============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/project/po_01d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== Quality EVENT flag codes for this data 10 = data exists for all datasets 11 = No DADS Data 13 = No Project Data 20 = No Valid Data 300 + one of this above = Takeoff 400 + one of this above = Landing Please see file for parameters description. =============================================================================== ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/bradshaw/gtlifd09.pmt ... ============================================================================== Please Read the attached readme.git file ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/bradshaw/gtno2d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== Please Read the attached readme.no2 file ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/sachse/sgdacd09.pmt ... ============================================================================== NASA LaRC Hampton, Va. 23681 Sachse-m/s 472 phone-(757)864-1566 Vay-m/s 483 phone-(757)864-1574 DATA RECORDED AT 1 HZ: DATA SUBMITTED AS 5 SECOND AVERAGES: TIME IS FOR THE MIDPOINT OF THE INTERVAL Day UTSecs CO(PPBV) CH4(PPBV) N2O(PPBV) CO2(PPMV) ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/sachse/sgdewd09.pmt ... ============================================================================== NASA LaRC Hampton, Va. 23681 Sachse-m/s 472 phone-(757)864-1566 DATA RECORDED 1/20 SECOND TIME INTERVALS: DATA SUBMITTED ARE 1 SECOND AVERAGES : TIME IS START TIME OF INTERVAL Day UTSecs H2O(ppmv) ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/gregory/o3_1sec_09 ... ============================================================================== =============================================== Time is at the midpoint of the interval Merge file generated by Harvard MERGE program For more information refer to the program documentation or send e-mail to gmg@io.harvard.edu =============================================== ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/anderson/abcncd09.pmt ... ============================================================================== START OF COMMENTS COMMENT 1: Ultra-Fine Aerosol measured using TSI model 3025 CNC; Size range for PEM tropics is >0.004 to 1 micron diameter; Lower detectiion limit for this flight based on only 1 aerosol detected in a 10-second averaging period is 2.55E+01 COMMENT 2: Fine-Aerosol was measured using two TSI model 3760 CNCs; Size range for PEM tropics is >0.015 to 1 micron diameter; Heated Fine-Aerosol CNC samples are heated in the inlet to 250 degrees C; Lower detectiion limit for this flight based on only 1 aerosol detected in a 10-second averaging period is 5.40E-01 COMMENT 3: Ratio is stated as -999 when (1) no heat was used, (2) heating cycle was in transition, or (3) data are invalid. ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/bandy/dusu1d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/heikes/hbperd09.pmt ... ============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* GAS PHASE HYDROPEROXIDE MEASUREMENTS CONCURRENT COIL COLLECTION HIGH PRESSURE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY SEPARATION ENZYME DERIVITIZATION FLUORESCENCE METHOD LEE ET AL., J. ATMOS. OCEAN. TECH., 1995. SINGLE COLLECTOR, TWO HPLC IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL UHP AIR BLANKS (SCOTT-MARRIN) MANUAL STANDARD ADDITION MIXED GAS PHASE SOURCE ~19 MICRO-MOLAR CH2O ~600 MICRO-MOLAR H2O2 ~2.7 MICRO-MOLAR CH3OOH MANUAL AQUEOUS STANDARDS ******************************************************************************* DATA REDUCTION COMMENTS AND HISTORY INITIAL DATA SUBMISSION: 10 OCTOBER, 1996 COMMENTS: PRELIMINARY DATA ESTIMATED ACCURACY(PRECISION) +/- 30% DATA BELOW 50 PPTV REPORTED INITIALLY AS LEVEL OF DETECTION REVISED: COMMENTS: 6 MARCH 1997 1. DATA NOW INCLUDE VALUES BELOW 50 PPTV H2O2 DATA BELOW 15 PPTV REPORTED AS LEVEL OF DETECTION CH3OOH DATA BELOW 25 PPTV REPORTED AS LEVEL OF DETECTION 2. CH3OOH CORRECTED FOR COLLECTION EFFICIENCY 3. INCORPORATES AQUEOUS FLOW CALIBRATIONS 4. INCORPORATES PRE- POST-MISSION TEMP, PRES, GAS FLOW, AQ-STD CALIBRATIONS ******************************************************************************* JDAY, START-TIME, STOP-TIME, MID-TIME, H2O2, CH3OOH ******************************************************************************* ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/singh/shgc_d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== sampling period length is 150 seconds for all variables for PAN, accuracy is +/-20%; precision is larger of +/-10% or +/-1ppt for C2Cl4, accuracy is +/-10%; precision is larger of +/-10% or +/-1ppt for PPN, accuracy is +/-30%; precision is larger of +/-20% or +/-1ppt for Methyl Nitrate and Ethyl/i-Propyl Nitrate, accuracy is +/-20%; precision is +/-10% ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/blake/ucgc_d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== NOTE: Contact PI Don Blake (dblake@orion.oac.uci.edu) for further information on this dataset. ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/talbot/nhatgd09.pmt ... ============================================================================== Acidic trace gas data are stated in mixing ratios (molar ratios in parts per trillion by volume, pptv). LOD means limit of detection. Missing data are indicated as -999. Mixing ratios smaller than the LOD are indicated as -888. Near the limit of detection (<20 pptv) the overall uncertainty in mixing ratios of HNO3 is 30-35%; between 25-100 pptv about 20%; and 15% above 100 pptv. Overall uncertainty in HCOOH and CH3COOH mixing ratios are 15% and 20% respectively. CAUTION: Do not use these data on time scales shorter than those reported here. Direct inquires about these data to: Bob Talbot, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, Morse Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. Phone: 603-862-1546, Fax: 603-862-0188, E-mail: rwt@christa.unh.edu ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/talbot/nhaerd09.pmt ... ============================================================================== Species mixing ratios are reported in parts