README -- Contents of biofuel_200202/ Bob Yantosca 12 Mar 2002 Files: ------ biofuel.generic.4x5 : Yearly biofuel emissions of ACET, ALD2, ALK4, C2H6, C3H6, C3H8, CH2O, CO, MEK, NOX, GEOS-CHEM 4 x 5 grid File is in binary punch format. Source: ------- Biofuel emissions were created with the IDL program: ~bmy/IDL/regrid/ using the raw data files (ASCII format): ACETemiss.biofuels.gz [kg ACET/yr] ALD2emiss.biofuels.gz [ kg C/yr] ALK4emiss.biofuels.gz [ kg C/yr] C2H6emiss.biofuels.gz [kg C2H6/yr] C3H6emiss.biofuels.gz [ kg C/yr] C3H8emiss.biofuels.gz [kg C3H8/yr] CH2Oemiss.biofuels.gz [kg CH2O/yr] COemiss.biofuels.gz [ kg CO/yr] MEKemiss.biofuels.gz [ kg C/yr] NMHCemiss.biofuels.gz [kg NHMC/yr] NOxemiss.biofuels.gz [ kg NO/yr] stored in the directory: ~bmy/archive/data/biofuel_200202/raw/kg_yr Notes: ------ (1) Units of biofuel emissions are kg/yr (for NOx, CO, CH2O), and kg C/yr (for all other species). (2) Biofuel emissions are read into GEOS-CHEM by routine "biofuel_burn" of F90 module "biofuel_mod.f". (3) The biofuel_200202/ emissions files were created to fix a bug with the files in the biomass_200104/ directory. In biomass_200104/, ACET, C2H6, and C3H8 needed to be converted from [kg/yr] to [kg C/yr] but weren't. In biomass_200202/, all hydrocarbons (except CH2O) are in [kg C/yr].