Description of GIT Two Photon/Laser Induced Fluorescence (TP/LIF) NO Sensor and Its Performance on NASA's GTE PEM-Tropics B Field Program The sequential, step-wise excitation, two-photon laser-induced fluorescence technique was applied to the in-situ airborne measurement of NO during the PEM-Tropics B field program. The basis of this technique has been previously reported (e.g. Bradshaw et al., 1985; Sandholm et al., 1990; Sandholm et al., 1992; Sandholm et al., 1994; and Bradshaw et al. 1998). The Nd:YAG pumped, optical parametric oscillators used to generate the UV and IR excitation wavelengths were nearly identical to those used during PEM-Tropics A, with laser line width parameters, spectral energy densities, etc. were within the range previously characterized and reported for the system. As in previous experiments, a reference signal from a known mixture of NO was used as an "internal standard" to normalize for in-flight changes in laser performance (i.e., wavelength and energy drifts) small changes induced by changes in fluorescence quenching as a function of altitude. These reference measurements were continuously made at the beginning and end of the laser beam line with the ambient sampling cell located in between. The improved sensitivity fluorescence detection optics and photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) used in PEM-WB were also used in both PEM-Tropics A & B. Other PEM-Tropics changes that may affect the performance of the NO portion of the instrument include: implementation of a high flow rate (20 to 40 klpm), pseudo-wall-less, 10 cm ID sampling system fed by an inlet flow diffuser-style nozzle that acted to slightly pressurize the inlet (e.g., 80 mbar) and segregate against large aerosols. All other modifications should not have affected the performance of the NO portion of the instrument. The GIT PEM-Tropics NO measurements were recorded every 0.2 seconds as an instantaneous (i.e., 10 nanosecond) probing of the mixing ratio of NO within a continuously flowing stream of "sampled" ambient air. This sampling approach can be correspondingly modeled as the quantitative analysis of a combined set of "effective grab-samples" where the number of effective samples combined for analysis is equal to the number of laser pulses that interrogated the sample during the signal integration period; the "effective sampling-time" for each "grab-sample" corresponds to the sample's residence time in front of the detector (+/-0.001 seconds); and the frequency of sampling corresponds to the probe laser repetition rate (10 Hz). The sample volume interrogated by the laser beams was swept from the sample chamber between laser pulses. This sampling approach can be shown to give a representative sampling of the NO in the atmosphere if the spatial (i.e., temporarily encountered) inhomogeneities have a characteristic scale size (dNO/dx or dNO/dt) that is small compared to the corresponding response function of the instrument. Spatial scale inhomogeneities with scale lengths less than 20 m will not be adequately sampled by the present configuration of the sensor. In general, the sensor and analysis technique used was capable of accurately sampling (at some specified confidence level) those inhomogeneities with magnitudes of change greater than the precision of the measurement over spatial scales that were greater than approximately one half the distances covered during the reported measurement period. In order to produce a single data product that would give a meaningful measurement at the highest obtainable temporal resolution for a given ambient level of NO, the GIT PEM-Tropics NO data set has been constructed using a variable integration time format. The signal strength equation describing the response of the TP/LIF sensor is linear in signal integration time and in ambient NO mixing ratio. Therefore, these two quantities can be readily permuted, if given a sufficiently rapid enough measurement and sampling time to insure that the non-stationary functionality of the signal arising from NO's ambient variability is adequately captured by the measurements. Based on our analysis of the data, the above criteria was not always met. However, we believe that the measurements did accurately capture a large fraction of the NO's variability in the atmosphere sampled during PEM-Tropics. The GIT sensor was limited to reporting time periods greater than 0.2 seconds due to the effective 5 Hz repetition frequency of the NO portion of the system used. Here we nominally operated the 10 pps laser system to acquire NO and NO2 data on subsequent laser pulses with a background measurement every 10th laser pulse. This created an effective 4.5 Hz interlaced measurement frequencies for NO and NO2. The sample transit time through the entire inlet system and detector was +/-0.04 seconds. All data reported here are given with respect to the GMT time that air was intercepted at station 0 of the DC-8 and thus has been shifted 0.15 seconds earlier than the time measurements were recorded. This shift accounts for the average time difference between station 0 and the station where our probe was located, and the total sample residence time through the sample inlet and detector. The GIT instrument's time clock was synchronized to the ERIG-B time code via the data system clock to better than 0.1 seconds. Flight 8 has been reduced using a fixed integration time because single shot data reduction was hampered by no real time background measurements. Otherwise the measurement period for each data point was chosen to contain a minimum of two laser pulses plus as many additional pulses as needed so that the reported NO mixing ratio would have a measurement precision in the 10 to 25% range (1-sigma). Nominally, the measurement period was constrained to yield a signal to noise ratio