per trillion by volume, except for Be-7 and Pb-210 (fCi/scm). Missing values indicated as -9's Mixing ratio below limit of detection indicated as -8's Reported limit of detection is average values, so some reported mixing ratios may be less than this value. Average uncertainties in mixing ratios are as follows: Cl 30%, NO3 20%, SO4 13%, C2O4 10%, MSA 10%, NH4 15%, K 20%, Na 35%, Ca 15%, Mg 10%, Be-7 20%.,Pb-210 20% Please note that it is not possible to use these data on time scales shorter than reported here. The most useful and appropriate method of comparing the UNH aerosol data to other PEM Tropics data is to average the higher resolution measurements over the reported aerosol sampling time intervals. Direct questions about these data to R. Talbot or J. Dibb at: Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space Morse Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. e-mail: rwt@christa.unh.edu or jack.dibb@unh.edu ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/shetter/rsjv1d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== - The quantities reported in this file are the photolysis frequencies (or photolysis rate coefficients, or J-values) of 11 photolysis reactions (see definitions of variables). - The method used for these measurements is scanning actinic flux spectroradiometry [Muller et al. 1995]. - Calibration is based on NIST traceable QTH lamps and ground based intercomparisons with chemical actinometers for J(NO2) and J(O1D) [Shetter et al. 1992,1996]. - A preliminary estimate of the instrumental uncertainty of the spectroradiometer technique is 12%. - Molecular data used in the calculations is: NO2 sigma: [JPL-94], parametr. of temp. dep., temp. below 232 K treated like 232 K phi: [JPL-94] O3 sigma: [Molina and Molina 1986]: linear regression between 226 K and 263 K resp. 263 K and 298 K temp. below 230 K treated like 230 K phi: [Shetter et al. 1996]: lambda <= 321 nm : original parametr. of temp. dep. >= 322 nm : concept extended to 325 nm using [Shetter et al. 1996] @ 298 K and [Michelson et al. 1994] @ 230 K >= 326 nm : concept extended to 330 nm using lin. interpol. of [Shetter et al. 1996] @ 298 K and assumed values ( <= 0.001) @ 230 K temp. below 230 K treated like 230 K HONO sigma: [JPL-94] phi: unity HNO3 sigma: [Burkholder et al. 1993] phi: unity H2O2 sigma: [JPL-94] phi: unity CH2O sigma: [Cantrell et al. 1990] (also used in [JPL-94]) parametr. of temp. dep. temp. below 223 K treated like 223 K phi: Evaluation by Sasha Madronich [priv. comm.] using data from: [Moortgat et al. 1983] and [Horowitz and Calvert 1978] CH3OOH sigma: [JPL-94] phi: unity CH3ONO2 sigma: [Talukdar et al. 1997] phi: unity CH3CH2ONO2 sigma: [Talukdar et al. 1997] phi: unity CH3COCH3 sigma: [McKeen, Burkholder, in prep.] phi: [McKeen, Burkholder, in prep.] PAN sigma: [Talukdar et al. 1995] phi: unity - Temperatures used for temperature dependent cross section and quantum yield data are TSCALC from the preliminary Project data files. When data were missing, a linear regression between the two values before and after the gap was used. - Pressures used for pressure dependent cross section and quantum yield data are PSMB from the preliminary Project data files. When data were missing, a linear regression between the two values before and after the gap was used. - The given lower limits of detection are the 2-sigma values of the flight period 02:50-03:10 on Oct. 6th (during total darkness). - The individual reactions have different sampling intervals and different midpoints around which these intervals are centered. The following list gives sampling intervals [s] as well as the differences [s] between the individual midpoints and the times given in the second data column: NO2 : 22 , +4 O1D : 11 , -8 HONO : 14 , +2 HNO3 : 13 , -6 H2O2 : 14 , -3 CH2O : 10 , -4 CH3OOH : 15 , -2 CH3ONO2 : 13 , -6 CH3CH2ONO2 : 13 , -6 CH3COCH3 : 12 , -7 PAN : 13 , -5 - All data points taken are included, i.e. no outlier screening or smoothing has been applied to these data. - Use of this data requires permission from the PIs. ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/atlas/eaan_d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== Trace gas data are based on measurements of whole air samples collected by the UCI research group. Measurements in the NCAR laboratory were carried out after transfer of aliquots of air to separate canisters or reanalysis of air without transfer. Measurement precision is estimated at 5 - 10%, and accuracy is estimated at 10 - 20%, with higher uncertainty for molecules with mixing ratios in the .001 - .1 pptv range. Null indicators in this version of the archive have been assigned to certain molecules because of known or suspected problems in the chemical analysis or because of possible contamination. For some molecules with mixing ratios near the limit of detection, null values were used to replace zero values for reasons of analytical problems or to indicate limit of detection. Calibration of HFC 134A is preliminary, pending current evaluations. Questions concerning this archive should be addressed to: Dr. Elliot Atlas, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307. E-mail: atlas@ucar.edu Additional measurements of RONO2 and halocarbons can be found in the UCI archive. ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/fuelberg/lpo_01d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== NB: averaging type (AF) is coded as: 1 for altitude change less than 1000 feet 2 for altitude change between 1000 and 3000 feet 3 for altitude change greater than 3000 feet 4 for altitude change that could not be classified For further information on this dataset contact longmore@huey.met.fsu.edu JDAY,START TIME,STOP TIME,SEC,TRAJ#,AF ============================================================================== comments from file /data/pem-t/dc8/raw/browell/betc1d09.pmt ... ============================================================================== ****************************************************************** Calculated using DIAL derived ozone mixing ratios (ppbv) included interpolated and extrapolated values. ******************************************************************