Monthly median values at the tropopause for: temp. (deg C), potential temp. (deg.K), press. (hPa), alt. (km) and ozone (ppb) and the number of soundings per month -57.0 -57.0 -56.0 -57.0 -56.0 -54.5 -53.0 -54.0 -53.0 -53.0 -59.0 -56.0 310.10 308.60 312.40 320.20 327.00 327.30 327.60 334.30 327.30 323.10 316.95 310.10 294.0 293.0 281.0 253.0 248.0 245.0 247.0 224.5 247.0 263.0 252.5 290.0 8.60 8.68 9.11 10.07 10.38 10.46 10.56 11.16 10.56 9.77 9.94 8.78 79.75 77.61 110.05 117.92 147.65 137.20 171.43 130.63 113.28 96.30 78.32 80.42 47 43 49 49 47 42 41 44 51 39 40 45 0