of 10/1, which would yield a measurement precision of +/-20% at the 2-sigma or 95% confidence limit. Each integration period was inspected for the occurrence of "plume" events as monitored by a statistically significant change in signal levels during the integration period. Those integration time periods thus affected by statistically significant plumes were broken into shorter time intervals as long as a S/N ratio remained greater than 4/1 (and a signal to background noise of >5/1) was maintained. Data below the instrument S/N = 2/1 limit-of-detection are flagged by a value of -888.88 and are reported as upper limit estimates in the NO_LIM column as the S/N = 2/1 value. The flag value of -777.77 corresponds to values above our linear dynamic range and those values are also reported in the NO_LIM column as lower limit estimates. In these flagged data cases, the value calculated is given in a separate column that reports out of range (high or low) data or as a null (i.e., not reported) value of -999.99. Signals were separately recorded from four optical detection packages. A multi-channel temporal coincidence filter was applied at both the single shot and integration period level in order to remove statistically anomalous data at the 99% confidence limit for a Poisson distribution (e.g., exclusion of cosmic ray events). In addition, the continuously recorded background LIF signal, taken every one laser pulse in ten, was used to ascertain its relative contribution to the uncertainty in the reported NO mixing ratio. The measurement precision has been obtained using a photon-statistics based estimate of the uncertainty that assumes the signal and background are independent and random in nature and that the uncertainty can be defined by the square root of the variance in the signal-plus-background measurement plus the variance in the observed background measurement times the square of the ratios of the applicable duty cycle for the background versus signal-plus-background measurements. A "digital" photon counting algorithm was used for signal strengths less than 0.6 detected counts per photomultiplier tube per laser shot. The lower signal limit discriminator's "threshold" was set based on determining the most probable value of each channels analog voltage equivalent input offset. This photon counting, using this method to establish threshold in combination with the high average mV/photon for a single photon event, had a reasonably high and stable efficiency (estimated to have >95% efficiency). For those measurement periods where the NO mixing ratio was large enough to result in signal strengths greater than 0.6 detected counts per laser pulse per photomultiplier tube, the signal was analyzed using an analog photon counting algorithm. The measurement precision in this case includes the necessary additional term that accounts for the gain spread of the photomultiplier tube(s) as determined from the probability distribution of measured voltages for individual single photon events. All data were normalized for the effects of laser energy/wavelength drift and small changes in signal strength due to variations in electronic quenching as a function of ambient pressure (i.e., altitude). This normalization adds an additional uncertainty of +/-20% (1-sigma) over a factor of two change in the reference (normalization) signal. Typically the reference signal varied by less than +/-25% during the course of a flight. The additional estimated uncertainty due to the reference normalization is conservatively given as a +/-5% per 25% change in reference signal which should be taken as a random uncertainty term at the 67% (1-sigma) confidence limit. All data have also been corrected for the effects of H2O vapor quenching of the excited states of NO. This correction accounts for the 2% per torr reduction in signal strength with increasing water vapor. The normalization factor (i.e., 0.02 per torr) is known to a certainty of better than +/-15% (at the 67% confidence limit). The uncertainty of the calibration transfers to the reported NO mixing ratio values is estimated to be less than +/-20% at the 95% confidence limit based on the uncertainty in the normalized (to H2O vapor an reference signal) calibration factors obtained during each flight. This uncertainty contains in it the measurement precision of the calibration point, the uncertainty in the H2O vapor and reference signal normalizations, uncertainties in flow meters, etc.. The uncertainty of calibration transfer excluding the H2O vapor and reference signal normalization is estimated to be less than +/-15% at the 95% confidence limit. An overall or total measurement uncertainty (at the 67% or 1-sigma confidence limit) is also specified for each data point. The estimated total uncertainty has been obtained by quadratically combining the measurement precision, accuracy and other separately specified terms discussed above. These values give our overall estimate of the maximum random and systematic uncertainties of each measurement. Neither the measurement precision nor the overall uncertainty estimates contain information on the variability of NO in the ambient air sampled during the measurement period. Measurement period time weighting should be applied to any averaging of the GIT data. Specific questions regarding this data set should be addressed to Scott Sandholm or Hann-wen Guan, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332. NO_AMV (pptv)= Ambient measurement value for NO in units of pptv during the measurement period NO_AMP (pptv)= Ambient measurement precision for NO in units equivalent to pptv NO_ETU (pptv)= Estimated total uncertainty on measurement value in units of equivalent pptv NO_LIM (pptv)= NO values outside the measurement range of the instrument in units of pptv during the measurement period