#!/usr/bin/env python """ Description: ------------ This Python script (assumes Python3) reads a GEOS-Chem or HEMCO-standalone log file containing dry-run output and does the following: (1) Creates a list of unique files that are required for the GEOS-Chem or HEMCO-standalone simulation; (2) Creates a bash script to download missing files from either the ComputeCanada server (default) or the AWS s3://gcgrid bucket; (3) Executes the bash script to download the necessary data; (4) Removes the bash script upon successful download. Remarks: -------- (1) This script only requires the "os", "sys", and "subprocess" packages, which are core Python. Therefore, this script can be shipped with GEOS-Chem run directories. It only requires Python 3 and not a full Anaconda/Miniconda environment (but you can run in an Anaconda environment if you have one). (2) Jiawei Zhuang found that it is much faster to issue aws s3 cp commands from a bash script than a Python script. Therefore, in this routine we create a bash script with all of the download commands that will be executed by the main routine. """ # Imports import os import sys import subprocess # Define global variables INPUT_GEOS_FILE = "./input.geos" DATA_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT = "./auto_generated_download_script.sh" def extract_pathnames_from_log(dryrun_log): """ Returns a list of pathnames from a GEOS-Chem log file. Args: ----- dryrun_log : str GEOS-Chem or HEMCO-standalone log file with dry-run output. Returns: -------- paths : dict paths["comments"]: Dry-run comment lines. paths["found"] : List of file paths found on disk. paths["missing"]: List of file paths that are missing. paths["local_prefix"]: Local data directory root. Author: ------- Jiawei Zhuang (jiaweizhuang@g.harvard.edu) Modified by Bob Yantosca (yantosca@seas.harvard.edu) """ # Initialization comments = ["!"*79, "!!! LIST OF (UNIQUE) FILES REQUIRED FOR THE SIMULATION"] data_found = set() data_missing = set() # Open file (or die with error) try: f = open(dryrun_log, "r") except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find file {}".format(dryrun_log)) # Read data from the file line by line. # Add file paths to the data_list set. line = f.readline() while line: # Convert line to uppercase for string match upcaseline = line.upper() # Search for data paths that have been found if (": OPENING" in upcaseline) or (": READING" in upcaseline): data_found.add(line.split()[-1]) # Search for data paths that are missing elif "FILE NOT FOUND" in upcaseline: data_missing.add(line.split()[-1]) # Search for certain dry-run comment strings # (and make sure to prevent duplicates) elif ("!!! STA" in upcaseline) or ("!!! END" in upcaseline) or \ ("!!! SIM" in upcaseline) or ("!!! MET" in upcaseline) or \ ("!!! GRI" in upcaseline): if line.rstrip() not in comments: comments.append(line.rstrip()) else: pass # Read next line line = f.readline() # Add another line to the comment list comments.append("!"*79) # Convert sets to lists and sort in alphabetical order found = sorted(list(data_found)) missing = sorted(list(data_missing)) # Find the local data directory prefix (path to ExtData) for path in found + missing: if "ExtData" in path: index = path.find("ExtData") local_prefix = path[:index] break # Close file and return # The "sorted" command will return unique values f.close() return {"comments": comments, "found": found, "missing": missing, "local_prefix": local_prefix} def get_run_info(): """ Searches through the input.geos file for GEOS-Chem run parameters. Returns: ------- run_info : dict of str Contains the GEOS-Chem run parameters: start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time, met, grid, and sim. """ run_info = {} run_info["nest"] = "" try: with open(INPUT_GEOS_FILE, "r") as f: for line in f: if "Start YYYYMMDD" in line: substr = line.split(":")[1] run_info["start_date"] = (substr.split(" ")[1]).strip() run_info["start_time"] = (substr.split(" ")[2]).strip() elif "End YYYYMMDD" in line: substr = line.split(":")[1] run_info["end_date"] = (substr.split(" ")[1]).strip() run_info["end_time"] = (substr.split(" ")[2]).strip() elif "Met field" in line: run_info["met"] = (line.split(":")[1]).strip() elif "Simulation name" in line: run_info["sim"] = (line.split(":")[1]).strip() elif "Grid resolution" in line: grid = (line.split(":")[1]).strip() # Adjust grid string to match file names if "4.0x5.0" in grid: run_info["grid"] = "4x5" elif "2.0x2.5" in grid: run_info["grid"] = "2x25" elif "0.5x0.625" in grid: run_info["grid"] = "05x0625" elif "0.25x0.3125" in grid: run_info["grid"] = "025x03125" elif "Longitude" in line: if "-130.0" in line or "-140.0" in line: run_info["nest"] = "na" break elif "60.0" in line or "70.0" in line: run_info["nest"] = "as" break break f.close() except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("Could not open {}".format(INPUT_GEOS_FILE)) return run_info def expand_restart_file_names(paths, run_info): """ Tests if the GEOS-Chem restart file is a symbolic link to ExtData. If so, will append the link to the remote file to the line in which the restart file name is found. Args: ---- paths : dict Output of function extract_pathnames_from_log. run_info : dict Output of function get_run_info. """ prefix = "" # Get the prefix to ExtData for path in paths["found"] + paths["missing"]: if "ExtData" in path: index = path.find("ExtData")+8 prefix = path[0:index] + "GEOSCHEM_RESTARTS/v2018-11/" break # Search for the restart file name in the found files new_list = [] # Suffix string (takes into account nested grids) if run_info["nest"] == "": suffix = "{}.nc".format(run_info["sim"]) else: suffix = "{}_{}.nc".format(run_info["sim"], run_info["nest"]) for path in paths["found"]: if "GEOSChem.Restart" in path: realpath = prefix + "initial_GEOSChem_rst." + \ run_info["grid"] + "_" + suffix # -------------------------------------------------------- # KLUDGE to replace geosfp "as" file name with "ch" # since symbolic links do not work on AWS s3://gcgrid realpath = realpath.replace("025x03125_tropchem_as.nc", "025x03125_tropchem_ch.nc") # -------------------------------------------------------- path = path + " --> " + realpath new_list.append(path) paths["found"] = sorted(new_list) # Search for the restart file name in the missing files new_list = [] for path in paths["missing"]: if "GEOSChem.Restart" in path: realpath = prefix + "initial_GEOSChem_rst." + \ run_info["grid"] + "_" + suffix # -------------------------------------------------------- # KLUDGE to replace geosfp "as" file name with "ch" # since symbolic links do not work on AWS s3://gcgrid realpath = realpath.replace("025x03125_tropchem_as.nc", "025x03125_tropchem_ch.nc") # -------------------------------------------------------- path = path + " --> " + realpath new_list.append(path) paths["missing"] = sorted(new_list) # Return the updated data paths return paths def write_unique_paths(paths, unique_log): """ Writes unique data paths from dry-run output to a file. Args: ----- paths : dict Output of function extract_pathnames_from_log. unique_log : str Log file that will hold unique data paths. """ combined_paths = paths["found"] + paths["missing"] combined_paths.sort() try: with open(unique_log, "w") as f: for comment in paths["comments"]: print(comment, file=f) for path in combined_paths: print(path, file=f) for comment in paths["comments"]: print(comment, file=f) f.close() print("Log with unique file paths written to: {}".format(unique_log)) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("Could not write {}".format(unique_log)) def create_download_script(paths, from_aws=False): """ Creates a data download script to obtain missing files from the ComputeCanada data archive (default), or the GEOS-Chem s3://gcgrid bucket on the AWS cloud, Args: ----- paths : dict Output of function extract_pathnames_from_log. from_aws : bool If True, download from AWS s3://gcgrid. If False, download from ComputeCanada (default). """ # Define variables to create data download commands # for either ComputeCanada or AWS if from_aws: cmd_prefix = "aws s3 cp --request-payer=requester " remote_root = "s3://gcgrid" quote = "" else: cmd_prefix = 'wget -r -np -nH -R "*.html" -N -P ' + \ paths["local_prefix"] + " " remote_root = "http://geoschemdata.computecanada.ca/ExtData" quote = '"' # Create the data download script with open(DATA_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT, "w") as f: # Write shebang line to script print("#!