The scripts in this directory were used to create GCHP restart files from GEOS-Chem Classic restart files. Bash script regrids a GEOS-Chem Classic restart file to 5 cubed sphere resolutions: c24, c48, c90, c180, and c360. It also pre-processes the GEOS-Chem Classic data to remove extraneous variables and renames those remaining using python script GCHP restart generation scripts require csregridtool which can be downloaded from: They also require a python environment loaded. Steps to reproduce GCHP restart file generation: 1. clone csregridtool in a location with lots of memory available 2. cd csregridtool 3. set symbolic link regrid.env to an environment file that loads fortran compiler, netcdf libraries, and nco 4. source regrid.env 5. make clean 6. make 7. Copy files to csregridtool: a. GEOS-Chem Classic restart file into csregridtool b. and c. 8. load a python environment if python not available locally 8. run, passing two arguments: a. GEOS-Chem Classic restart filename b. GCHP restart filename prefix (will append .c{res}.nc4) For example: ./ GEOSChem.Restart.TransportTracers.20170101_0000z.nc4 GCHP.Restart.TransportTracers.20170101_0000z ~Lizzie Lundgren, 8/28/2020