#!/usr/bin/env python """ run_1yr_fullchem_benchmark.py: Driver script for creating benchmark plots and testing gcpy 1-year full-chemistry benchmark capability. Run this script to generate benchmark comparisons between: (1) GCC (aka GEOS-Chem "Classic") vs. GCC (2) GCHP vs GCC (3) GCHP vs GCHP You can customize this by editing the following settings in the "Configurables" section below: (1) Edit the path variables so that they point to folders w/ model data (2) Edit the version strings for each benchmark simulation (3) Edit the switches that turn on/off creating of plots and tables (4) If necessary, edit labels for the dev and ref versions Calling sequence: ./run_1yr_fullchem_benchmark.py To test gcpy, copy this script anywhere you want to run the test and set gcpy_test to True at the top of the script. Benchmark artifacts will be created locally in new folder called Plots. Remarks: By default, matplotlib will try to open an X window for plotting. If you are running this script in an environment where you do not have an active X display (such as in a computational queue), then you will need to use these commands to disable the X-window functionality. import os os.environ["QT_QPA_PLATFORM"]="offscreen" For more information, please see this issue posted at the ipython site: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10627 This issue might be fixed in matplotlib 3.0. """ # ===================================================================== # Imports and global settings (you should not need to edit these) # ===================================================================== import os from os.path import join import warnings from calendar import monthrange import numpy as np import xarray as xr from gcpy import benchmark as bmk from gcpy.util import get_filepath, get_filepaths, get_area_from_dataset import gcpy.ste_flux as ste import gcpy.oh_metrics as oh import gcpy.mean_oh_from_logs as moh # NOTE: to be removed after 13.0.0 from joblib import Parallel, delayed, cpu_count, parallel_backend # Tell matplotlib not to look for an X-window os.environ["QT_QPA_PLATFORM"]="offscreen" # Suppress annoying warning messages warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) # This script has a fixed benchmark type bmk_type = "FullChemBenchmark" bmk_year_ref = '2019' bmk_year_dev = '2019' bmk_mon_strs = ["Jan", "Apr", "Jul", "Oct"] bmk_mon_inds = [0, 3, 6, 9] bmk_n_months = len(bmk_mon_strs) ######################################################################## ### CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS: ***EDIT AS NEEDED *** ### ######################################################################## # ===================================================================== # Benchmark information # Note: When doing GCHP vs GCC comparisions gchp_dev will be compared # to gcc_dev (not gcc_ref!). # ===================================================================== # High-level directory containing subdirectories with data refmaindir = "/n/holyscratch01/jacob_lab/msulprizio/GC/benchmarks/1yr/13.0.0-beta.1/GCC/FullChem" devmaindir = "/n/holyscratch01/jacob_lab/msulprizio/GC/benchmarks/10yr/GCC_13.0.0" maindir = "/n/holyscratch01/jacob_lab/msulprizio/GC/benchmarks" # Version strings # NOTE: these will be used in some filenames and so should not have spaces # or other characters not appropriate for a filename. gcc_ref_version = "GCC_13.0.0-beta.1" gcc_dev_version = "GCC_13.0.0" gchp_ref_version = "GCHP_ref" gchp_dev_version = "GCHP_dev" # Name to be used for directory of output from this script results_dir = "BenchmarkResults" # Path to regridding weights weightsdir = "/n/holylfs/EXTERNAL_REPOS/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/gcdata/ExtData/GCHP/RegriddingWeights" # Path to species_databse.yml spcdb_dir = devmaindir # GCHP initial restart resolution (for mass tables) gchp_ref_res = 'c48' gchp_dev_res = 'c48' # Kludge: Set switches that will pick the proper StateMet collection # for GCHP. Versions prior to 13.0.0 used StateMet_avg. gchp_ref_prior_to_13 = False gchp_dev_prior_to_13 = False # ===================================================================== # Specify if this is a gcpy test validation run # ===================================================================== gcpy_test = False # ===================================================================== # Comparisons to run # ===================================================================== gcc_vs_gcc = True gchp_vs_gcc = False gchp_vs_gchp = False # GCHP vs GCC diff of diffs not included in 1-yr full chemistry benchmark # ===================================================================== # Output to generate (plots/tables will be created in this order): # ===================================================================== plot_conc = True plot_emis = True emis_table = True plot_jvalues = True plot_aod = True mass_table = True