Monthly median values at the tropopause for: temp. (deg C), potential temp. (deg.K), press. (hPa), alt. (km) and ozone (ppb) and the number of soundings per month -65.0 -65.0 -61.5 -55.5 -49.0 -53.5 -50.5 -54.0 -54.0 -54.0 -60.0 -62.0 305.50 303.65 306.60 300.00 307.60 317.50 318.70 319.20 315.60 307.45 310.60 306.20 259.0 261.5 284.0 323.5 320.5 274.0 286.5 270.0 275.0 302.5 273.0 270.0 9.13 9.17 8.91 7.99 8.27 9.66 9.32 9.67 9.36 8.58 9.17 9.12 75.09 133.52 90.78 86.86 136.06 116.85 124.28 110.65 90.55 115.61 77.82 77.78 21 16 30 14 18 12 16 14 15 14 19 35