/bin/bash\n", file=f) print("# This script was generated by download_data.py\n", file=f) # Write download commands for only the missing data files for path in paths["missing"]: if "-->" in path: # ------------------------------------------------------ # Edge case: Linked restart files # ------------------------------------------------------ # First copy the restart file to local ExtData remote_rst = (path.split("-->")[1]).strip() local_rst = (path.split("-->")[0]).strip() index1 = remote_rst.find("initial") index2 = remote_rst.find("ExtData") + 7 prefix = remote_rst[0:index1] remote_rst = remote_root + remote_rst[index2:] cmd = cmd_prefix + quote + remote_rst + quote if from_aws: cmd += " " + prefix print(cmd, file=f) print(file=f) # Remove the prior link for safety's sake cmd = "if [[ -L " + local_rst + " ]]; then unlink " + \ local_rst + "; fi" print(cmd, file=f) # Then create a symbolic link from the run directory # to the restart file in the local ExtData index3 = remote_rst.find("initial") cmd = "ln -s " + prefix + remote_rst[index3:] + \ " " + local_rst print(cmd, file=f) print(file=f) elif "gmi.clim.IPMN.geos5.2x25.nc" in path: # ------------------------------------------------------ # Edge case: GMI IPMN file is really the PMN file # ------------------------------------------------------ # Download the PMN file index = path.find("ExtData") + 7 local_dir = os.path.dirname(path) remote_path = remote_root + path[index:] remote_path = remote_path.replace("IPMN", "PMN") cmd = cmd_prefix + quote + remote_path + quote if from_aws: cmd += " " + local_dir + "/" print(cmd, file=f) # Rename it to IPMN cmd = "mv " + local_dir + "/gmi.clim.PMN.geos5.2x25.nc " + \ local_dir + "/gmi.clim.IPMN.geos5.2x25.nc" print(cmd, file=f) elif "gmi.clim.NPMN.geos5.2x25.nc" in path: # ------------------------------------------------------ # Edge case: GMI NPMN file is really the PMN file # ------------------------------------------------------ # Download the PMN file index = path.find("ExtData") + 7 local_dir = os.path.dirname(path) remote_path = remote_root + path[index:] remote_path = remote_path.replace("NPMN", "PMN") cmd = cmd_prefix + quote + remote_path + quote if from_aws: cmd += " " + local_dir + "/" print(cmd, file=f) # Rename it to NPMN cmd = "mv " + local_dir + "/gmi.clim.PMN.geos5.2x25.nc " + \ local_dir + "/gmi.clim.NPMN.geos5.2x25.nc" print(cmd, file=f) print(file=f) elif "gmi.clim.RIPA.geos5.2x25.nc" in path: # ------------------------------------------------------ # Edge case: GMI RIPA file is really the RIP file # ------------------------------------------------------ # Download the RIP file index = path.find("ExtData")+7 local_dir = os.path.dirname(path) remote_path = remote_root + path[index:] remote_path = remote_path.replace("RIPA", "RIP") cmd = cmd_prefix + quote + remote_path + quote if from_aws: cmd += " " + local_dir + "/" print(cmd, file=f) # Rename it to NPMN cmd = "mv " + local_dir + "/gmi.clim.RIP.geos5.2x25.nc " + \ local_dir + "/gmi.clim.RIPA.geos5.2x25.nc" print(cmd, file=f) print(file=f) elif "gmi.clim.RIPB.geos5.2x25.nc" in path: # ------------------------------------------------------ # Edge case: GMI RIPB file is really the RIP file # ------------------------------------------------------ # Download the RIP file index = path.find("ExtData")+7 local_dir = os.path.dirname(path) remote_path = remote_root + path[index:] remote_path = remote_path.replace("RIPB", "RIP") cmd = cmd_prefix + quote + remote_path + quote if from_aws: cmd += " " + local_dir + "/" print(cmd, file=f) # Rename it to RIPB cmd = "mv " + local_dir + "/gmi.clim.RIP.geos5.2x25.nc " + \ local_dir + "/gmi.clim.RIPB.geos5.2x25.nc" print(cmd, file=f) print(file=f) elif "gmi.clim.RIPD.geos5.2x25.nc" in