README -- Describes contents of HEMCO/MEGAN/v2018-05 11 Mar 2019 GEOS-Chem Support Team Overview: =============================================================================== This directory contains one the input files for the HEMCO MEGAN2.1 extension. The original file is in the v2018-05 directory but contained a time unit string incompatible with the MAPL library used in GCHP. The time units must be format 00:00:00, but the file contained 00:00:0.0. Please see the README in v2018-05 for more information about this file. Files: =============================================================================== NOTE: GCST rechunked and compressed the netcdf files after receiving them -- Annual emission factor (AEF) data from the MEGAN 2.1 inventory for the various biogenic hydrocarbon species: ALPHA_PINENE, BETA_PINENE, CARENE, ISOPRENE, LIMONENE, MBO, MYRCENE OCIMENE, SABINENE, ACETONE These files were converted to netCDF from the original bpch files created by Dylan Millet. Resolution : GEOS-Chem 0.25 x 0.3125 grid (1152 x 721 boxes) Units : kg carbon m-2 s-1 Timestamps : 1985/01 Compression : Level 1 (e.g. nccopy -d1) Chunking : nccopy -c lon/1152,lat/721,time/1 References: =============================================================================== Please see this wiki page for references pertaining to the MEGAN emissions: