; $Id ; ; Copyright (c) 1993-1998, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; ;+ ; NAME: ; CTM_SLICER3 ; ; PURPOSE: ; Widget based application to visualize 3D data for GAMAP. ; This program superseeds the "SLICER" program. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Volume display / rendering. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; SLICER3 [, hData3D] ; ; INPUTS: ; hData3D: A pointer to the 3D data, or an array of pointers ; to multiple 3D arrays. If multiple arrays are specified, ; they all must have the same X, Y, and Z dimensions. ; This parameter is optional. The default is to use a 3D ; array created from BYTARR(2,2,2). While running SLICER3, ; the user may interactively load data via the file menu ; (see example). If data is loaded in this fashion, ; any data passed to SLICER3 via a pointer (or pointers) is ; deleted, and the pointers become invalid. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; DETACH: If set, then the drawing area is placed in a base that is ; detached from the control panel. The drawing area can ; only be detached if Slicer3 is not run in modal mode. ; MODAL: If set, then Slicer3 will block user interaction with all ; other widgets (and block the command line) until the user ; quits Slicer3. If Slicer3 is started from some other ; widget-based application, then it is usually advisable ; to run Slicer3 in Modal mode. ; GROUP: This keyword specifies a widget ID of the group leader. ; If the specified widget is destroyed, Slicer3 is also ; destroyed. If Slicer3 is started from a widget ; application, then GROUP should ALWAYS be specified. ; See example. ; DATA_NAMES: A string array of names for the data. The names appear ; on the droplist widget for the current data. If the ; number of elements of DATA_NAMES is less than the ; number of elements in hData3D then default names will ; be generated for the unnamed data. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; COMMON colors, r, g, b, cur_red, cur_green, cur_blue ; These common variables are used by the "STRETCH", ; "LOADCT", and "XLOADCT" commands. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Slicer3 modifies the current color table, as well as ; various elements of the plotting system (ie, the "!X", ; "!Y", "!Z", and "!P" system variables). ; If the "MODAL" keyword is set (usually a good idea), ; then SLICER3 will, upon exit, restore these system ; variables (and the color tables) to the values they ; had when SLICER3 was started. ; Slicer3 sets the position for the light source and ; enables back-facing polygons to be drawn (see the ; IDL "SET_SHADING" command). ; ; Slicer3 overwrites the existing contents of the ; Z-buffer. Upon exiting Slicer3, the Z-buffer contents ; are the same as what was last displayed by Slicer3. ; ; On 24-bit displays, Slicer3 sets the device to ; non-decomposed color mode (DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=0). ; ; Slicer3 breaks the color table into 6 "bands", based upon ; the number of available colors (max_color=!D.N_COLORS ; on 8-bit displays, and max_color=256 on 24-bit displays) : ; ; Band start index: Band end index: Used for: ; ----------------- --------------- --------- ; ; 0 nColor-1 X Slices. ; nColor (2*nColor)-1 Y Slices. ; 2*nColor (3*nColor)-1 Z Slices. ; 3*nColor (4*nColor)-1 Iso-surfaces. ; 4*nColor (5*nColor)-1 Projections. ; ; Where: ; nColor = (max_color - 9) / 5 ; ; Note that the value of !D.N_Colors can vary from ; machine to machine, and from run to run, depending ; upon available system resources. Also, !D.N_Colors ; is usually not set by IDL until the first window has ; been created (or realized) in that IDL session. ; ; Annotation colors are the last "band", and they are ; set up as : ; ; Color index: Color: ; ------------- ------ ; ; max_color - 1 White. ; max_color - 2 Yellow. ; max_color - 3 Cyan. ; max_color - 4 Purple. ; max_color - 5 Red. ; max_color - 6 Green. ; max_color - 7 Blue. ; max_color - 8 Black. ; ; On 24-bit displays, improved performance can often be ; gained by running Slicer3 in 8-bit mode. This can be ; accomplished (on some platforms) by entering the following ; command at the start of the IDL session (before any ; windows are created): ; ; Device, Pseudo_Color=8 ; ; See the documentation for additional information. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; The data used by Slicer3 must meet the following conditions: ; * The data must have three dimensions. ; * The minimum size of the data array must be 2x2x2. ; * If multiple volumes are loaded, they all must have the ; same dimensions. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; "File" menu: ; ; "Load": ; Select a file containing a 3D array (or arrays) to load ; into Slicer3. The file must have been written in a ; certain binary format. For each data array in the file, ; the following values are present: ; ; data item data type bytes ; -------------------------- ---------- ------ ; ; Number of dimensions long 4 ; in array. Note that ; this is always 3 for ; valid Slicer3 data. ; ; Size of first dimension. long 4 ; Size of second dimension. long 4 ; Size of third dimension. long 4 ; ; If multiple arrays are present in the file, ; they must all have the same dimensions. ; ; Data type (1 through 5) long 4 ; (see the IDL "SIZE" ; function for types). ; ; Total number of elements. long 4 ; (dimX*dimY*dimZ). ; ; Note that the all of the above values are the ; exact output of the IDL "SIZE" function. ; ; Number of characters long 4 ; in data name. ; ; Note that the above value is the output from ; the IDL "STRLEN" function. ; ; Data name. byte strlen() ; ; 3D data. varies varies ; ; Note that the 3D data type and number of bytes ; is specified by the "size" information above. ; ; Any number of 3D datasets can be concatenated into ; a single file of this type (as long as they all have ; the same dimensions). ; ; (See EXAMPLE, below.) ; ; NOTE: Files saved by the "Save Subset" operation ; (see below) are suitable for input via the "Load" ; operation. ; ; Data files that are moved from one platform to ; another may not load as expected, due to differing ; byte order. See the "BYTEORDER" and "SWAP_ENDIAN" ; IDL commands for details. ; ; "Save / Save Subset": ; Slicer3 must be in "Block" mode for this operation to be ; available. When selected, a subset of the 3D data ; enclosed in the current block is written to the chosen ; save file. This subset can then be loaded back into ; Slicer3 at any time. If multiple 3D arrays are ; currently available in Slicer3, then multiple subsets ; are saved to the file. ; ; "Save / Save Tiff Image": ; When selected, a tiff image of the current Slicer3 ; contents is saved to the chosen file. When running in ; 8-bit mode, a "Class P" palette color Tiff file is created. ; In 24-bit mode, a "Class R" (interleaved by image) Tiff ; file is created. ; ; "Quit": ; Exits Slicer3. ; ; ; "Tools" menu: ; ; "Erase": ; Erases the display window and deletes all the objects ; in the display list. ; ; "Delete / ...": ; As graphical objects are created, they are added to the ; display list. The "Delete" menu allows the user to ; delete a specific object from the list. When an object ; is deleted, the screen is redrawn with the remaining ; objects. ; ; "Colors / Reset Colors": ; Selecting this will cause the original color scheme to ; be restored. ; ; "Colors / Differential Shading": ; This allows the user to change the percentage of ; differential shading applied to the X, Y, and Z slices. ; ; "Colors / Slice/Block": ; This allows the user to use the "XLOADCT" operation ; to modify the colors used for slices and blocks. ; In some cases, the new colors will not be visible ; until the user selects "Done" in the XLOADCT tool. ; ; "Colors / Surface": ; This allows the user to use the "XLOADCT" operation ; to modify the colors used for iso-surfaces. ; ; "Colors / Projection": ; This allows the user to use the "XLOADCT" operation ; to modify the colors used for projections. ; ; Note that on some platforms, the selected colors may not ; become visible until after the "XLOADCT" tool is exited. ; ; "Options": ; This brings up a panel allowing the user to set: ; The axis visibility. ; The wire-frame cube visibility. ; The display window size ; (the X and Y dimensions are always the same). ; If the user selects "Ok", then the display is redrawn. ; ; ; "About" menu: ; ; "About Slicer": ; Brings up help information about Slicer3. ; ; ; "Data:" pull-down menu: ; If multiple datasets are currently available in Slicer3, ; this menu allows the selection of the current data. ; Slices, blocks, iso-surfaces, etc. are created from ; the currently selected data. If only one dataset ; is currently loaded, then this menu is inactive. ; ; ; "Mode:" pull-down menu: ; This menu is used to select the current mode of operation. ; ; ; Main Draw Window: ; Interaction in the main draw window is dependent upon ; the currently selected mode ("Slice", "Block", "Surface", ; etc., see below). In general, when coordinate input is ; required from the user, it is performed by clicking a ; mouse button on the "surface" of the wire-frame cube that ; surrounds the data. This 3D location is then used as ; the basis for whatever input is needed. In most cases, ; the "front" side of the cube is used. In a few cases, ; the coordinate input is on the "back" side of the cube. ; ; ; "Slice" mode: ; To display a slice, click and drag the left mouse button ; on the wire-frame cube. When the button is released, a ; slice through the data will be drawn at that location. ; ; "Draw" mode: ; When in Draw mode, new slices will be merged into ; the current Z-buffer contents. ; ; "Expose" mode: ; When in Expose mode, new slices will be drawn in ; front of everything else. ; ; "Orthogonal" mode: ; When in Orthogonal mode, use the left mouse button ; in the big window to position and draw an orthogonal ; slicing plane. Clicking the right mouse button in ; the big window (or any mouse button in the small ; window) will toggle the slicing plane orientation. ; "X": ; This sets the orthogonal slicing plane orientation ; to be perpendicular to the X axis. ; "Y": ; This sets the orthogonal slicing plane orientation ; to be perpendicular to the Y axis. ; "Z": ; This sets the orthogonal slicing plane orientation ; to be perpendicular to the Z axis. ; ; "Oblique" mode: ; Clicking any mouse button in the small window will ; reset the oblique slicing plane to its default ; orientation. ; "Normal" mode: ; When in this mode, click and drag the left mouse ; button in the big window to set the surface normal ; for the oblique slicing plane. ; "Center" mode: ; When in this mode, click and drag the left mouse ; button in the big window to set the center point ; for the surface normal. ; "Display": ; Clicking this button will cause an oblique slicing ; plane to be drawn. ; ; ; "Block" mode: ; When in Block mode, use the left mouse button in the ; big window to set the location for the "purple" corner ; of the block. Use the right mouse button to locate ; the opposite "blue" corner of the block. ; ; When in Block mode, the "Save Subset" operation under ; the main "File" menu is available. ; ; "Add" mode: ; When in this mode, the block will be "added" to the ; current Z-buffer contents. ; ; "Subtract" mode: ; When in this mode, the block will be "subtracted" ; from the current Z-buffer contents. Subtract mode ; is only effective when the block intersects some ; other object in the display (such as an iso-surface). ; ; "Display": ; Clicking this button will cause the block to be drawn. ; ; ; "Surface" mode: ; In iso-surface is like a contour line on a contour ; map. On one side of the line, the elevation is higher ; than the contour level, and on the other side of the ; line, the elevation is lower than the contour level. ; An iso-surface, however, is a 3D surface that passes ; through the data such that the data values on one side ; of the surface are higher than the threshold value, ; and on the other side of the surface, the data values ; are lower than the threshold value. ; ; When in Surface mode, a logarithmic histogram plot ; of the data is displayed in the small draw window. ; Click and drag a mouse button on this plot to set ; the iso-surface threshold value. This value is ; also shown in the text widget below the plot. ; The threshold value may also be set by typing a ; new value in this text widget. The histogram ; plot is affected by the current threshold settings. ; (See Threshold mode, below). ; ; "Low": ; Selecting this mode will cause the iso-surface polygon ; facing to face towards the lower data values. ; Usually, this is the mode to use when the iso-surface ; is desired to surround high data values. ; ; "High": ; Selecting this mode will cause the iso-surface polygon ; facing to face towards the higher data values. ; Usually, this is the mode to use when the iso-surface ; is desired to surround low data values. ; ; "Shading" pull-down menu: ; Iso-surfaces are normally rendered with light-source ; shading. If multiple datasets are currently loaded, ; then this menu allows the selection of a different ; 3D array for the source of the iso-surface shading ; values. If only one dataset is currently loaded, ; then this menu is inactive. ; ; "Display": ; Clicking this button will cause the iso-surface to ; be created and drawn. Iso-surfaces often consist ; of tens of thousands of polygons, and can sometimes ; take considerable time to create and render. ; ; ; "Projection" mode: ; A "voxel" projection of a 3D array is the projection ; of the data values within that array onto a viewing ; plane. This is similar to taking an X-ray image of ; a 3D object. ; ; "Max" mode: ; Select this mode for a Maximum intensity projection. ; ; "Avg" mode: ; Select this mode for an Average intensity projection. ; ; "Low" mode: ; Select this mode for a Low resolution projection. ; ; "Med" mode: ; Select this mode for a Medium resolution projection. ; ; "High" mode: ; Select this mode for a High resolution projection. ; ; "Depth Queue %": ; Use the slider to set the depth queue percent. ; A value of 50, for example, indicates that the ; farthest part of the projection will be 50 % as ; bright as the closest part of the projection. ; ; "Display": ; Clicking this button will cause the projection to ; be calculated and drawn. Projections can sometimes ; take considerable time to display. Higher resolution ; projections take more computation time. ; ; ; "Threshold" mode: ; When in Threshold mode, a logarithmic histogram plot ; of the data is displayed in the small draw window. ; Click and drag the left mouse button on this plot to ; set the minimum and maximum threshold values. ; To expand a narrow range of data values into the ; full range of available colors, set the threshold ; range before displaying slices, blocks, or projections. ; The threshold settings also affect the histogram ; plot in "Surface" mode. The minimum and maximum ; threshold values are also shown in the text widgets ; below the histogram plot. ; ; Click and drag the right mouse button on the histogram ; plot to set the transparency threshold. ; Portions of any slice, block, or projection that are ; less than the transparency value are not drawn (clear). ; Iso-surfaces are not affected by the transparency ; threshold. The transparency threshold value is also ; shown in a text widget below the histogram plot. ; ; "Min": ; In this text widget, a minimum threshold value can ; be entered. ; ; "Max": ; In this text widget, a maximum threshold value can ; be entered. ; ; "Transp.": ; In this text widget, a transparency threshold value ; can be entered. ; ; ; "Profile" mode: ; In Profile mode, a plot is displayed showing the ; data values along a line. This line is also shown ; superimposed on the data in the main draw window. ; The bottom of the plot corresponds to the "purple" ; end of the line, and the top of the plot corresponds ; to the "blue" end of the line. ; ; "Orthogonal" mode: ; Click and drag the left mouse button to position the ; profile line, based upon a point on the "front" ; faces of the wire-frame cube. Click and drag the ; right mouse button to position the profile line, ; based upon a point on the "back" faces of the ; wire-frame cube. As the profile line is moved, ; The profile plot is dynamically updated. ; ; "Oblique" mode: ; Click and drag the left mouse button to position the ; "purple" end of the profile line on one of the "front" ; faces of the wire-frame cube. Click and drag the ; right mouse button to position the "blue" end of the ; profile line on one of the "back" faces of the ; wire-frame cube. As the profile line is moved, ; The profile plot is dynamically updated. ; ; ; "Probe" mode: ; In Probe mode, click and drag a mouse button over ; an object in the main draw window. The actual ; X-Y-Z location within the data volume is displayed ; in the three text widgets. Also, the data value ; at that 3D location is displayed in the status ; window, above the main draw window. If the cursor ; is inside the wire-frame cube, but not on any object, ; then the status window displays "No data value", and ; the three text widgets are empty. If the cursor is ; outside the wire-frame cube, then the status window ; and text widgets are empty. ; ; "X": ; Use this text widget to enter the X coordinate for ; the probe. ; ; "Y": ; Use this text widget to enter the Y coordinate for ; the probe. ; ; "Z": ; Use this text widget to enter the Z coordinate for ; the probe. ; ; ; "View" mode: ; In view mode, a small window shows the orientation ; of the data cube in the current view. As view ; parameters are changed, this window is dynamically ; updated. The main draw window is then updated ; when the user clicks on "Display", or exits View ; mode. ; ; "Display": ; Clicking on this button will cause the objects in ; the main view window to be drawn in the new view. ; If any view parameters have been changed since ; the last time the main view was updated, the main ; view will be automatically redrawn when the user ; exits View mode. ; ; 1st Rotation: ; Use this slider to set the angle of the first view ; rotation (in degrees). The droplist widget adjacent ; to the slider indicates which axis this rotation is ; about. ; ; 2nd Rotation: ; Use this slider to set the angle of the second view ; rotation (in degrees). The droplist widget adjacent ; to the slider indicates which axis this rotation is ; about. ; ; "Zoom %": ; Use this slider to set the zoom factor percent. ; Depending upon the view rotations, Slicer3 may ; override this setting to ensure that all eight ; corners of the data cube are within the window. ; ; "Z %": ; Use this slider to set a scale factor for the Z ; axis (to compensate for the data's aspect ratio). ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Example 1: ; ---------- ; Create a data save file suitable for dynamic loading into ; Slicer3. ; ; ; ; Store some 3D data in a variable called "data_1". ; data_1 = INDGEN(20,30,40) ; ; ; Store some 3D data in a variable called "data_2". ; data_2 = FINDGEN(20,30,40) ; ; ; Define the names for the datasets (their names will ; ; appear in the "Data:" pull-down menu in Slicer3. ; ; data_1_name = 'Test Data 1' ; data_2_name = 'Data 2' ; ; ; Select a data file name. ; dataFile = DIALOG_PICKFILE() ; ; ; Write the file. ; ; GET_LUN, lun ; OPENW, lun, dataFile ; ; WRITEU, lun, SIZE(data_1) ; WRITEU, lun, STRLEN(data_1_name) ; WRITEU, lun, BYTE(data_1_name) ; WRITEU, lun, data_1 ; ; WRITEU, lun, SIZE(data_2) ; WRITEU, lun, STRLEN(data_2_name) ; WRITEU, lun, BYTE(data_2_name) ; WRITEU, lun, data_2 ; ; CLOSE, lun ; FREE_LUN, lun ; ; ; Example 2: ; ---------- ; Run Slicer3 with data passed to it at startup. ; ; ; Create some 3D data. ; data = INDGEN(20,30,40) ; ; ; Create a pointer to the data, and use the "/NO_COPY" ; ; keyword to save memory. ; h_data = PTR_NEW(data, /NO_COPY) ; ; ; Start up Slicer3. ; SLICER3, h_data, /MODAL ; ; ; If the user did not interactively load any data into ; ; Slicer3 (via the "File/Load" menu), then the original ; ; pointer to the data still exists (and the original data ; ; will still reside in memory). To free it, use: ; ; if PTR_VALID(h_data) then PTR_FREE, h_data ; ; ; If the pointer is no longer valid, then that indicates ; ; that the user interactively loaded data into Slicer3. ; ; Any data that is loaded interactively is automatically ; ; deleted when the user exits Slicer3. ; ; ; Note that the last contents of the main view window in ; ; Slicer3 still resides in the Z-buffer. To access this ; ; image after exiting Slicer3, perform the following actions: ; ; current_device = !D.Name ; SET_PLOT, 'Z' ; image_buffer = TVRD() ; depth_buffer = TVRD(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) ; SET_PLOT, current_device ; TV, image_buffer ; ; ; Note that the image contained in "image_buffer" will look ; ; "correct" only if the colors loaded by Slicer3 have not ; ; been changed since the user exited Slicer3. ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Daniel Carr - RSI, Fri Nov 22 15:43:36 MST 1996 ; Daniel Carr - RSI, Fri Jan 10 12:08:01 MST 1997 ; Fixed bugs and added muti-dataset capability. ; Alan Youngblood, Daniel Carr - RSI, Wed Feb 11 10:07:32 MST 1998 ; Modified routine to use pointers. ; bmy, 1/19/99 - ** RENAMED to CTM_SLICER3*** ; - store a local copy of the IDL library ; routine SLICER3 for use with GAMAP ; mgs, 26 Jan 1999: - changed PICKFILE to DIALOG_PICKFILE ; ; ;- ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to reset IDL system variables to their initial start-up states. pro Viz3D_Reset !Order = 0 T3d, /Reset !P.T3d = 0 !P.Position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] !P.Clip = [0L, 0L, (!D.X_Size-1L), (!D.Y_Size-1L), 0L, 0L] !P.Region = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] !P.Background = 0L !P.Charsize = 0.0 !P.Charthick = 0.0 !P.Color = 255 !P.Font = (-1L) !P.Linestyle = 0L !P.Multi = [0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L] !P.Noclip = 0L !P.Noerase = 0L !P.Nsum = 0L !P.Psym = 0L !P.Subtitle = '' !P.Symsize = 0.0 !P.Thick = 0.0 !P.Title = '' !P.Ticklen = 0.02 !P.Channel = 0 !X.S = [0.0, 0.0] !X.Style = 0L !X.Range = [0.0, 0.0] !X.Margin = [10.0, 3.0] !X.Type = 0L !X.Ticks = 0L !X.Ticklen = 0.0 !X.Thick = 0.0 !X.Crange = [0.0, 0.0] !X.Omargin = [0.0, 0.0] !X.Window = [0.0, 0.0] !X.Region = [0.0, 0.0] !X.Charsize = 0.0 !X.Minor = 0L !X.Tickv = Replicate(0.0, 30) !X.Tickname = Replicate('', 30) !X.Gridstyle = 0L !X.Tickformat = '' !X.Title = '' !Y.S = [0.0, 0.0] !Y.Style = 0L !Y.Range = [0.0, 0.0] !Y.Margin = [4.0, 2.0] !Y.Type = 0L !Y.Ticks = 0L !Y.Ticklen = 0.0 !Y.Thick = 0.0 !Y.Crange = [0.0, 0.0] !Y.Omargin = [0.0, 0.0] !Y.Window = [0.0, 0.0] !Y.Region = [0.0, 0.0] !Y.Charsize = 0.0 !Y.Minor = 0L !Y.Tickv = Replicate(0.0, 30) !Y.Tickname = Replicate('', 30) !Y.Gridstyle = 0L !Y.Tickformat = '' !Y.Title = '' !Z.S = [0.0, 0.0] !Z.Style = 0L !Z.Range = [0.0, 0.0] !Z.Margin = [0.0, 0.0] !Z.Type = 0L !Z.Ticks = 0L !Z.Ticklen = 0.0 !Z.Thick = 0.0 !Z.Crange = [0.0, 0.0] !Z.Omargin = [0.0, 0.0] !Z.Window = [0.0, 0.0] !Z.Region = [0.0, 0.0] !Z.Charsize = 0.0 !Z.Minor = 0L !Z.Tickv = Replicate(0.0, 30) !Z.Tickname = Replicate('', 30) !Z.Gridstyle = 0L !Z.Tickformat = '' !Z.Title = '' end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to set the differential shading. pro Viz3D_DiffColor, sViz3DColors ; IDL colors common block (used by "LOADCT" and "STRETCH"). common colors, r, g, b, cur_red, cur_green, cur_blue fdiffShade = Float(sViz3DColors.diffShade) / 100.0 cR1 = (sViz3DColors.rSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) cG1 = (sViz3DColors.gSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) cB1 = (sViz3DColors.bSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) TVLCT, cR1, cG1, cB1, 0 cR1 = (sViz3DColors.rSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) + $ (127.0 * fdiffshade) cG1 = (sViz3DColors.gSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) + $ (127.0 * fdiffshade) cB1 = (sViz3DColors.bSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) + $ (127.0 * fdiffshade) TVLCT, cR1, cG1, cB1, sViz3DColors.nColor cR1 = (sViz3DColors.rSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) + $ (255.0 * fdiffshade) cG1 = (sViz3DColors.gSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) + $ (255.0 * fdiffshade) cB1 = (sViz3DColors.bSlice * (1.0 - fdiffshade)) + $ (255.0 * fdiffshade) TVLCT, cR1, cG1, cB1, (2 * sViz3DColors.nColor) TVLCT, cur_red, cur_green, cur_blue, /GET sViz3DColors.cR = cur_red sViz3DColors.cG = cur_green sViz3DColors.cB = cur_blue if (sViz3DColors.displayBits eq 24) then LOADCT, 0 end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Function to load a color table and set the annotation colors. ; Returns the color state. function Viz3D_LoadColor, CTAB=cTab, DIFFSHADE=diffShade ; IDL colors common block (used by "LOADCT" and "STRETCH"). common colors, r, g, b, cur_red, cur_green, cur_blue ;Annotation color numbers : ; 0 - Black. ; 1 - Blue. ; 2 - Green. ; 3 - Red. ; 4 - Purple. ; 5 - Cyan. ; 6 - Yellow. ; 7 - White. nColor = ((!D.N_Colors < 256) - 9) / 5 white = LONG([255, 255, 255]) yellow = LONG([255, 255, 0]) cyan = LONG([ 0, 255, 255]) purple = LONG([191, 0, 191]) red = LONG([255, 0, 0]) green = LONG([ 0, 255, 0]) blue = LONG([ 63, 63, 255]) black = LONG([ 0, 0, 0]) ; ### Change slice color table to EOS-B ; if (N_ELEMENTS(cTab) le 3L) then cTab = [3,1,8] if (N_ELEMENTS(cTab) le 3L) then cTab = [27,27,27] LOADCT, cTab(0) STRETCH, 0, (nColor-1) rSlice = cur_red(0:nColor-1) gSlice = cur_green(0:nColor-1) bSlice = cur_blue(0:nColor-1) LOADCT, cTab(1) STRETCH, 0, (nColor-1) rSurfc = cur_red(0:nColor-1) gSurfc = cur_green(0:nColor-1) bSurfc = cur_blue(0:nColor-1) LOADCT, cTab(2) STRETCH, 0, (nColor-1) rPrjct = cur_red(0:nColor-1) gPrjct = cur_green(0:nColor-1) bPrjct = cur_blue(0:nColor-1) if (!D.N_Colors gt 256) then displayBits = 24 else displayBits = 8 cWhite24 = (white(2) * 256L^2L) + (white(1) * 256L) + white(0) cYellow24 = (yellow(2) * 256L^2L) + (yellow(1) * 256L) + yellow(0) cCyan24 = (cyan(2) * 256L^2L) + (cyan(1) * 256L) + cyan(0) cPurple24 = (purple(2) * 256L^2L) + (purple(1) * 256L) + purple(0) cRed24 = (red(2) * 256L^2L) + (red(1) * 256L) + red(0) cGreen24 = (green(2) * 256L^2L) + (green(1) * 256L) + green(0) cBlue24 = (blue(2) * 256L^2L) + (blue(1) * 256L) + blue(0) cBlack24 = (black(2) * 