defl41;331;0cREADME -- Describes contents of HEMCO/GT_Chlorine directory 02 May 2024 GEOS-Chem Support Team Overview: =============================================================================== This directory contains the same monthly emission fluxes of global continental chlorine (pCl and HCl) emissions developed by Bingqing Zhang (Georgia Tech) and others. This directory contains data for 2000-2015 but the original data are available for 1960-2014 from See also the original README: 1GT_Chlorine_01_01_V1.0.0_info-1.txt. Files: =============================================================================== -- Emissions of HCl and pCl from various sectors Resolution : GEOS-Chem 0.1 x 0.1 grid (3600 x 1800 boxes) Units : kg m-2 s-1 Timestamp : 1960-2014/01, Monthly Compression : Level 4 (nccopy -d4) Chunking : nccopy -c lon/3600,lat/1800,time/1 References: =============================================================================== (1) Zhang, B., Shen, H., Yun, X., Zhong, Q., Henderson, B. H., Wang, X., Shi, L., Gunthe, S. S., Huey, L. G., Tao, S., Russell, A. G., & Liu, P. (2022). Global Emissions of Hydrogen Chloride and Particulate Chloride from Continental Sources. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(7), 3894-3904. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.1c05634