File list: =============================================================================== CFPP_NEI2005_NPRI2005_Hg2.geos.4x5.2005 : Hg2 emission from coal fired power plants in US and Canada in 2005. NEI2005_NPRI2005_Hg0.geos5.4x5.2005: NEI2005_NPRI2005_Hg2.geos5.4x5.2005: NEI2005_NPRI2005_HgP.geos5.4x5.2005: NEI2005_NPRI2005_NewSpeciation_Hg0.geos5.4x5.2005: NEI2005_NPRI2005_NewSpeciation_Hg2.geos5.4x5.2005: NEI2005_NPRI2005_NewSpeciation_HgP.geos5.4x5.2005: GEIA 2005 global emission inventories (4x5) with NEI2005 and NPRI2005 emission inventories embedded. Note, we don't care the emission values outside the North American model domain in this set of files. Because we first read a global emission inventory, then we update the emission in the North American domain. soilhg.preind.v9-02c.geos5.4x5: soilhg.presentday.v9-02c.geos5.4x5: Soil Hg distribution files for GEOS-Chem v9-02. These files were produced by Yanxu Zhang ( References: =============================================================================== Zhang, Y., Jaegle, L., et al., Nested-grid simulation of mercury over North America, in preparation. NOTE: Symbolic links with the grid name "merra" have been made to each of these files. This will prevent GEOS-Chem from dying when the 4x5 Hg simulation is used with the MERRA met fields. (bmy, 2/26/14)