256L^2L) + (black(1) * 256L) + black(0) nCol = !D.N_Colors < 256 cWhite = nCol - 1 cYellow = nCol - 2 cCyan = nCol - 3 cPurple = nCol - 4 cRed = nCol - 5 cGreen = nCol - 6 cBlue = nCol - 7 cBlack = nCol - 8 colors8 = [cBlack,cBlue,cGreen,cRed,cPurple,cCyan,cYellow,cWhite] colors24 = [cBlack24,cBlue24,cGreen24,cRed24,$ cPurple24,cCyan24,cYellow24,cWhite24] TVLCT, rSurfc, gSurfc, bSurfc, (3 * nColor) TVLCT, rPrjct, gPrjct, bPrjct, (4 * nColor) TVLCT, REFORM(white, 1, 3), cWhite TVLCT, REFORM(yellow, 1, 3), cYellow TVLCT, REFORM(cyan, 1, 3), cCyan TVLCT, REFORM(purple, 1, 3), cPurple TVLCT, REFORM(red, 1, 3), cRed TVLCT, REFORM(green, 1, 3), cGreen TVLCT, REFORM(blue, 1, 3), cBlue TVLCT, REFORM(black, 1, 3), cBlack sViz3DColors = {SViz3DColors, nColor:nColor, diffShade:diffShade, $ colors8:colors8, colors24:colors24, $ displayBits:displayBits, $ cR:cur_red, cG:cur_green, cB:cur_blue, $ rSlice:rSlice, gSlice:gSlice, bSlice:bSlice} Viz3D_DiffColor, sViz3DColors TVLCT, cur_red, cur_green, cur_blue, /Get if (displayBits eq 24) then LOADCT, 0 return, sViz3DColors end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Function to translate an annotation color ; number to an actual color table index. function Viz3D_TransColor, sMainState, cIndex if ((sMainState.sColorState.displayBits eq 24) and (!D.Name NE 'Z')) then $ return, sMainState.sColorState.colors24(cIndex) $ else $ return, sMainState.sColorState.colors8(cIndex) end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Function to set up the 3D view. ; Returns the view state. function Viz3D_View, viewWin, $ XMAX=xMax, YMAX=yMax, ZMAX=zMax, $ ANG1=ang1, ANG2=ang2, ANG3=ang3, $ DIR1=dir1, DIR2=dir2, DIR3=dir3, $ ZOOM=zoomFac, ZSCALE=zScale, PERSP=pDist if (N_ELEMENTS(xMax) le 0L) then xMax = 1.0 if (N_ELEMENTS(yMax) le 0L) then yMax = 1.0 if (N_ELEMENTS(zMax) le 0L) then zMax = 1.0 if (N_ELEMENTS(ang1) le 0L) then ang1 = 0.0 if (N_ELEMENTS(ang2) le 0L) then ang2 = 0.0 if (N_ELEMENTS(ang3) le 0L) then ang3 = 0.0 if (N_ELEMENTS(dir1) le 0L) then dir1 = 'Z' if (N_ELEMENTS(dir2) le 0L) then dir2 = 'Y' if (N_ELEMENTS(dir3) le 0L) then dir3 = 'X' if (N_ELEMENTS(zoomFac) le 0L) then zoomFac = 1.0 if (N_ELEMENTS(zScale) le 0L) then zScale = 1.0 if (N_ELEMENTS(pDist) le 0L) then pDist = 0.0 s_ang1 = Sin(ang1*!Dtor) c_ang1 = Cos(ang1*!Dtor) s_ang2 = Sin(ang2*!Dtor) c_ang2 = Cos(ang2*!Dtor) s_ang3 = Sin(ang3*!Dtor) c_ang3 = Cos(ang3*!Dtor) ident4 = FLTARR(4, 4) ident4([0,5,10,15]) = 1.0 vTrans = ident4 ; First translation. m4X4 = ident4 m4X4([3,7,11]) = (-0.5) vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Scale for aspect ratio. xRange = FLOAT(xMax) yRange = FLOAT(yMax) zRange = FLOAT(zMax) * (zScale > 1.0) maxRange = xRange > yRange > zRange xyzFac = [xRange, yRange, zRange] / maxRange m4X4 = ident4 m4X4(0,0) = xyzFac(0) m4X4(1,1) = xyzFac(1) m4X4(2,2) = xyzFac(2) vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Z scale. if (zScale lt 1.0) then begin m4X4 = ident4 m4X4(2,2) = zScale vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 endif if (zScale gt 1.0) then begin zFac = 1.0 / zScale m4X4 = ident4 m4X4(0,0) = zFac m4X4(1,1) = zFac vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 endif ; First rotation. m4x4 = ident4 case dir1 of 'X': begin ; Rotate about x. m4x4(1,1) = c_ang1 m4x4(1,2) = s_ang1 m4x4(2,1) = (-s_ang1) m4x4(2,2) = c_ang1 end 'Y': begin ; Rotate about y. m4x4(0,0) = c_ang1 m4x4(0,2) = (-s_ang1) m4x4(2,0) = s_ang1 m4x4(2,2) = c_ang1 end 'Z': begin ; Rotate about z. m4x4(0,0) = c_ang1 m4x4(0,1) = s_ang1 m4x4(1,0) = (-s_ang1) m4x4(1,1) = c_ang1 end endcase vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Second rotation. m4x4 = ident4 case dir2 of 'X': begin ; Rotate about x. m4x4(1,1) = c_ang2 m4x4(1,2) = s_ang2 m4x4(2,1) = (-s_ang2) m4x4(2,2) = c_ang2 end 'Y': begin ; Rotate about y. m4x4(0,0) = c_ang2 m4x4(0,2) = (-s_ang2) m4x4(2,0) = s_ang2 m4x4(2,2) = c_ang2 end 'Z': begin ; Rotate about z. m4x4(0,0) = c_ang2 m4x4(0,1) = s_ang2 m4x4(1,0) = (-s_ang2) m4x4(1,1) = c_ang2 end endcase vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Third rotation. m4x4 = ident4 case dir3 of 'X': begin ; Rotate about x. m4x4(1,1) = c_ang3 m4x4(1,2) = s_ang3 m4x4(2,1) = (-s_ang3) m4x4(2,2) = c_ang3 end 'Y': begin ; Rotate about y. m4x4(0,0) = c_ang3 m4x4(0,2) = (-s_ang3) m4x4(2,0) = s_ang3 m4x4(2,2) = c_ang3 end 'Z': begin ; Rotate about z. m4x4(0,0) = c_ang3 m4x4(0,1) = s_ang3 m4x4(1,0) = (-s_ang3) m4x4(1,1) = c_ang3 end endcase vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Perspective. if (pDist gt 0.0) then begin pD2 = SQRT(pDist) m4X4 = ident4 m4X4(2,3) = (-1.0 / pD2) vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 endif ; Zoom. m4X4 = ident4 m4X4(0,0) = zoomFac m4X4(1,1) = zoomFac m4X4(2,2) = zoomFac vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Zoom down so that all 8 corners of the ; unit cube are within the view. corners = Fltarr(3,8) corners(*,0) = [0,0,0] corners(*,1) = [1,0,0] corners(*,2) = [1,1,0] corners(*,3) = [0,1,0] corners(*,4) = [0,0,1] corners(*,5) = [1,0,1] corners(*,6) = [1,1,1] corners(*,7) = [0,1,1] corners = VERT_T3D(corners, Matrix=vTrans, /NO_COPY) sFac = (1.0 / (1.0 + (2.0 * (MAX(ABS(corners(0:1,*))) - 0.5)))) < 1.0 if (sFac lt 1.0) then begin m4X4 = ident4 m4X4(0,0) = sFac m4X4(1,1) = sFac m4X4(2,2) = sFac vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 endif m4X4 = ident4 m4X4(2,2) = (0.1) vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Last translation. m4X4 = ident4 m4X4([3,7,11]) = (0.5) vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; System variables. !P.T = vTrans !X.S = [0.0, (1.0 / xRange)] !Y.S = [0.0, (1.0 / yRange)] !Z.S = [0.0, (1.0 / FLOAT(zMax))] sViz3DView = {SViz3DView, viewWin:viewWin, $ xMax:xMax, yMax:yMax, zMax:zMax, $ ang1:ang1, ang2:ang2, ang3:ang3, $ dir1:dir1, dir2:dir2, dir3:dir3, $ zoomFac:zoomFac, zScale:zScale, pDist:pDist, $ vTrans:vTrans, invTrans:INVERT(vTrans)} return, sViz3DView end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to save the depth buffer information for the cube's outer surface. ; This depth info is used to find the XYZ data coordinate on the surface of ; the cube, given a user selected screen XY coordinate. pro Viz3D_FillDepth, sMainState SET_PLOT, 'Z' image = TVRD() depth = TVRD(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) ; Front faces. ERASE, 0 norm = [[0.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0,(-1.0)]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], [0,0,0,0], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=1 norm = [[0.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,(-1.0),0.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=2 norm = [[0.0,0.0,0.0], [(-1.0),0.0,0.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,0,0,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=3 norm = [[1.0,1.0,1.0], [1.0,1.0,2.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], [1,1,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=1 norm = [[1.0,1.0,1.0], [1.0,2.0,1.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [1,1,1,1], [0,0,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=2 norm = [[1.0,1.0,1.0], [2.0,1.0,1.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [1,1,1,1], [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=3 *(sMainState.hFrontImage) = TVRD() *(sMainState.hFrontDepth) = TVRD(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) ; Back faces. ERASE, 0 norm = [[0.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0,(-1.0)]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], [0,0,0,0], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=1 norm = [[0.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,(-1.0),0.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=2 norm = [[0.0,0.0,0.0], [(-1.0),0.0,0.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,0,0,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=3 norm = [[1.0,1.0,1.0], [1.0,1.0,2.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], [1,1,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=1 norm = [[1.0,1.0,1.0], [1.0,2.0,1.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [1,1,1,1], [0,0,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=2 norm = [[1.0,1.0,1.0], [2.0,1.0,1.0]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then $ POLYFILL, [1,1,1,1], [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=3 *(sMainState.hBackImage) = TVRD() *(sMainState.hBackDepth) = TVRD(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) TV, TEMPORARY(image) TV, TEMPORARY(depth), CHANNEL=1, /WORDS SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Function to check out the current data. function Viz3D_GetData, sMainState, curData if (N_ELEMENTS(curData) LE 0L) then curData = sMainState.curData hData3D = (*(sMainState.hDataList))(curData) return, TEMPORARY(*hData3D) end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Function to check in the current data. pro Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState, curData if (N_ELEMENTS(curData) LE 0L) then curData = sMainState.curData hData3D = (*(sMainState.hDataList))(curData) *hData3D = TEMPORARY(data3D) end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Function to scale the data into the specified thereshold range. function Viz3D_ScaleData, data3D, sMainState lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) return, BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(data3D), MIN=lTh, MAX=hTh, TOP=255B) end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to compute the intersection outline of the cube and the ; oblique slicing plane. This procedure also draws the outline in ; the current window (either the big view window, or the small slice ; status window). ; The VERT_PLANE keyword returns the intersection coordinates in the ; image (oblique) plane. The VERT_3D keyword returns the intersection ; coordinates as absolute 3D coordinates. The plane and 3D coordinates ; will be necessary when drawing the data on the oblique plane. pro Viz3D_DrawSliceOblique, obliqCenter, obliqNormal, fillColor, $ edgeColor, rangeX, rangeY, rangeZ, zScale, NORMCOLOR=normColor, $ SKIP_FILL=skipFill, VERT_PLANE=vertPlane, VERT_3D=vert3D ; Scale the oblique normal vector. zDim = rangeZ * zScale maxDim = rangeX > rangeY > zDim sliceNormU = obliqNormal sliceNormU(0) = obliqNormal(0) * rangeX / maxDim sliceNormU(1) = obliqNormal(1) * rangeY / maxDim sliceNormU(2) = obliqNormal(2) * zDim / maxDim ; Determine the rotation angles and build the transformation matrices. if ((sliceNormU(0) eq 0.0) and (sliceNormU(1) eq 0.0)) then angZ = 0.0 $ else angZ = ATAN(sliceNormU(1), sliceNormU(0)) pDistance = SQRT(sliceNormU(0)^2 + sliceNormU(1)^2) if ((pDistance eq 0.0) and (sliceNormU(2) eq 0.0)) then angY = 0.0 $ else angY = ATAN(sliceNormU(2), pDistance) sZ = SIN(-angZ) cZ = COS(-angZ) sY = SIN(angY-(!PI/2.0)) cY = COS(angY-(!PI/2.0)) ident4 = FLTARR(4, 4) ident4([0,5,10,15]) = 1.0 vTrans1 = ident4 ; First translation. m4X4 = ident4 m4X4([3,7,11]) = (-obliqCenter) vTrans1 = TEMPORARY(vTrans1) # m4X4 ; Z rotation. m4X4 = ident4 m4x4(0,0) = cZ m4x4(0,1) = sZ m4x4(1,0) = (-sZ) m4x4(1,1) = cZ vTrans1 = TEMPORARY(vTrans1) # m4X4 ; Y rotation. m4X4 = ident4 m4x4(0,0) = cY m4x4(0,2) = (-sY) m4x4(2,0) = sY m4x4(2,2) = cY vTrans1 = TEMPORARY(vTrans1) # m4X4 sZ = SIN(angZ) cZ = COS(angZ) sY = SIN((!PI/2.0)-angY) cY = COS((!PI/2.0)-angY) ; Create vTrans2 as the inverse of vTrans1. vTrans2 = ident4 ; Y rotation. m4X4 = ident4 m4x4(0,0) = cY m4x4(0,2) = (-sY) m4x4(2,0) = sY m4x4(2,2) = cY vTrans2 = TEMPORARY(vTrans2) # m4X4 ; Z rotation. m4X4 = ident4 m4x4(0,0) = cZ m4x4(0,1) = sZ m4x4(1,0) = (-sZ) m4x4(1,1) = cZ vTrans2 = TEMPORARY(vTrans2) # m4X4 ; First translation. m4X4 = ident4 m4X4([3,7,11]) = (+obliqCenter) vTrans2 = TEMPORARY(vTrans2) # m4X4 verts = FLTARR(3, 8, /NOZERO) verts(0, 0) = [0,0,0] verts(0, 1) = [1,0,0] verts(0, 2) = [1,1,0] verts(0, 3) = [0,1,0] verts(0, 4) = [0,0,1] verts(0, 5) = [1,0,1] verts(0, 6) = [1,1,1] verts(0, 7) = [0,1,1] verts = VERT_T3D(verts, /NO_COPY, MATRIX=vTrans1) ; Search for intersection points. newXYZ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ; Verts 0, 1. if ((verts(2,0)*verts(2,1)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,0) / (verts(2,0) - verts(2,1)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,0) + $ ((verts(*,1)-verts(*,0)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 0, 3. if ((verts(2,0)*verts(2,3)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,0) / (verts(2,0) - verts(2,3)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,0) + $ ((verts(*,3)-verts(*,0)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 0, 4. if ((verts(2,0)*verts(2,4)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,0) / (verts(2,0) - verts(2,4)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,0) + $ ((verts(*,4)-verts(*,0)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 1, 2. if ((verts(2,1)*verts(2,2)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,1) / (verts(2,1) - verts(2,2)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,1) + $ ((verts(*,2)-verts(*,1)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 1, 5. if ((verts(2,1)*verts(2,5)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,1) / (verts(2,1) - verts(2,5)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,1) + $ ((verts(*,5)-verts(*,1)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 2, 3. if ((verts(2,2)*verts(2,3)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,2) / (verts(2,2) - verts(2,3)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,2) + $ ((verts(*,3)-verts(*,2)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 2, 6. if ((verts(2,2)*verts(2,6)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,2) / (verts(2,2) - verts(2,6)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,2) + $ ((verts(*,6)-verts(*,2)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 3, 7. if ((verts(2,3)*verts(2,7)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,3) / (verts(2,3) - verts(2,7)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,3) + $ ((verts(*,7)-verts(*,3)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 4, 5. if ((verts(2,4)*verts(2,5)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,4) / (verts(2,4) - verts(2,5)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,4) + $ ((verts(*,5)-verts(*,4)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 4, 7. if ((verts(2,4)*verts(2,7)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,4) / (verts(2,4) - verts(2,7)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,4) + $ ((verts(*,7)-verts(*,4)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 5, 6. if ((verts(2,5)*verts(2,6)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,5) / (verts(2,5) - verts(2,6)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,5) + $ ((verts(*,6)-verts(*,5)) * lenFac)] endif ; Verts 6, 7. if ((verts(2,6)*verts(2,7)) le 0.0) then begin lenFac = verts(2,6) / (verts(2,6) - verts(2,7)) newXYZ = [Temporary(newXYZ), verts(*,6) + $ ((verts(*,7)-verts(*,6)) * lenFac)] endif if (N_ELEMENTS(newXYZ) le 3L) then return newXYZ = newXYZ(3:*) nPoints = N_ELEMENTS(newXYZ) / 3 newXYZ = REFORM(TEMPORARY(newXYZ), 3, nPoints) ; newXYZ is now a 3,n array of 3D intersection vertices. ; Sort the vertices into counter-clockwise order. newXMin = MIN(newXYZ(0,*), MAX=newXMax) newYMin = MIN(newXYZ(1,*), MAX=newYMax) cX = (newXMin + newXMax) / 2.0 cY = (newYMin + newYMax) / 2.0 angDiff = ATAN(newXYZ(1,*)-cY, newXYZ(0,*)-cX) negInd = WHERE(angDiff lt 0.0) if (negInd(0) ge 0L) then angDiff(negInd) = angDiff(negInd) + (2.0*!PI) sortInd = SORT(Temporary(angDiff)) newXYZ = newXYZ(*, Temporary(sortInd)) ; Save the intersection vertices on the image (oblique) plane. vertPlane = newXYZ ; Save the intersection vertices as 3D data coordinates. newXYZ = VERT_T3D(newXYZ, MATRIX=vTrans2, /NO_COPY) vert3D = newXYZ ; vertPlane and vert3D are returned to the calling procedure via ; the VERT_PLANE and VERT_3D keywords. ; Draw the intersection outline (optionally filled). if not(KEYWORD_SET(skipFill)) then $ POLYFILL, newXYZ, /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=fillColor PLOTS, newXYZ, /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=edgeColor PLOTS, newXYZ(*,0), /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=edgeColor, /CONTINUE if (N_ELEMENTS(normColor) gt 0L) then begin ; Draw the surface normal vector. sliceNormU = obliqNormal sliceNormU(0) = obliqNormal(0) * maxDim / rangeX sliceNormU(1) = obliqNormal(1) * maxDim / rangeY sliceNormU(2) = obliqNormal(2) * maxDim / zDim normPoint = obliqCenter + sliceNormU if (normPoint(0) lt 0.0) then begin lenFac = obliqCenter(0) / (obliqCenter(0) - normPoint(0)) normPoint = obliqCenter + (sliceNormU * lenFac) endif if (normPoint(0) gt 1.0) then begin lenFac = (1.0 - obliqCenter(0)) / (normPoint(0) - obliqCenter(0)) normPoint = obliqCenter + (sliceNormU * lenFac) endif if (normPoint(1) lt 0.0) then begin lenFac = obliqCenter(1) / (obliqCenter(1) - normPoint(1)) normPoint = obliqCenter + (sliceNormU * lenFac) endif if (normPoint(1) gt 1.0) then begin lenFac = (1.0 - obliqCenter(1)) / (normPoint(1) - obliqCenter(1)) normPoint = obliqCenter + (sliceNormU * lenFac) endif if (normPoint(2) lt 0.0) then begin lenFac = obliqCenter(2) / (obliqCenter(2) - normPoint(2)) normPoint = obliqCenter + (sliceNormU * lenFac) endif if (normPoint(2) gt 1.0) then begin lenFac = (1.0 - obliqCenter(2)) / (normPoint(2) - obliqCenter(2)) normPoint = obliqCenter + (sliceNormU * lenFac) endif PLOTS, [obliqCenter(0), normPoint(0)], $ [obliqCenter(1), normPoint(1)], $ [obliqCenter(2), normPoint(2)], $ /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=normColor endif end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the cube and current slicing plane outline in the ; small slice status window. pro Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState fillColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sSliceState.fillColor) edgeColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sSliceState.edgeColor) normColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sSliceState.normColor) backColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.backColor) WSET, sMainState.sSliceState.sliceWin ERASE case (sMainState.sSliceState.planeMode*sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir) of 0: begin ; Oblique Viz3D_DrawSliceOblique, sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter, $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal, fillColor, edgeColor, $ sMainState.sViewState.xMax, sMainState.sViewState.yMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax, sMainState.sViewState.zScale, $ NORMCOLOR=normColor end 1: begin ; X POLYFILL, sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos, [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], $ /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=fillColor PLOTS, sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos, [0,1,1,0,0], [0,0,1,1,0], $ /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=edgeColor end 2: begin ; Y POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos, [0,0,1,1], $ /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=fillColor PLOTS, [0,1,1,0,0], sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos, [0,0,1,1,0], $ /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=edgeColor end 3: begin ; Z POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,1], sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos, $ /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=fillColor PLOTS, [0,1,1,0,0], [0,0,1,1,0], sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos, $ /NORMAL, /T3D, COLOR=edgeColor end endcase ; Draw the cube outline in the current window. Viz3D_DrawCube, sMainState, /SKIPBACK, /SKIPAXIS, /DIRECT WSET, sMainState.mainWin end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the cube outline in the current window, pro Viz3D_DrawCube, sMainState, SKIPCUBE=skipCube, SKIPAXIS=skipAxis, $ SKIPFRONT=skipFront, SKIPBACK=skipBack, DIRECT=directDraw, AXIS=drawAxis axisOn = sMainState.axisOn if (KEYWORD_SET(drawAxis)) then axisOn = 1 cubeColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.cubeColor) axisColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.axisColor) if ((axisOn) and not(KEYWORD_SET(skipAxis))) then $ lineColor = axisColor else lineColor = cubeColor verts = FLTARR(3, 8, /NOZERO) verts(0, 0) = [0,0,0] verts(0, 1) = [1,0,0] verts(0, 2) = [1,1,0] verts(0, 3) = [0,1,0] verts(0, 4) = [0,0,1] verts(0, 5) = [1,0,1] verts(0, 6) = [1,1,1] verts(0, 7) = [0,1,1] verts = VERT_T3D(verts, /NO_COPY) cubeDrawn = 0 if (((sMainState.cubeOn) and not(KEYWORD_SET(skipCube))) or $ KEYWORD_SET(directDraw)) then begin ; Draw the cube. cubeDrawn = 1 lCol = [lineColor, lineColor, cubeColor, cubeColor, lineColor] ;### Draw the map here (bmy, 1/14/99) ;### This causes XMANAGER to hang ;Map_Set, 0, 0, 0, /Grid, /Cont, /T3d, /NoErase if not(KEYWORD_SET(skipBack)) then begin ; Draw the "hidden" lines as dotted. cp = CROSSP(verts(*,1)-verts(*,0), verts(*,4)-verts(*,0)) hideFace0154 = (cp(2) lt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,4)-verts(*,0), verts(*,3)-verts(*,0)) hideFace0473 = (cp(2) lt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,3)-verts(*,0), verts(*,1)-verts(*,0)) hideFace0321 = (cp(2) lt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,2)-verts(*,6), verts(*,7)-verts(*,6)) hideFace6237 = (cp(2) lt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,5)-verts(*,6), verts(*,2)-verts(*,6)) hideFace6514 = (cp(2) lt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,7)-verts(*,6), verts(*,5)-verts(*,6)) hideFace6745 = (cp(2) lt 0.0) if (hideFace0154 and hideFace0321) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [0,1]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=lineColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace0473 and hideFace0321) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [0,3]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=lineColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace0154 and hideFace0473) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [0,4]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=lineColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace0321 and hideFace6514) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [1,2]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace0321 and hideFace6237) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [2,3]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace0154 and hideFace6514) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [1,5]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace0473 and hideFace6237) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [3,7]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace6745 and hideFace0473) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [4,7]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace6745 and hideFace0154) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [4,5]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace6745 and hideFace6514) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [5,6]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace6745 and hideFace6237) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [6,7]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 if (hideFace6514 and hideFace6237) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [2,6]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 endif if not(KEYWORD_SET(skipFront)) then begin ; Draw the remaining cube edges as solid (linestyle 0). cp = CROSSP(verts(*,1)-verts(*,0), verts(*,4)-verts(*,0)) if (cp(2) gt 0.0) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [0,1,5,4,0]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=lCol cp = CROSSP(verts(*,4)-verts(*,0), verts(*,3)-verts(*,0)) if (cp(2) gt 0.0) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [0,4,7,3,0]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=lCol cp = CROSSP(verts(*,3)-verts(*,0), verts(*,1)-verts(*,0)) if (cp(2) gt 0.0) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [0,3,2,1,0]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=lCol cp = CROSSP(verts(*,7)-verts(*,6), verts(*,5)-verts(*,6)) if (cp(2) gt 0.0) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [6,7,4,5,6]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor cp = CROSSP(verts(*,5)-verts(*,6), verts(*,2)-verts(*,6)) if (cp(2) gt 0.0) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [6,5,1,2,6]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor cp = CROSSP(verts(*,2)-verts(*,6), verts(*,7)-verts(*,6)) if (cp(2) gt 0.0) then $ PLOTS, verts(*, [6,2,3,7,6]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=cubeColor endif endif if (((axisOn) and not(KEYWORD_SET(skipAxis))) and $ (not(KEYWORD_SET(skipFront)) and not(KEYWORD_SET(directDraw)))) $ then begin ; Draw the axis. if (cubeDrawn eq 0) then begin PLOTS, verts(*, [0,1]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=axisColor PLOTS, verts(*, [0,3]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=axisColor PLOTS, verts(*, [0,4]), /NORMAL, T3D=0, COLOR=axisColor endif cp = CROSSP(verts(*,5)-verts(*,1), verts(*,0)-verts(*,1)) showPlane1 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,0)-verts(*,1), verts(*,2)-verts(*,1)) showPlane2 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,2)-verts(*,1), verts(*,5)-verts(*,1)) showPlane3 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) if ((showPlane1+showPlane2+showPlane3) ge 1) then begin PLOTS, [0.95,1.0,0.95], [0.01, 0.0, -0.01], [0,0,0], /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=axisColor PLOTS, [0.95,1.0,0.95], [0,0,0], [0.01, 0.0, -0.01], /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=axisColor XYOUTS, 1.05, 0.0, Z=0.0, 'X', /NORMAL, /T3D, $ CHARSIZE=24.0/FLOAT(!D.Y_Ch_Size), COLOR=axisColor, $ ALIGNMENT=0.5, TEXT_AXES=2 endif cp = CROSSP(verts(*,0)-verts(*,3), verts(*,7)-verts(*,3)) showPlane1 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,7)-verts(*,3), verts(*,2)-verts(*,3)) showPlane2 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,2)-verts(*,3), verts(*,0)-verts(*,3)) showPlane3 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) if ((showPlane1+showPlane2+showPlane3) ge 1) then begin PLOTS, [0.01, 0.0, -0.01], [0.95,1.0,0.95], [0,0,0], /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=axisColor