&--- # ===================================================================== # Benchmark configuration file (**EDIT AS NEEDED**) # customize in the following manner: # (1) Edit the path variables so that they point to folders w/ model data # (2) Edit the version strings for each benchmark simulation # (3) Edit the switches that turn on/off creating of plots and tables # (4) If necessary, edit labels for the dev and ref versions # Note: When doing GCHP vs GCC comparisions gchp_dev will be compared # to gcc_dev (not gcc_ref!). This ensures consistency in version names # when doing GCHP vs GCC diff-of-diffs (mps, 6/27/19) # ===================================================================== # # Configuration for 1 month FullChemBenchmark # # paths: # main_dir: High-level directory containing ref & dev rundirs # results_dir: Directory where plots/tables will be created # weights_dir: Path to regridding weights # spcdb_dir: Folder in which the species_database.yml file is # located. If set to "default", then will look for # species_database.yml in one of the Dev rundirs. # paths: main_dir: /n/holyscratch01/jacob_lab/msulprizio/GC/benchmarks/1yr results_dir: BenchmarkResults_Nov weights_dir: /n/holyscratch01/external_repos/GEOS-CHEM/gcgrid/data/ExtData/GCHP/RegriddingWeights spcdb_dir: default # # data: Contains configurations for ref and dev runs # version: Version string (must not contain spaces) # dir: Path to run directory # outputs_subdir: Subdirectory w/ GEOS-Chem diagnostic files # restarts_subdir: Subdirectory w/ GEOS-Chem restarts # bmk_start: Simulation start date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) # bmk_end: Simulation end date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) # resolution: GCHP resolution string # data: ref: gcc: version: GCC_14.0.0 dir: 14.0.0-rc.3/GCClassic outputs_subdir: OutputDir restarts_subdir: Restarts bmk_start: "2019-11-01T00:00:00" bmk_end: "2019-12-01T00:00:00" gchp: version: GCHP_14.0.0 dir: 14.0.0-rc.3/GCHP outputs_subdir: OutputDir restarts_subdir: Restarts bmk_start: "2019-11-01T00:00:00" bmk_end: "2019-12-01T00:00:00" is_pre_14.0: False resolution: c24 dev: gcc: version: GCC_14.2.0 dir: 14.2.0-rc.1/GCClassic/FullChem outputs_subdir: OutputDir restarts_subdir: Restarts bmk_start: "2019-11-01T00:00:00" bmk_end: "2019-12-01T00:00:00" gchp: version: GCHP_14.2.0 dir: 14.2.0-rc.1/GCHP/FullChem outputs_subdir: OutputDir restarts_subdir: Restarts bmk_start: "2019-11-01T00:00:00" bmk_end: "2019-12-01T00:00:00" is_pre_14.0: False resolution: c24 # # options: Specify the types of comparisons to perform # options: bmk_type: FullChemBenchmark comparisons: gcc_vs_gcc: run: True # True to run this comparison dir: GCC_version_comparison tables_subdir: Tables gchp_vs_gcc: run: False dir: GCHP_GCC_comparison tables_subdir: Tables gchp_vs_gchp: run: False dir: GCHP_version_comparison tables_subdir: Tables gchp_vs_gcc_diff_of_diffs: run: False dir: GCHP_GCC_diff_of_diffs # # outputs: Types of output to generate (plots/tables) # outputs: plot_conc: True plot_emis: True emis_table: True plot_jvalues: True plot_aod: True mass_table: True mass_accum_table: False ops_budget_table: False OH_metrics: True ste_table: True # GCC only summary_table: True plot_options: # Plot concentrations and emissions by category? by_spc_cat: True by_hco_cat: True