18 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 18:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 957.9 1050.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:15 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 487.03533515329241 and H= 1.0744618554276379E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 18:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 18:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 231.4 236.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:13 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 18:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 979.6 1042.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:11 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 18:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 18:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 232.9 237.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:09 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 19:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 966.1 1041.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:06 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.786E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 19:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 19:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 199.9 235.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:04 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 19:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 986.4 1048.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:02 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 19:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 19:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 236.9 241.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:01:00 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 19:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 963.0 1051.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:57 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 19:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 19:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 234.2 239.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:55 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 20:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 984.6 1046.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:53 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 745.10348666518667 and H= 4.9075103430775613E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 2 1 11 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 20:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 20:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 197.0 233.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:51 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 20:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 979.7 1041.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:49 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 20:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 20:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 225.9 230.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:46 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 20:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 984.6 1047.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:44 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 746.06110484363433 and H= 3.5791673803693234E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 20:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 20:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 224.1 228.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:42 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.787E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 21:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.4 213.3 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:40 55.9% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.794E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 914.12504118425863 and H= 4.5446205371795687E-013 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 1 6 17 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 21:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 21:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 59.5 205.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:37 56.0% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 21:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 984.9 1054.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:35 56.0% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 21:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 21:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 215.3 219.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:33 56.0% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 21:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 968.9 1054.3 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:31 56.0% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 21:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 21:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 213.1 217.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:28 56.0% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 22:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 957.5 1044.9 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:26 56.0% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error: --> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T or H < Roundoff T= 53.471225558233989 and H= 2.8149394689754938E-014 ### INTEGRATE RETURNED ERROR AT: 4 5 6 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 22:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 22:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 149.6 216.7 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:24 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 22:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 980.8 1044.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:22 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.780E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 22:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 22:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 217.5 222.0 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:20 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 22:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 956.7 1044.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:17 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 22:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 22:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 182.5 224.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:15 56.2% : 52.0% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 23:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 417.1 566.6 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:13 56.2% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.779E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 23:00 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 23:10:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 116.2 234.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:11 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 23:20:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 966.7 1052.8 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:08 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 23:20 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 23:30:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.2 233.3 238.1 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:06 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 23:40:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 956.7 1045.4 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:04 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 - DO_LINEAR_CHEM: Linearized chemistry at 2019/07/31 23:40 - LINOZ_CHEM3: Doing LINOZ AGCM Date: 2019/07/31 Time: 23:50:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 269.3 227.7 232.2 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:02 56.1% : 51.9% Mem Comm:Used Mem/Swap Used (MB) at MAPL_Cap:TimeLoop= 1.782E+05 0.000E+00 Writing: 1368 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.AerosolMass.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 7200 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Aerosols.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 3109 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Budget.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 326 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.DryDep.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 10506 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Emissions.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 10296 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.JValues.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 4 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.Metrics.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 22464 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.SpeciesConc.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 2353 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.StateMet.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 21168 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossConv.20190701_0000z.nc4 Writing: 10584 Slices to File: OutputDir/GEOSChem.WetLossLS.20190701_0000z.nc4 AGCM Date: 2019/08/01 Time: 00:00:00 Throughput(days/day)[Avg Tot Run]: 268.8 32.8 1046.5 TimeRemaining(Est) 000:00:00 56.2% : 52.2% Mem Comm:Used Times for component Min Mean Max PE # cycles ============================ ============================ ============================ ============= ======== Name % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive % inclusive exclusive max min ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------ ------ GCHPctmEnv | 0.04 28.71 0.01 | 0.04 29.12 0.01 | 0.05 29.44 0.01 | 00060 00078 | 8931 --SetService | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.04 0.01 0.01 | 00000 00054 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00017 00049 | 1 --Initialize | 0.00 0.01 0.00 | 0.00 0.01 0.00 | 0.01 0.04 0.00 | 00045 00073 | 1 ----generic | 0.03 0.01 0.01 | 0.03 0.01 0.01 | 0.03 0.01 0.01 | 00044 00000 | 1 ----INITIALIZE | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.11 0.03 0.03 | 00000 00086 | 1 --Record | 0.02 0.01 0.01 | 0.03 0.02 0.01 | 0.03 0.02 0.01 | 00046 00086 | 4464 ----generic | 0.01 0.00 0.00 | 0.03 0.01 0.01 | 0.05 0.02 0.02 | 00058 00043 | 4464 --Run | 0.03 28.66 0.01 | 0.03 29.08 0.01 | 0.04 29.40 0.01 | 00023 00057 | 4464 ----GenRunMine | 0.17 28.66 0.05 | 0.18 29.07 0.05 | 0.20 29.39 0.06 | 00001 00038 | 4464 ------RUN | 99.70 28.60 28.60 | 99.65 29.02 29.02 | 99.45 29.33 29.33 | 00052 00089 | 4464 --Finalize | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00055 00094 | 1 ----generic | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 | 00003 00033 | 1 HEMCO::Finalize... OK. Chem::State_Chm Finalize... OK.