path: # ------------------------------------------------------ # Edge case: GMI RIPD file is really the RIP file # ------------------------------------------------------ # Download the RIP file index = path.find("ExtData")+7 local_dir = os.path.dirname(path) remote_path = remote_root + path[index:] remote_path = remote_path.replace("RIPD", "RIP") cmd = cmd_prefix + quote + remote_path + quote if from_aws: cmd += " " + local_dir + "/" print(cmd, file=f) # Rename it to RIPD cmd = "mv " + local_dir + "/gmi.clim.RIP.geos5.2x25.nc " + \ local_dir + "/gmi.clim.RIPD.geos5.2x25.nc" print(cmd, file=f) print(file=f) elif "ExtData" in path: # ------------------------------------------------------ # All other files in ExtData # ------------------------------------------------------ index = path.find("ExtData") + 7 local_dir = os.path.dirname(path) remote_path = remote_root + path[index:] cmd = cmd_prefix + quote + remote_path + quote if from_aws: cmd += " " + local_dir + "/" print(cmd, file=f) print(file=f) # Kludge: Create a ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS folder if it # does not exist. This will prevent abnormal exits. chem_inputs_dir = paths["local_prefix"] + 'ExtData/CHEM_INPUTS' cmd = "if [[ ! -d {} ]]; then mkdir {}; fi".format( chem_inputs_dir, chem_inputs_dir) print(cmd, file=f) print(file=f) # Close file and make it executable f.close() os.chmod(DATA_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT, 0o755) def download_the_data(args): """ Downloads GEOS-Chem data files from the ComputeCanada server or the AWS s3://gcgrid bucket. Args: ----- args : dict Output of runction parse_args. """ # Get information about the run run_info = get_run_info() # Get a unique list of data paths, both found and missing: # Expand the data paths to include links to restart files paths = extract_pathnames_from_log(args["dryrun_log"]) paths = expand_restart_file_names(paths, run_info) # Write a list of unique file paths write_unique_paths(paths, args["dryrun_log"] + ".unique") # Exit without downloading if skip-download lag was specified if args["skip_download"]: return # Print a message if args["from_aws"]: print("Downloading data from AWS") else: print("Downloading data from ComputeCanada") # Create script to download missing files from AWS S3 create_download_script(paths, args["from_aws"]) # Run the data download script and return the status # Remove the file afterwards status = subprocess.call(DATA_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT) os.remove(DATA_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT) # Raise an exception if the data was not successfully downloaded if status != 0: if args["from_aws"]: err_msg = "Error downloading data from AWS!" else: err_msg = "Error downloading data from ComputeCanada!" raise Exception(err_msg) def parse_args(): """ Parses the arguments passed to the main program. Args: ----- argv : list List of arguments passed from main(). Returns: -------- args : dict args["dryrun_log"]: Log file with dry-run output. args["from_aws"]: Download from AWS S3? (True/False) args["skip-download"]: Skip downloading and only write out the log with unique file names. """ dryrun_log = "" from_aws = False skip_download = False for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): if "AWS" in sys.argv[i].upper(): from_aws = True elif "CC" in sys.argv[i].upper(): from_aws = False elif "SKIP" in sys.argv[i].upper(): skip_download = True else: dryrun_log = sys.argv[i] if len(dryrun_log) == 0: raise ValueError("Need to specify the log file with dryrun output!") return {"dryrun_log": dryrun_log, "from_aws": from_aws, "skip_download" : skip_download} def main(): """ Main program. Gets command-line arguments and calls function download_the_data to initiate a data-downloading process. Calling sequence: ----------------- ./download_data.py log -aws # from AWS ./download_data.py log -cc # from ComputeCanada ./download_data.py log -skip-download # Print unique log & exit """ download_the_data(parse_args()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()