* * * * * FAIR USE * * * * * * * PLEASE READ CAREFULLY * * The data contained on this site is freely available and we encourage others to use it. Kindly keep us informed of how you are using our data and of any publication plans. Please acknowledge the data source as a citation, or in the acknowledgments if the data have not yet been published. If we feel that we should be offered participation as authors, we will let you know and we assume that an agreement on such matters will be reached prior to publishing the data. If your work directly competes with our analysis we may ask that we have the opportunity to submit a manuscript before you submit one that uses unpublished data. These data may be updated or reprocessed from time to time, and it is your responsibility to insure that your publication contains the most recent revision of the data. In order to maintain these measurements we periodically need to demonstrate progress to our sponsoring agencies. In addition to informing us of your plans, we kindly request that you help us by providing preprints and updates on publication status.