README -- describes the contents of 28 May 2021 GEOS-Chem Support Team Overview: =============================================================================== This directory includes a netCDF file, which contains scale factors for vertically distributing anthropogenic emissions. The original scale factor values were provided by Barron Henderson (, see email below) as CSV files (also included in this directory). The script used to generate the netCDF file is For now, the netCDF file contains scale factors for the energy, industry, and ship emissions sectors, but may be expanded to other sectors as needed. Original email from Barron Henderson (4/12/21): =============================================================================== Attached are two spreadsheets that have all the fractions. The first [hemi_cmaq_layers.csv] are the vertical allocations for the hemispheric grid. The second [gc_layers.csv] has been converted to GEOS-Chem layers. For each, there are really several categories of allocation: 1. g_* are the sectors used to allocate HTAP-EDGAR v2. These might be most appropriate for GEOS-Chem, since the specificity will more closely match CEDS. 2. The *fire* sectors can be removed since GEOS-Chem will not be using this allocation for them. 3. The g_air* will probably also be ignored unless these are being used from CEDS. 4. The cmv_c3 are for ships, and will probably be useful. Overall, that boils down to g_energy for power sector, g_industry for non-solvent industrial sources, and cmv_c3 for global shipping.