ops_budget_table = True aer_budget_table = True ste_table = True # GCC only OH_metrics = True # Plot concentrations and emissions by category? plot_by_spc_cat = True plot_by_hco_cat = True # ===================================================================== # Data directories # For gchp_vs_gcc_refdir use gcc_dev_version, not ref (mps, 6/27/19) # ===================================================================== # Diagnostics file directory paths gcc_vs_gcc_refdir = join(refmaindir, "OutputDir") gcc_vs_gcc_devdir = join(devmaindir, "OutputDir") gchp_vs_gcc_refdir = join(maindir, "OutputDir") gchp_vs_gcc_devdir = join(maindir, "OutputDir") gchp_vs_gchp_refdir = join(maindir, "OutputDir") gchp_vs_gchp_devdir = join(maindir, "OutputDir") # Restart file directory paths gcc_vs_gcc_refrstdir = join(refmaindir, "restarts") gcc_vs_gcc_devrstdir = join(devmaindir, "restarts") gchp_vs_gcc_refrstdir = join(maindir, "restarts") gchp_vs_gcc_devrstdir = join(maindir, "restarts") gchp_vs_gchp_refrstdir = join(maindir, "restarts") gchp_vs_gchp_devrstdir = join(maindir, "restarts") # Log file directories -- GEOS-Chem "Classic" only gcc_vs_gcc_reflogdir = join(refmaindir, "logs") gcc_vs_gcc_devlogdir = join(devmaindir, "logs") # ===================================================================== # Benchmark output directories # ===================================================================== # Plot directories if gcpy_test: mainresultsdir = join('.', results_dir) gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir = join(mainresultsdir,'GCC_version_comparison') gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir = join(mainresultsdir,'GCHP_version_comparison') gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir = join(mainresultsdir,'GCHP_GCC_comparison') if not os.path.exists(mainresultsdir): os.mkdir(mainresultsdir) else: gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir = join(devmaindir, results_dir) gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir = join(maindir, gchp_dev_version, results_dir, "GCHP_version_comparison") gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir = join(maindir, gchp_dev_version, results_dir, "GCHP_GCC_comparison") base_gchp_resultsdir = join(maindir, gchp_dev_version, results_dir) #make results directories that don't exist for resdir, plotting_type in zip([gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir, base_gchp_resultsdir, gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir, gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir], [gcc_vs_gcc, gchp_vs_gcc or gchp_vs_gchp, gchp_vs_gchp, gchp_vs_gcc]): if plotting_type and not os.path.exists(resdir): os.mkdir(resdir) # Tables directories gcc_vs_gcc_tablesdir = join(gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir,"Tables") gchp_vs_gcc_tablesdir = join(gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir,"Tables") gchp_vs_gchp_tablesdir = join(gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir,"Tables") # Budget directories gcc_vs_gcc_budgetdir = join(gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir,"Budget") gchp_vs_gcc_budgetdir = join(gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir,"Budget") gchp_vs_gchp_budgetdir = join(gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir,"Budget") # ===================================================================== # Plot title strings # For gchp_vs_gcc_refstr use gcc_dev_version, not ref (mps, 6/27/19) # ===================================================================== gcc_vs_gcc_refstr = gcc_ref_version gcc_vs_gcc_devstr = gcc_dev_version gchp_vs_gcc_refstr = gcc_dev_version gchp_vs_gcc_devstr = gchp_dev_version gchp_vs_gchp_refstr = gchp_ref_version gchp_vs_gchp_devstr = gchp_dev_version ######################################################################## ### THE REST OF THESE SETTINGS SHOULD NOT NEED TO BE CHANGED ### ######################################################################## def gchp_ref_metname(): if gchp_ref_prior_to_13: return "StateMet_avg" else: return "StateMet" def gchp_dev_metname(): if gchp_dev_prior_to_13: return "StateMet_avg" else: return "StateMet" # ===================================================================== # Dates and times -- ref data # ===================================================================== # Month/year strings for use in table subdirectories (e.g. Jan2016) bmk_mon_yr_strs_ref = [v + bmk_year_ref for v in bmk_mon_strs] # Get all months array of start datetimes for benchmark year bmk_start_ref = np.datetime64(bmk_year_ref + "-01-01") bmk_end_ref = np.datetime64("{}-01-01".format(int(bmk_year_ref)+1)) all_months_ref = np.arange(bmk_start_ref, bmk_end_ref, step=np.timedelta64(1, "M"), dtype="datetime64[M]") # Get all months array of mid-point datetime per month for benchmark year, # and # sec and # days per month # NOTE: GCHP time-averaged files have time in the middle of the month