PLOTS, [0,0,0], [0.95,1.0,0.95], [0.01, 0.0, -0.01], /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=axisColor XYOUTS, 0.0, 1.05, Z=0.0, 'Y', /NORMAL, /T3D, $ CHARSIZE=24.0/FLOAT(!D.Y_Ch_Size), COLOR=axisColor, $ ALIGNMENT=0.5, TEXT_AXES=1 endif cp = CROSSP(verts(*,5)-verts(*,4), verts(*,7)-verts(*,4)) showPlane1 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,7)-verts(*,4), verts(*,0)-verts(*,4)) showPlane2 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) cp = CROSSP(verts(*,0)-verts(*,4), verts(*,5)-verts(*,4)) showPlane3 = (cp(2) gt 0.0) if ((showPlane1+showPlane2+showPlane3) ge 1) then begin PLOTS, [0,0,0], [0.01, 0.0, -0.01], [0.95,1.0,0.95], /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=axisColor PLOTS, [0.01, 0.0, -0.01], [0,0,0], [0.95,1.0,0.95], /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=axisColor XYOUTS, 0.0, 0.0, Z=1.05, 'Z', /NORMAL, /T3D, $ CHARSIZE=24.0/FLOAT(!D.Y_Ch_Size), COLOR=axisColor, $ ALIGNMENT=0.5, TEXT_AXES=0 endif endif EMPTY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** pro Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState SET_PLOT, 'Z' Viz3D_DrawCube, sMainState, /SKIPFRONT img = TVRD() SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice WSET, sMainState.pixWin if (sMainState.sColorState.displayBits eq 8) then $ TV, TEMPORARY(img) $ else begin img3 = BYTARR(3, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, /NOZERO) img3(0, *, *) = sMainState.sColorState.cR(img) img3(1, *, *) = sMainState.sColorState.cG(img) img3(2, *, *) = sMainState.sColorState.cB(Temporary(img)) TV, Temporary(img3), TRUE=1 endelse Viz3D_DrawCube, sMainState, /SKIPBACK EMPTY WSET, sMainState.mainWin DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, 0, 0, $ sMainState.pixWin] sMainState.cleanupView = 0 sMainState.cleanupBuffer = 0 end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the block outline. pro Viz3D_BlockShow, sMainState, DIRECT=directDraw if not(KEYWORD_SET(directDraw)) then $ WSET, sMainState.sBlockState.blockWin x1 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0) y1 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1) z1 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2) x2 = sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0) y2 = sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1) z2 = sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2) blockColor = $ Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sBlockState.blockColor) ; Draw the cube outline in the current window. if not(KEYWORD_SET(directDraw)) then begin ERASE Viz3D_DrawCube, sMainState, /DIRECT, /AXIS endif else begin c1Color = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sBlockState.c1Color) c2Color = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sBlockState.c2Color) xM = sMainState.sViewState.xMax yM = sMainState.sViewState.yMax zM = sMainState.sViewState.zMax norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1,y1,z1-1]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then begin PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1,y1], [z1, 0], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1,y1], [z1,zM], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 endif else begin PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1,y1], [z1, 0], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1,y1], [z1,zM], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color endelse norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1,y1-1,z1]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then begin PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1, 0], [z1,z1], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1,yM], [z1,z1], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 endif else begin PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1, 0], [z1,z1], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1,yM], [z1,z1], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color endelse norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1-1,y1,z1]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then begin PLOTS, [x1, 0], [y1,y1], [z1,z1], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color PLOTS, [x1,xM], [y1,y1], [z1,z1], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 endif else begin PLOTS, [x1, 0], [y1,y1], [z1,z1], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 PLOTS, [x1,xM], [y1,y1], [z1,z1], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c1Color endelse norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1,y1,z1-1]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then begin PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2,y2], [z2, 0], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2,y2], [z2,zM], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 endif else begin PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2,y2], [z2, 0], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2,y2], [z2,zM], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color endelse norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1,y1-1,z1]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then begin PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2, 0], [z2,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2,yM], [z2,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 endif else begin PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2, 0], [z2,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2,yM], [z2,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color endelse norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1-1,y1,z1]] norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) gt 0.0) then begin PLOTS, [x2, 0], [y2,y2], [z2,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color PLOTS, [x2,xM], [y2,y2], [z2,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 endif else begin PLOTS, [x2, 0], [y2,y2], [z2,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color, $ LINESTYLE=1 PLOTS, [x2,xM], [y2,y2], [z2,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=c2Color endelse endelse PLOTS, [x1,x2,x2,x1,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2,y1], [z1,z1,z1,z1,z1], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=blockColor PLOTS, [x1,x2,x2,x1,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2,y1], [z2,z2,z2,z2,z2], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=blockColor PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y1,y1], [z1,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=blockColor PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y1,y1], [z1,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=blockColor PLOTS, [x2,x2], [y2,y2], [z1,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=blockColor PLOTS, [x1,x1], [y2,y2], [z1,z2], /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=blockColor EMPTY if not(KEYWORD_SET(directDraw)) then $ WSET, sMainState.mainWin end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the cube in the small view window. pro Viz3D_ViewShow, sMainState WSET, sMainState.sViewState.viewWin ; Draw the cube outline in the current window. ERASE Viz3D_DrawCube, sMainState, /DIRECT, /AXIS WSET, sMainState.mainWin end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the histogram and threshold value in the ; small iso-surface window. pro Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState, CALC_HIST=calcHist WSET, sMainState.sSurfState.surfWin tColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sSurfState.tColor) histColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sSurfState.histColor) axisColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sSurfState.axisColor) saveP = !P saveX = !X saveY = !Y saveZ = !Z x1 = 0.03 y1 = 0.05 x2 = 0.97 y2 = 0.95 lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) surfThresh = *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) surfThresh(sMainState.curData) = $ (surfThresh(sMainState.curData) > lTh) < hTh sT = surfThresh(sMainState.curData) *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) = surfThresh tPos = (sT - lTh) / (hTh - lTh) tPos = (tPos * (x2-x1)) + x1 lRangeHist = *(sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist) rangeHist = *(lRangeHist(sMainState.curData)) if (KEYWORD_SET(calcHist)) then begin data3D = Viz3D_GetData(sMainState) bSize = (hTh - lTh) / 200.0 n_samples = N_ELEMENTS(data3D) IF (n_samples GT 32767L) THEN BEGIN n_samples = 32767L + ROUND(SQRT(n_samples - 32767L)) s_index = RANDOMU(s, 1) s_index = RANDOMU(s, n_samples) s_index = LONG(TEMPORARY(s_index) * FLOAT(n_samples)) hist_data = FLOAT(data3D[TEMPORARY(s_index)]) rangeHist = $ HISTOGRAM(TEMPORARY(hist_data), MIN=lTh, MAX=hTh, $ BINSIZE=bSize) > 1.0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN rangeHist = $ HISTOGRAM(FLOAT(data3D), MIN=lTh, MAX=hTh, $ BINSIZE=bSize) > 1.0 ENDELSE rangeHist = ALOG(FLOAT(TEMPORARY(rangeHist))) > 0.0 Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState PLOT, rangeHist, T3D=0, /DATA, XSTYLE=5, YSTYLE=5, /NODATA, $ POSITION=[x1,y1,x2,y2], MIN_VALUE=1.0 PLOTS, [x1,x2,x2,x1,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2,y1], T3D=0, $ /NORMAL, COLOR=axisColor OPLOT, rangeHist, T3D=0, COLOR=histColor, MIN_VALUE=1.0, PSYM=3 WSET, sMainState.sSurfState.surfPix DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, 192, 128, 0, 0, sMainState.sSurfState.surfWin] WSET, sMainState.sSurfState.surfWin endif else begin PLOT, rangeHist, T3D=0, /DATA, XSTYLE=5, YSTYLE=5, /NODATA, $ POSITION=[x1,y1,x2,y2], MIN_VALUE=1.0, /NOERASE DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, 192, 128, 0, 0, sMainState.sSurfState.surfPix] endelse PLOTS, [tPos, tPos], [y1, y2], T3D=0, /NORMAL, COLOR=tColor EMPTY *(lRangeHist(sMainState.curData)) = rangeHist *(sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist) = lRangeHist WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSurfState.wSurfText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(sT),2) !P = TEMPORARY(saveP) !X = TEMPORARY(saveX) !Y = TEMPORARY(saveY) !Z = TEMPORARY(saveZ) WSET, sMainState.mainWin end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the histogram and threshold values in the ; small threshold window. pro Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState, DYNAMIC=dynUpdate WSET, sMainState.sThreshState.threshWin lowColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sThreshState.lowColor) highColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sThreshState.highColor) transColor = $ Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sThreshState.transColor) histColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sThreshState.histColor) axisColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sThreshState.axisColor) backColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, 0) saveP = !P saveX = !X saveY = !Y saveZ = !Z x1 = 0.03 y1 = 0.05 x2 = 0.97 y2 = 0.95 lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) vTp = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal))(sMainState.curData) minD = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hMinData))(sMainState.curData) maxD = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hMaxData))(sMainState.curData) lowPos = (lTh - minD) / (maxD - minD) lowPos = (lowPos * (x2-x1)) + x1 highPos = (hTh - minD) / (maxD - minD) highPos = (highPos * (x2-x1)) + x1 transPos = (vTp - minD) / (maxD - minD) transPos = (transPos * (x2-x1)) + x1 lDataHist = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hDataHist) DataHist = *(lDataHist(sMainState.curData)) if (KEYWORD_SET(dynUpdate)) then begin PLOT, dataHist, T3D=0, /DATA, XSTYLE=5, YSTYLE=5, /NODATA, $ POSITION=[x1,y1,x2,y2], MIN_VALUE=1.0, /NOERASE DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, 192, 128, 0, 0, sMainState.sThreshState.threshPix] endif else begin PLOT, dataHist, T3D=0, /DATA, XSTYLE=5, YSTYLE=5, /NODATA, $ POSITION=[x1,y1,x2,y2], MIN_VALUE=1.0 PLOTS, [x1,x2,x2,x1,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2,y1], T3D=0, /NORMAL, COLOR=axisColor OPLOT, dataHist, T3D=0, COLOR=histColor, MIN_VALUE=1.0, PSYM=3 WSET, sMainState.sThreshState.threshPix DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, 192, 128, 0, 0, sMainState.sThreshState.threshWin] WSET, sMainState.sThreshState.threshWin endelse PLOTS, [transPos, transPos], [y1, y2], T3D=0, /NORMAL, COLOR=transColor PLOTS, [transPos, transPos], [y1, y2], T3D=0, /NORMAL, COLOR=backColor, $ LINESTYLE=1 PLOTS, [lowPos, lowPos], [y1, y2], T3D=0, /NORMAL, COLOR=lowColor PLOTS, [highPos, highPos], [y1, y2], T3D=0, /NORMAL, COLOR=highColor WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sThreshState.wThreshLowText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(lTh),2) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sThreshState.wThreshHighText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(hTh),2) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sThreshState.wThreshTransText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(vTp),2) !P = TEMPORARY(saveP) !X = TEMPORARY(saveX) !Y = TEMPORARY(saveY) !Z = TEMPORARY(saveZ) WSET, sMainState.mainWin end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to plot profile data in the small profile window. pro Viz3D_ProfShow, sMainState, DIRECT=directDraw lineColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sProfState.lineColor) axisColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sProfState.axisColor) markColor1 = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sProfState.markColor1) markColor2 = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sProfState.markColor2) data3D = Viz3D_GetData(sMainState) if (sMainState.sProfState.profType eq 0) then begin ; Orthogonal profile. case sMainState.sProfState.profDir of 1: begin profData = data3D(sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho, $ sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho, *) yData = FINDGEN(sMainState.szData(3)) end 2: begin profData = data3D(sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho, *, $ sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho) yData = FINDGEN(sMainState.szData(2)) end 3: begin profData = data3D(*, sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho, $ sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho) yData = FINDGEN(sMainState.szData(1)) end endcase endif else begin ; Oblique profile. samples = MAX(sMainState.szData(1:3)) * 2 yData = FINDGEN(samples) xInter = yData / FLOAT(samples - 1) yInter = xInter zInter = xInter xInter = ((sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq - $ sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq) * $ TEMPORARY(xInter)) + sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq yInter = ((sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq - $ sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq) * $ TEMPORARY(yInter)) + sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq zInter = ((sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq - $ sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq) * $ TEMPORARY(zInter)) + sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq profData = INTERPOLATE(data3D, TEMPORARY(xInter), $ TEMPORARY(yInter), TEMPORARY(zInter)) endelse Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState saveP = !P saveX = !X saveY = !Y saveZ = !Z maxY = N_ELEMENTS(yData) - 1 lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) if not(KEYWORD_SET(directDraw)) then begin WSET, sMainState.sProfState.profPix PLOT, profData, yData, TICKLEN=(1), XSTYLE=1, YSTYLE=5, $ XRANGE=[lTh, hTh], YRANGE=[0, maxY], XMARGIN=[1,1], YMARGIN=[2,1], $ /NODATA, COLOR=axisColor, CHARSIZE=0.5 PLOTS, [lTh,lTh], [0,maxY], /DATA, T3D=0, COLOR=axisColor PLOTS, [hTh,hTh], [0,maxY], /DATA, T3D=0, COLOR=axisColor PLOTS, [lTh,hTh], [0,0], /DATA, T3D=0, COLOR=markColor1, THICK=2 PLOTS, [lTh,hTh], [maxY,maxY], /DATA, T3D=0, COLOR=markColor2, THICK=2 endif WSET, sMainState.sProfState.profWin DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, 192, sMainState.sProfState.profWinY, 0, 0, $ sMainState.sProfState.profPix] PLOT, TEMPORARY(profData), TEMPORARY(yData), TICKLEN=(1), XMARGIN=[1,1], $ YMARGIN=[2,1], /NOERASE, COLOR=lineColor, XSTYLE=5, YSTYLE=5, $ XRANGE=[lTh, hTh], YRANGE=[0, maxY], CHARSIZE=0.5, /DATA, T3D=0 EMPTY !P = TEMPORARY(saveP) !X = TEMPORARY(saveX) !Y = TEMPORARY(saveY) !Z = TEMPORARY(saveZ) WSET, sMainState.mainWin end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Function to return the transparent value given a threshold percent. ; Compensate for the differential shading bands using planeDir. function Viz3D_TranspValu, sMainState, planeDir lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) vTp = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal))(sMainState.curData) transVal = (vTp - lTh) / (hTh - lTh) transVal = (transVal * FLOAT(sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1)) > 0.0 return, ROUND(transVal) + (planeDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Add a new graphic to the display list. function Viz3D_Add_Graphic, sMainState, graphic, NO_COPY=noCopy gType = TAG_NAMES(graphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME) case gType of 'VIZ3D_ORTHO_PLANE': begin gName = 'Slice: Orthogonal, ' case graphic.orthoDir of 1: begin gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'X, ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(ROUND(graphic.orthoPos * $ sMainState.sViewState.xMax)), 2) end 2: begin gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Y, ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(ROUND(graphic.orthoPos * $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax)), 2) end 3: begin gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Z, ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(ROUND(graphic.orthoPos * $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax)), 2) end endcase end 'VIZ3D_OBLIQ_PLANE': begin gName = 'Slice: Oblique' end 'VIZ3D_BLOCK': begin gName = 'Block: ' case graphic.blockMode of 0: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Subract, (' 1: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Add, (' endcase gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + STRTRIM(STRING(graphic.c1(0)), 2) + ',' gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + STRTRIM(STRING(graphic.c1(1)), 2) + ',' gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + STRTRIM(STRING(graphic.c1(2)), 2) + '), (' gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + STRTRIM(STRING(graphic.c2(0)), 2) + ',' gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + STRTRIM(STRING(graphic.c2(1)), 2) + ',' gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + STRTRIM(STRING(graphic.c2(2)), 2) + ')' end 'VIZ3D_SURF': begin gName = 'Surface: ' case graphic.surfSide of 0: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Low, ' 1: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'High, ' endcase gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + STRTRIM(STRING(graphic.surfThresh), 2) end 'VIZ3D_PROJ': begin gName = 'Projection: ' case graphic.projType of 0: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Max, ' 1: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Avg, ' endcase case graphic.projReso of 0: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Low' 1: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'Med' 2: gName = TEMPORARY(gName) + 'High' endcase end endcase wDeleteBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(sMainState.wDeleteMenu, VALUE=gName, $ UVALUE='wDeleteBttn') p_graphic = PTR_NEW(graphic, NO_COPY=KEYWORD_SET(noCopy)) ; Add p_graphic to the list if (PTR_VALID(sMainState.hDisplayList)) then begin if (N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.hDisplayList)) GT 0) then begin *(sMainState.hDisplayList) = [*(sMainState.hDisplayList), p_graphic] endif else begin *(sMainState.hDisplayList) = [p_graphic] endelse endif return, p_graphic end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the data on an orthogonal slicing plane. pro Viz3D_OrthoPlaneDraw, sMainState, SKIP_ADD=skipAdd, SKIP_DRAW=skipDraw WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Drawing orthogonal plane ...') sliceDir = sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir slicePos = sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos ; Check out the data without making a copy. data3D = Viz3D_GetData(sMainState) case sliceDir of 1: begin ; X pPos = ROUND(slicePos * sMainState.sViewState.xMax) dataPlane = REFORM(data3D(pPos, *, *)) x = REPLICATE(slicePos, 4) y = [0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0] z = [0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0] pDim1 = sMainState.sViewState.yMax pDim2 = sMainState.sViewState.zMax end 2: begin ; Y pPos = ROUND(slicePos * sMainState.sViewState.yMax) dataPlane = REFORM(data3D(*, pPos, *)) x = [0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0] y = REPLICATE(slicePos, 4) z = [0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0] pDim1 = sMainState.sViewState.xMax pDim2 = sMainState.sViewState.zMax end 3: begin ; Z pPos = ROUND(slicePos * sMainState.sViewState.zMax) dataPlane = REFORM(data3D(*, *, pPos)) x = [0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0] y = [0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0] z = REPLICATE(slicePos, 4) pDim1 = sMainState.sViewState.xMax pDim2 = sMainState.sViewState.yMax end endcase ; Check the data back in again. Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState ; Extract the data on the orthogonal plane. dataPlane = Viz3D_ScaleData(Temporary(dataPlane), sMainState) ; Scale the data to the current threshold. dataPlane = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(dataPlane), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) ; Shift the data into the appropriate differential shading ; portion of the color table. dataPlane = TEMPORARY(dataPlane) + $ BYTE((sliceDir-1) * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) ; Draw the slice in the Z buffer. SET_PLOT, 'Z' if (sMainState.sSliceState.drawMode) then begin ; Expose mode tempImage = TVRD() tempDepth = TVRD(/WORDS, CHANNEL=1) ERASE POLYFILL, x, y, z, PATTERN=dataPlane, /T3D, /NORMAL, $ IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, sliceDir-1), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0], [pDim1,0], [pDim1,pDim2], [0,pDim2]] planeDepth = TVRD(/WORDS, CHANNEL=1) planeIndex = WHERE(TEMPORARY(planeDepth) gt (-32765)) tempDepth(TEMPORARY(planeIndex)) = (-32765) planeDepth = 0 TV, TEMPORARY(tempDepth), /WORDS, CHANNEL=1 TV, TEMPORARY(tempImage) endif POLYFILL, x, y, z, PATTERN=dataPlane, /T3D, /NORMAL, $ IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, sliceDir-1), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0], [pDim1,0], [pDim1,pDim2], [0,pDim2]] SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice ; Update the big view window. if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipDraw))) then $ Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState ; Add orthogonal plane to sMainState.hDisplayList if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipAdd))) then begin lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) vTp = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal))(sMainState.curData) graphic = {VIZ3D_ORTHO_PLANE, curData:sMainState.curData, $ orthoDir:sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir, $ orthoPos:sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos, $ drawMode:sMainState.sSliceState.drawMode, $ lowThresh:lTh, highThresh:hTh, transVal:vTp} h = Viz3D_Add_Graphic(sMainState, graphic, /NO_COPY) endif WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE=('') end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the data on an oblique slicing plane. pro Viz3D_ObliqPlaneDraw, sMainState, vertPlane, vert3D, SKIP_ADD=skipAdd, $ SKIP_DRAW=skipDraw WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Drawing oblique plane ...') sliceNormal = sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal sliceCenter = sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter ; Compute the maximum necessary slicing plane image dimension. maxLen = LONG(SQRT(sMainState.sViewState.xMax^2 + $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax^2 + $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax^2)) ; Compute the amount necessary to shift the slicing plane to the center. maxXvert = MAX(vertPlane(0,*), MIN=minXvert) maxYvert = MAX(vertPlane(1,*), MIN=minYvert) shiftX = (maxXvert + minXvert) / 2.0 shiftY = (maxYvert + minYvert) / 2.0 maxP = SQRT(3.0) ; Slicing rectangle interpolation points ; range between 0 and SQRT(3) in X and Y ; (before shift and transformation). ; Compute the shifted interpolation points on the plane. ; (Normalized coordinates, with no rotation or translation). planePts = FLTARR(3, maxLen^2, /NOZERO) sF = FLOAT(maxLen-1L) planePts(0, *) = shiftX + $ ((((FINDGEN(maxLen) # REPLICATE(1.0, maxLen)) / sF) - 0.5) * maxP) planePts(1, *) = shiftY + $ ((((REPLICATE(1.0, maxLen) # FINDGEN(maxLen)) / sF) - 0.5) * maxP) planePts(2, *) = 0.0 ; Scale the surface normal vector. zDim = sMainState.sViewState.zMax * sMainState.sViewState.zScale maxDim = sMainState.sViewState.xMax > sMainState.sViewState.yMax > zDim sliceNormU = sliceNormal sliceNormU(0) = sliceNormal(0) * sMainState.sViewState.xMax / maxDim sliceNormU(1) = sliceNormal(1) * sMainState.sViewState.yMax / maxDim sliceNormU(2) = sliceNormal(2) * zDim / maxDim ; Compute the rotations and transformation matrix. if ((sliceNormU(0) eq 0.0) and (sliceNormU(1) eq 0.0)) then angZ = 0.0 $ else angZ = ATAN(sliceNormU(1), sliceNormU(0)) pDistance = SQRT(sliceNormU(0)^2 + sliceNormU(1)^2) if ((pDistance eq 0.0) and (sliceNormU(2) eq 0.0)) then angY = 0.0 $ else angY = ATAN(sliceNormU(2), pDistance) sZ = SIN(angZ) cZ = COS(angZ) sY = SIN((!PI/2.0)-angY) cY = COS((!PI/2.0)-angY) ident4 = FLTARR(4, 4) ident4([0,5,10,15]) = 1.0 vTrans = ident4 ; Y rotation. m4X4 = ident4 m4x4(0,0) = cY m4x4(0,2) = (-sY) m4x4(2,0) = sY m4x4(2,2) = cY vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Z rotation. m4X4 = ident4 m4x4(0,0) = cZ m4x4(0,1) = sZ m4x4(1,0) = (-sZ) m4x4(1,1) = cZ vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Translation to the slice center. m4X4 = ident4 m4X4([3,7,11]) = (+sliceCenter) vTrans = TEMPORARY(vTrans) # m4X4 ; Transform the plane points. planePts = VERT_T3D(planePts, MATRIX=vTrans, /NO_COPY) planePts(0, *) = planePts(0, *) * Float(sMainState.sViewState.xMax) planePts(1, *) = planePts(1, *) * Float(sMainState.sViewState.yMax) planePts(2, *) = planePts(2, *) * Float(sMainState.sViewState.zMax) ; Check out the data without making a copy. data3D = Viz3D_GetData(sMainState) ; Interpolate the data on the oblique plane using the plane points, dataPlane = $ Interpolate(data3D, planePts(0,*), planePts(1,*), planePts(2,*)) ; Check the data back in. Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState ; Free the memory used by planePts. planePts = 0 ; Scale the oblique plane data using the current thresholds. dataPlane = Viz3D_ScaleData(Temporary(dataPlane), sMainState) ; Scale the oblique plane data into the appropriate part of the color table ; (for differential shading). dataPlane = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(dataPlane), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) maxDir = MAX(ABS(sliceNormU), maxInd) dataPlane = TEMPORARY(dataPlane) + $ BYTE(maxInd * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) ; Reform dataPlane from a one dimensional array of (maxLen^2) elements ; to a 2D array with dimensions (maxLen, maxLen). dataPlane = REFORM(TEMPORARY(dataPlane), maxLen, maxLen) ; USE the Z buffer. SET_PLOT, 'Z' ; Compute the image coordinates corresponding to the planar cube/plane ; intersection points. s_vertPlane = vertPlane(0:1, *) s_vertPlane(0,*) = (s_vertPlane(0,*) / maxP) + 0.5 - (shiftX / maxP) s_vertPlane(1,*) = (s_vertPlane(1,*) / maxP) + 0.5 - (shiftY / maxP) s_vertPlane = TEMPORARY(s_vertPlane) * sF if (sMainState.sSliceState.drawMode) then begin ; Expose mode tempImage = TVRD() tempDepth = TVRD(/WORDS, CHANNEL=1) ERASE POLYFILL, vert3D, PATTERN=dataPlane, /T3D, /NORMAL, $ IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, maxInd), $ IMAGE_COORD=s_vertPlane planeDepth = TVRD(/WORDS, CHANNEL=1) planeIndex = WHERE(planeDepth ge (-32765)) if (planeIndex(0) ge 0L) then begin tempDepth(planeIndex) = planeDepth(planeIndex) endif planeDepth = 0 TV, TEMPORARY(tempDepth), /WORDS, CHANNEL=1 TV, TEMPORARY(tempImage) endif ; Draw the data on the oblique plane. POLYFILL, vert3D, PATTERN=dataPlane, /T3D, /NORMAL, $ IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, maxInd), $ IMAGE_COORD=s_vertPlane SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice ; Update the big view window. if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipDraw))) then $ Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState ; Add oblique plane to sMainState.hDisplayList if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipAdd))) then begin lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) vTp = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal))(sMainState.curData) graphic = {VIZ3D_OBLIQ_PLANE, curData:sMainState.curData, $ hVertPlane:PTR_NEW(), hVert3D:PTR_NEW(), $ drawMode:sMainState.sSliceState.drawMode, $ obliqNormal:sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal, $ obliqCenter:sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter, $ lowThresh:lTh, highThresh:hTh, transVal:vTp} h = Viz3D_Add_Graphic(sMainState, graphic, /NO_COPY) graphic = *h graphic.hVertPlane = PTR_NEW(vertPlane, /NO_COPY) graphic.hVert3D = PTR_NEW(vert3D, /NO_COPY) *h = graphic endif WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE=('') end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the data on a block. pro Viz3D_BlockDraw, sMainState, SKIP_ADD=skipAdd, SKIP_DRAW=skipDraw WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Drawing block ...') x1 = FLOAT(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0) < sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0)) x2 = FLOAT(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0) > sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0)) y1 = FLOAT(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1) < sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1)) y2 = FLOAT(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1) > sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1)) z1 = FLOAT(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2) < sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2)) z2 = FLOAT(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2) > sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2)) ; Return if any block dimension is zero. if (((x1 eq x2) or (y1 eq y2)) or (z1 eq z2)) then return ; Check out the data without making a copy. data3D = Viz3D_GetData(sMainState) SET_PLOT, 'Z' if (sMainState.sBlockState.blockMode) then begin ; Add mode. dim1 = (x2 - x1) dim2 = (y2 - y1) faceDir = 2 subImg = Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1:x2, y1:y2, z1)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], [z1,z1,z1,z1], PATTERN=subImg, $ /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] subImg = Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1:x2, y1:y2, z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], [z2,z2,z2,z2], PATTERN=subImg, $ /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] dim1 = (x2 - x1) dim2 = (z2 - z1) faceDir = 1 subImg = Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1:x2, y1, z1:z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y1,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], PATTERN=subImg, $ /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] subImg = Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1:x2, y2, z1:z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y2,y2,y2,y2], [z1,z1,z2,z2], PATTERN=subImg, $ /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] dim1 = (y2 - y1) dim2 = (z2 - z1) faceDir = 0 subImg = Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1, y1:y2, z1:z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x1,x1,x1], [y1,y2,y2,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], PATTERN=subImg, $ /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] subImg = Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x2, y1:y2, z1:z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x2,x2,x2,x2], [y1,y2,y2,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], PATTERN=subImg, $ /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] endif else begin ; Subtract mode. dims = FLOAT([sMainState.sViewState.xMax, sMainState.sViewState.yMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax]) dims = [[dims], [dims]] imageBuffer1 = TVRD() depthBuffer1 = TVRD(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], [z1,z1,z1,z1], /T3D, /DATA POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], [z2,z2,z2,z2], /T3D, /DATA POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y1,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], /T3D, /DATA POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y2,y2,y2,y2], [z1,z1,z2,z2], /T3D, /DATA POLYFILL, [x1,x1,x1,x1], [y1,y2,y2,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], /T3D, /DATA POLYFILL, [x2,x2,x2,x2], [y1,y2,y2,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], /T3D, /DATA depthMask1 = (TVRD(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) gt depthBuffer1) ERASE norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1,y1,z1-1.0]] / dims norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then begin dim1 = (x2 - x1) dim2 = (y2 - y1) faceDir = 2 subImg = $ Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1:x2, y1:y2, z1)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], [z1,z1,z1,z1], $ PATTERN=subImg, /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] endif norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1,y1-1.0,z1]] / dims norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then begin dim1 = (x2 - x1) dim2 = (z2 - z1) faceDir = 1 subImg = $ Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1:x2, y1, z1:z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y1,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], $ PATTERN=subImg, /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] endif norm = [[x1,y1,z1], [x1-1.0,y1,z1]] / dims norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then begin dim1 = (y2 - y1) dim2 = (z2 - z1) faceDir = 0 subImg = $ Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1, y1:y2, z1:z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x1,x1,x1], [y1,y2,y2,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], $ PATTERN=subImg, /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] endif norm = [[x2,y2,z2], [x2,y2,z2+1.0]] / dims norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then begin dim1 = (x2 - x1) dim2 = (y2 - y1) faceDir = 2 subImg = $ Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1:x2, y1:y2, z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y1,y1,y2,y2], [z2,z2,z2,z2], $ PATTERN=subImg, /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] endif norm = [[x2,y2,z2], [x2,y2+1.0,z2]] / dims norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then begin dim1 = (x2 - x1) dim2 = (z2 - z1) faceDir = 1 subImg = $ Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x1:x2, y2, z1:z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x1,x2,x2,x1], [y2,y2,y2,y2], [z1,z1,z2,z2], $ PATTERN=subImg, /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] endif norm = [[x2,y2,z2], [x2+1.0,y2,z2]] / dims norm = VERT_T3D(norm, /NO_COPY) if ((norm(2,1)-norm(2,0)) lt 0.0) then begin dim1 = (y2 - y1) dim2 = (z2 - z1) faceDir = 0 subImg = $ Viz3D_ScaleData(REFORM(data3D(x2, y1:y2, z1:z2)), sMainState) subImg = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(subImg), MIN=0B, MAX=255B, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) subImg = TEMPORARY(subImg) + $ BYTE(faceDir * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) POLYFILL, [x2,x2,x2,x2], [y1,y2,y2,y1], [z1,z1,z2,z2], $ PATTERN=subImg, /T3D, /DATA, IMAGE_INTERP=sMainState.interpMode, $ TRANSPARENT=Viz3D_TranspValu(sMainState, faceDir), $ IMAGE_COORD=[[0,0],[dim1,0],[dim1,dim2],[0,dim2]] endif imageBuffer2 = TVRD() depthBuffer2 = TVRD(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) depthMask2 = (depthBuffer2 gt (-32765)) and $ (depthBuffer2 lt depthBuffer1) depthMask = WHERE(TEMPORARY(depthMask1) * TEMPORARY(depthMask2)) if (depthMask(0) ge 0L) then begin imageBuffer1(depthMask) = imageBuffer2(depthMask) depthBuffer1(depthMask) = depthBuffer2(depthMask) endif TV, imageBuffer1 TV, depthBuffer1, CHANNEL=1, /WORDS endelse ; Put the data back. Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice ; Update the big view window. if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipDraw))) then $ Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState ; Add block to sMainState.hDisplayList if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipAdd))) then begin lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) vTp = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal))(sMainState.curData) graphic = {VIZ3D_BLOCK, curData:sMainState.curData, $ c1:sMainState.sBlockState.c1, $ c2:sMainState.sBlockState.c2, $ blockMode:sMainState.sBlockState.blockMode, $ lowThresh:lTh, highThresh:hTh, transVal:vTp} h = Viz3D_Add_Graphic(sMainState, graphic, /NO_COPY) endif WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE=('') end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw an iso-surface. pro Viz3D_SurfDraw, sMainState, hVertList, hPolyList, hColorList, $ SKIP_ADD=skipAdd, SKIP_DRAW=skipDraw, CALC_SURF=calcSurf if (KEYWORD_SET(calcSurf)) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Calculating iso-surface ...') ; Check out the data without making a copy. data3D = Viz3D_GetData(sMainState) surfThresh = *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) sT = surfThresh(sMainState.curData) SHADE_VOLUME, data3D, sT, vertList, polyList, $ LOW=(sMainState.sSurfState.surfSide eq 0) Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState if (N_ELEMENTS(polyList) le 0L) then begin ; No iso-surface to render. WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' return endif if (polyList(0) lt 0L) then begin ; No iso-surface to render. WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' return endif if (sMainState.curData eq sMainState.sSurfState.curShade) then begin ; Light-source shading. colorList = (-1L) endif else begin data3D = $ Viz3D_GetData(sMainState, sMainState.sSurfState.curShade) shadeData = data3D Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState, sMainState.sSurfState.curShade colorList = INTERPOLATE(TEMPORARY(shadeData), $ vertList(0,*), vertList(1,*), vertList(2,*), MISSING=0) lowThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) highThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) lTh = lowThresh(sMainState.sSurfState.curShade) hTh = highThresh(sMainState.sSurfState.curShade) colorList = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(colorList), MIN=lTh, MAX=hTh, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) colorList = TEMPORARY(colorList) + $ BYTE(3 * sMainState.sColorState.nColor) endelse WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=(STRTRIM((SIZE(vertList))(2),2) + ' Verts, ' + $ STRTRIM((SIZE(polyList))(1)/4,2) + ' Polys.') hVertList = PTR_NEW(vertList, /NO_COPY) hPolyList = PTR_NEW(polyList, /NO_COPY) hColorList = PTR_NEW(colorList, /NO_COPY) endif else begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Drawing iso-surface ...') endelse SET_PLOT, 'Z' SET_SHADING, /GOURAUD, LIGHT=[-0.5, 0.5, 0.5], REJECT=0, $ VALUES=[(sMainState.sColorState.nColor*3), $ (sMainState.sColorState.nColor*5)-1] if ((*hColorList)(0) lt 0B) then begin ; Light-source shading. nothing = POLYSHADE(*hVertList, *hPolyList, /DATA, /T3D, $ TOP=((sMainState.sColorState.nColor*4)-1)) endif else begin ; Data shading. nothing = POLYSHADE(*hVertList, *hPolyList, /DATA, /T3D, $ SHADES=(*hColorList), TOP=((sMainState.sColorState.nColor*4)-1)) endelse SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice ; Update the big view window. if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipDraw))) then $ Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState ; Add surface to sMainState.hDisplayList if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipAdd))) then begin sT = (*(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh))(sMainState.curData) graphic = {VIZ3D_SURF, curData:sMainState.curData, $ hVertList:PTR_NEW(/ALLOCATE_HEAP), $ hPolyList:PTR_NEW(/ALLOCATE_HEAP), $ hColorList:PTR_NEW(/ALLOCATE_HEAP), $ surfThresh:sT, surfSide:sMainState.sSurfState.surfSide} h = Viz3D_Add_Graphic(sMainState, graphic, /NO_COPY) if (KEYWORD_SET(calcSurf)) then begin graphic = *h *((*h).hVertList) = TEMPORARY(*hVertList) *((*h).hPolyList) = TEMPORARY(*hPolyList) *((*h).hColorList) = TEMPORARY(*hColorList) PTR_FREE, hVertList PTR_FREE, hPolyList PTR_FREE, hColorList endif endif WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE=('') end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw a projection. pro Viz3D_ProjDraw, sMainState, SKIP_ADD=skipAdd, SKIP_DRAW=skipDraw WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Calculating projection ...') SET_PLOT, 'Z' imageBuffer = TVRD() depthBuffer = TVRD(CHANNEL=1, /WORDS) annoIndex = WHERE(imageBuffer gt (5*sMainState.sColorState.nColor)) if (annoIndex(0) ge 0L) then depthBuffer(TEMPORARY(annoIndex)) = (-32765) minDim = sMainState.sViewState.xMax < sMainState.sViewState.yMax < $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax maxDim = sMainState.sViewState.xMax > sMainState.sViewState.yMax > $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax avgDim = Float(maxDim + minDim) / 2.0 case sMainState.sProjState.projReso of 0: begin ; Low. xS = ROUND(FLOAT(avgDim) / 2.0) > 2 yS = ROUND(FLOAT(avgDim) / 2.0) > 2 zS = ROUND(FLOAT(avgDim) / 2.0) > 2 end 1: begin ; Medium. xS = ROUND(FLOAT(avgDim) / 1.5) > 2 yS = ROUND(FLOAT(avgDim) / 1.5) > 2 zS = ROUND(FLOAT(avgDim) / 1.5) > 2 end 2: begin ; high. xS = ROUND(FLOAT(maxDim) / 1.0) > 2 yS = ROUND(FLOAT(maxDim) / 1.0) > 2 zS = ROUND(FLOAT(maxDim) / 1.0) > 2 end endcase ; Calculate the projection. data3D_raw = Viz3D_GetData(sMainState) data3D = data3D_raw Viz3D_PutData, data3D_raw, sMainState data3D = Viz3D_ScaleData(data3D, sMainState) xyS = xS * yS cubePts = FLTARR(8,4) cubePts(0,*) = [0,0,0,1] cubePts(1,*) = [1,0,0,1] cubePts(2,*) = [1,1,0,1] cubePts(3,*) = [0,1,0,1] cubePts(4,*) = [0,0,1,1] cubePts(5,*) = [1,0,1,1] cubePts(6,*) = [1,1,1,1] cubePts(7,*) = [0,1,1,1] cubePts = cubepts # !P.T xMin = MIN(cubePts(*,0), MAX=xMax) yMin = MIN(cubePts(*,1), MAX=yMax) zMin = MIN(cubePts(*,2), MAX=zMax) zRange = zMax - zMin xInd = REFORM(((Findgen(xS) / Float(xS - 1L)) # Replicate(1.0, yS)), xyS) yInd = REFORM((Replicate(1.0, xS) # (Findgen(yS) / Float(yS - 1L))), xyS) index = FLTARR(xyS, 4, /NOZERO) index(0, 0) = TEMPORARY(xInd) index(0, 1) = TEMPORARY(yInd) index(*, 3) = 1.0 kMax = zS - 1 fkMax = FLOAT(kMax) pDepth = CONGRID(depthBuffer, Xs, Ys, /INTERP, /MINUS_ONE) if (sMainState.sProjState.projType) then $ sumImage = FLTARR(xS, yS) $ else sumImage = BYTARR(xS, yS) depthQ = (100.0 - sMainState.sProjState.depthQ) / 100.0 for k=0, kMax do begin ; Project one plane at a time. fk = FLOAT(k) zVal = ((fk / fkMax) * zRange) + zMin index(*, 2) = zVal tIndex = index # sMainState.sViewState.invTrans indX = ((tIndex(*, 0) / tIndex(*, 3)) - !X.S(0)) / !X.S(1) indY = ((tIndex(*, 1) / tIndex(*, 3)) - !Y.S(0)) / !Y.S(1) indZ = ((tIndex(*, 2) / tIndex(*, 3)) - !Z.S(0)) / !Z.S(1) zPlane = ROUND(2.0 * ((((zVal - 0.5) > (-0.5)) < 0.5) * 32765.0)) zInd = WHERE(pDepth lt zPlane) if (zInd(0) ge 0L) then begin ; Something new in front depthFac = BYTE((1.0 - ((zVal-zMin)/(zMax-zMin))) * depthQ * 255.0) tempImg = REFORM(((INTERPOLATE(data3D, indX, indY, indZ, $ MISSING=0B) > depthFac) - depthFac), xS, yS) lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) vTp = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal))(sMainState.curData) transVal = (FLOAT(vTp - lTh) / FLOAT(hTh - lTh)) * 255.0 transVal = BYTE((transVal > 0.0) < 255.0) transInd = WHERE(tempImg lt transVal) if (transInd(0) ge 0L) then tempImg(TEMPORARY(transInd)) = 0B if (sMainState.sProjState.projType) then begin ; Avg projection. newVal = FLOAT(tempImg(zInd)) setInd = WHERE(sumImage(zInd) lt newVal) sumImage(zInd) = sumImage(zInd) + (TEMPORARY(newVal) / fkMax) if (setInd(0) ge 0L) then begin setInd = zInd(TEMPORARY(setInd)) pDepth(TEMPORARY(setInd)) = zPlane endif endif else begin ; Max projection. setInd = WHERE(sumImage(zInd) lt tempImg(zInd)) if (setInd(0) ge 0L) then begin setInd = zInd(TEMPORARY(setInd)) pDepth(TEMPORARY(setInd)) = zPlane endif sumImage = TEMPORARY(sumImage) > tempImg endelse endif endfor if (sMainState.sProjState.projType) then begin ; Scale the avg projection. minSum = MIN(sumImage, MAX=maxSum) if ((maxSum - minSum) gt 0.0) then $ sumImage = (TEMPORARY(sumImage) - minSum) / (maxSum - minSum) minD = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hMinData))(sMainState.curData) maxD = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hMaxData))(sMainState.curData) sumImage = (TEMPORARY(sumImage) * (maxD - minD)) + minD sumImage = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(sumImage), MIN=minD, MAX=maxD, $ TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) endif else begin sumImage = BYTSCL(TEMPORARY(sumImage), $ MIN=0, MAX=255, TOP=sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) endelse tempImg = 0 index = 0 tIndex = 0 setInd = 0 indX = 0 indY = 0 indZ = 0 zInd = 0 sBand = (FLOAT(!D.X_Size) / FLOAT(xS)) > (FLOAT(!D.Y_Size) / FLOAT(yS)) sBand = ROUND(sBand / 2.0) > 3 sumImage = CONGRID(TEMPORARY(sumImage), !D.X_Size, !D.Y_Size, $ /INTERP, /MINUS_ONE) sumImage = SMOOTH(TEMPORARY(sumImage), sBand, /EDGE) pDepth = CONGRID(TEMPORARY(pDepth), !D.X_Size, !D.Y_Size, $ /INTERP, /MINUS_ONE) pDepth = SMOOTH(TEMPORARY(pDepth), sBand, /EDGE) newInd = WHERE(pDepth ge depthBuffer) if (newInd(0) ge 0L) then begin sumImage = TEMPORARY(sumImage) + BYTE(sMainState.sColorState.nColor*4) sumImage = sumImage(newInd) pDepth = pDepth(newInd) imageBuffer(newInd) = TEMPORARY(sumImage) depthBuffer(TEMPORARY(newInd)) = TEMPORARY(pDepth) ERASE TV, TEMPORARY(imageBuffer) TV, TEMPORARY(depthBuffer), CHANNEL=1, /WORDS endif SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice ; Update the big view window. if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipDraw))) then $ Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState ; Add projection to sMainState.hDisplayList if (NOT(KEYWORD_SET(skipAdd))) then begin lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) vTp = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal))(sMainState.curData) graphic = {VIZ3D_PROJ, curData:sMainState.curData, $ projType:sMainState.sProjState.projType, $ projReso:sMainState.sProjState.projReso, $ depthQ:sMainState.sProjState.depthQ, $ lowThresh:lTh, highThresh:hTh, transVal:vTp} h = Viz3D_Add_Graphic(sMainState, graphic, /NO_COPY) endif WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE=('') end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the probe in the big window. pro Viz3D_ProbeDraw, sMainState lineColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sProbeState.lineColor) WSET, sMainState.mainWin DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, $ 0, 0, sMainState.pixWin] PLOTS, [sMainState.sProbeState.x, sMainState.sProbeState.x], $ [sMainState.sProbeState.y, sMainState.sProbeState.y], $ [0, sMainState.szData(3)-1], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=lineColor PLOTS, [sMainState.sProbeState.x, sMainState.sProbeState.x], $ [0, sMainState.szData(2)-1], $ [sMainState.sProbeState.z, sMainState.sProbeState.z], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=lineColor PLOTS, [0, sMainState.szData(1)-1], $ [sMainState.sProbeState.y, sMainState.sProbeState.y], $ [sMainState.sProbeState.z, sMainState.sProbeState.z], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=lineColor EMPTY data3D = Viz3D_GetData(sMainState) dataPt = INTERPOLATE(data3D, sMainState.sProbeState.x, $ sMainState.sProbeState.y, $ sMainState.sProbeState.z) Viz3D_PutData, data3D, sMainState WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Data: ' + STRTRIM(STRING(FLOAT(dataPt)), 2)) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeXText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sProbeState.x), 2) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeYText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sProbeState.y), 2) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeZText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sProbeState.z), 2) end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to draw the profile line in the big window. pro Viz3D_ProfDraw, sMainState lineColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sProfState.lineColor) markColor1 = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sProfState.markColor1) markColor2 = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, sMainState.sProfState.markColor2) WSET, sMainState.mainWin DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, $ 0, 0, sMainState.pixWin] if (sMainState.sProfState.profType) then begin if ((sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq ne 0) and $ (sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq ne sMainState.szData(3)-1)) then $ PLOTS, [sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq], $ [sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq], $ [0, sMainState.szData(3)-1], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=markColor2 if ((sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq ne 0) and $ (sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq ne sMainState.szData(2)-1)) then $ PLOTS, [sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq], $ [0, sMainState.szData(2)-1], $ [sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=markColor2 if ((sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq ne 0) and $ (sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq ne sMainState.szData(1)-1)) then $ PLOTS, [0, sMainState.szData(1)-1], $ [sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq], $ [sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=markColor2 if ((sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq ne 0) and $ (sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq ne sMainState.szData(3)-1)) then $ PLOTS, [sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq], $ [sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq], $ [0, sMainState.szData(3)-1], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=markColor1 if ((sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq ne 0) and $ (sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq ne sMainState.szData(2)-1)) then $ PLOTS, [sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq], $ [0, sMainState.szData(2)-1], $ [sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=markColor1 if ((sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq ne 0) and $ (sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq ne sMainState.szData(1)-1)) then $ PLOTS, [0, sMainState.szData(1)-1], $ [sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq], $ [sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq, $ sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=markColor1 PLOTS, [sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq, sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq], $ [sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq, sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq], $ [sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq, sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=lineColor WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('(' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq)), 2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq)), 2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq)), 2) + $ '), (' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq)), 2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq)), 2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq)), 2) + ')') endif else begin PLOTS, [sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho, sMainState.sProfState.x2Ortho], $ [sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho, sMainState.sProfState.y2Ortho], $ [sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho, sMainState.sProfState.z2Ortho], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=lineColor