This directory (pub/sonde/surface) contains surface ozone data. Refer questions to Jennifer Logan, Data are provided here for the plots shown in the paper: J. A. Logan, An analysis of ozonesonde data for the troposphere: Recommendations for testing 3-D models, and development of a gridded climatology for tropospheric ozone, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 16,115-16,149 1999. CITE THE ORIGINAL SOURCES OF DATA for these locations - see below. These files are provided for your convenience, and please give credit where it is due. All values (ppb) are monthly means of daily means unless otherwise indicated. Note that several stations are well above sea level. Altitudes are given for most stations, where available (see file The sources of the data are as follows: 1. Oltmans and Levy, Atmos. Env., 28, 9-24, 1994. Oltmans provided the data shown in this paper as tables, from which we made the files in this directory: Barrow, Reykjavik, Mace Head, Bermuda, Izana, Mauna Loa, Barbados, Samoa, Cape Point, Cape Grim, Syowa, South Pole. OLTMAN'S PAPER MUST BE CITED as the source of this data. Further statistics for this data (quartiles, etc) may be obtained directly from Oltmans. 2. WODC archive for surface data (in 1993). We analysed these data. WODC provides the monthly mean, and the monthly mean of the daily maxima and daily minima. The standard deviation in the tables is the interannual std. dev. Note that in many cases we had few (2-3) years of data. Years of data used: 99 Hohenpeissenberg 1980-92 169 Arkona 1988-90 269 Strathvaich 1987-92 302 Ryori 1990-92 You can cite this analysis as : J. A. Logan, An analysis of ozonesonde data for the troposphere: Recommendations for testing 3-D models, and development of a gridded climatology for tropospheric ozone, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 16,115-16,149, 1999. 3. Surface data for the United States. Files are provided for 17 rural sites that were analyzed in the 2 papers Logan, 1988 and 1989. 4-hr averages values for these sites for 1200-1600 are illustrated in Figure 16 of Logan (1999, given above), and these are recommended for evaluation of 3-d models for the same time period. Summary statistics are given for these 17 sites in the files surf.ozone.XXX.summary, as documented below. Further statistics for these stations (e.g., the mean diurnal variation for each month) may be obtained by contacting J.A. Logan. The rural ozone problem in North America, Tropospheric Ozone: Regional and Global Scale Interactions, ed. I.S.A. Isaksen, NATO ASI Series C, Volume 227, pp 327-344, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Holland, 1988. J. A. Logan. Ozone in rural areas of the United States, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 8511-8532, 1989. Use of the statistics for these 17 sites should be cited as: J. A. Logan, An analysis of ozonesonde data for the troposphere: Recommendations for testing 3-D models, and development of a gridded climatology for tropospheric ozone, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 16,115-16,149, 1999. and J. A. Logan. Ozone in rural areas of the United States, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 8511-8532, 1989. 4. The other data I took from the literature, as follows: Japan Island: Sunwoo and Carmichael [1994] Venezuela: Sanhueza et al. [1985] NB daily max. values. Natal, Cuiba; Kirchhoff and Rasmussen [1990]. Brazzaville; Cros et al. [1988]. NB daily max. values. CITE THE ORIGINAL LITERATURE as the source of these data. ================ surfXXX.wodc.dat ================ These files contain 12 rows (one per month) and 6 columns. The columns are: 1) month number 2) mean ozone value (ppb) 3) standard deviation 4) number of months in the mean 5) mean of the minimum values for each month 6) mean of the maximum values for each month =========== surfXXX.dat =========== These files contain 12 rows (one per month) and two columns. The columns are month number and mean ozone in ppb. ====================== surf.ozone.XXX.summary ====================== These files contain 7 columns, a one line header, and 12 rows of data. The columns are: month number, four-hour mean ozone (1200-15:59) and standard deviation; seven-hour mean ozone (09:00-15:59) and standard deviation; and 24-hour mean ozone and standard deviation. Units are ppb ozone. ============= ============= This file gives the WMO station code (or the code we assigned), latitude, longitude, altitude (m) and station name for each station provided in this directory. Note that altitudes for 8 of the US sites (the SURE sites, see Logan, 1989) are not given, as they were not available from the original source material. The altitude is then given as -999 (missing data). References: Cros, B., R. Delmas, D. Nganga, B. Clairac, and J. Fontan, Seasonal trends of ozone in equatorial Africa: experimental evidence of photochemical formation, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 8355-8366, 1988. Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H., and R.A. Rasmussen, Time variations of CO and ozone concentrations in a region subject to biomass burning, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 7521-7532, 1990. Sanhueza, E., K.H. Octavio, A. Arrocha, Surface ozone measurements in the Venezuelan tropical savannah, J. Atmos. Chem., 2, 377-385, 1985. Sunwoo, Y., and G. Carmichael, Characteristics of background surface ozone in Japan, Atmos. Environ. 28, 25-38, 1994.