sec_per_month_ref = np.zeros(12) days_per_month_ref = np.zeros(12) all_months_mid_ref = np.zeros(12, dtype="datetime64[h]") for t in range(12): days_per_month_ref[t] = monthrange(int(bmk_year_ref), t + 1)[1] sec_per_month_ref[t] = days_per_month_ref[t] * 86400.0 middle_hr = int(days_per_month_ref[t] * 24 / 2) delta = np.timedelta64(middle_hr, 'h') all_months_mid_ref[t] = all_months_ref[t].astype("datetime64[h]") + delta # Get subset of month datetimes for only benchmark months bmk_mons_ref = all_months_ref[bmk_mon_inds] bmk_mons_mid_ref = all_months_mid_ref[bmk_mon_inds] bmk_sec_per_month_ref = sec_per_month_ref[bmk_mon_inds] # ===================================================================== # Dates and times -- Dev data # ===================================================================== # Month/year strings for use in table subdirectories (e.g. Jan2016) bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev = [v + bmk_year_dev for v in bmk_mon_strs] # Get all months array of start datetimes for benchmark year bmk_start_dev = np.datetime64(bmk_year_dev + "-01-01") bmk_end_dev = np.datetime64("{}-01-01".format(int(bmk_year_dev)+1)) all_months_dev = np.arange(bmk_start_dev, bmk_end_dev, step=np.timedelta64(1, "M"), dtype="datetime64[M]") # Get all months array of mid-point datetime per month for benchmark year, # and # sec and # days per month # NOTE: GCHP time-averaged files have time in the middle of the month sec_per_month_dev = np.zeros(12) days_per_month_dev = np.zeros(12) all_months_mid_dev = np.zeros(12, dtype="datetime64[h]") for t in range(12): days_per_month_dev[t] = monthrange(int(bmk_year_dev), t + 1)[1] sec_per_month_dev[t] = days_per_month_dev[t] * 86400.0 middle_hr = int(days_per_month_dev[t] * 24 / 2) delta = np.timedelta64(middle_hr, 'h') all_months_mid_dev[t] = all_months_dev[t].astype("datetime64[h]") + delta # Get subset of month datetimes for only benchmark months bmk_mons_dev = all_months_dev[bmk_mon_inds] bmk_mons_mid_dev = all_months_mid_dev[bmk_mon_inds] bmk_sec_per_month_dev = sec_per_month_dev[bmk_mon_inds] # ====================================================================== # Print the list of plots & tables to the screen # ====================================================================== print("The following plots and tables will be created for {}:".format(bmk_type)) if plot_conc: print(" - Concentration plots") if plot_emis: print(" - Emissions plots") if plot_jvalues: print(" - J-values (photolysis rates) plots") if plot_aod: print(" - Aerosol optical depth plots") if ops_budget_table: print(" - Operations budget tables") if aer_budget_table: print(" - Aerosol budget/burden tables") if emis_table: print(" - Table of emissions totals by species and inventory") if mass_table: print(" - Table of species mass") if OH_metrics: print(" - Table of OH metrics") if ste_table: print(" - Table of strat-trop exchange") print("Comparisons will be made for the following combinations:") if gcc_vs_gcc: print(" - GCC vs GCC") if gchp_vs_gcc: print(" - GCHP vs GCC") if gchp_vs_gchp: print(" - GCHP vs GCHP") # ====================================================================== # Create GCC vs GCC benchmark plots and tables # ====================================================================== if gcc_vs_gcc: # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs GCC Concentration plots # # Includes lumped species and separates by category if plot_by_spc_cat # is true; otherwise excludes lumped species and writes to one file. # -------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_conc: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC concentration plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "SpeciesConc" colmet = "StateMet" # Create concentration plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] # Read seasonal data ref = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime) refmet = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, colmet, reftime) devmet = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, colmet, devtime) # Create plots bmk.make_benchmark_conc_plots( ref, gcc_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gcc_vs_gcc_devstr, refmet=refmet, devmet=devmet, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir, subdst=datestr, weightsdir=weightsdir, benchmark_type=bmk_type, plot_by_spc_cat=plot_by_spc_cat, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs GCC emissions plots # -------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_emis: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC emissions plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Emissions" # Create concentration plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] # Read seasonal data ref = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime) # Create plots bmk.make_benchmark_emis_plots( ref, gcc_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gcc_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir, subdst=datestr, weightsdir=weightsdir, plot_by_spc_cat=plot_by_spc_cat, plot_by_hco_cat=plot_by_hco_cat, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs GCC tables of emission and inventory totals # -------------------------------------------------------------- if emis_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC emissions & inventory totals %%%") # Read all months of data col = "Emissions" ref = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, col, all_months_ref) dev = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, all_months_dev) # Create emissions table that spans entire year bmk.make_benchmark_emis_tables( ref, gcc_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gcc_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir, ref_interval=sec_per_month_ref, dev_interval=sec_per_month_dev, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs GCC J-value plots # -------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_jvalues: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC J-value plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "JValues" # Create J-value plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] # Read seasonal data ref = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime) # Make plots bmk.make_benchmark_jvalue_plots( ref, gcc_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gcc_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir, subdst=datestr, weightsdir=weightsdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs. GCC column AOD plots # -------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_aod: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC column AOD plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Aerosols" # Create AOD plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] # Read seasonal data ref = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime) # Create plots bmk.make_benchmark_aod_plots( ref, gcc_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gcc_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_resultsdir, subdst=datestr, weightsdir=weightsdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs GCC mass tables # -------------------------------------------------------------- if mass_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC mass tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Restart" # Create mass table for each benchmark month def parallel_mass_table(t): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] label ="at 01{}".format(datestr) # Read seasonal data ref = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_refrstdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_devrstdir, col, devtime) # Create tables bmk.make_benchmark_mass_tables( ref, gcc_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gcc_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_tablesdir, subdst=datestr, label=label, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # Run in parallel results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)\ (delayed(parallel_mass_table) (t) for t in range(bmk_n_months)) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs GCC operations budgets tables # -------------------------------------------------------------- if ops_budget_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC operations budget tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Budget" # Create budget table for each benchmark month (ewl??) def parallel_ops_budg(t): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] label ="at 01{}".format(datestr) sec_ref = sec_per_month_ref[t] sec_dev = sec_per_month_dev[t] # Read seasonal data ref = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime) # Create tables bmk.make_benchmark_operations_budget( gcc_ref_version, ref, gcc_dev_version, dev, sec_ref, sec_dev, benchmark_type=bmk_type, label=label, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_tablesdir ) # Run in parallel results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)\ (delayed(parallel_ops_budg) (t) for t in range(bmk_n_months)) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs GCC aerosols budgets/burdens tables # -------------------------------------------------------------- if aer_budget_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC aerosols budget tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col_aero = "Aerosols" col_spc = "SpeciesConc" col_met = "StateMet" dev_aero = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col_aero, all_months_dev) dev_spc = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col_spc, all_months_dev) dev_met = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col_met, all_months_dev) # Compute global aerosol budgets and burdens