PLOTS, [sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho], $ [sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho], $ [sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=markColor1, PSYM=4, THICK=2 PLOTS, [sMainState.sProfState.x2Ortho], $ [sMainState.sProfState.y2Ortho], $ [sMainState.sProfState.z2Ortho], $ /DATA, /T3D, COLOR=markColor2, PSYM=4, THICK=2 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('(' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho)), 2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho)), 2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho)), 2) + $ '), (' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.x2Ortho)), 2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.y2Ortho)), 2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(sMainState.sProfState.z2Ortho)), 2) + ')') endelse EMPTY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Redraw everything in the display list. pro Viz3D_Redraw, sMainState SET_PLOT, 'Z' ERASE displayListIndex = 0 if (PTR_VALID(sMainState.hDisplayList)) then begin if (N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.hDisplayList)) GT 0) then begin hID = (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[0] ; get first in list endif else hID = PTR_NEW() ;null pointer, not valid endif else hID = PTR_NEW() ;null pointer, not valid while (PTR_VALID(hID)) do begin graphic = *hID gType = TAG_NAMES(graphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME) case gType of 'VIZ3D_ORTHO_PLANE': begin altState = sMainState altState.curData = graphic.curData altState.sSliceState.orthoDir = graphic.orthoDir altState.sSliceState.orthoPos = graphic.orthoPos altState.sSliceState.drawMode = graphic.drawMode lowThresh = *(altState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.lowThresh hLowThresh = PTR_NEW(lowThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hLowThresh = hLowThresh highThresh = *(altState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) highThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.highThresh hHighThresh = PTR_NEW(highThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hHighThresh = hHighThresh transVal = *(altState.sThreshState.hTransVal) transVal(sMainState.curData) = graphic.transVal hTransVal = PTR_NEW(transVal, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hTransVal = hTransVal Viz3D_OrthoPlaneDraw, TEMPORARY(altState), /SKIP_ADD, $ /SKIP_DRAW PTR_FREE, hLowThresh PTR_FREE, hHighThresh PTR_FREE, hTransVal end 'VIZ3D_OBLIQ_PLANE': begin altState = sMainState altState.curData = graphic.curData altState.sSliceState.drawMode = graphic.drawMode altState.sSliceState.obliqNormal = graphic.obliqNormal altState.sSliceState.obliqCenter = graphic.obliqCenter lowThresh = *(altState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.lowThresh hLowThresh = PTR_NEW(lowThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hLowThresh = hLowThresh highThresh = *(altState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) highThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.highThresh hHighThresh = PTR_NEW(highThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hHighThresh = hHighThresh transVal = *(altState.sThreshState.hTransVal) transVal(sMainState.curData) = graphic.transVal hTransVal = PTR_NEW(transVal, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hTransVal = hTransVal vertPlane = *(graphic.hVertPlane) vert3D = *(graphic.hVert3D) Viz3D_ObliqPlaneDraw, TEMPORARY(altState), vertPlane, vert3D, $ /SKIP_ADD, /SKIP_DRAW PTR_FREE, hLowThresh PTR_FREE, hHighThresh PTR_FREE, hTransVal end 'VIZ3D_BLOCK': begin altState = sMainState altState.curData = graphic.curData altState.sBlockState.c1 = graphic.c1 altState.sBlockState.c2 = graphic.c2 altState.sBlockState.blockMode = graphic.blockMode lowThresh = *(altState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.lowThresh hLowThresh = PTR_NEW(lowThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hLowThresh = hLowThresh highThresh = *(altState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) highThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.highThresh hHighThresh = PTR_NEW(highThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hHighThresh = hHighThresh transVal = *(altState.sThreshState.hTransVal) transVal(sMainState.curData) = graphic.transVal hTransVal = PTR_NEW(transVal, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hTransVal = hTransVal Viz3D_BlockDraw, TEMPORARY(altState), /SKIP_ADD, $ /SKIP_DRAW PTR_FREE, hLowThresh PTR_FREE, hHighThresh PTR_FREE, hTransVal end 'VIZ3D_SURF': begin altState = sMainState altState.curData = graphic.curData altState.sSurfState.surfSide = graphic.surfSide surfThresh = *(altState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) surfThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.surfThresh hSurfThresh = PTR_NEW(surfThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh = hSurfThresh Viz3D_SurfDraw, TEMPORARY(altState), graphic.hVertList, $ graphic.hPolyList, graphic.hColorList, /SKIP_ADD, /SKIP_DRAW PTR_FREE, hSurfThresh end 'VIZ3D_PROJ': begin altState = sMainState altState.curData = graphic.curData altState.sProjState.projReso = graphic.projReso altState.sProjState.projType = graphic.projType altState.sProjState.depthQ = graphic.depthQ lowThresh = *(altState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.lowThresh hLowThresh = PTR_NEW(lowThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hLowThresh = hLowThresh highThresh = *(altState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) highThresh(sMainState.curData) = graphic.highThresh hHighThresh = PTR_NEW(highThresh, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hHighThresh = hHighThresh transVal = *(altState.sThreshState.hTransVal) transVal(sMainState.curData) = graphic.transVal hTransVal = PTR_NEW(transVal, /NO_COPY) altState.sThreshState.hTransVal = hTransVal Viz3D_ProjDraw, TEMPORARY(altState), /SKIP_ADD, /SKIP_DRAW PTR_FREE, hLowThresh PTR_FREE, hHighThresh PTR_FREE, hTransVal end endcase *hID = graphic displayListIndex = displayListIndex + 1 if (displayListIndex LT N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.hDisplayList))) then $ hID = (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[displayListIndex] $ else hID = PTR_NEW() ; null since end of list reached endwhile Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Return an xyz data coordinate on the face of the cube. ; This procedure uses the buffers saved in sMainState.frontDepth, ; sMainState.backDepth, sMainState.frontImage, and sMainState.backImage ; (the Viz3D_FillDepth procedure computes them). ; The ON_FACE keyword returns the face that (dX, dY) maps to : ; 0- not on any face, 1- XY, 2- XZ, 3- YZ. ; (dX, dY) is the 2D screen coordinate (where the user clicked). ; invTrans is the inverse of the current view transformation ; (from sMainState.sViewState.invTrans). function Viz3D_XYZPos, dX, dY, hDepth, hImage, invTrans, ON_FACE=onFace szDepth = SIZE(*hDepth) dX = (dX > 0) < (szDepth(1)-1) dY = (dY > 0) < (szDepth(2)-1) dZ = (*hDepth)(dX, dY) onFace = (*hImage)(dX, dY) zMax = (2L^15L) - 3L zMin = (-zmax) if (dZ le (zMin)) then return, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ; Not on any face. nX = Float(dX) / Float(!D.X_Size - 1) nY = Float(dY) / Float(!D.Y_Size - 1) nZ = (Float(dZ) - Float(zMin)) / Float(zMax - zMin) xyzNorm = [nX, nY, nZ, 1.0] # invTrans xyzNorm = xyzNorm / xyzNorm(3) xPos = (xyzNorm(0) - !X.S(0)) / !X.S(1) yPos = (xyzNorm(1) - !Y.S(0)) / !Y.S(1) zPos = (xyzNorm(2) - !Z.S(0)) / !Z.S(1) ; Return the 3D data coordinate on a face of the cube. return, [xPos, yPos, zPos] end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Event handler for slice events. pro Viz3D_SliceEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase endif else begin wMainBase = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endelse WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY case uVal of 'wMainDraw': begin ; Big view window. if (event.release ge 1) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS=0, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endif if (event.release gt 1) then begin ; Toggle plane direction. if (sMainState.sSliceState.planeMode eq 1) then begin case sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir of 1: begin ; X, toggle to Y. sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 2 WIDGET_CONTROL,sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceYBttn, $ /SET_BUTTON end 2: begin ; Y, toggle to Z. sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 3 WIDGET_CONTROL,sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceZBttn, $ /SET_BUTTON end 3: begin ; Z, toggle to X. sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL,sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceXBttn, $ /SET_BUTTON end endcase Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState endif endif if ((event.press eq 1) or $ ((event.press eq 0) and (event.release eq 0))) then begin if (event.press eq 1) then begin ; Initiate dynamic plane positioning. WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, /DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS sMainState.cleanupView = 1 endif ; Compute a 3D cube surface location from the current ; cursor position. xyzPos = Viz3D_XYZPos(event.x, event.y, sMainState.hFrontDepth, $ sMainState.hFrontImage, sMainState.sViewState.invTrans, $ ON_FACE=onFace) ; Normalize the 3D coordinate. xyzPos = Temporary(xyzPos) / [sMainState.sViewState.xMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax, sMainState.sViewState.zMax] DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, 0, 0, $ sMainState.pixWin] if (onFace gt 0) then begin ; Cursor position is currently somewhere on the cube. if (sMainState.sSliceState.planeMode eq 1) then begin ; Drag an orthogonal plane. case sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir of 1: begin ; X Plots, xyzPos(0), [0,1,1,0,0], [0,0,1,1,0], /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.edgeColor) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('X: ' + $ STRING(xyzPos(0)*sMainState.sViewState.xMax)) end 2: begin ; Y Plots, [0,1,1,0,0], xyzPos(1), [0,0,1,1,0], /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.edgeColor) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Y: ' + $ STRING(xyzPos(1)*sMainState.sViewState.yMax)) end 3: begin ; Z Plots, [0,1,1,0,0], [0,0,1,1,0], xyzPos(2), /NORMAL, $ /T3D, COLOR=Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.edgeColor) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Z: ' + $ STRING(xyzPos(2)*sMainState.sViewState.zMax)) end endcase EMPTY endif else begin ; Drag an oblique plane. edgeColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.edgeColor) normColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.normColor) ; Move plane normal. if (sMainState.sSliceState.obliqMove eq 0) then begin sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal = $ xyzPos - sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter maxDim = sMainState.sViewState.xMax > $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax > $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(0) = $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(0) * $ sMainState.sViewState.xMax / maxDim sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(1) = $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(1) * $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax / maxDim sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(2) = $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(2) * $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax / maxDim Viz3D_DrawSliceOblique, $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter, $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal, 0, edgeColor, $ sMainState.sViewState.xMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zScale, $ NORMCOLOR=normColor, /SKIP_FILL sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal = $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal / $ SQRT(TOTAL(sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal^2)) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Normal: ' + $ STRING(sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal, $ FORMAT='(F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3)')) endif else begin ; Move plane center. case onFace of 1: begin sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter([0,1]) = $ xyzPos([0,1]) end 2: begin sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter([0,2]) = $ xyzPos([0,2]) end 3: begin sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter([1,2]) = $ xyzPos([1,2]) end endcase Viz3D_DrawSliceOblique, $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter, $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal, 0, edgeColor, $ sMainState.sViewState.xMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zScale, $ NORMCOLOR=normColor, /SKIP_FILL xyzPos = sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter * $ [sMainState.sViewState.xMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax] WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('Center: ' + $ STRING(xyzPos, FORMAT='(F6.3,1X,F6.3,1X,F6.3)')) endelse endelse endif endif if (event.release eq 1) then begin ; Cleanup and draw slice. xyzPos = Viz3D_XYZPos(event.x, event.y, sMainState.hFrontDepth, $ sMainState.hFrontImage, sMainState.sViewState.invTrans, $ ON_FACE=onFace) xyzPos = Temporary(xyzPos) / [sMainState.sViewState.xMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax, sMainState.sViewState.zMax] if (TOTAL(ABS(xyzPos)) gt 0.0) then begin ; Plane is now positioned. if (sMainState.sSliceState.planeMode eq 1) then begin ; Orthogonal plane. case sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir of 1: sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos = xyzPos(0) 2: sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos = xyzPos(1) 3: sMainState.sSliceState.orthoPos = xyzPos(2) endcase ; Update the small slice status window. Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState ; Draw orthogonal slice with data in the big window. Viz3D_OrthoPlaneDraw, sMainState endif else begin ; Oblique plane. ; Normal moved. if (sMainState.sSliceState.obliqMove eq 0) then begin sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal = $ xyzPos - sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter maxDim = sMainState.sViewState.xMax > $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax > $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(0) = $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(0) * $ sMainState.sViewState.xMax / maxDim sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(1) = $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(1) * $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax / maxDim sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(2) = $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal(2) * $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax / maxDim endif else begin ; Center moved. case onFace of 1: begin sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter([0,1]) = $ xyzPos([0,1]) end 2: begin sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter([0,2]) = $ xyzPos([0,2]) end 3: begin sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter([1,2]) = $ xyzPos([1,2]) end endcase endelse fillColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.fillColor) edgeColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.edgeColor) normColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.normColor) backColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.backColor) ; Update the small slice status window. Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState endelse endif endif end 'wSliceDraw': begin ; Event in small slice plane window. if (event.release gt 0) then begin ; Toggle the orthogonal plane direction. if (sMainState.sSliceState.planeMode eq 1) then begin case sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir of 1: begin sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 2 WIDGET_CONTROL,sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceYBttn, $ /SET_BUTTON end 2: begin sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 3 WIDGET_CONTROL,sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceZBttn, $ /SET_BUTTON end 3: begin sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL,sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceXBttn, $ /SET_BUTTON end endcase endif else begin ; Reset the oblique slicing plane position. sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] endelse ; Update the small slice status window. Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, $ 0, 0, sMainState.pixWin] WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' endif end 'wSliceOrthoBttn': begin ; Set orthogonal slice mode. sMainState.sSliceState.planeMode = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceObliqBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceOrthoBase, MAP=1 Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, $ 0, 0, sMainState.pixWin] WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' end 'wSliceObliqBttn': begin ; Set oblique slice mode. sMainState.sSliceState.planeMode = 0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceOrthoBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSliceState.wSliceObliqBase, MAP=1 fillColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.fillColor) edgeColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.edgeColor) normColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.normColor) backColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.backColor) Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState end 'wSliceDrawBttn': begin ; Set "Draw" mode for slices. sMainState.sSliceState.drawMode = 0 end 'wSliceExpoBttn': begin ; Set "Expose" mode for slices. sMainState.sSliceState.drawMode = 1 end 'wSliceXBttn': begin ; Set orthogonal slice direction X. sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 1 Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState end 'wSliceYBttn': begin ; Set orthogonal slice direction Y. sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 2 Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState end 'wSliceZBttn': begin ; Set orthogonal slice direction Z. sMainState.sSliceState.orthoDir = 3 Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState end 'wSliceNormalBttn': begin ; Set oblique slice mode for normal movement. sMainState.sSliceState.obliqMove = 0 end 'wSliceCenterBttn': begin ; Set oblique slice mode for center movement. sMainState.sSliceState.obliqMove = 1 end 'wSliceObliqGoBttn': begin ; Draw the slice. fillColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.fillColor) edgeColor = Viz3D_TransColor(sMainState, $ sMainState.sSliceState.edgeColor) Viz3D_DrawSliceOblique, sMainState.sSliceState.obliqCenter, $ sMainState.sSliceState.obliqNormal, $ fillColor, edgeColor, $ sMainState.sViewState.xMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.yMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zMax, $ sMainState.sViewState.zScale, /SKIP_FILL, $ VERT_PLANE=vertPlane, VERT_3D=vert3D ; Draw oblique slice with data in the big window. Viz3D_ObliqPlaneDraw, sMainState, vertPlane, vert3D end else: endcase WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Event handler for block events. pro Viz3D_BlockEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase endif else begin wMainBase = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endelse WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY case uVal of 'wMainDraw': begin ; Big draw window, move block. if (event.release ge 1) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS=0, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endif if ((event.press ge 1) or $ ((event.press eq 0) and (event.release eq 0))) then begin if (event.press ge 1) then begin ; Initiate dynamic block positioning. WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, /DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS sMainState.cleanupView = 1 endif if (event.press eq 1) then $ sMainState.sBlockState.frontBack = 1 if (event.press gt 1) then $ sMainState.sBlockState.frontBack = 0 ; Compute a 3D cube surface location from the current ; cursor position. xyzPos = Viz3D_XYZPos(event.x, event.y, sMainState.hFrontDepth, $ sMainState.hFrontImage, sMainState.sViewState.invTrans, $ ON_FACE=onFace) xyzPos = ROUND(xyzPos) if (onFace gt 0) then begin ; On cube, draw block. case (onFace) of 1: begin if (sMainState.sBlockState.frontBack) then begin sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0) = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1) = xyzPos(1) endif else begin sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0) = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1) = xyzPos(1) endelse end 2: begin if (sMainState.sBlockState.frontBack) then begin sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0) = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2) = xyzPos(2) endif else begin sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0) = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2) = xyzPos(2) endelse end 3: begin if (sMainState.sBlockState.frontBack) then begin sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1) = xyzPos(1) sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2) = xyzPos(2) endif else begin sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1) = xyzPos(1) sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2) = xyzPos(2) endelse end endcase endif endif DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, 0, 0, $ sMainState.pixWin] Viz3D_BlockShow, sMainState, /DIRECT if (event.release ge 1) then begin ; Cleanup. Viz3D_BlockShow, sMainState endif WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('(' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0)),2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1)),2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2)),2) + '), (' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0)),2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1)),2) + ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2)),2) + ')') end 'wBlockDraw': ; Small block window, do nothing. 'wBlockAddBttn': sMainState.sBlockState.blockMode = 1 'wBlockSubBttn': sMainState.sBlockState.blockMode = 0 'wBlockGoBttn': begin ; Draw it. Viz3D_BlockDraw, sMainState end endcase WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Event handler for surface events. pro Viz3D_SurfEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal ne 'wSurfDraw') then WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase endif else wMainBase = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY case uVal of 'wMainDraw': ; Big draw window, do nothing. 'wSurfDraw': begin if (event.release le 0) then begin ; Determine which to set, high or low. WSET, sMainState.sThreshState.threshWin norm = FLOAT(event.x) / FLOAT(!D.X_SIZE) norm = (norm - 0.03) / (0.97 - 0.03) lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) newThresh = (norm * (hTh - lTh)) + lTh surfThresh = *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) surfThresh(sMainState.curData) = newThresh *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) = surfThresh WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, /DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS WSET, sMainState.mainWin endif else begin WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS=0, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endelse Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState end 'wSurfText': begin WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_VALUE=newThresh lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) newThresh = FLOAT(newThresh(0)) newThresh = (newThresh > lTh) < hTh surfThresh = *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) surfThresh(sMainState.curData) = newThresh *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) = surfThresh WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(newThresh),2) Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState end 'wSurfLowBttn': sMainState.sSurfState.surfSide = 0 'wSurfHighBttn': sMainState.sSurfState.surfSide = 1 'wSurfShadeDrop': sMainState.sSurfState.curShade = event.index 'wSurfGoBttn': Viz3D_SurfDraw, sMainState, /CALC_SURF endcase WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Event handler for projection events. pro Viz3D_ProjectEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase endif else wMainBase = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY case uVal of 'wMainDraw': ; Big draw window, do nothing. 'wProjMaxBttn': sMainState.sProjState.projType = 0 'wProjAvgBttn': sMainState.sProjState.projType = 1 'wProjLowBttn': sMainState.sProjState.projReso = 0 'wProjMedBttn': sMainState.sProjState.projReso = 1 'wProjHighBttn': sMainState.sProjState.projReso = 2 'wProjDQSlid': sMainState.sProjState.depthQ = event.value 'wProjGoBttn': Viz3D_ProjDraw, sMainState endcase WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Event handler for threshold events. pro Viz3D_ThreshEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal ne 'wThreshDraw') then WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase endif else wMainBase = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY lTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh))(sMainState.curData) hTh = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh))(sMainState.curData) vTp = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal))(sMainState.curData) minD = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hMinData))(sMainState.curData) maxD = (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hMaxData))(sMainState.curData) case uVal of 'wMainDraw': ; Big draw window, do nothing. 