readme_merged_CMDL_042402.txt files created: 4/24/02 by FAIR USE -- The data contained on this site is freely available and we encourage others to use it. Kindly keep us informed of how you are using our data and of any publication plans. Please acknowledge the data source as a citation, or in the acknowledgments if the data have not yet been published. If we feel that we should be offered participation as authors, we will let you know and we assume that an agreement on such matters will be reached prior to publishing the data. If your work directly competes with our analysis we may ask that we have the opportunity to submit a manuscript before you submit one that uses unpublished data. In order to maintain these measurements we periodically need to demonstrate progress to our sponsoring agencies. In addition to informing us of your plans, we kindly request that you help us by providing preprints and updates on publication status. merged data: CMDL flask data merged with in-situ data averaged over filling period. The filling period was used as the last 15% of the time period during which the flask pump was activated (pump switching times from Britt Stephens). An additional lag time was optimized by maximizing the correlation between CO (in situ) and CO (flasks), such that the switch signal was delayed by 4 seconds. name convention: merged_CMDL.csv File contains data for all flights (except 000728a and 000801a) 1 MONTH: month of 2000 2 DAY: day of month 3 GMT: UND data recording time, in seconds since midnight (GMT) 4 CO: CO data (1 hz), corrected for time lag, in ppb 5 PALT_M: pressure altitude, in m 6 PMB: ambient pressure, in mbar 7 TRASP_MS: true air speed, in m/s 8 TAIR_C: air temperature, in deg C 9 TDEW: dew point, in deg C 10 LAT: latitude, in deg 11 LON: longitude, in deg EAST 12 GSPD_MS: ground speed, in m/s 13 HEADING: heading, in deg (north = 0) 14 H2OG_KG: h2o mixing ration, in g/kg 15 THETA: potential temperature, in deg K 16 CO2: CO2, corrected for time lag, in ppm 17 vertwnd: vertical wind speed, in m/s 18 vertvel: vertical speed of aircraft, in m/s 19 uwind: x-component of horizontal wind vector (where the wind blows to, not where it comes from) 20 vwind: y-component of horizontal wind vector (where the wind blows to, not where it comes from) 21 GNDHGT: ground elevation (from digital elevation map), in m 22 GMT_GPS: gps time 23 ALT_GPS: gps altitude, in m above mean sea level 24 PROFIL: counts through vertical profiles (automatically generated) 25 MLHASL_M: mixed layer height (estimated from vertical profiles of theta, h2o, co2 and CO), in m above mean sea level 26 FLEND: End of averaging period, in seconds since midnight (GMT, from UND-TIME) 27 CO2_CMDL: CMDL CO2 data, in ppm 28 CH4_CMDL: CMDL CH4 data, in ppb 29 CO_CMDL: CMDL CO data, in ppb 30 H2_CMDL: CMDL H2 data, in ppb 31 N2O_CMDL: CMDL N2O data, in ppb 32 SF6_CMDL: CMDL SF6 data, in ppt 33 C13_CMDL: CMDL delta C13 data 34 O18_CMDL: CMDL delta O18 data 35 FLSTART: Beginning of averaging period, in seconds since midnight (GMT, from UND-TIME) 36 DCO: Standard error for CO averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 37 DCO2: Standard error for CO2 averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 38 ALPHA: 39 O2_P1: 40 O2_P2: 41 O2_FLOW: 42 CMDL_SW: 43 DPALT_M: Standard error for PALT_M averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 44 DTAIR_C: Standard error for TAIR_C averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 45 DH2OG_KG: Standard error for H2OG_KG averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 46 DUWIND: Standard error for UWIND averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 47 DVWIND: Standard error for VWIND averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 48 DVERTWND: Standard error for VERTWND averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 49 DVERTVEL: Standard error for VERTWND averaged over filling period (error of the mean) 50 FREQU: Number of seconds in averaging period (flask sampling time period)