README -- describes the contents of CH4/v2023-04/ResME Overview: =============================================================================== This directory contains methane emissions data from hydroelectris reservoir surfaces and dams, as estimated with the ResME ([Res]ervoir [M]ethane [E]missions) model of Delwiche et al. (2022). Emissions estimates for hydroelecric reservoirs in the GRanD database (Lehner et al., 2011) were obtained from and converted to gridded netCDF files in ArcMap. The emissions here represent an average between oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic systems. From Delwiche et al. (2022): Trophic status is a categorization reflecting the amount of biological productivity occurring in a water body. Trophic status is reported in the literature as oligotrophic (low productivity), mesotrophic (medium productivity), or eutrophic (high productiv-ity).... We therefore assume annual emissions are the average emissions between oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic systems. The emissions provided here also assume the reservoirs are stratified 12 months of the year year. Delwiche et al. (2022) states found it better to assume stratification for 5 months out of the year, but since that 5 months would vary by reservoir we chose to distribute emissions evenly throughout the year. Files: =============================================================================== -- CH4 emissions downstream of hydroelectric dams For all files: Resolution : GENERIC 0.1 x 0.1 grid (3600 x 1800 boxes) Units : kg m-2 s-1 Timestamps : 2022 Compression : Level 1 (e.g. nccopy -d1) Chunking : nccopy -c lon/3600,lat/1800,time/1 -- CH4 surface ebullitive and diffusive emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs For all files: Resolution : GENERIC 0.1 x 0.1 grid (3600 x 1800 boxes) Units : kg m-2 s-1 Timestamps : 2022 Compression : Level 1 (e.g. nccopy -d1) Chunking : nccopy -c lon/3600,lat/1800,time/1 Reference: =============================================================================== Delwiche, K.B., J.A. Harrison, J.D. Maasakkers, M.P. Sulprizio, J. Worden, D.J. Jacob, and E.M. Sunderland, Estimating drivers and pathways for hydroelectric reservoir methane emissions using a new mechanistic model, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosciences,127, e2022JG006908, 2022,