--23:52:08-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/nx_mosaic_640x480c/SIR/INMSIRCO_.gif => `INMSIRCO_.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 21,536 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... .......... . [100%] 23:52:09 (52.98 KB/s) - `INMSIRCO_.gif' saved [21536/21536] --23:52:09-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/sat_mosaic_640x480c/ei/ISECO_.gif => `ISECO_.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 146,019 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 35%] 50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 70%] 100K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .. [100%] 23:52:10 (206.36 KB/s) - `ISECO_.gif' saved [146019/146019] --23:52:10-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/sat_mosaic_640x480c/rs/ISrCO_.gif => `ISrCO_.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 69,150 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 74%] 50K -> .......... ....... [100%] 23:52:11 (60.73 KB/s) - `ISrCO_.gif' saved [69150/69150] --23:52:11-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/sat_mosaic_640x480c/vis/ISVWC.gif => `ISVWC.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 23,665 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... .......... ... [100%] 23:52:15 (62.46 KB/s) - `ISVWC.gif' saved [23665/23665] --23:52:15-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/sat_mosaic_640x480c/wv/ISWVCWC.gif => `ISWVCWC.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 73,639 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 69%] 50K -> .......... .......... . [100%] 23:52:17 (58.04 KB/s) - `ISWVCWC.gif' saved [73639/73639] --23:52:17-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/nx_mosaic_640x480c/SIR/INMSIRNH_.gif => `INMSIRNH_.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 17,298 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... ...... [100%] 23:52:18 (110.41 KB/s) - `INMSIRNH_.gif' saved [17298/17298] --23:52:18-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/sat_mosaic_640x480c/ei/ISENH_.gif => `ISENH_.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 141,701 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 36%] 50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 72%] 100K -> .......... .......... .......... ........ [100%] 23:52:19 (175.16 KB/s) - `ISENH_.gif' saved [141701/141701] --23:52:19-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/sat_mosaic_640x480c/rs/ISrNH_.gif => `ISrNH_.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 92,191 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 55%] 50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... [100%] 23:52:20 (163.99 KB/s) - `ISrNH_.gif' saved [92191/92191] --23:52:20-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/sat_mosaic_640x480c/vis/ISVNE.gif => `ISVNE.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 11,405 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... . [100%] 23:52:20 (82.50 KB/s) - `ISVNE.gif' saved [11405/11405] --23:52:21-- http://sirocco.accuweather.com:80/sat_mosaic_640x480c/wv/ISWVCNE.gif => `ISWVCNE.gif' Connecting to sirocco.accuweather.com:80... connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 87,481 [image/gif] 0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 58%] 50K -> .......... .......... .......... ..... [100%] 23:52:21 (188.59 KB/s) - `ISWVCNE.gif' saved [87481/87481]