'wThreshDraw': begin ; Set new threshold value via draw widget. if (event.release le 0) then begin if (event.press eq 1) then sMainState.sThreshState.moveType = 0 if (event.press ge 2) then sMainState.sThreshState.moveType = 1 if (sMainState.sThreshState.moveType eq 0) then begin ; Move high/low threshold ; Determine which to set, high or low. WSET, sMainState.sThreshState.threshWin norm = FLOAT(event.x) / FLOAT(!D.X_SIZE) norm = (norm - 0.03) / (0.97 - 0.03) newThresh = (norm * (maxD - minD)) + minD newThresh = (newThresh > minD) < maxD ; Closer to min threshold. if (ABS(newThresh - lTh) lt ABS(newThresh - hTh)) then begin newThresh = newThresh < hTh lowThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = newThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) = lowThresh endif ; Closer to max threshold. if (ABS(newThresh - lTh) gt ABS(newThresh - hTh)) then begin newThresh = newThresh > lTh highThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) highThresh(sMainState.curData) = newThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) = highThresh endif if (ABS(newThresh - lTh) eq ABS(newThresh - hTh)) then begin newThresh = (newThresh > minD) < maxD if (newThresh gt hTh) then begin highThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) highThresh(sMainState.curData) = newThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) = highThresh endif if (newThresh lt lTh) then begin lowThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = newThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) = lowThresh endif endif ; Make sure the min and max threshold values are not equal. lowThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) highThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) if (lowThresh(sMainState.curData) eq $ highThresh(sMainState.curData)) then begin lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = minD highThresh(sMainState.curData) = maxD endif *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) = lowThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) = highThresh endif else begin ; Move transparency. WSET, sMainState.sThreshState.threshWin norm = FLOAT(event.x) / FLOAT(!D.X_SIZE) norm = (norm - 0.03) / (0.97 - 0.03) newThresh = (norm * (maxD - minD)) + minD newThresh = (newThresh > minD) < maxD transVal = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal) transVal(sMainState.curData) = newThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal) = transVal endelse WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, /DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS WSET, sMainState.mainWin endif else begin WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS=0, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS if (event.release eq 1) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState, /CALC_HIST endif endelse Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState, /DYNAMIC end 'wThreshLowText': begin WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_VALUE=newThresh newThresh = FLOAT(newThresh(0)) newThresh = (newThresh > minD) < hTh lowThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) highThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = newThresh if (lowThresh(sMainState.curData) eq $ highThresh(sMainState.curData)) then begin lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = minD highThresh(sMainState.curData) = maxD endif *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) = lowThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) = highThresh WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(newThresh),2) Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState, /DYNAMIC Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState, /CALC_HIST end 'wThreshHighText': begin WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_VALUE=newThresh newThresh = FLOAT(newThresh(0)) newThresh = (newThresh > lTh) < maxD lowThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) highThresh = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) highThresh(sMainState.curData) = newThresh if (lowThresh(sMainState.curData) eq $ highThresh(sMainState.curData)) then begin lowThresh(sMainState.curData) = minD highThresh(sMainState.curData) = maxD endif *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) = highThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) = lowThresh WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(newThresh),2) Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState, /DYNAMIC Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState, /CALC_HIST end 'wThreshTransText': begin WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_VALUE=newThresh newThresh = FLOAT(newThresh(0)) newThresh = (newThresh > minD) < maxD transVal = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal) transVal(sMainState.curData) = newThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal) = transVal WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(newThresh),2) Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState, /DYNAMIC end endcase WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Event handler for profile events. pro Viz3D_ProfileEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase endif else begin wMainBase = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endelse WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY case uVal of 'wProfDraw': ; Profile window, do nothing. 'wMainDraw': begin ; Big draw window. if (event.release ge 1) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS=0, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endif if ((event.press ge 1) or $ ((event.press eq 0) and (event.release eq 0))) then begin if (event.press ge 1) then begin ; Initiate dynamic profile positioning. WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, /DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS sMainState.cleanupView = 1 endif if (event.press eq 1) then $ sMainState.sProfState.frontBack = 1 if (event.press gt 1) then $ sMainState.sProfState.frontBack = 0 ; Compute a 3D cube surface location from the current ; cursor position. if (sMainState.sProfState.frontBack) then $ xyzPos = Viz3D_XYZPos(event.x, event.y, $ sMainState.hFrontDepth, sMainState.hFrontImage, $ sMainState.sViewState.invTrans, ON_FACE=onFace) $ else $ xyzPos = Viz3D_XYZPos(event.x, event.y, $ sMainState.hBackDepth, sMainState.hBackImage, $ sMainState.sViewState.invTrans, ON_FACE=onFace) xyzPos = ROUND(xyzPOS) if (onFace gt 0) then begin ; On cube, draw profile. if (sMainState.sProfState.profType eq 0) then begin ; Orthogonal profile. sMainState.sProfState.profDir = onFace case onFace of 1: begin sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sProfState.x2Ortho = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho = xyzPos(1) sMainState.sProfState.y2Ortho = xyzPos(1) sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho = 0 sMainState.sProfState.z2Ortho = $ sMainState.szData(3) - 1 end 2: begin sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sProfState.x2Ortho = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho = 0 sMainState.sProfState.y2Ortho = $ sMainState.szData(2) - 1 sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho = xyzPos(2) sMainState.sProfState.z2Ortho = xyzPos(2) end 3: begin sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho = 0 sMainState.sProfState.x2Ortho = $ sMainState.szData(1) - 1 sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho = xyzPos(1) sMainState.sProfState.y2Ortho = xyzPos(1) sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho = xyzPos(2) sMainState.sProfState.z2Ortho = xyzPos(2) end endcase endif else begin ; Oblique profile. if (sMainState.sProfState.frontBack) then begin sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq = xyzPos(1) sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq = xyzPos(2) endif else begin sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq = xyzPos(0) sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq = xyzPos(1) sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq = xyzPos(2) endelse endelse if (onFace ne sMainState.sProfState.onFace) then begin sMainState.sProfState.onFace = onFace Viz3D_ProfShow, sMainState endif else Viz3D_ProfShow, sMainState, /DIRECT Viz3D_ProfDraw, sMainState endif endif end 'wProfOrthoBttn': begin sMainState.sProfState.profType = 0 Viz3D_ProfShow, sMainState Viz3D_ProfDraw, sMainState end 'wProfObliqBttn': begin sMainState.sProfState.profType = 1 Viz3D_ProfShow, sMainState Viz3D_ProfDraw, sMainState end endcase WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Event handler for probe events. pro Viz3D_ProbeEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase endif else begin wMainBase = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endelse WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY case uVal of 'wMainDraw': begin ; Big draw window. if (event.release ge 1) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS=0, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS endif if (event.press ge 1) then $ WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, /DRAW_MOTION_EVENTS, $ /DRAW_BUTTON_EVENTS if ((event.press ge 1) or $ ((event.press eq 0) and (event.release eq 0))) then begin eX = (event.x > 0) < (!D.X_Size - 1) eY = (event.y > 0) < (!D.Y_Size - 1) nX = Float(eX) / Float(!D.X_Size - 1) nY = Float(eY) / Float(!D.Y_Size - 1) SET_PLOT, 'Z' nZ = (TVRD(eX, eY, 1, 1, CHANNEL=1, /WORDS))(0) SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice zBack = ((*(sMainState.hBackDepth))(eX, eY))(0) zFront = ((*(sMainState.hfrontDepth))(eX, eY))(0) if (zFront gt (-32765)) then begin if (nZ gt zBack) then begin nZ = (FLOAT(nZ) + 32765.0) / (2.0 * 32765.0) xyzNorm = [nX, nY, nZ, 1.0] # sMainState.sViewState.invTrans xyzNorm = xyzNorm / xyzNorm(3) xPos = (((xyzNorm(0) - !X.S(0)) / !X.S(1)) > 0.0) < $ FLOAT(sMainState.szData(1)-1) yPos = (((xyzNorm(1) - !Y.S(0)) / !Y.S(1)) > 0.0) < $ FLOAT(sMainState.szData(2)-1) zPos = (((xyzNorm(2) - !Z.S(0)) / !Z.S(1)) > 0.0) < $ FLOAT(sMainState.szData(3)-1) ; ### Coordinates in pixel space (bmy, 1/14/99) sMainState.sProbeState.x = xPos sMainState.sProbeState.y = yPos sMainState.sProbeState.z = zPos Viz3D_ProbeDraw, sMainState endif else begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('No data value') WSET, sMainState.mainWin DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, $ 0, 0, sMainState.pixWin] WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeXText, $ SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeYText, $ SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeZText, $ SET_VALUE='' endelse endif else begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, $ SET_VALUE=('') WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeXText, $ SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeYText, $ SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeZText, $ SET_VALUE='' WSET, sMainState.mainWin DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, $ 0, 0, sMainState.pixWin] endelse endif end 'wProbeText': begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeXText, GET_VALUE=xT WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeYText, GET_VALUE=yT WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeZText, GET_VALUE=zT sMainState.sProbeState.x = (FLOAT(xt(0)) > 0.0) < $ FLOAT(sMainState.szData(1)-1) sMainState.sProbeState.y = (FLOAT(yt(0)) > 0.0) < $ FLOAT(sMainState.szData(2)-1) sMainState.sProbeState.z = (FLOAT(zt(0)) > 0.0) < $ FLOAT(sMainState.szData(3)-1) xT = STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sProbeState.x), 2) yT = STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sProbeState.y), 2) zT = STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sProbeState.z), 2) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeXText, SET_VALUE=xT WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeYText, SET_VALUE=yT WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeZText, SET_VALUE=zT Viz3D_ProbeDraw, sMainState end endcase WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Event handler for view events. pro Viz3D_ViewEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase endif else wMainBase = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY Viz3D_CleanView, sMainState, /SKIP_BUFFER redraw_flag = 0 case uVal of 'wMainDraw': ; Big draw window, do nothing. 'wViewDraw': ; Small view window, do nothing. 'wRot1Slid': begin if (sMainState.sViewState.ang1 ne event.value) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.ang1 = event.value end 'wRot2Slid': begin if (sMainState.sViewState.ang2 ne event.value) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.ang2 = event.value end 'wRot3Slid': begin if (sMainState.sViewState.ang3 ne event.value) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.ang3 = event.value end 'wRot1Drop': begin case event.index of 0: rot_axis = 'X' 1: rot_axis = 'Y' 2: rot_axis = 'Z' endcase if (sMainState.sViewState.dir1 ne rot_axis) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.dir1 = rot_axis end 'wRot2Drop': begin case event.index of 0: rot_axis = 'X' 1: rot_axis = 'Y' 2: rot_axis = 'Z' endcase if (sMainState.sViewState.dir2 ne rot_axis) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.dir2 = rot_axis end 'wRot3Drop': begin case event.index of 0: rot_axis = 'X' 1: rot_axis = 'Y' 2: rot_axis = 'Z' endcase if (sMainState.sViewState.dir3 ne rot_axis) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.dir3 = rot_axis end 'wZoomSlid': begin zoomVal = FLOAT(event.value) / 100.0 if (sMainState.sViewState.zoomFac ne zoomVal) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.zoomFac = zoomVal end 'wZFacSlid': begin zFac = FLOAT(event.value) / 100.0 if (sMainState.sViewState.zScale ne zFac) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.zScale = zFac end 'wPerspSlid': begin perspDist = FLOAT(event.value) if (sMainState.sViewState.pDist ne perspDist) then redraw_flag = 1 sMainState.sViewState.pDist = perspDist end 'wViewDispBttn': begin sMainState.cleanupBuffer = 1 Viz3D_CleanBuffer, sMainState end endcase if (redraw_flag) then begin sMainState.sViewState = $ Viz3D_View(sMainState.sViewState.viewWin, $ XMAX=sMainState.sViewState.xMax, $ YMAX=sMainState.sViewState.yMax, $ ZMAX=sMainState.sViewState.zMax, $ ANG1=sMainState.sViewState.ang1, $ ANG2=sMainState.sViewState.ang2, $ ANG3=sMainState.sViewState.ang3, $ DIR1=sMainState.sViewState.dir1, $ DIR2=sMainState.sViewState.dir2, $ DIR3=sMainState.sViewState.dir3, $ ZOOM=sMainState.sViewState.zoomFac , $ ZSCALE=sMainState.sViewState.zScale , $ PERSP=sMainState.sViewState.pDist) Viz3D_ViewShow, sMainState sMainState.cleanupBuffer = 1 endif WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Differential shading event handler. pro Viz3D_DiffShadeEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal case uVal of 'wDiffSlid': begin WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, GET_UVALUE=leader WIDGET_CONTROL, leader, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY sMainState.sColorState.diffShade = event.value sViz3DColors = sMainState.sColorState Viz3D_DiffColor, sViz3DColors sMainState.sColorState = TEMPORARY(sViz3DColors) if (event.drag eq 0) then begin WSET, sMainState.mainWin DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, 0, 0, $ sMainState.pixWin] endif WIDGET_CONTROL, leader, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY end 'wDiffCloseBttn': WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, /DESTROY endcase end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Options event handler. pro Viz3D_OptEvent, event WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, GET_UVALUE=hState sOptState = *hState WIDGET_CONTROL, sOptState.wOptSizeText, GET_VALUE=szText DEVICE, GET_SCREEN_SIZE=scrSize wSize = (FIX(szText(0)) > 256) < (scrSize(1) - 80) WIDGET_CONTROL, sOptState.wOptSizeText, SET_VALUE=STRING(wSize) sOptState.winXY = wSize case uVal of 'wOptAxisOnBttn': sOptState.AxisOn = 1 'wOptAxisOffBttn': sOptState.AxisOn = 0 'wOptCubeOnBttn': sOptState.CubeOn = 1 'wOptCubeOffBttn': sOptState.CubeOn = 0 'wOptSizeText': 'wOptOkBttn': begin sOptState.Ok = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, /DESTROY end 'wOptCanBttn': begin sOptState.Ok = 0 WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, /DESTROY end endcase *hState = sOptState end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Main event handler. pro Viz3D_Event, event ON_IOERROR, IO_BAD WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WIDGET_CONTROL, event.id, GET_UVALUE=uVal if (uVal eq 'wMainDraw') then begin wDrawBase = WIDGET_INFO(event.id, /PARENT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=mainID endif else mainID = event.top WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY if ((uVal ne 'wQuitBttn') AND (uVal ne 'wDelAllBttn')) then $ Viz3D_CleanView, sMainState case uVal of 'wQuitBttn': begin ; Exit. WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, /Destroy return end 'wLoadBttn': begin ; Load new data from a file. ; Get file name. dataFile = DIALOG_PICKFILE(GROUP=event.top, /READ, FILTER='*.dat', $ /MUST_EXIST) WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS if (dataFile(0) eq '') then begin ; No file, user cancelled. WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY return endif ; Open file. GET_LUN, lun OPENR, lun, dataFile ; Read in and check the data. goRead = 1 count = 0 ; Keep reading as long as there is valid data. while (goRead) do begin count = count + 1 fileStat = FSTAT(lun) if (fileStat.cur_ptr eq fileStat.size) then begin ; At EOF. WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif if ((fileStat.size - fileStat.cur_ptr) lt 29L) then begin ; Not enough bytes in file for data "header". ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'File does not contain valid 3-D data.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif ; Read and check the number of dimensions. nDims = 0L READU, lun, nDims if ((ndims NE 3L) and (count eq 1)) then begin nDims = SWAP_ENDIAN(TEMPORARY(nDims)) if (ndims NE 3L) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'File does not contain valid 3-D data.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif swapData = 1 endif else swapData = 0 if ((ndims NE 3L) and (count gt 1)) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'File does not contain valid 3-D data.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif ; Read the rest of the data "size" info. sizeDims = LONARR(3, /NOZERO) READU, lun, sizeDims dataType = 0L READU, lun, dataType nElems = 0L READU, lun, nElems ; Read the number of characters in data name. nNameChars = 0L READU, lun, nNameChars ; Byte swap if necessary. if (swapData) then begin sizeDims = SWAP_ENDIAN(TEMPORARY(sizeDims)) dataType = SWAP_ENDIAN(TEMPORARY(dataType)) nElems = SWAP_ENDIAN(TEMPORARY(nElems)) nNameChars = SWAP_ENDIAN(TEMPORARY(nNameChars)) endif ; Check the size of the data dimensions. if (MIN(sizeDims) LE 1L) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'File does not contain valid 3-D data.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif ; Check the data type. if ((dataType LT 1L) OR (dataType GT 5)) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'File does not contain valid 3-D data.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif ; Check the number of elements. if ((sizeDims(0)*sizeDims(1)*sizeDims(2)) NE nElems) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'File does not contain valid 3-D data.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif ; Check the number of characters in data name. if (nNameChars LT 1L) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'File contains invalid 3-D data name.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif ; See if there is enough bytes left in the file for data name. fileStat = FSTAT(lun) if ((fileStat.size - fileStat.cur_ptr) LT nNameChars) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'File does not contain valid 3-D data.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif ; Read the data name. dataName = BYTARR(nNameChars, /NOZERO) READU, lun, dataName dataName = STRING(dataName) case dataType of 1: nBytes = nElems 2: nBytes = nElems * 2L 3: nBytes = nElems * 4L 4: nBytes = nElems * 4L 5: nBytes = nElems * 8L endcase fileStat = FSTAT(lun) ; If there are enough bytes left in the file, then read the data. if ((fileStat.size - fileStat.cur_ptr) ge nBytes) then begin if (count eq 1) then begin ; Make the first data active. sMainState.curData = 0 sMainState.sSurfState.curShade = 0 ; Something valid to read, so clean out the existing data. lData3D = *(sMainState.hDataList) for i=0, N_ELEMENTS(lData3D)-1L do begin if (PTR_VALID(lData3D(i))) then $ PTR_FREE, lData3D(i) endfor lDataHist = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hDataHist) for i=0, N_ELEMENTS(lDataHist)-1L do begin if (PTR_VALID(lDataHist(i))) then $ PTR_FREE, lDataHist(i) endfor lRangeHist = *(sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist) for i=0, N_ELEMENTS(lRangeHist)-1L do begin if (PTR_VALID(lRangeHist(i))) then $ PTR_FREE, lRangeHist(i) endfor sizeDims1 = sizeDims endif else begin ; Check if Nth data is the same size as the first data. index = WHERE(sizeDims1 ne sizeDims) if (index(0) ge 0L) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE( $ 'Data dimensions are not consistent.', /ERROR) WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun return endif endelse ; Read the data. case dataType of 1: data3D = BYTARR(sizeDims(0), sizeDims(1), sizeDims(2), $ /NOZERO) 2: data3D = INTARR(sizeDims(0), sizeDims(1), sizeDims(2), $ /NOZERO) 3: data3D = LONARR(sizeDims(0), sizeDims(1), sizeDims(2), $ /NOZERO) 4: data3D = FLTARR(sizeDims(0), sizeDims(1), sizeDims(2), $ /NOZERO) 5: data3D = DBLARR(sizeDims(0), sizeDims(1), sizeDims(2), $ /NOZERO) endcase READU, lun, data3D if (swapData) then data3D = SWAP_ENDIAN(TEMPORARY(data3D)) if (count eq 1) then begin ; First data, reset everything. minData = MIN(data3D, MAX=maxData) minData = DOUBLE(minData) maxData = DOUBLE(maxData) if (minData eq maxData) then maxData(0) = maxData(0) + 1.0D bSize = (maxData - minData) / 200.0 n_samples = N_ELEMENTS(data3D) IF (n_samples GT 32767L) THEN BEGIN n_samples = 32767L + ROUND(SQRT(n_samples - 32767L)) s_index = RANDOMU(s, 1) s_index = RANDOMU(s, n_samples) s_index = LONG(TEMPORARY(s_index) * FLOAT(n_samples)) hist_data = FLOAT(data3D[TEMPORARY(s_index)]) dataHist = $ HISTOGRAM(TEMPORARY(hist_data), MIN=minData, MAX=maxData, $ BINSIZE=bSize) > 1.0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dataHist = $ HISTOGRAM(FLOAT(data3D), MIN=minData, MAX=maxData, $ BINSIZE=bSize) > 1.0 ENDELSE dataHist = ALOG(FLOAT(TEMPORARY(dataHist))) > 0.0 lDataHist = PTR_NEW(dataHist) lRangeHist = PTR_NEW(dataHist, /NO_COPY) *(sMainState.sThreshState.hDataHist) = lDataHist *(sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist) = lRangeHist surfThresh = (minData + maxData) / 2.0D *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) = surfThresh szData = SIZE(data3D) lData3D = PTR_NEW(data3D, /NO_COPY) *(sMainState.hDataList) = lData3D WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDataModeBase, SENSITIVE=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSurfState.wSurfShadeBase, $ SENSITIVE=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDataDrop, $ SET_DROPLIST_SELECT=0, SET_VALUE=dataName(0) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSurfState.wSurfShadeDrop, $ SET_DROPLIST_SELECT=0, SET_VALUE='Light-source' *(sMainState.hDataName) = dataName *(sMainState.sThreshState.hMinData) = minData *(sMainState.sThreshState.hMaxData) = maxData *(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal) = minData *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) = minData *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) = maxData sMainState.szData = szData sMainState.sViewState = $ Viz3D_View(sMainState.sViewState.viewWin, $ XMAX=(szData(1)-1), $ YMAX=(szData(2)-1), $ ZMAX=(szData(3)-1), $ ANG1=sMainState.sViewState.ang1, $ ANG2=sMainState.sViewState.ang2, $ ANG3=sMainState.sViewState.ang3, $ DIR1=sMainState.sViewState.dir1, $ DIR2=sMainState.sViewState.dir2, $ DIR3=sMainState.sViewState.dir3, $ ZOOM=sMainState.sViewState.zoomFac , $ ZSCALE=sMainState.sViewState.zScale , $ PERSP=sMainState.sViewState.pDist) sMainState.sBlockState.c1 = $ [szData(1)-1, szData(2)-1, szData(3)-1] / 3 sMainState.sBlockState.c2 = $ (2 * [szData(1)-1, szData(2)-1, szData(3)-1]) / 3 sMainState.sProfState.x1Ortho = FLOAT(szData(1) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProfState.y1Ortho = FLOAT(szData(2) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProfState.z1Ortho = 0.0 sMainState.sProfState.x2Ortho = FLOAT(szData(1) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProfState.y2Ortho = FLOAT(szData(2) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProfState.z2Ortho = FLOAT(szData(3) - 1L) sMainState.sProfState.x1Obliq = FLOAT(szData(1) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProfState.y1Obliq = FLOAT(szData(2) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProfState.z1Obliq = 0.0 sMainState.sProfState.x2Obliq = FLOAT(szData(1) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProfState.y2Obliq = FLOAT(szData(2) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProfState.z2Obliq = FLOAT(szData(3) - 1L) sMainState.sProbeState.x = FLOAT(szData(1) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProbeState.y = FLOAT(szData(2) - 1L) / 2.0 sMainState.sProbeState.z = FLOAT(szData(3) - 1L) / 2.0 ; Clean out the display list. for i=0, N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.hDisplayList)) -1 do begin hGraphic = (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[i] IF (TAG_NAMES( *hGraphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME ) EQ 'VIZ3D_SURF') $ THEN BEGIN PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVertList PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hPolyList PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hColorList ENDIF IF (TAG_NAMES( *hGraphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME ) EQ $ 'VIZ3D_OBLIQ_PLANE') THEN BEGIN PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVertPlane PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVert3D ENDIF PTR_FREE, hGraphic ; PTR_FREE, (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[i] endfor PTR_FREE, sMainState.hDisplayList sMainState.hDisplayList = PTR_NEW(/ALLOCATE_HEAP) ; Repair "Delete" menu. delBttn = WIDGET_INFO(sMainState.wDeleteMenu, /CHILD) WHILE (WIDGET_INFO(delBttn, /VALID_ID)) DO BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, delBttn, /DESTROY delBttn = WIDGET_INFO(sMainState.wDeleteMenu, /CHILD) ENDWHILE ; Erase. SET_PLOT, 'Z' ERASE Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState sMainState.cleanupBuffer = 1 Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState, /CALC_HIST Viz3D_CleanBuffer, sMainState WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeXText, $ SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeYText, $ SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sProbeState.wProbeZText, $ SET_VALUE='' endif else begin ; Additional data. minData = MIN(data3D, MAX=maxData) minData = DOUBLE(minData) maxData = DOUBLE(maxData) if (minData eq maxData) then maxData(0) = maxData(0) + 1.0D bSize = (maxData - minData) / 200.0 n_samples = N_ELEMENTS(data3D) IF (n_samples GT 32767L) THEN BEGIN n_samples = 32767L + ROUND(SQRT(n_samples - 32767L)) s_index = RANDOMU(s, 1) s_index = RANDOMU(s, n_samples) s_index = LONG(TEMPORARY(s_index) * FLOAT(n_samples)) hist_data = FLOAT(data3D[TEMPORARY(s_index)]) dataHist = $ HISTOGRAM(TEMPORARY(hist_data), MIN=minData, MAX=maxData, $ BINSIZE=bSize) > 1.0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dataHist = $ HISTOGRAM(FLOAT(data3D), MIN=minData, MAX=maxData, $ BINSIZE=bSize) > 1.0 ENDELSE dataHist = ALOG(FLOAT(TEMPORARY(dataHist))) > 0.0 lDataHist = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hDataHist) lDataHist = [TEMPORARY(lDataHist), $ PTR_NEW(dataHist)] *(sMainState.sThreshState.hDataHist) = lDataHist lRangeHist = *(sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist) lRangeHist = [TEMPORARY(lRangeHist), $ PTR_NEW(dataHist, /NO_COPY)] *(sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist) = lRangeHist lData3D = *(sMainState.hDataList) lData3D = [TEMPORARY(lData3D), $ PTR_NEW(data3D, /NO_COPY)] *(sMainState.hDataList) = lData3D dataNames = *(sMainState.hDataName) dataNames = [TEMPORARY(dataNames), dataName] WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDataModeBase, SENSITIVE=1 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSurfState.wSurfShadeBase, $ SENSITIVE=1 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDataDrop, $ SET_DROPLIST_SELECT=0, SET_VALUE=dataNames sName = dataNames sName(0) = 'Light-source' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSurfState.wSurfShadeDrop, $ SET_DROPLIST_SELECT=0, SET_VALUE=sName *(sMainState.hDataName) = dataNames lMinData = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hMinData) lMaxData = *(sMainState.sThreshState.hMaxData) lMinData = [TEMPORARY(lMinData), minData] lMaxData = [TEMPORARY(lMaxData), maxData] surfThresh = (lMinData + lMaxData) / 2.0D *(sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh) = surfThresh *(sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal) = lMinData *(sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh) = lMinData *(sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh) = lMaxData *(sMainState.sThreshState.hMinData) = lMinData *(sMainState.sThreshState.hMaxData) = lMaxData endelse endif else begin goRead = 0 endelse endwhile CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun end 'wSaveTiffBttn': begin ; Save tiff image. tiffFile = DIALOG_PICKFILE(GROUP=event.top, /WRITE, FILTER='*.tif', $ FILE='slicer3.tif') WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS if (tiffFile(0) eq '') then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY return endif tiffFiles = FINDFILE(tiffFile) if (tiffFiles(0) ne '') then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE('File exists. Overwrite ?', /QUESTION) WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS if (ans ne 'Yes') then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY return endif endif WSET, sMainState.pixWin if (sMainState.sColorState.displayBits eq 24) then begin iR = TVRD(CHANNEL=1) iG = TVRD(CHANNEL=2) iB = TVRD(CHANNEL=3) TIFF_WRITE, tiffFile(0), PLANARCONFIG=2, $ RED=TEMPORARY(iR), GREEN=TEMPORARY(iG), BLUE=TEMPORARY(iB) endif else begin image = TVRD() TVLCT, cR, cG, cB, /GET TIFF_WRITE, tiffFile(0), TEMPORARY(image), $ RED=cR, GREEN=cG, BLUE=cB endelse WSET, sMAinState.mainWin end 'wSaveSubsetBttn': begin ; Save subset. dataFile = DIALOG_PICKFILE(GROUP=event.top, /WRITE, FILTER='*.dat', $ FILE='slicer3.dat') WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS if (dataFile(0) eq '') then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY return endif dataFiles = FINDFILE(dataFile) if (dataFiles(0) ne '') then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE('File exists. Overwrite ?', /QUESTION) WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS if (ans ne 'Yes') then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY return endif endif x1 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0) < sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0) y1 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1) < sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1) z1 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2) < sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2) x2 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0) > sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0) y2 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1) > sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1) z2 = sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2) > sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2) GET_LUN, lun OPENW, lun, dataFile lData3D = *(sMainState.hDataList) dataNames = *(sMainState.hDataName) for i=0, N_ELEMENTS(lData3D)-1L do begin WRITEU, lun, SIZE((*(lData3D(i)))(x1:x2, y1:y2, z1:z2)) WRITEU, lun, STRLEN(dataNames(i)) WRITEU, lun, BYTE(dataNames(i)) WRITEU, lun, (*(lData3D(i)))(x1:x2, y1:y2, z1:z2) endfor *(sMainState.hDataName) = dataNames *(sMainState.hDataList) = lData3D CLOSE, lun FREE_LUN, lun end 'wOptionsBttn': begin ; Options. wOptBase = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE='Slicer3', GROUP_LEADER=event.top, $ /COLUMN, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1, /MODAL) wOptAxisBase = WIDGET_BASE(wOptBase, /ROW, /FRAME, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1) wOptAxisLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wOptAxisBase, VALUE='Axis') wOptAxisExBase = WIDGET_BASE(wOptAxisBase, /ROW, /EXCLUSIVE, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1) wOptAxisOnBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wOptAxisExBase, VALUE='On', $ UVALUE='wOptAxisOnBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wOptAxisOffBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wOptAxisExBase, VALUE='Off', $ UVALUE='wOptAxisOffBttn', /NO_RELEASE) if (sMainState.axisOn) then $ WIDGET_CONTROL, wOptAxisOnBttn, /SET_BUTTON $ else WIDGET_CONTROL, wOptAxisOffBttn, /SET_BUTTON wOptCubeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wOptBase, /ROW, /FRAME, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1) wOptCubeLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wOptCubeBase, VALUE='Cube') wOptCubeExBase = WIDGET_BASE(wOptCubeBase, /ROW, /EXCLUSIVE, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1) wOptCubeOnBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wOptCubeExBase, VALUE='On', $ UVALUE='wOptCubeOnBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wOptCubeOffBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wOptCubeExBase, VALUE='Off', $ UVALUE='wOptCubeOffBttn', /NO_RELEASE) if (sMainState.cubeOn) then $ WIDGET_CONTROL, wOptcubeOnBttn, /SET_BUTTON $ else WIDGET_CONTROL, wOptcubeOffBttn, /SET_BUTTON wOptSizeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wOptBase, /ROW, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ SPACE=1) wOptSizeLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wOptSizeBase, VALUE='Window Size') wOptSizeText = WIDGET_TEXT(wOptSizeBase, UVALUE='wOptSizeText', $ VALUE=STRING(sMAinState.winX), /EDITABLE) wOptBttnBase = WIDGET_BASE(wOptBase, /ROW, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ SPACE=1) wOptOkBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wOptBttnBase, VALUE='Ok', $ UVALUE='wOptOkBttn', /ALIGN_LEFT) wOptCanBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wOptBttnBase, VALUE='Cancel', $ UVALUE='wOptCanBttn', /ALIGN_RIGHT) sOptState = {SOptState, Ok:0, axisOn:sMainState.axisOn, $ cubeOn:sMainState.cubeOn, winXY:sMainState.winX, $ wOptSizeText:wOptSizeText} hState = PTR_NEW(sOptState, /NO_COPY) WIDGET_CONTROL, wOptBase, SET_UVALUE=hState WIDGET_CONTROL, wOptBase, /REALIZE XMANAGER, 'Viz3D_Event', wOptBase, $ EVENT_HANDLER='Viz3D_OptEvent', /MODAL WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS sOptState = *hState PTR_FREE, hState if (sOptState.Ok) then begin ; User clicked Ok. if ((sOptState.winXY ne sMainState.winX) or $ (sOptState.winXY ne sMainState.winY)) then begin ; Resize window. sMainState.winX = sOptState.winXY sMainState.winY = sOptState.winXY sMainState.cubeOn = sOptState.cubeOn sMainState.axisOn = sOptState.axisOn SET_PLOT, 'Z' DEVICE, SET_RESOLUTION=[sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY], $ /Z_BUFFERING SET_PLOT, sMainState.screenDevice WDELETE, sMainState.pixWin WINDOW, /FREE, /PIXMAP, XSIZE=sMainState.winX, $ YSIZE=sMainState.winY, RETAIN=2 sMainState.pixWin = !D.Window WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, /DESTROY sMainState.wMainDraw = WIDGET_DRAW(sMainState.wDrawBase, $ XSIZE=sMainState.winX, YSIZE=sMainState.winY, RETAIN=2, $ UVALUE='wMainDraw', /BUTTON_EVENTS) WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wMainDraw, GET_VALUE=mainWin sMainState.mainWin = mainWin WSET, sMainState.mainWin Viz3D_FillDepth, sMainState Viz3D_Redraw, sMainState endif else begin if (((sMainState.cubeOn eq 1) and (sOptState.cubeOn eq 0)) or $ ((sMainState.axisOn eq 1) and (sOptState.axisOn eq 0))) $ then begin sMainState.cubeOn = sOptState.cubeOn sMainState.axisOn = sOptState.axisOn Viz3D_Redraw, sMainState endif else begin sMainState.cubeOn = sOptState.cubeOn sMainState.axisOn = sOptState.axisOn Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState endelse endelse endif end 'wEraseBttn': begin ; Erase. ; Clean out the display list. for i=0, N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.hDisplayList)) -1 do begin hGraphic = (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[i] IF (TAG_NAMES( *hGraphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME ) EQ 'VIZ3D_SURF') $ THEN BEGIN PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVertList PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hPolyList PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hColorList ENDIF IF (TAG_NAMES( *hGraphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME ) EQ $ 'VIZ3D_OBLIQ_PLANE') THEN BEGIN PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVertPlane PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVert3D ENDIF PTR_FREE, hGraphic endfor PTR_FREE, sMainState.hDisplayList sMainState.hDisplayList = PTR_NEW(/ALLOCATE_HEAP) if (sMainState.actMode eq 7) then begin ; View mode, redraw small slice and block windows. Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState Viz3D_BlockShow, sMainState endif ; Repair "Delete" menu. delBttn = WIDGET_INFO(sMainState.wDeleteMenu, /CHILD) WHILE (WIDGET_INFO(delBttn, /VALID_ID)) DO BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, delBttn, /DESTROY delBttn = WIDGET_INFO(sMainState.wDeleteMenu, /CHILD) ENDWHILE ; Erase. SET_PLOT, 'Z' ERASE Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState end 'wDeleteBttn': begin ; Delete a graphic. ; Determine which button in the menu was chosen widBttn = WIDGET_INFO(sMainState.wDeleteMenu, /Child) hGraphic = (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[0] indx = 0 WHILE (widBttn ne event.id) do begin widBttn = WIDGET_INFO(widBttn, /SIBLING) indx = indx +1 hGraphic = (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[indx] ENDWHILE ; Delete and redraw. IF (TAG_NAMES( *hGraphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME ) $ EQ 'VIZ3D_SURF') THEN BEGIN PTR_FREE, (*(hGraphic)).hVertList PTR_FREE, (*(hGraphic)).hPolyList PTR_FREE, (*(hGraphic)).hColorList ENDIF IF (TAG_NAMES( *hGraphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME ) EQ $ 'VIZ3D_OBLIQ_PLANE') THEN BEGIN PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVertPlane PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVert3D ENDIF PTR_FREE, hGraphic listCount = N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.hDisplayList)) if (listCount GT 1) then begin if (indx EQ 0) then begin *(sMainState.hDisplayList) = $ (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[1:listCount-1] endif else if (indx EQ listCount-1) then begin *(sMainState.hDisplayList) = $ (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[0:listCount-2] endif else begin ; general case *(sMainState.hDisplayList) = $ (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[[indgen(indx), $ indgen(listCount-indx-1)+indx+1]] endelse ; the list is now empty, the listpointer itself points to undefined endif else begin PTR_FREE, sMainState.hDisplayList sMainState.hDisplayList = PTR_NEW(/ALLOCATE_HEAP) endelse WIDGET_CONTROL, widBttn, /DESTROY Viz3D_Redraw, sMainState end 'wColResetBttn': begin ; Reset Colors. sMainState.sColorState = Viz3D_LoadColor(DIFFSHADE=20) WSET, sMainState.mainWin Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState end 'wColDiffBttn': begin ; Differential shading. diffBase = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE='Slicer3', XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1, $ /COLUMN, UVALUE=event.top, GROUP_LEADER=event.top, /MODAL) wDiffSlid = WIDGET_SLIDER(diffBase, MIN=0, MAX=100, /DRAG, $ TITLE='Differential Shading (%)', $ VALUE=sMainState.sColorState.diffShade, $ UVALUE='wDiffSlid') wDiffCloseBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(diffBase, VALUE='Close', $ UVALUE='wDiffCloseBttn') WIDGET_CONTROL, diffBase, /REALIZE WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY XMANAGER, 'Viz3D_Event', diffBase, $ EVENT_HANDLER='Viz3D_DiffShadeEvent', /MODAL WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState end 'wColSliceBttn': begin ; Slice/block colors. saveP = !P saveX = !X saveY = !Y saveZ = !Z XLOADCT, BOTTOM=0, /USE_CURRENT, $ NCOLORS=sMainState.sColorState.nColor, GROUP=event.top, /MODAL WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WSET, sMainState.mainWin !P = TEMPORARY(saveP) !X = TEMPORARY(saveX) !Y = TEMPORARY(saveY) !Z = TEMPORARY(saveZ) sViz3DColors = sMainState.sColorState TVLCT, r, g, b, /GET sViz3DColors.rSlice = r(0:sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) sViz3DColors.gSlice = g(0:sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) sViz3DColors.bSlice = b(0:sMainState.sColorState.nColor-1) Viz3D_DiffColor, sViz3DColors sMainState.sColorState = TEMPORARY(sViz3DColors) if (sMainState.sColorState.displayBits eq 24) then LOADCT, 0 Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState end 'wColSurfBttn': begin ; Surface colors. saveP = !P saveX = !X saveY = !Y saveZ = !Z XLOADCT, BOTTOM=(3*sMainState.sColorState.nColor), /USE_CURRENT, $ NCOLORS=sMainState.sColorState.nColor, GROUP=event.top, /MODAL WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WSET, sMainState.mainWin !P = TEMPORARY(saveP) !X = TEMPORARY(saveX) !Y = TEMPORARY(saveY) !Z = TEMPORARY(saveZ) if (sMainState.sColorState.displayBits eq 24) then LOADCT, 0 Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState end 'wColProjBttn': begin ; Projection colors. saveP = !P saveX = !X saveY = !Y saveZ = !Z XLOADCT, BOTTOM=(4*sMainState.sColorState.nColor), /USE_CURRENT, $ NCOLORS=sMainState.sColorState.nColor, GROUP=event.top, /MODAL WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WSET, sMainState.mainWin !P = TEMPORARY(saveP) !X = TEMPORARY(saveX) !Y = TEMPORARY(saveY) !Z = TEMPORARY(saveZ) if (sMainState.sColorState.displayBits eq 24) then LOADCT, 0 Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState end 'wAnimateBttn': begin ; Animate ; *** Future animation functionality. end 'wHelpBttn': begin ; Help XDISPLAYFILE, FILEPATH("slicer3.txt", $ SUBDIR=['help', 'widget']), $ TITLE="Slicer3 Help", $ GROUP=event.top, $ /MODAL, $ WIDTH=72, HEIGHT=24 end 'wDataDrop': begin ; Set data. if (event.index ne sMainState.curData) then begin sMainState.curData = event.index sMainState.sSurfState.curShade = event.index dName = *(sMainState.hDataName) sName = dName sName(event.index) = 'Light-source' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSurfState.wSurfShadeDrop, $ SET_VALUE=sName, /NO_COPY WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.sSurfState.wSurfShadeDrop, $ SET_DROPLIST_SELECT=event.index Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState, /CALC_HIST Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState endif end 'wModeDrop': begin ; Set mode. case event.index of 0: begin ; Slice mode. if (sMainState.actMode ne 0) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wCurMapBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSliceBase, /MAP sMainState.wCurMapBase = sMainState.wSliceBase sMainState.actMode = 0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_SliceEvent' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=0 endif end 1: begin ; Block mode. if (sMainState.actMode ne 1) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wCurMapBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wBlockBase, /MAP sMainState.wCurMapBase = sMainState.wBlockBase sMainState.actMode = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_BlockEvent' Viz3D_BlockShow, sMainState Viz3D_BlockShow, sMainState, /DIRECT WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE=('(' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(0)),2) + $ ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(1)),2) + $ ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c1(2)),2) + $ '), (' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c2(0)),2) + $ ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c2(1)),2) + $ ', ' + $ STRTRIM(STRING(sMainState.sBlockState.c2(2)),2) + ')') sMainState.cleanupView = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=1 endif end 2: begin ; Surface mode. if (sMainState.actMode ne 2) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wCurMapBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSurfBase, /MAP sMainState.wCurMapBase = sMainState.wSurfBase sMainState.actMode = 2 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_SurfEvent' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=0 endif end 3: begin ; Projection mode. if (sMainState.actMode ne 4) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wCurMapBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wProjectBase, /MAP sMainState.wCurMapBase = sMainState.wProjectBase sMainState.actMode = 4 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ProjectEvent' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=0 endif end 4: begin ; Threshold mode. if (sMainState.actMode ne 3) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wCurMapBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wThreshBase, /MAP sMainState.wCurMapBase = sMainState.wThreshBase sMainState.actMode = 3 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ThreshEvent' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=0 endif end 5: begin ; Profile mode. if (sMainState.actMode ne 5) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wCurMapBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wProfileBase, /MAP sMainState.wCurMapBase = sMainState.wProfileBase sMainState.actMode = 5 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ProfileEvent' Viz3D_ProfShow, sMainState Viz3D_ProfDraw, sMainState sMainState.cleanupView = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=0 endif end 6: begin ; Probe mode. if (sMainState.actMode ne 6) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wCurMapBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wProbeBase, /MAP sMainState.wCurMapBase = sMainState.wProbeBase sMainState.actMode = 6 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ProbeEvent' sMainState.cleanupView = 1 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=0 Viz3D_ProbeDraw, sMainState endif end 7: begin ; View mode. if (sMainState.actMode ne 7) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wStatText, SET_VALUE='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wCurMapBase, MAP=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wViewBase, /MAP sMainState.wCurMapBase = sMainState.wViewBase sMainState.actMode = 7 WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ViewEvent' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=0 endif end endcase end else: endcase WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY return IO_BAD: if (NOT(PTR_VALID(*(sMainState.hDataList)))) then begin ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE(['Unrecoverable I/O error.', $ 'Exiting Slicer3.'], /ERROR) PTR_FREE, sMainState.hMain WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, /DESTROY return endif if (N_ELEMENTS(sMainState) gt 0L) then $ WIDGET_CONTROL, mainID, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY if (n_elements(fLun) gt 0L) then begin CLOSE, fLun FREE_LUN, fLun endif ans = DIALOG_MESSAGE('Unknown I/O error.', /ERROR) end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to clean up the main draw window if it needs it. pro Viz3D_CleanView, sMainState, SKIP_BUFFER=skipBuffer if (not(KEYWORD_SET(skipBuffer))) then $ Viz3D_CleanBuffer, sMainState if (sMainState.cleanupView) then begin WSET, sMainState.mainWin DEVICE, COPY=[0, 0, sMainState.winX, sMainState.winY, $ 0, 0, sMainState.pixWin] sMainState.cleanupView = 0 endif end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Procedure to clean up (redraw) the Z buffer (and other windows) if needed. pro Viz3D_CleanBuffer, sMainState if (sMainState.cleanupBuffer) then begin Viz3D_FillDepth, sMainState Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState Viz3D_BlockShow, sMainState Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState, /DYNAMIC Viz3D_ViewShow, sMainState Viz3D_ProfShow, sMainState Viz3D_Redraw, sMainState endif end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Cleanup handler for detached base. pro Viz3D_KillDraw, wDrawBase WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, GET_UVALUE=wMainBase, /NO_COPY WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, /DESTROY ; if (WIDGET_INFO(wMainBase, /VALID_ID)) then begin ; WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY ; WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, KILL_NOTIFY='' ; WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, /DESTROY ; PTR_FREE, sMainState.hMain ; WDELETE, sMainState.pixWin ; WDELETE, sMainState.sProfState.profPix ; WDELETE, sMainState.sSurfState.surfPix ; WDELETE, sMainState.sThreshState.threshPix ; endif end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Cleanup handler for main window. pro Viz3D_KillMain, wMainBase WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, GET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY if (sMainState.detachBase) then begin IF WIDGET_INFO(sMainState.wDrawBase, /VALID) THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, KILL_NOTIFY='' WIDGET_CONTROL, sMainState.wDrawBase, /DESTROY ENDIF end for i=0, N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.hDisplayList)) -1 do begin hGraphic = (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[i] IF (TAG_NAMES(*hGraphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME ) $ EQ 'VIZ3D_SURF') THEN BEGIN PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVertList PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hPolyList PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hColorList ENDIF IF (TAG_NAMES( *hGraphic, /STRUCTURE_NAME ) EQ $ 'VIZ3D_OBLIQ_PLANE') THEN BEGIN PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVertPlane PTR_FREE, (*hGraphic).hVert3D ENDIF PTR_FREE, hGraphic ; PTR_FREE, (*(sMainState.hDisplayList))[i] endfor PTR_FREE, sMainState.hDisplayList FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.sThreshState.hDataHist))-1 do begin PTR_FREE, (*(sMainState.sThreshState.hDataHist))[i] ENDFOR PTR_FREE, sMainState.sThreshState.hDataHist FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.hDataList))-1 do begin PTR_FREE, (*(sMainState.hDataList))[i] ENDFOR PTR_FREE, sMainState.hDataList PTR_FREE, sMainState.hDataName PTR_FREE, sMainState.hFrontDepth PTR_FREE, sMainState.hBackDepth PTR_FREE, sMainState.hFrontImage PTR_FREE, sMainState.hBackImage PTR_FREE, sMainState.sThreshState.hMinData PTR_FREE, sMainState.sThreshState.hMaxData PTR_FREE, sMainState.sThreshState.hTransVal PTR_FREE, sMainState.sThreshState.hLowThresh PTR_FREE, sMainState.sThreshState.hHighThresh FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(*(sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist))-1 do begin PTR_FREE, (*(sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist))[i] ENDFOR PTR_FREE, sMainState.sSurfState.hRangeHist PTR_FREE, sMainState.sSurfState.hSurfThresh PTR_FREE, sMainState.hMain WDELETE, sMainState.pixWin WDELETE, sMainState.sProfState.profPix WDELETE, sMainState.sSurfState.surfPix WDELETE, sMainState.sThreshState.threshPix end ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; Main procedure (entry point). ; ### renamed to CTM_SLICER3 (bmy, 1/19/99) pro CTM_Slicer3, hData3D, DATA_NAMES=dataNames, DETACH=detachView, $ GROUP=groupLead, MODAL=runModal ; Use the "Colors" common block to save the current colortable. common colors, r, g, b, cur_red, cur_green, cur_blue IF (N_ELEMENTS(r) LE 0L) THEN LOADCT, 0 saveR = r saveG = g saveB = b save_curR = cur_red save_curG = cur_green save_curB = cur_blue ; Check the incoming data (if any). maxHand = N_ELEMENTS(hData3D) - 1L if (maxHand ge 0L) then begin minData = DBLARR(N_ELEMENTS(hData3D)) maxData = minData for i=0, maxHand do begin if NOT(PTR_VALID(hData3D(i))) then begin PRINT, "CTM_Slicer3: data pointer is not valid." return endif neData = N_ELEMENTS((*(hData3D(i)))) if (neData le 0L) then begin PRINT, "CTM_Slicer3: data pointer does not contain valid data." return endif szData = SIZE((*(hData3D(i)))) maxData(i) = MAX((*(hData3D(i))), MIN=minVal) minData(i) = minVal if (minData(i) eq maxData(i)) then maxData(i) = maxData(i) + 1.0D if (szData(0) ne 3L) then begin PRINT, "CTM_Slicer3: data does not have 3 dimensions." return endif else begin if (min(szData(1:3)) le 1L) then begin PRINT, $ "CTM_Slicer3: all 3 dimensions of data must be greater than 1." return endif endelse if (i eq 0) then sz1 = szData else begin diffDim = WHERE(szData(0:3) ne