bmk.make_benchmark_aerosol_tables( gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, dev_aero, dev_spc, dev_met, gcc_dev_version, bmk_year_dev, days_per_month_dev, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_tablesdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC Strat-Trop Exchange # -------------------------------------------------------------- if ste_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC Strat-Trop Exchange table %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read (all 12 months) col = "AdvFluxVert" dev = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, all_months_dev)[0] # Compute monthly and annual average strat-trop exchange of O3 ste.make_benchmark_ste_table( gcc_dev_version, dev, bmk_year_dev, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_tablesdir, bmk_type=bmk_type, species=['O3'], overwrite=True ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCC vs GCC Global mean OH, MCF Lifetime, CH4 Lifetime # -------------------------------------------------------------- if OH_metrics: print("\n%%% Creating GCC vs. GCC OH metrics %%%") # NOTE: Use this if the benchmark is prior to 13.0.0! # # Compute mean OH from the log files # # NOTE: Only works for GEOS-Chem "Classic" benchmarks! # moh.make_benchmark_oh_from_logs( # gcc_vs_gcc_reflogdir, # gcc_vs_gcc_refstr, # gcc_vs_gcc_devlogdir, # gcc_vs_gcc_devstr, # bmk_year_ref, # dst=gcc_vs_gcc_tablesdir, # overwrite=True # ) # Diagnostic collection files to read col = "Metrics" ref = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, col, all_months_ref)[0] dev = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, all_months_dev)[0] # Create the OH Metrics table oh.make_benchmark_oh_metrics( ref, gcc_ref_version, dev, gcc_dev_version, dst=gcc_vs_gcc_tablesdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # ====================================================================== # Create GCHP vs GCC benchmark plots and tables # ====================================================================== if gchp_vs_gcc: #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCC Concentration plots #--------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_conc: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC concentration plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "SpeciesConc" col_met_gcc = "StateMet" col_met_gchp = gchp_dev_metname() # Create concentration plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_dev[t] devtime = bmk_mons_mid_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] # SpeciesConc ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime, is_gchp=True) # StateMet refmet = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_refdir, col_met_gcc, reftime) devmet = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col_met_gchp, devtime, is_gchp=True) bmk.make_benchmark_conc_plots( ref, gchp_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gcc_devstr, refmet=refmet, devmet=devmet, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir, subdst=datestr, weightsdir=weightsdir, benchmark_type=bmk_type, plot_by_spc_cat=plot_by_spc_cat, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs. GCC Emissions plots #--------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_emis: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC emissions plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Emissions" # Create concentration plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_dev[t] devtime = bmk_mons_mid_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] # Read data ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime, is_gchp=True) # Create plots bmk.make_benchmark_emis_plots( ref, gcc_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gcc_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir, subdst=datestr, weightsdir=weightsdir, plot_by_spc_cat=plot_by_spc_cat, plot_by_hco_cat=plot_by_hco_cat, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs. GCC tables of emission and inventory totals #--------------------------------------------------------------- if emis_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC emissions tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Emissions" col_met_gchp = gchp_dev_metname() # Read data ref = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gcc_refdir, col, all_months_dev) dev = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col, all_months_mid_dev, is_gchp=True) devmet = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col_met_gchp, all_months_mid_dev, is_gchp=True) # Create emissions table that spans entire year bmk.make_benchmark_emis_tables( ref, gchp_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gcc_devstr, devmet=devmet, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir, ref_interval=sec_per_month_ref, dev_interval=sec_per_month_dev, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs. GCC J-values plots #--------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_jvalues: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC J-values plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "JValues" # Create J-value plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_dev[t] devtime = bmk_mons_mid_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] # Read data ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime, is_gchp=True) # Create plots bmk.make_benchmark_jvalue_plots( ref, gchp_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir, subdst=datestr, weightsdir=weightsdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCC column AOD plots #--------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_aod: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC AOD plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Aerosols" # Create AOD plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_dev[t] devtime = bmk_mons_mid_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] # Read data ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime, is_gchp=True) # Create plots bmk.make_benchmark_aod_plots( ref, gchp_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_resultsdir, subdst=datestr, weightsdir=weightsdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCC global mass tables #--------------------------------------------------------------- if mass_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC mass tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Restart" # Create mass table for each benchmark month in parallel def parallel_mass_table(t): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] label = "at 01{}".format(datestr) # Read data ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_refrstdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_devrstdir, col, devtime, is_gchp=True) # use initial restart if no checkpoint present (intended for # first month). need to pass path of meteorology file with # area variable in this scenario dev_extra='' if not os.path.isfile(dev): dev = join(gchp_vs_gcc_devrstdir, 'initial_GEOSChem_rst.' + gchp_dev_res + '_benchmark.nc') extratime = bmk_mons_dev[t+1] dev_extra = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_devrstdir, col, extratime, is_gchp=True) # Create tables bmk.make_benchmark_mass_tables( ref, gchp_vs_gcc_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gcc_devstr, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_tablesdir, subdst=datestr, label=label, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir, dev_met_extra=dev_extra ) results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)\ (delayed(parallel_mass_table) (t) for t in range(bmk_n_months)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCC operations budgets tables #--------------------------------------------------------------- if ops_budget_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC operations budget tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Budget" # Create operations table for each benchmark month in parallel def parallel_ops_budg(t): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_mid_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] label = "at 01{}".format(datestr) sec_ref = bmk_sec_per_month_ref[t] sec_dev = bmk_sec_per_month_dev[t] # Read data ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_refdir, col, reftime) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col, devtime, is_gchp=True) # Create tables bmk.make_benchmark_operations_budget( gcc_dev_version, ref, gchp_dev_version, dev, sec_ref, sec_dev, benchmark_type=bmk_type, label=datestr, operations=["Chemistry", "Convection", "EmisDryDep", "Mixing", "WetDep"], compute_accum=False, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_tablesdir ) results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)\ (delayed(parallel_ops_budg) (t) for t in range(bmk_n_months)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCC aerosol budgets and burdens tables #--------------------------------------------------------------- if aer_budget_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC aerosol budget tables %%%") # Compute annual mean AOD budgets and aerosol burdens # Diagnostic collections to read col_aero = "Aerosols" col_spc = "SpeciesConc" col_met = gchp_dev_metname() # Read data from all months dev_aero = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col_aero, all_months_mid_dev, is_gchp=True) dev_spc = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col_spc, all_months_mid_dev, is_gchp=True) dev_met = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col_met, all_months_mid_dev, is_gchp=True) # Compute global aerosol budgets and burdens bmk.make_benchmark_aerosol_tables( gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, dev_aero, dev_spc, dev_met, gchp_dev_version, bmk_year_dev, days_per_month_dev, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_tablesdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir, is_gchp=True ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs. GCC global mean OH, MCF Lifetime, CH4 Lifetime #--------------------------------------------------------------- if OH_metrics: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCC OH metrics table %%%") # Diagnostic collection files to read col = "Metrics" ref = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gcc_refdir, col, all_months_dev)[0] dev = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gcc_devdir, col, all_months_mid_dev, is_gchp=True)[0] # Create the OH Metrics table oh.make_benchmark_oh_metrics( ref, gcc_dev_version, dev, gchp_dev_version, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_tablesdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP Strat-Trop Exchange # -------------------------------------------------------------- if ste_table: print("\n%%% Skipping GCHP vs. GCC Strat-Trop Exchange table %%%") # ===================================================================== # Create GCHP vs GCHP benchmark plots and tables # ===================================================================== if gchp_vs_gchp: if plot_conc: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCHP concentration plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "SpeciesConc" col_met_ref = gchp_ref_metname() col_met_dev = gchp_dev_metname() # Create concentration plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): # SpeciesConc ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_refdir, col, bmk_mon_mid_ref[t], is_gchp=True) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, col, bmk_mon_mid_dev[t], is_gchp=True) # StateMet refmet = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_refdir, col_met_ref, bmk_mon_mid_ref[t], is_gchp=True) devmet = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, col_met_dev, bmk_mon_mid_dev[t], is_gchp=True) bmk.make_benchmark_conc_plots( ref, gchp_vs_gchp_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gchp_devstr, refmet=refmet, devmet=devmet, dst=gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir, subdst=bmk_mon_yr_strs[t], weightsdir=weightsdir, benchmark_type=bmk_type, plot_by_spc_cat=plot_by_spc_cat, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs. GCHP Emissions plots #--------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_emis: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCHP emissions plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Emissions" # Create concentration plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_refdir, col, bmk_mon_mid_ref[t], is_gchp=True) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, col, bmk_mon_mid_dev[t], is_gchp=True) # Create the plots bmk.make_benchmark_emis_plots( ref, gchp_vs_gchp_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gchp_devstr, dst=gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir, subdst=bmk_mon_yr_strs[t], weightsdir=weightsdir, plot_by_spc_cat=plot_by_spc_cat, plot_by_hco_cat=plot_by_hco_cat, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs. GCHP tables of emission and inventory totals #--------------------------------------------------------------- if emis_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCHP emissions tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Emissions" col_met_ref = gchp_ref_metname() col_met_dev = gchp_dev_metname() # Read data ref = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gchp_refdir, col, all_months_mid_ref, is_gchp=True) dev = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, col, all_months_mid_dev, is_gchp=True) refmet = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gchp_refdir, col_met_ref, all_months_mid_ref, is_gchp=True) devmet = get_filepaths(gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, col_met_dev, all_months_mid_dev, is_gchp=True) # Create emissions table that spans entire year bmk.make_benchmark_emis_tables( ref, gchp_vs_gchp_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gchp_devstr, refmet=refmet, devmet=devmet, dst=gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir, ref_interval=sec_per_month_ref, dev_interval=sec_per_month_dev, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs. GCHP J-values plots #--------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_jvalues: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCHP J-values plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "JValues" # Create J-value plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_refdir, col, bmk_mon_mid_ref[t], is_gchp=True) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, col, bmk_mon_mid_dev[t], is_gchp=True) bmk.make_benchmark_jvalue_plots( ref, gchp_vs_gchp_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gchp_devstr, dst=gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir, subdst=bmk_mon_yr_strs[t], weightsdir=weightsdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCHP column AOD plots #--------------------------------------------------------------- if plot_aod: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCHP AOD plots %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Aerosols" # Create AOD plots for each benchmark month for t in range(bmk_n_months): ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_refdir, col, bmk_mon_mid_ref, is_gchp=True) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, col, bmk_mon_mid_dev, is_gchp=True) bmk.make_benchmark_aod_plots( ref, gchp_vs_gchp_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gchp_devstr, dst=gchp_vs_gchp_resultsdir, subdst=bmk_mon_yr_strs[t], weightsdir=weightsdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCHP global mass tables #--------------------------------------------------------------- if mass_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCHP mass tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Restart" # Create mass table for each benchmark month in parallel def parallel_mass_table(t): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_dev[t] extraref = bmk_mons_ref[t+1] extradev = bmk_mons_dev[t+1] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] label = "at 01{}".format(datestr) # Read Ref data ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_refrstdir, col, refdate, is_gchp=True) ref_extra='' if not os.path.isfile(ref): ref = join(gchp_vs_gchp_refrstdir, 'initial_GEOSChem_rst.' + gchp_ref_res + '_benchmark.nc') ref_extra = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_refrstdir, col, extraref, is_gchp=True) # Read Dev data dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_devrstdir, col, bmk_mon_dev, is_gchp=True) dev_extra='' if not os.path.isfile(dev): dev = join(gchp_vs_gchp_devrstdir, 'initial_GEOSChem_rst.' + gchp_dev_res + '_benchmark.nc') dev_extra = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_devrstdir, col, extradev, is_gchp=True) # Create tables bmk.make_benchmark_mass_tables( ref, gchp_vs_gchp_refstr, dev, gchp_vs_gchp_devstr, dst=gchp_vs_gchp_tablesdir, subdst=datestr, label=label, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir, ref_met_extra=ref_extra, dev_met_extra=dev_extra ) # Run in parallel results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)\ (delayed(parallel_mass_table) (t) for t in range(bmk_n_months)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCHP operations budgets tables #--------------------------------------------------------------- if ops_budget_table: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCHP operations budget tables %%%") # Diagnostic collections to read col = "Budget" def parallel_ops_budg(t): # Time & date quantities reftime = bmk_mons_mid_ref[t] devtime = bmk_mons_mid_dev[t] datestr = bmk_mon_yr_strs_dev[t] label = "at 01{}".format(datestr) sec_ref = bmk_sec_per_month_ref[t] sec_dev = bmk_sec_per_month_dev[t] # Create budget table for each benchmark month (ewl??) ref = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_refdir, col, bmk_mon_mid, is_gchp=True) dev = get_filepath(gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, col, bmk_mon_mid, is_gchp=True) plot_dir = join(gchp_vs_gchp_budgetdir, bmk_mon_yr_strs[s]) bmk.make_benchmark_operations_budget( gchp_ref_version, ref, gchp_dev_version, dev, sec_ref, sec_dev, benchmark_type=bmk_type, label=datestr, operations=["Chemistry", "Convection", "EmisDryDep", "Mixing", "WetDep"], compute_accum=False, dst=gchp_vs_gchp_tablesdir ) # Run in parallel results = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)\ (delayed(parallel_ops_budg) (t) for t in range(bmk_n_months)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs GCHP aerosol budgets and burdens tables #--------------------------------------------------------------- if aer_budget_table: print("\n%%% Skipping GCHP vs. GCHP aerosol budget tables: Redundant%%%") ''' # Compute annual mean AOD budgets and aerosol burdens aerbdg.aerosol_budgets_and_burdens( gchp_dev_version, gchp_vs_gchp_devdir, bmk_year, dst=gchp_vs_gchp_tablesdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) ''' #--------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP vs. GCHP global mean OH, MCF Lifetime, CH4 Lifetime #--------------------------------------------------------------- if OH_metrics: print("\n%%% Creating GCHP vs. GCHP OH metrics table %%%") # Diagnostic collection files to read col = "Metrics" ref = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_refdir, col, all_months_mid_ref)[0] dev = get_filepaths(gcc_vs_gcc_devdir, col, all_months_mid_dev)[0] # Create the OH Metrics table oh.make_benchmark_oh_metrics( ref, gcc_dev_version, dev, gchp_dev_version, dst=gchp_vs_gcc_tablesdir, overwrite=True, spcdb_dir=spcdb_dir ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # GCHP Strat-Trop Exchange # -------------------------------------------------------------- if ste_table: print("\n%%% Skipping GCHP vs. GCHP Strat-Trop Exchange table %%%")