README -- Contents of stratjv_200203/ Bob Yantosca 28 Jan 2008 Files: ------ stratjv.geos1.4x5 : Files containing J-values [s^-1] for the following stratjv.geos3.4x5 : full-chemistry species: PAN, HNO3, H2O2, ACET, MEK, stratjv.geos4.4x5 : ALD2, RCHO, MVK, MACR, R4N2, CH2O, N2O5, HNO4, MP, stratjv.geoss.4x5 : for GEOS-1, GEOS-3, GEOS-4, GEOS-5, and GEOS-STRAT stratjv.geos5.4x5 : 4 x 5 grids. These are needed for the simple stratospheric chemistry mechanism. All files are binary punch format. Source: ------- The data was obtained by running the GEOS-CHEM model at 4 x 5 resolution for GEOS-1 and/or GEOS-STRAT with the SLOW-J photolysis package. J-Values were then saved out to a binary punch file at 4 x 5 resolution. These were then regridded to 2 x 2.5 resolution with the IDL code: ~bmy/IDL/regrid/ The 2 x 2.5 data was then interpolated to 1 x 1 resolution, and also truncated to Yuxuan Wang's window region by the IDL code: ~bmy/IDL/regrid/yxw/ Notes: ------ (1) stratjv.geos*.4x5 are read into GEOS-CHEM by routine "schem.f".