sz1(0:3)) if (diffDim(0) ne (-1)) then begin PRINT, $ "CTM_Slicer3: all data sets must have the same dimensions." return endif endelse endfor defaultData = 0 endif else begin data3D = BYTARR(2, 2, 2) szData = SIZE(data3D) minData = 0.0D maxData = 1.0D defaultData = 1 dataNames = 'No Data' maxHand = 0 endelse ; Main pointers. hMain = PTR_NEW(/ALLOCATE_HEAP) if (defaultData) then $ hData3D = PTR_NEW(data3D, /NO_COPY) hDataList = PTR_NEW(hData3D) hDisplayList = PTR_NEW(/ALLOCATE_HEAP) ; Compute and store the histograms for each set of data. lDataHist = PTRARR(N_ELEMENTS(hData3D)) lRangeHist = PTRARR(N_ELEMENTS(hData3D)) for i=0, maxHand do begin data3D = *(hData3D(i)) bSize = (maxData(i) - minData(i)) / 200.0 n_samples = N_ELEMENTS((*(hData3D(i)))) IF (n_samples GT 32767L) THEN BEGIN n_samples = 32767L + ROUND(SQRT(n_samples - 32767L)) s_index = RANDOMU(s, 1) s_index = RANDOMU(s, n_samples) s_index = LONG(TEMPORARY(s_index) * FLOAT(n_samples)) hist_data = FLOAT(((*(hData3D(i))))[TEMPORARY(s_index)]) dataHist = $ HISTOGRAM(TEMPORARY(hist_data), MIN=minData(i), MAX=maxData(i), $ BINSIZE=bSize) > 1.0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN dataHist = $ HISTOGRAM(FLOAT((*(hData3D(i)))), MIN=minData(i), MAX=maxData(i), $ BINSIZE=bSize) > 1.0 ENDELSE ; Histogram will be displayed as a LOG plot. dataHist = ALOG(FLOAT(TEMPORARY(dataHist))) > 0.0 lDataHist[i] = PTR_NEW(dataHist) lRangeHist[i] = PTR_NEW(dataHist, /NO_COPY) endfor hDataHist = PTR_NEW(lDataHist, /NO_COPY) hRangeHist = PTR_NEW(lRangeHist, /NO_COPY) ; Store the name for each set of data. dName = STRARR(N_ELEMENTS(hData3D)) for i=0, maxHand do $ if (i lt N_ELEMENTS(dataNames)) then $ dName(i) = STRTRIM(STRING(dataNames(i)), 2) $ else $ dName(i) = 'Data ' + STRTRIM(STRING(i), 2) hDataName = PTR_NEW(dName) ; Save the current system variables. saveOrder = !Order saveP = !P saveX = !X saveY = !Y saveZ = !Z saveWin = !D.Window ; Reset system variables to startup state. Viz3D_Reset ; Initialize parameters. DEVICE, GET_SCREEN_SIZE=screenSize winX = ((screenSize(0) / 2) < 640) > 320 ; View window size. winY = ((screenSize(1) / 2) < 640) > 320 ; View window size. winX = 8 * ((winX < winY) / 8) winY = winX detachBase = KEYWORD_SET(detachView) ; Create the widgets. if (N_ELEMENTS(groupLead) LE 0L) then groupLead = 0L if (WIDGET_INFO(groupLead, /VALID_ID)) then begin wMainBase = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE='GAMAP 3D Data Visualizer (CTM_Slicer3)', $ APP_MBAR=wBarBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ GROUP_LEADER=groupLead) endif else begin wMainBase = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE='GAMAP 3D Data Visualizer (CTM_Slicer3)', $ APP_MBAR=wBarBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) endelse WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, /MANAGED wFileMenu = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBarBase, VALUE='File', /MENU) wToolMenu = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBarBase, VALUE='Tools', /MENU) wHelpMenu = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBarBase, VALUE='About', /MENU, /HELP) wHelpBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wHelpMenu, VALUE='About Slicer', $ UVALUE='wHelpBttn') wLoadBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wFileMenu, VALUE='Load', UVALUE='wLoadBttn') wSaveMenu = WIDGET_BUTTON(wFileMenu, VALUE='Save', /MENU, /SEPARATOR) wSaveSubsetBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSaveMenu, VALUE='Save Subset', $ UVALUE='wSaveSubsetBttn') WIDGET_CONTROL, wSaveSubsetBttn, SENSITIVE=0 wSaveTiffBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSaveMenu, VALUE='Save Tiff Image', $ UVALUE='wSaveTiffBttn') wQuitBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wFileMenu, VALUE='Quit', UVALUE='wQuitBttn', $ /SEPARATOR) wEraseBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wToolMenu, VALUE='Erase', $ UVALUE='wEraseBttn') wDeleteMenu = WIDGET_BUTTON(wToolMenu, VALUE='Delete', /MENU) wColorsMenu = WIDGET_BUTTON(wToolMenu, VALUE='Colors', /MENU) wColResetBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wColorsMenu, VALUE='Reset Colors', $ UVALUE='wColResetBttn') wColDiffBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wColorsMenu, VALUE='Differential Shading', $ UVALUE='wColDiffBttn') wColSliceBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wColorsMenu, VALUE='Slice/Block', $ UVALUE='wColSliceBttn') wColSurfBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wColorsMenu, VALUE='Surface', $ UVALUE='wColSurfBttn') wColProjBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wColorsMenu, VALUE='Projection', $ UVALUE='wColProjBttn') ; *** Future animation functionality. ; wAnimateBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wToolMenu, VALUE='Animate', $ ; UVALUE='wAnimateBttn') wOptionsBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wToolMenu, VALUE='Options', $ UVALUE='wOptionsBttn') wModeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMainBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) if ((detachBase) and NOT(KEYWORD_SET(runModal))) then $ wDrawBase = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE='IDL 3-D Data Visualizer', $ UVALUE=wMainBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_SliceEvent') $ else $ wDrawBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMainBase, UVALUE=wMainBase, /COLUMN, $ SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_SliceEvent') wStatText = WIDGET_TEXT(wDrawBase, SCR_XSIZE=winX-12, YSIZE=1, VALUE=' ') wMainDraw = WIDGET_DRAW(wDrawBase, XSIZE=winX, YSIZE=winY, $ UVALUE='wMainDraw', RETAIN=2, /BUTTON_EVENTS) wDataModeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wModeBase, /ROW, /FRAME, $ SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wDataLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wDataModeBase, VALUE='Data:') wDataDrop = WIDGET_DROPLIST(wDataModeBase, VALUE=dName, UVALUE='wDataDrop') if (N_ELEMENTS(dName) le 1L) then $ WIDGET_CONTROL, wDataModeBase, SENSITIVE=0 modes = ['Slice','Block','Surface','Projection', $ 'Threshold','Profile','Probe','View'] wActModeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wModeBase, /ROW, /FRAME, $ SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wDataLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wActModeBase, VALUE='Mode:') wModeDrop = WIDGET_DROPLIST(wActModeBase, VALUE=modes, UVALUE='wModeDrop') wMapBase = WIDGET_BASE(wModeBase, /FRAME, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wSliceBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMapBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_SliceEvent') wBlockBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMapBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ MAP=0, EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_BlockEvent') wSurfBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMapBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ MAP=0, EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_SurfEvent') wThreshBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMapBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ MAP=0, EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ThreshEvent') wProjectBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMapBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ MAP=0, EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ProjectEvent') wProfileBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMapBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ MAP=0, EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ProfileEvent') wProbeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMapBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ MAP=0, EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ProbeEvent') wViewBase = WIDGET_BASE(wMapBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ MAP=0, EVENT_PRO='Viz3D_ViewEvent') ; Slice base widgets. wSliceDraw = WIDGET_DRAW(wSliceBase, XSIZE=128, YSIZE=128, $ RETAIN=2, UVALUE='wSliceDraw', /BUTTON_EVENTS) wBase = WIDGET_BASE(wSliceBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ /EXCLUSIVE, /FRAME) wSliceDrawBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBase, VALUE='Draw', $ UVALUE='wSliceDrawBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wSliceExpoBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBase, VALUE='Expose', $ UVALUE='wSliceExpoBttn', /NO_RELEASE) WIDGET_CONTROL, wSliceDrawBttn, /SET_BUTTON wBase = WIDGET_BASE(wSliceBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ /EXCLUSIVE, /FRAME) wSliceOrthoBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBase, VALUE='Orthogonal', $ UVALUE='wSliceOrthoBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wSliceObliqBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBase, VALUE='Oblique', $ UVALUE='wSliceObliqBttn', /NO_RELEASE) WIDGET_CONTROL, wSliceOrthoBttn, /SET_BUTTON wSliceMapBase = WIDGET_BASE(wSliceBase, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, /FRAME) wSliceOrthoBase = WIDGET_BASE(wSliceMapBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, /EXCLUSIVE) wSliceXBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSliceOrthoBase, VALUE='X', $ UVALUE='wSliceXBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wSliceYBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSliceOrthoBase, VALUE='Y', $ UVALUE='wSliceYBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wSliceZBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSliceOrthoBase, VALUE='Z', $ UVALUE='wSliceZBttn', /NO_RELEASE) WIDGET_CONTROL, wSliceXBttn, /SET_BUTTON wSliceObliqBase = WIDGET_BASE(wSliceMapBase, /Column, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, MAP=0) wSliceObliqBase1 = WIDGET_BASE(wSliceObliqBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, /EXCLUSIVE) wSliceNormalBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSliceObliqBase1, VALUE='Normal', $ UVALUE='wSliceNormalBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wSliceCenterBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSliceObliqBase1, VALUE='Center', $ UVALUE='wSliceCenterBttn', /NO_RELEASE) WIDGET_CONTROL, wSliceNormalBttn, /SET_BUTTON wSliceObliqGoBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSliceObliqBase, VALUE='Display', $ UVALUE='wSliceObliqGoBttn') ; Block base widgets. wBlockDraw = WIDGET_DRAW(wBlockBase, XSIZE=128, YSIZE=128, $ RETAIN=2, UVALUE='wBlockDraw', /BUTTON_EVENTS) wBlockModeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wBlockBase, /ROW, /EXCLUSIVE, /FRAME, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1) wBlockAddBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBlockModeBase, VALUE='Add', $ UVALUE='wBlockAddBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wBlockSubBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBlockModeBase, VALUE='Subtract', $ UVALUE='wBlockSubBttn', /NO_RELEASE) WIDGET_CONTROL, wBlockAddBttn, /SET_BUTTON wBlockGoBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wBlockBase, VALUE='Display', $ UVALUE='wBlockGoBttn') ; Iso-surface base widgets. wSurfDrawBase = WIDGET_BASE(wSurfBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, /FRAME) wSurfLabel = WIDGET_LABEL(wSurfDrawBase, VALUE='Surface Threshold', $ /ALIGN_LEFT) wSurfDraw = WIDGET_DRAW(wSurfDrawBase, XSIZE=192, YSIZE=128, $ RETAIN=2, UVALUE='wSurfDraw', /BUTTON_EVENTS) wSurfText = WIDGET_TEXT(wSurfDrawBase, XSIZE=8, YSIZE=1, /FRAME, $ UVALUE='wSurfText', /EDITABLE) wSurfSideBase = WIDGET_BASE(wSurfBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, /EXCLUSIVE, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, /FRAME) wSurfLowBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSurfSideBase, VALUE='Low', $ UVALUE='wSurfLowBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wSurfHighBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSurfSideBase, VALUE='High', $ UVALUE='wSurfHighBttn', /NO_RELEASE) WIDGET_CONTROL, wSurfLowBttn, /SET_BUTTON wSurfShadeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wSurfBase, /COLUMN, $ SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, /FRAME) wSurfShadeLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wSurfShadeBase, VALUE='Shading:') sName = dName sName(0) = 'Light-source' wSurfShadeDrop = WIDGET_DROPLIST(wSurfShadeBase, VALUE=sName, $ UVALUE='wSurfShadeDrop') if (N_ELEMENTS(sName) LE 1L) then WIDGET_CONTROL, wSurfShadeBase, $ SENSITIVE=0 wSurfGoBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wSurfBase, VALUE='Display', $ UVALUE='wSurfGoBttn') ; Projection base widgets. wProjTypeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wProjectBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, /FRAME) wProjTypeLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wProjTypeBase, VALUE='Projection Type', $ /ALIGN_LEFT) wProjTypeBase1 = WIDGET_BASE(wProjTypeBase, /ROW, /EXCLUSIVE, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wProjMaxBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wProjTypeBase1, VALUE='Max', $ UVALUE='wProjMaxBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wProjAvgBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wProjTypeBase1, VALUE='Avg', $ UVALUE='wProjAvgBttn', /NO_RELEASE) WIDGET_CONTROL, wProjMaxBttn, /SET_BUTTON wProjResoBase = WIDGET_BASE(wProjectBase, /COLUMN, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, /FRAME) wProjResoLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wProjResoBase, VALUE='Resolution', $ /ALIGN_LEFT) wProjResoBase1 = WIDGET_BASE(wProjResoBase, /ROW, /EXCLUSIVE, $ SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wProjLowBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wProjResoBase1, VALUE='Low', $ UVALUE='wProjLowBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wProjMedBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wProjResoBase1, VALUE='Med', $ UVALUE='wProjMedBttn', /NO_RELEASE) wProjHighBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wProjResoBase1, VALUE='High', $ UVALUE='wProjHighBttn', /NO_RELEASE) WIDGET_CONTROL, wProjMedBttn, /SET_BUTTON wProjDQSlid = WIDGET_SLIDER(wProjectBase, MIN=0, MAX=100, VALUE=100, $ UVALUE='wProjDQSlid', TITLE='Depth Queue %') wProjGoBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wProjectBase, VALUE='Display', $ UVALUE='wProjGoBttn') ; Profile base widgets. profWinY = 256 wProfDraw = WIDGET_DRAW(wProfileBase, XSIZE=192, YSIZE=profWinY, $ RETAIN=2, UVALUE='wProfDraw', /BUTTON_EVENTS) wProfTypeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wProfileBase, /COLUMN, /EXCLUSIVE, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1, /FRAME) wProfOrthoBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wProfTypeBase, Value='Orthogonal', $ UVALUE='wProfOrthoBttn', /ALIGN_LEFT) wProfObliqBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wProfTypeBase, Value='Oblique', $ UVALUE='wProfObliqBttn', /ALIGN_LEFT) WIDGET_CONTROL, wProfOrthoBttn, /SET_BUTTON ; Probe base widgets. wProbeXBase = WIDGET_BASE(wProbeBase, /ROW, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1) wProbeXLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wProbeXBase, VALUE='X') wProbeXText = WIDGET_TEXT(wProbeXBase, UVALUE='wProbeText', /EDITABLE, $ VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(FLOAT(szData(1)-1)/2.0)), XSIZE=12) wProbeYBase = WIDGET_BASE(wProbeBase, /ROW, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1) wProbeYLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wProbeYBase, VALUE='Y') wProbeYText = WIDGET_TEXT(wProbeYBase, UVALUE='wProbeText', /EDITABLE, $ VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(FLOAT(szData(2)-1)/2.0)), XSIZE=12) wProbeZBase = WIDGET_BASE(wProbeBase, /ROW, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, SPACE=1) wProbeZLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wProbeZBase, VALUE='Z') wProbeZText = WIDGET_TEXT(wProbeZBase, UVALUE='wProbeText', /EDITABLE, $ VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(FLOAT(szData(3)-1)/2.0)), XSIZE=12) ; View base widgets. ang1 = ( 30) ang2 = (-60) ang3 = ( 0) wViewDrawBase = WIDGET_BASE(wViewBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wViewDraw = WIDGET_DRAW(wViewDrawBase, XSIZE=128, YSIZE=128, $ RETAIN=2, UVALUE='wViewDraw', /BUTTON_EVENTS) wViewDispBttn = WIDGET_BUTTON(wViewDrawBase, VALUE='Display', $ UVALUE='wViewDispBttn', /ALIGN_BOTTOM) wRotBase = WIDGET_BASE(wViewBase, /COLUMN, /FRAME, $ SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wRotLab = WIDGET_LABEL(wRotBase, VALUE='Rotations:') wRot1Base = WIDGET_BASE(wRotBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wRot1Slid = WIDGET_SLIDER(wRot1Base, Min=(-180), Max=(180), $ VALUE=ang1, UVALUE='wRot1Slid', XSIZE=136, /DRAG) wRot1Drop = WIDGET_DROPLIST(wRot1Base, VALUE=['X','Y','Z'], $ UVALUE='wRot1Drop') WIDGET_CONTROL, wRot1Drop, SET_DROPLIST_SELECT=2 wRot2Base = WIDGET_BASE(wRotBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wRot2Slid = WIDGET_SLIDER(wRot2Base, Min=(-180), Max=(180), $ VALUE=ang2, UVALUE='wRot2Slid', XSIZE=136, /DRAG) wRot2Drop = WIDGET_DROPLIST(wRot2Base, VALUE=['X','Y','Z'], $ UVALUE='wRot2Drop') WIDGET_CONTROL, wRot2Drop, SET_DROPLIST_SELECT=0 ; wRot3Base = WIDGET_BASE(wRotBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1) ; wid = WIDGET_LABEL(wRot3Base, VALUE='3') ; wRot3Slid = WIDGET_SLIDER(wRot3Base, Min=(-180), Max=(180), $ ; VALUE=ang3, UVALUE='wRot3Slid', XSIZE=136, /DRAG) ; wRot3Drop = WIDGET_DROPLIST(wRot3Base, VALUE=['X','Y','Z'], $ ; UVALUE='wRot3Drop') ; WIDGET_CONTROL, wRot3Drop, SET_DROPLIST_SELECT=0 wZoomBase = WIDGET_BASE(wViewBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ /FRAME) wZoomSlid = WIDGET_SLIDER(wZoomBase, Min=50, Max=100, VALUE=50, $ XSIZE=136, UVALUE='wZoomSlid', /DRAG) wid = WIDGET_LABEL(wZoomBase, VALUE='Zoom %') wZFacBase = WIDGET_BASE(wViewBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ /FRAME) wZFacSlid = WIDGET_SLIDER(wZFacBase, Min=50, Max=200, VALUE=100, $ XSIZE=136, UVALUE='wZFacSlid', /DRAG) wid = WIDGET_LABEL(wZfacBase, VALUE='Z %') ; wPerspBase = WIDGET_BASE(wViewBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, XPAD=1, YPAD=1, $ ; /FRAME) ; wPerspSlid = WIDGET_SLIDER(wPerspBase, Min=0, Max=10, VALUE=0, $ ; XSIZE=136, UVALUE='wPerspSlid', /DRAG) ; wid = WIDGET_LABEL(wPerspBase, VALUE='Persp.') ; Threshold base widgets. wThreshLabel = WIDGET_LABEL(wThreshBase, VALUE='Data Threshold', $ /ALIGN_LEFT) wThreshDraw = WIDGET_DRAW(wThreshBase, XSIZE=192, YSIZE=128, $ RETAIN=2, UVALUE='wThreshDraw', /BUTTON_EVENTS) wThreshLowBase = WIDGET_BASE(wThreshBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wThreshLowText = WIDGET_TEXT(wThreshLowBase, XSIZE=8, YSIZE=1, /FRAME, $ UVALUE='wThreshLowText', /EDITABLE) wThreshLowLabel = WIDGET_LABEL(wThreshLowBase, VALUE='Min') wThreshHighBase = WIDGET_BASE(wThreshBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wThreshHighText = WIDGET_TEXT(wThreshHighBase, XSIZE=8, YSIZE=1, /FRAME, $ UVALUE='wThreshHighText', /EDITABLE) wThreshHighLabel = WIDGET_LABEL(wThreshHighBase, VALUE='Max') wThreshTransBase = WIDGET_BASE(wThreshBase, /ROW, SPACE=1, $ XPAD=1, YPAD=1) wThreshTransText = WIDGET_TEXT(wThreshTransBase, XSIZE=8, YSIZE=1, $ /FRAME, UVALUE='wThreshTransText', /EDITABLE) wThreshTransLabel = WIDGET_LABEL(wThreshTransBase, VALUE='Transp.') ; Set the color mode. if (!D.N_Colors GT 256L) then DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=0 ; Create the pixmap used for profiling. WINDOW, /FREE, /PIXMAP, XSIZE=192, YSIZE=profWinY, RETAIN=2 profPix = !D.Window ; Create the pixmap used for the surface histogram. WINDOW, /FREE, /PIXMAP, XSIZE=192, YSIZE=128, RETAIN=2 surfPix = !D.Window ; Create the pixmap used for the threshold histogram. WINDOW, /FREE, /PIXMAP, XSIZE=192, YSIZE=128, RETAIN=2 threshPix = !D.Window ; Create the pixmap used for dynamic screen updating. WINDOW, /FREE, /PIXMAP, XSIZE=winX, YSIZE=winY, RETAIN=2 XYOUTS, 0, 0, '.', /DEVICE ERASE pixWin = !D.Window ; Initialize the Z buffer. screenDevice = !D.Name SET_PLOT, 'Z' DEVICE, /Z_BUFFERING, SET_RESOLUTION=[winX, winY] SET_PLOT, screenDevice if ((detachBase) and NOT(KEYWORD_SET(runModal))) then $ WIDGET_CONTROL, wDrawBase, /REALIZE WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, /REALIZE WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOURGLASS WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainDraw, GET_VALUE=mainWin WIDGET_CONTROL, wSliceDraw, GET_VALUE=sliceWin WIDGET_CONTROL, wBlockDraw, GET_VALUE=blockWin WIDGET_CONTROL, wSurfDraw, GET_VALUE=SurfWin WIDGET_CONTROL, wThreshDraw, GET_VALUE=threshWin WIDGET_CONTROL, wProfDraw, GET_VALUE=profWin WIDGET_CONTROL, wViewDraw, GET_VALUE=viewWin WSET, mainWin ; Set up the color state. sColorState = Viz3D_LoadColor(DIFFSHADE=20) ; View state. sViewState = Viz3D_View(viewWin, ANG1=ang1, ANG2=ang2, ANG3=ang3, $ DIR1='Z', DIR2='X', DIR3='Y', ZOOM=0.75, XMAX=szData(1)-1L, $ YMAX=szData(2)-1L, ZMAX=szData(3)-1L) WIDGET_CONTROL, wZoomSlid, SET_VALUE=ROUND(100.0 * sViewState.zoomFac) ; Threshold state. hMinData = PTR_NEW(minData) hMaxData = PTR_NEW(maxData) hLowThresh = PTR_NEW(minData) hHighThresh = PTR_NEW(maxData) hTransVal = PTR_NEW(minData) sThreshState = {SThreshState, $ histColor:7, lowColor:2, highColor:5, $ axisColor:3, transColor:6, $ wThreshDraw:wThreshDraw, $ wThreshLowText:wThreshLowText, $ wThreshHighText:wThreshHighText, $ wThreshTransText:wThreshTransText, $ threshWin:threshWin, hDataHist:hDataHist, $ threshPix:threshPix, $ hMinData:hMinData, hMaxData:hMaxData, $ hTransVal:hTransVal, $ hLowThresh:hLowThresh, $ hHighThresh:hHighThresh, $ moveType:0} WIDGET_CONTROL, wThreshLowText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(minData(0)),2) WIDGET_CONTROL, wThreshHighText, $ SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(maxData(0)),2) ; Slice state. sSliceState = $ {SSliceState, sliceWin:sliceWin, $ wSliceOrthoBase:wSliceOrthoBase, wSliceObliqBase:wSliceObliqBase, $ wSliceXBttn:wSliceXBttn, wSliceYBttn:wSliceYBttn, $ wSliceZBttn:wSliceZBttn, drawMode:0, planeMode:1, orthoDir:1, $ orthoPos:0.5, obliqNormal:[0.0,0.0,1.0], obliqCenter:[0.5,0.5,0.5], $ obliqMove:0, edgeColor:6, fillColor:1, normColor:5} ; Block state. sBlockState = $ {SBlockState, blockWin:blockWin, $ blockMode:1, c1:[szData(1)-1, szData(2)-1, szData(3)-1]/3, $ c2:(2*[szData(1)-1, szData(2)-1, szData(3)-1])/3, $ blockColor:6, c1Color:4, c2Color:1, frontBack:1} ; Iso-surface state. hSurfThresh = PTR_NEW((TEMPORARY(minData) + TEMPORARY(maxData))/2.0D) sSurfState = $ {SSurfState, surfWin:surfWin, wSurfShadeBase:wSurfShadeBase, $ surfPix:surfPix, wSurfShadeDrop:wSurfShadeDrop, curShade:0, $ histColor:7, tColor:2, axisColor:3, hRangeHist:hRangeHist, $ surfSide:0, hSurfThresh:hSurfThresh, wSurfText:wSurfText} ; Projection state. sProjState = $ {SProjState, projType:0, projReso:1, depthQ:100} ; Profile state. sProfState = $ {SProfState, profType:0, profDir:1, frontBack:1, onFace:1, $ x1Ortho:FLOAT(szData(1)-1)/2.0, x2Ortho:FLOAT(szData(1)-1)/2.0, $ y1Ortho:FLOAT(szData(2)-1)/2.0, y2Ortho:FLOAT(szData(2)-1)/2.0, $ z1Ortho:0.0, z2Ortho:FLOAT(szData(3)-1), $ x1Obliq:FLOAT(szData(1)-1)/2.0, x2Obliq:FLOAT(szData(1)-1)/2.0, $ y1Obliq:FLOAT(szData(2)-1)/2.0, y2Obliq:FLOAT(szData(2)-1)/2.0, $ z1Obliq:0.0, z2Obliq:FLOAT(szData(3)-1), $ lineColor:6, axisColor:3, markColor1:4, markColor2:1, $ profWin:profWin, profPix:profPix, profWinY:profWinY} ; Profile state. sProbeState = $ {SProbeState, wProbeXText:wProbeXText, wProbeYText:wProbeYText, $ wProbeZText:wProbeZText, x:FLOAT(szData(1)-1)/2.0, $ y:FLOAT(szData(2)-1)/2.0, z:FLOAT(szData(3)-1)/2.0, $ lineColor:1} ; Main state. sMainState = {SVizState, curData:0, $ szData:szData, detachBase:detachBase, winX:winX, winY:winY, $ actMode:0, wMainBase:wMainBase, wDrawBase:wDrawBase, $ wMainDraw:wMainDraw, wSliceBase:wSliceBase, wBlockBase:wBlockBase, $ wSurfBase:wSurfBase, wThreshBase:wThreshBase, $ wProjectBase:wProjectBase, wProfileBase:wProfileBase, $ wProbeBase:wProbeBase, wViewBase:wViewBase, wCurMapBase:wSliceBase, $ wStatText:wStatText, wSaveSubsetBttn:wSaveSubsetBttn, $ wDeleteMenu:wDeleteMenu, wDataModeBase:wDataModeBase, $ wDataDrop:wDataDrop, mainWin:mainWin, pixWin:pixWin, interpMode:1, $ hMain:hMain, hDisplayList:hDisplayList, hDataList:hDataList, $ hDataName:hDataName, cubeOn:1, axisOn:1, $ cubeColor:3, axisColor:2, backColor:0, screenDevice:screenDevice, $ cleanupView:0, cleanupBuffer:0, $ hFrontDepth:PTR_NEW(Intarr(winX,winY)), $ hBackDepth:PTR_NEW(Intarr(winX,winY)), $ hFrontImage:PTR_NEW(Bytarr(winX,winY)), $ hBackImage:PTR_NEW(Bytarr(winX,winY)), $ sColorState:Temporary(sColorState), $ sSliceState:Temporary(sSliceState), $ sBlockState:Temporary(sBlockState), $ sSurfState:Temporary(sSurfState), $ sProjState:Temporary(sProjState), $ sViewState:Temporary(sViewState), $ sProfState:Temporary(sProfState), $ sProbeState:Temporary(sProbeState), $ sThreshState:Temporary(sThreshState) $ } ; Fill the depth and image buffers. Viz3D_FillDepth, sMainState ; Draw the contents of the small windows. Viz3D_SliceShow, sMainState Viz3D_SurfShow, sMainState, /CALC_HIST Viz3D_ThreshShow, sMainState Viz3D_ViewShow, sMainState ; Draw cube in main window. SET_PLOT, 'Z' ERASE SET_PLOT, screenDevice Viz3D_DrawData, sMainState ; Put the main state in the top level base. WIDGET_CONTROL, wMainBase, SET_UVALUE=sMainState, /NO_COPY ; Turn off the hourglass cursor. event = WIDGET_EVENT(wMainBase, /NOWAIT) if (KEYWORD_SET(runModal)) then begin ; Start event processing. ; ### remove /MODAL from XMANAGER ;XMANAGER, 'Slicer3', wMainBase, EVENT_HANDLER='Viz3D_Event', $ ; /MODAL, CLEANUP='Viz3D_KillMain' XMANAGER, 'Slicer3', wMainBase, EVENT_HANDLER='Viz3D_Event', $ CLEANUP='Viz3D_KillMain' ; All done, cleanup. ; Restore the system variables to their previous state. !Order = saveOrder !P = TEMPORARY(saveP) !X = TEMPORARY(saveX) !Y = TEMPORARY(saveY) !Z = TEMPORARY(saveZ) ; Restore the previous color table. r = TEMPORARY(saveR) g = TEMPORARY(saveG) b = TEMPORARY(saveB) cur_red = TEMPORARY(save_curR) cur_green = TEMPORARY(save_curG) cur_blue = TEMPORARY(save_curB) ; Make the previous IDL window active. if (saveWin ge 0L) then WSET, saveWin endif else begin ; Start event processing. if (detachBase) then $ XMANAGER, 'Slicer3', wDrawBase, /JUST_REG, $ EVENT_HANDLER='Viz3D_SliceEvent', CLEANUP='Viz3D_KillDraw' XMANAGER, 'Slicer3', wMainBase, EVENT_HANDLER='Viz3D_Event', $ CLEANUP='Viz3D_KillMain' endelse end ;******************************************************************************