README -- describes contents of v11-02e/Run0 19 Mar 2018 GEOS-Chem Support Team This benchmark simulation is GEOS-Chem v11-02e-Run0. The following updates since GEOS-Chem v11-02d-Run2 have been applied: VERSION | FEATURES INCLUDED ======================================================================= v11-02d Features impacting the full-chemistry simulation: - Monthly mean surface methane distributions - UCX updates, including: * Remove initial stratospheric 2D mixing ratio option * UCX stratospheric water boundary condition update * Remove UCX=y as compile switch and use Input_Opt%LUCX instead - Use monthly mean stratospheric prod/loss rates from UCX simulation for all species - Metal catalyzed oxidation of SO2 as a switch (default:on) - Add SOA updates and bug fixes, including: * Remove MONX from chemical mechanisms * Add MTPO as a species in full-chemistry simulations * Updating SOAP and SOAS entries in HEMCO to follow MTPA+LIMO+MTPO rather than MONX * Use simple SOA in calculation of PM2.5, AOD, and aerosol mass by default * Always use SOA formation from aqueous isoprene uptake (remove switch from input.geos) * Fixes for isoprene SOA for consistency with Marais et al. (2016) - Fix dust rainout settings to match BCPO - Fixes in gckpp_HetRates.F90 for halogen chemistry - Add bug fix in sulfate_mod.F involving reorder IF statements for Fahey and Seinfeld decision algorithm - Sync GEOS-FP files on Harvard ftp with files at Dalhousie Features NOT impacting the full-chemistry simulation: - Spatially varying OM/OC as a switch (off by default) - Update Rn-Pb-Be-Pasv simulations to use 72 levels by default - Bug fixes for ISORROPIA II stable mode - Change input.geos timestep units from minutes to seconds - Fixes for ND21 binary diagnostics - Fix bug in HEMCO reference time code This benchmark simulation uses the standard chemistry mechanism (i.e. tropchem + UCX + SOA + halogens ) and 72 vertical levels. For more information, please see: